Bloody Christian Legacy


I do not really understand this sentence. The part about "Bravery to protect" is easy, but bravery about being protected? What is so brave about being protected? Could somebody clarify this?
Dreamwalker said:
I do not really understand this sentence. The part about "Bravery to protect" is easy, but bravery about being protected? What is so brave about being protected? Could somebody clarify this?

The person who is protecting u has bravery
"ALLAHUAKBER means god is great if u dont think that then ur a shit of the old block"

right, so have you learnt from your mistake? next time, say God is great, most people here dont speak arabic

Al hussein, you cannot prove that God exists, you cannot prove that he is good, sane, not-masochistic, or anything about him
i know plenty of non-religious people who are much nicer then you
Al hussein said:
Cristians were peaceful in the begining coz nobody liked it ther were so little following cristainity u cant make an army with little ppl how many cristians were killed in rome but did the cowards(cristians) do any thing
You would make so much sense if you used some form of punctuation. You claim they were cowards for being killed? I consider a person who straps a bomb to his/her body and blow up innocent people to be a cowardly act. Be they Christian or Muslim. But then that's just me. There is no cowardice in death. If you've ever seen someone die, you'd know this.

And now onto this little point, which to me makes no sense whatsoever. First you say this:

And then you say this:
The person who is protecting u has bravery
So therefore by your definition, the person who is protected by the protector is not brave? That totally scratches out what you said in the first place, doesn't it? Because in your first point, you state that Muslims must have bravery to not just protect, but to be protected. You haven't made any sense at all.

You don't need to be brave to protect. It's kind of instinctive to be protective. Ask any parent who's child is in danger and you'll see. The parent could be the biggest wimp, but if they see their child is in danger, then they will protect that child out of instinct.

And hussein, it is not just Muslims who are brave. Most people are brave when the need arises.
Al hussein said:
Cristians were peaceful in the begining coz nobody liked it ther were so little following cristainity u cant make an army with little ppl how many cristians were killed in rome but did the cowards(cristians) do any thing
actually, Jesus said that the Kingdom of God was not of this world, until the Roman Empire under Constantine declared otherwise. Then for about 1400 years it became just like islam; forced conversions, fight with the sword, kill infidels, sharia-like laws, jihads (called Crusades), religious clerics controlling government, traditions of men foised as from God, etc...
The "Enlightenment" changed that in most of Europe

funny, how islam & chrisitianity look at martyrs; islam as 'fighters' onto death,
Christians as "believers" onto death

so, you like it when Christians fight you, at least they live & die as men, right?
is that what you are saying?
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Al hussein said:
ALLAHUAKBER means god is great

if u dont think that then ur a shit of the old block
I thought it meant "allah is greater"; you know, greater than all the little 'allah's', like his daughters (Al-'Uzza, al-Lat and Manah), & the other shrine gods of arabia at the time of Mohammad. isn't 'allah is great" another word?

I like your cursing, it makes a twisted bit of sense (I've had to walk a few dogs in my life), but are you sure that calling people names will let them know they are so wrong? or that they have lost the argument? or what ever you mean by that?
The "bloody Christian legacy", as you call it, is the actions of the Christian extremists called the Medieval church, as well as those (like Hitler, for example) who twist the bible to make it support their ends.

There is no such thing as a bloody Christian. There are plenty of bloody hypocrites, but being a Christian means loving your enemies, turning the other cheek, serving someone else, being faithful and thankful, and persevering through tough times.

Don't interpret the evil of some as the beliefs of others. We are constantly told by Muslims worldwide that Osama bin Laden is an extremist. But ALLAH FORBID Pope Urban II (from the time of the crusades) was an extremist as well. [sarcasm] Not at all. He was indeed the most true Christian out there. [/sarcasm]

Come on man be sensible.
§outh§tar said:
Another propaganda thread... :(

Ok serious question....

Why do Muslims judge our morals, (Americans) - not Christians in general but Americans. Especially when it comes to anything about sex.... Mohammed married a 6 year old girl , and was having sex with her at age 9. In todays world this is considered a crime. Is it not considered a crime in your world now ? If not , you have no right to judge anyone who does not follow your faith. NONE AT ALL. And if it is considered a crime in your world now, your no more hypocritical then the rest of the world. So how can anyone take any religion seriously when you all are hypocrites ??

