Blood Drinking Lizards

beacuse us woowoo are really good at surviving without physical needs
Then good luck sunshine. Remember when the fridge packs up and there's no fresh food that your mind will fix things.
but we must make a true realization of certian events in the past befor we can move on instead of looking at lies
You appear to be having language problems. "True realisation" should be spelt "wishful thinking instead of getting off your arse and doing something" and "looking at lies" is more correctly "understanding the way things really work"
and i asked your age befor beacuse i had a feeling you where born in the baby boom era which you kind of where... you where born in the era when people started to take more then they really needed instead when materalistic items started becoming nessesaties a part of everyday life ect ect i was just curious... greed selfishness money all of that jsut starting to thrive to what its become now but im getting off topic kind of sorry im intrested in people i arguee with.. well this really isnt argueing its jsut diffrent oppinions beeing stated getting diffrent sides to the story i would think somone of your age would be more polight/ kind towards other peoples oppinions but i guees not.... p.s. i do look at the facts but i jsut see thats there alot more to the fact until i experiance it fo myself insteadof getting antoher persons experiance of it
lol see the thing is in your reality food is the only energy in my reailty food is the lowest form of physical energy.... we have charkas for a reson they absorb the most potient type of life energy there is once your able to understand and use them its natural tho soits not to hard to learn how to do :).. so hahaha food isnt really an issue for me i only need water and a few minor things to eat so i dont really ahve to worrie about that issue while you do :p

true realization, looking at the lies lol yah that works perfectly but we are thinking on diffrent levels here so i guees in your mind and the minds of other i have a laungue problem but in my mind it works.. im just expressing the feelings just like you are but in diffrent ways and diffrent wording

p.s. could you read the post agian where i mentioned christ beacuse i edited it and put mroe thought into it made it easier to understand/ read thanks

also your right the son of god might not of existed but an averdge person like you and me did exist and he sure did many things in his life time which opened the minds and eyes of many people....
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and i asked your age befor beacuse i had a feeling you where born in the baby boom era ... greed selfishness money all of that jsut starting to thrive to what its become now but im getting off topic kind of sorry im intrested in people i arguee with..
Well well. So you have a go at me for judging you on your linguistic abilities. Okay. For your information I live in a one bedroom flat. I've never had more money than I've actually earnt (and usually less). And everything I've owned I've worked for. So now who's judging?
i would think somone of your age would be more polight/ kind towards other peoples oppinions but i guees not....
Oh, you misunderstand. I AM polite towards other peoples' opinion. When it is a matter of opinion. What you are saying is not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of verification, proof and tangible evidence. The reason I am "not polite" (and in fact I'm being tolerant with you, you're not really worth much more effort than that) is that you keeping spouting gobbleydegook without one supporting fact or item of proof.
p.s. i do look at the facts
Really? So far you've shown no aptitude whatsoever towards recognising facts. Maybe "look" is all you do?
we have charkas for a reson they absorb the most potient type of life energy
There's a technical term for what you've just said- utter and total bollocks.
hard to learn how to do
Not really.It's a two stage process with differing degrees of difficulty
Stage 1) Actually use "chakras" so that you don't need food
Difficulty: impossible
Stage 2) Become a woo-woo and convince yourself you've done it (while stuffing your face with food from the fridge because you're inexplicably hungry)
Difficulty: all too easy for the ignorant.
It sort of averages out to "not really hard to learn" and "zero actual effect"
thinking on diffrent levels here
Not quite. I'm thinking, you're deluding yourself
so i guees in your mind and the minds of other i have a laungue problem but in my mind it works.. im just expressing the feelings just like you are but in diffrent ways and diffrent wording
Yes, it's called illiteracy, incomprehensibility and inability to maintain a coherent thought structure. And your mind doesn't work, you're a lazy, sloppy and ineffective "thinker".
also your right the son of god might not of existed but an averdge person like you and me did exist and he sure did many things in his life time which opened the minds and eyes of many people....
An average person opened up the minds of other people? Or do you mean "it wasn't Jesus but someone else with his "powers""? Jesus did not exist. The bible is a fairy story - the "miracles" in the bible did not happen, they are a collection of myths.
lol first of i totally wasnt judging you man but the era you where born :)
and you know what you say i have no proof but thats not true beacuse ive experianced most of it first hand in my own life and my freinds have also to some extent so it is true... have you ever experianced an even in your life that you cannot explain to this day something that jsut made you shut up and not sleep for a day.. the blew your mind scared you until you couldnt move? if so i bet you kept it to yourself beacuse if you told people they might have judged you or called you mad beacuse of what you experianceD?

look hahah more like experianceing it for myself is what i do... it seems to me like looking is something that you do looking through the eyes of another that is.

hmm strange i dont eat to much food on a day to day basis and yet im in pefect condiation im not fat not skinny more muscle mass in my body then fat

and there you go difficulty impossable nice one coo coo.. in your reality you have the word impossable that is the limitation righ now in my mind nothing is impossable you jsut need to put will into it and give the though time feed the thought until it manifests itself in physical reailty or a dimention close to it :p
if i was a lazy ineffective thinker i wouldnt have found this forum and i wouldnt be here talking to you... id be zombied out on the tv like most peopel my age doing nothing with my life but watching americans top model or lisening to the radio having thoughts put into my head for me without creating thought of my own... a geiniues creates new prespectives of looking at the same old things.. he doesnt make mistakes only new doors to find the answers to i am obvisuly not a moron beacuse i dont watch tv.. i dont lisen to the radio, i read, i write i draw i go outside and experiance life to the fullest each day how does this make me a lazy ineffective thinking thanks for judgeing me once agian all knowing wise man

everyone douts the geniuse when he first puts forth his ideas enstien all the true geniuses of this world here laughed at in the begnning beacuse they thougth diffrently from the rest ebacuse they created there own thoughts and experinaced them... it was only until they spread what they know mouth to mouth or made an eye opening discovery did people truely understand there consepts and perspectives of there ideas beacuse of the passion and the deirses created by the human voice...

