Bob Lazar

And now about this Lazar guy...he was a former photographer shop worker...

...duuuuh....a professional photographer and interest of UFO's = money!

Huh?!?! You seem to be making an accusation that he faked photos for money. I, however, think you're talking nonsense.
I know plenty about the Lazar case and I've neither heard of nor seen any photographs that he took. He couldn't fake UFO photos if he didn't even take any to begin with. I believe he took some video of flying craft on one of those occasions that he took spectators out to see the test flights, and I believe THIS is the video at this link:

I may be confusing this with something else, though, but I swear that Bob Lazar took this footage. This particular clip is pretty famous and is recycled quite often in UFO documentaries.
If any of what Bob Lazar said was true about captured so-called flying saucers and etc. kept secretly in Area 51, then where is all of the 'reverse engineering' at? We're still flying jets you know. Nothing new there.

We're still flying jets, do not condone that

Do you even believe there is something like area51?

Then if you watch the fifth part of this documentary: threathening employees?
What about these: "patterns of denial"

Seems to me that plenty of people know Lazar, and they sure hold him credible! :)
together with all the other enigeers and former employees from area51

Just open your visor,....
I think the real priority of any government capturing a flying saucer or alien space craft with a super-advanced propulsion system (anti-gravity for example), would be to try and reverse engineer it's power plant. So far, our newest jet aircraft flying around (F-22 for example), still have a basic good ole fashion jet engine pushing it along the sky ways. It's a good bet that an advanced alien space craft didn't travel all the way here from Zeta2 Reticuli on rocket power either. So if the government has a advanced flying saucer from another nearby solar system hidden away in Area 51 for the past 60 years, then we should have reversed engineered it or some aspect of it by now or at least made more advancement in copying it's propulsion system. So where's progress then?

I always thought of it as too much of a leap. Something like someone back in old Rome getting their hands on a 747. Why would it take so long to reverse engineer? Its simple, much of it invalves things we have yet to discover. This is after all what Lazar said was going on.

Yes, I contend your points, and yes I ask you to prove them. Oh, and I have done my homework wrt Lazar and have come to the conclusion he is a liar, and was doing do for financial reasons. There is a market selling BS to woowoos, and Lazar cut himself a slice.

Somehow I had this idea that you would in no way care what I wrote. You would simply counter it without ever even looking to see if what I wrote was true or not. Perhaps I miss wrote that line. I wanted you to find out for yourself. Profit seeker or not the guy can make claim to something you can not. I would bet that you are unaware that the points I mentioned have validity just like I don't think you even knew that he had said them. It takes less then a few secs to say "Everything he said is false and the man is a liar" at anything stated. But it takes looking to find out that this nut case, Bob Lazar, may have become the nut case he is today because he had the encounter he said he did. I have a "test" of your "homework". What did he say about human prerecorded history? That will be the proof that you look before you type "liar".

Oh, and if you had a chance to make money, would you turn it down? Its not a crime or a sign that a person is lying. Take Monica Luwinsky, do you think she was lying?
We're still flying jets, do not condone that

Do you even believe there is something like area51?

Then if you watch the fifth part of this documentary: threathening employees?
What about these: "patterns of denial"

Seems to me that plenty of people know Lazar, and they sure hold him credible! :)
together with all the other enigeers and former employees from area51

Just open your visor,....

Still no anti-gravity propulsion or any other so-called advanced alien propulsion systems or even a remote resemblence of one has been integrated into our earthly propulsion system science as of yet. Nuclear rocket engine technology is the best that we can come up with in the last 60 years? If the government captured an advanced alien space craft 60 years ago, we should have seen something of it's advanced science incorporated into something by now. Still flying jets, aren't we?
Still no anti-gravity propulsion or any other so-called advanced alien propulsion systems or even a remote resemblence of one has been integrated into our earthly propulsion system science as of yet. Nuclear rocket engine technology is the best that we can come up with in the last 60 years? If the government captured an advanced alien space craft 60 years ago, we should have seen something of it's advanced science incorporated into something by now. Still flying jets, aren't we?

My post: @5:52h.

Your reply: @6:25

Still flying jets, aren't we?

Did you even watch the damn stuff? The WHY IS IN THERE !

According to me, you are an disinformant, hired by the goverment, either that or you are just plain and simpel brainwashed by all the hogwash that is surrounding these issues!

Btw: for anyone intrested WHERE all this might lead to (after watching Dr.Steven Greer) take a look at this:

(it's in german alright, couldn't find a translation so soon)

It's prophesy's about WWIII and I'm not kidding.

Then if you watch the fifth part of this documentary: threathening employees?
What about these: "patterns of denial"

Seems to me that plenty of people know Lazar, and they sure hold him credible! :)
together with all the other enigeers and former employees from area51

Just open your visor,....

LMFO!! In the above video link, a quote "Why is a toy company their (Congress of the US) best source of information of military projects?" Now that is a slap in the face!
My post: @5:52h.

Your reply: @6:25

Did you even watch the damn stuff? The WHY IS IN THERE !