Someone really needs to explain this one to me... And saying...... " well back then times were different" . That's just more hypocrisy.

Please someone explain.
I usually dont respond to threads that bash religions(i am muslim but i wouldnt respond to christian bashing threads either) but you asked a question for a muslim to answer so i will. Yes the Prophet(saws) married Aisha when she was 6 and concemated(sp?) the marriage when she was 9. Back in the "olden" days people married much younger girls as soon as the got their menstral cycle because that meant they could have kids. Aisha was the daughter of the Prophets best friend and his marriage to his daughter showed solidarity between the 2 to show that they were family.The Prophet waited untill she recieved her menstral cycle(age 9) before he concemated the relationship. It may sound sick or whatever nowadays but it was a common practice in those days not just in the middle east but in the whole world. Well if you want to flame me or my answer that is fine but that is the truth....peace
surenderer said:
I usually dont respond to threads that bash religions(i am muslim but i wouldnt respond to christian bashing threads either) but you asked a question for a muslim to answer so i will. Yes the Prophet(saws) married Aisha when she was 6 and concemated(sp?) the marriage when she was 9. Back in the "olden" days people married much younger girls as soon as the got their menstral cycle because that meant they could have kids. Aisha was the daughter of the Prophets best friend and his marriage to his daughter showed solidarity between the 2 to show that they were family.The Prophet waited untill she recieved her menstral cycle(age 9) before he concemated the relationship. It may sound sick or whatever nowadays but it was a common practice in those days not just in the middle east but in the whole world. Well if you want to flame me or my answer that is fine but that is the truth....peace
Hmm interesting. I read in several articles in the last couple of months especially, that Aisha was a lot older than 6 when she was married to Mohammed. I too used to think that she married when she was 6 years of age, but the articles I read about the issue of late have pointed me in another direction. So which is correct? :confused:

And whether she did or didn't, well while it may be considered to be a deplorable act by today's standards, it was indeed common practice in the past for a girl to be promised and then married when she was still a small child, and the marriage not consumated until she menstruates. It was especially so in Asian countries, as well as in the Middle East and Africa. However the practice was also known to occur in many other countries as well all over the world. The sad thing is that it is still practiced today in some societies and some tribes around the world. In one country that shall remain nameless and in a particular sect of a particular religion (which shall remain nameless but it is not Christian or Muslim), young girls are sent to a church leader when she reaches a certain age (I think around 8 or 9 if memory serves me well), and there the priests of that church and his aids have sex with her. She is then sent back to the family where celebrations ensue because she has been blessed. If the girl refuses or runs away, the family is shamed and abused by the village and they must pay the priests large sums of money to buy back the blessings and for forgiveness. I have seen images of those girl's faces when they are returned to their families and the looks in their eyes are tragic. They are then seen to have become women and the family can therefore plan a marriage for her. The Government of this country are striving to outlaw it, but it is a tribal and religious custom for these particular people living in this area and almost impossible to police. The practice continues today. Such practices (or similar practices) are also been known to occur in other countries as well for cultural or religious reasons.

So for those of you who feel so offended about the customs of people so long in the past, maybe you could start doing something to help the young girls who are suffering such practices in today's society. If you wish to really help, then contact your local human rights organisations and they can help you do something to help some child out there who is being abused in similar ways.
Mecca said:

Christianity as a whole has in fact championed in hatred and bloodshed: Crusaders, Inquizition, WW1, WW2 (and Hitler was no Muslim, Remember?), Joseph Stalin that murderd 50,000,000 was an Ordained Priest, KKK, Neo Nazis, Bosnia, N. Ireland, etc.





For every Nail at the Cross, I can give you Millions of killed, tortured, by Christians upon Muslims and on others, in the name of that Jesus of yours.


