Bloody Christian Legacy

Yazdajerd said:
people, please, can we be a little scientific here..... :bugeye:

where does Islam give the impression of itself to be violent and bloody!!

If your using those AlQaeda maniacs as example, then don't foreget that most of their victims are muslim, and at the begining they were backed by some western countries to be what they are now, the new thing is that they've started to kill non-muslims now as well!!

About the prophet Muhammad, if you call protecting his communian in Madina violance, or his mutual protection agreements with the jews ( which they failed to live up to ) terrorism, or his commandments not to harm other peoples lives, land, places of worship, property, etc.. destruction
then, I hold these characteristics high, and excuse me if i do so :cool:

Yes, a lot of people through history did give the impression that Islam is violent and seeks to control the world, but they were using Islam for their purposes and remember that most victims of their violence were fellow muslims, I don't think any religion would call it's followers to kill each other, it is only logical...........

Do Muslims in this day and age marry girls at age 6 ? , Do they have sex with them at age 9 ? Don't give me the typical BS times were different...... do Muslims do this today ??? And if they do , or if they condone it..... they are no more hypocritical then anyone else...... I ask again..... how is anyone who does NOT believe in any revealed religion to take ANY of YOU seriously ?

It freaking mind boggling......
Yazdajerd said:
people, please, can we be a little scientific here.....
what do you mean by scientific? the methods, theories, logic?

where does Islam give the impression of itself to be violent and bloody!!
ahhh, how about all through history, including the start?

it is only logical..........
logic, unfortunately, does not always have any place in many peoples' minds
Oliver], the claim that a lot of stupid shaikhs make about the marriage of Aisha at that age wasn't made until Al-Mawddudi claimed it, many other Ulamas doen't beleive that, for one the Ahmadis refuse it totally, some Shiite clerics and other Sunni ones, I for one refuse the whole idea....
you can visit the Ahmadi site for info

As for Rondolfo, can you be more specific???? I can't find it in history, may be in your dreams!!!