According to me, you are an disinformant, hired by the goverment, either that or you are just plain and simpel brainwashed by all the hogwash that is surrounding these issues!

Btw: for anyone intrested WHERE all this might lead to (after watching Dr.Steven Greer) take a look at this:

(it's in german alright, couldn't find a translation so soon)

It's prophesy's about WWIII and I'm not kidding.

Until an actual flying saucer or advanced spacecraft and it's occupants that came from another nearby solar system for a friendly visit (or not so friendly), is 'finally' captured, studied and documented for it's advanced technology, then you'll finally have something to talk about. Right now, that's not the case. So your statement about 'WHY IS IN THERE' (German or not), doesn't seem to 'fly' very high right now, does it?
I have seen some comments that "there have been no improvments in flight technology to indicate that we have had and alien craft" or something of this sort. Are you sure? In the last 100 years we have changed technologicaly more than in any other time in our history. The leaps and bounds are so fast that I doubt anyone in the western world has not run into it at some point. Tell me, do you expect to see a sign that says "This product is made possible by your friends on Alpha Centuri" on the back. Anyway, not saying this is true but just wanted to put the question there. Lets not be stupid about this, but lets not say "this is thruth" when we have never looked.

I realise some people like say "I was abducted by a 1000' alien" and we love to say "that proves that all people that speek of aliens are crazy". It should be no suprise to anyone that in man's history there has been something that happended to drive men crazy on the subject of aliens. It is stupidity to say "Its all madeup" and that none of it can be true. "War of The Worlds", "Star Wars", "Star Trek" and mans general craving for space is right up there with his biggest deams and his worst nightmares. Even more, have you ever seen the reaction people give when you say "Aliens have come to earth". Chicago Trabune's parent web site just broke all recordes on viewings by a mile on this one fact. If there is even a shread of validity to it you will see a reaction that defies all others! There is nothing anywhere that will come close. At risk of offending somebody, it is a fact that even God himself can not get the reaction that aliens can. Its an empirical fact that this subject is in our blood and that it has truth in it.

When Lazar said what he did, its easy to laugh, say he is lying and find someway to put him down, then put him down again, and again, again and so on. But why? Why does it not die? Perhaps there is something not stated? Something that stirs within some of us that says "truth". You may not be able to say what about it stirs a reaction. But it never dies, Lazar will and so will his story, but talk of aliens will always rise from the grave to see another day.
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Completely impertainant arguement. None of the claimed technology of claimed recovered UFOs has every been implemented(interstellar solutions, chemicaless flight or double figure mach)! Besides that, there are no leaps in technology last century, just natural progression(even though accelerating along with compounded sophistication).
Completely impertainant arguement. None of the claimed technology of claimed recovered UFOs has every been implemented(interstellar solutions, chemicaless flight or double figure mach)! Besides that, there are no leaps in technology last century, just natural progression(even though accelerating along with compounded sophistication).

you call a ride em-up Texas train using coal of 19th century to Space Station of 20th century experimenting with nuclear explosions in space a ... natural progression?

From this:

To this:

Now I understand all the alien people round here talkin how UFO is implemented by government...true or not...but seems to me 19th century to 20th century jump...judging from the previous centuries...had been more than just a natural progression.
you call a ride em-up Texas train using coal of 19th century to Space Station of 20th century experimenting with nuclear explosions in space a ... natural progression?

From this:

To this:

Now I understand all the alien people round here talkin how UFO is implemented by government...true or not...but seems to me 19th century to 20th century jump...judging from the previous centuries...had been more than just a natural progression.

Hello????Is there anybody home???? Your stupid example is a jump because you have picked the two ends of the last 150 years to compare(not a year by year basis comparison). I reiterate "There has never been a big jump throughout the last century or so ,just steady progression through the years".
Now, I'm not saying I believe outright, anything that Mr. Lazar has claimed. However, I've been wondering what it is, specifically, that has labelled him to be a fruad?

- I understand that his education, and some of his employment background, has been unable to be verified. However, he did pocess a internal phone book from Los Alomos with his name in it. He also has a check stub, or W2 form with his name, address, and pay amount from the Department of the Navy.

He obviously must have had some type of an education, to gain employment as a scientist with the Naval Dept to be employed as a civilian scientist at Area 51, and/or Los Alomos Laboratories. Is it too far to speculate that his records could have been erased?

He could very well have been used as a disinformation source.

I don't think there's any dispute that he worked at Area 51.

He obviously knew the schedule of when some test flights of some unusual aircraft were being run as he brought along associates to view these tests on more than one occasion.

I'm also aware of his arrest, which I suspect has damaged his credibility as much as anything. However, unless I'm unaware of some things, he was really only guilty of setting up a security system for a Nevada Brothel. He had no other involvement in this line of business. In addition, this is Nevada. Where some counties, this line of business is perfectly legal. I have a hard time discrediting his claims based on this unfortunate incident.

This is a serious question.

Why is his story considered fruadulant?

The government calls it a fraud usually when it's true. When it's false the government doesnt respond to it at all. So there must be at least some truth to what hes saying. The alien stuff I think is brainwashing, but the saucer shaped crafts and UAVs are real.