Christianity isn't meant to be bloody, the individual is meant to understand the message and follow the good advices that comes from it. You can't blame christianity because some people are cruel and murderers. Though as everything else in this world, if there are people with different oppinions, then it will eventually be bloodshed, though the message of Christ had to come anyway. Other religions also have had bloodshed, the only way to avoid it, is that each individual take responsibility and "love each one as they love themselves" - does that sound bloody to you? What almost any religion strives for is peace and calm, good deeds etc. That some people misinterpret the message or do these deeds for other purpouses isn't the fault of christianity, it is the fault of the individual man.
Bells said:
Hmm interesting. I read in several articles in the last couple of months especially, that Aisha was a lot older than 6 when she was married to Mohammed. I too used to think that she married when she was 6 years of age, but the articles I read about the issue of late have pointed me in another direction. So which is correct? :confused:

And whether she did or didn't, well while it may be considered to be a deplorable act by today's standards, it was indeed common practice in the past for a girl to be promised and then married when she was still a small child, and the marriage not consumated until she menstruates. It was especially so in Asian countries, as well as in the Middle East and Africa. However the practice was also known to occur in many other countries as well all over the world. The sad thing is that it is still practiced today in some societies and some tribes around the world. In one country that shall remain nameless and in a particular sect of a particular religion (which shall remain nameless but it is not Christian or Muslim), young girls are sent to a church leader when she reaches a certain age (I think around 8 or 9 if memory serves me well), and there the priests of that church and his aids have sex with her. She is then sent back to the family where celebrations ensue because she has been blessed. If the girl refuses or runs away, the family is shamed and abused by the village and they must pay the priests large sums of money to buy back the blessings and for forgiveness. I have seen images of those girl's faces when they are returned to their families and the looks in their eyes are tragic. They are then seen to have become women and the family can therefore plan a marriage for her. The Government of this country are striving to outlaw it, but it is a tribal and religious custom for these particular people living in this area and almost impossible to police. The practice continues today. Such practices (or similar practices) are also been known to occur in other countries as well for cultural or religious reasons.

So for those of you who feel so offended about the customs of people so long in the past, maybe you could start doing something to help the young girls who are suffering such practices in today's society. If you wish to really help, then contact your local human rights organisations and they can help you do something to help some child out there who is being abused in similar ways.

Thnx Bells :) ,

Actually I dont know how old Aisha was its not in the Koran or Hadith so frankly i dont dwell on it. Common Historians say her age and I dont hear Muslim historians debate it so I tend to take it as true. However they could be like me and think that if its not in the Koran then they find it irrlevant especially since it was common practice in those days.......peace
Thanx for the replies guys, and it really comes down to hypocrisy once again. So I ask how can any one group of people judge anothers , when all parties invollved are hypocrites ?

In todays world we dont have sex with girls when they reach their menstrual cycles ( I know they all come at different times) , but we dont because we all know mentaly these girls are not ready for that. Regardless of what happens inside their bodies. This is acutally a good case against any revealed relgion as we know it. This is why we differ from every other creature on the planet. Even though our bodies are prepared to reproduce at such a young age... we shun such activities cause we know mentally we are not ready.

Now if say we all live in a tribe somewhere and a young girl and a young boy , do whats natural, you know go behind the bushes and all....I say hey its cool , its natural, but for a adult man to do this to a young girl, well.... thats just not right and is being cruel. Such a man is of no honor or dignity, and should be punished for his actions. Hey but thats just me. Am I making any sense ?
people, please, can we be a little scientific here..... :bugeye:

where does Islam give the impression of itself to be violent and bloody!!

If your using those AlQaeda maniacs as example, then don't foreget that most of their victims are muslim, and at the begining they were backed by some western countries to be what they are now, the new thing is that they've started to kill non-muslims now as well!!

About the prophet Muhammad, if you call protecting his communian in Madina violance, or his mutual protection agreements with the jews ( which they failed to live up to ) terrorism, or his commandments not to harm other peoples lives, land, places of worship, property, etc.. destruction
then, I hold these characteristics high, and excuse me if i do so :cool:

Yes, a lot of people through history did give the impression that Islam is violent and seeks to control the world, but they were using Islam for their purposes and remember that most victims of their violence were fellow muslims, I don't think any religion would call it's followers to kill each other, it is only logical...........