and you know what call me a fool and mock me as much as you want beacuse i am on a fools quest its always the fool who questions and become curoise.. and always steping into unknown waters and makes a discover...
and you know what you say i have no proof but thats not true beacuse ive experianced most of it first hand in my own lif
Anecdatol evidence. Hallucinations. Probably caused by lack of vitamins.
have you ever experianced an even in your life that you cannot explain to this day something
Several times.
that jsut made you shut up and not sleep for a day.. the blew your mind scared you until you couldnt move?
Nope. I investgated it rather than accept the face value.
if so i bet you kept it to yourself beacuse if you told people they might have judged you or called you mad beacuse of what you experianceD?
Nope. I investigated it for all it was worth.
and there you go difficulty impossable nice one coo coo.. in your reality you have the word impossable that is the limitation righ now in my mind nothing is impossable you jsut need to put will into it and give the though time feed the thought until it manifests itself in physical reailty or a dimention close to it :p
I must admit you're quaintly diverting, if somewhat repetitive. But you have little-to no concept of anything other than your own delusions. Why don't you "will" me to accept your view of things. Oh, you can't because I've got closed mind. Convenient that isn't it? Oh, one thing - I don't have the word "impossable", I spell it "impossible".
why dont i will you? lol beause its really your choice if you want to live your life to the fullest extent.... i cant tell you what to do.. everyones mind is closed at one point until they open it lol very strang i guees all my freinds see the same delusions as me at the exact same time hahaha wow i guees we could be crazy!!!

and ive gone to the doctor nmany times and he said im in perfect health high above averdge so the lack of vitamins is not the issue my freind

out of curiousity what did you experiance?

and you know oli if it was jsut me that experinaced these things i would dout myself greatly and id probly consider myself crazyand go all emo and cut my wirsts andwhat not.. but it the fact the its not jsut me its my freinds who also view these events and so many thigns at the exact same time as i do when im with them that makes me have such a stronge blief that there is so much more that we are missing out on...
Maybe they forgot to stock up on SoBe Adrenaline Rush Energy Drink!

FieryIce said:
They must have been in such a hurry they forgot to stock up on lubricants too.

Do you honestly think all those consumer products on the market are for humans? Try humanoid!
Do you honestly think you could point out any real difference between humans and your "humanoids"?
Genetic, physiological, dietary, anything? Anything at all? Stiff little fingers maybe? Spare head in the cupboard at home...
Riiight. And there are what products available for polydactyls?
So you're saying the Amish are aliens right? And everone who's ever given birth to a polydactyl child is... part alien or had an extra-marital affair with an alien.
The bible? Read far better fiction.
Dun exactly.
Riiight. And there are what products available for polydactyls?

So you're saying the Amish are aliens right?
No, you mention them. Are they? Like Goliath's family? (They were ordered killed.)

And everone who's ever given birth to a polydactyl child is... part alien or had an extra-marital affair with an alien.
Obviously, some alien DNA there.

The bible? Read far better fiction.
The bible makes all space fiction pale by comparison to it's true story.

Dun exactly.
The movie Dune?, not too bad.

Norval :D
And no-one BUT polydactlys use surgeries?
The Amish have a higher than usual frequency of polydactyly...
Some alien DNA. Yup, so we're all part alien then.?
Like I said, how do you distinguish human from humanoid...?
The bible is true story? Right? Every word, or just the bits that support your theory? Or is it a metaphor that you can decipher as you wish?
Your sensless questionings are too funny. FOCLMFAO *yer a hoot!

Hey I gave yah one example, now dope out the rest of it for yourself, or are yah just as lazy as the rest of these loser fallen ones?

The bible aint about religion, but then you needent worry none too much about that, you would know.

Norval (yah all need some new material, sighs)
MetaKron said:
Geoff, if you look back on the thread, you will see that it may be wise to clarify which is the former and which is the latter.

Those who wish to push a "dialectical materialism" view of the universe might find it more effective to comport themselves as professionals, or at least as individuals who understand the value of courtesy. There is something about the knee-jerk emotional reactions that people display when defending their view of "reality", those who think of themselves as members of the establishment, that just screams emotional insecurity and poor knowledge of their own subject. This includes the typical derision of allegedly strange points of view. Such habits are useful to those who do not want the establishment view to be challenged. They are needful because so many such views cannot honestly face any honest challenge. The establishment side always devolves into derision, dishonesty, even intimidation and if possible silencing.

The sum of this touches on what we are doing here. The idea that there is no such thing as shapeshifting aliens is harder to debunk when we have an establishment that makes such a habit, even institutionalizes the habit of undermining its own credibility by taking every opportunity it gets to behave unprofessionally and discourteously. This seems as good a place as any for such a speech. Fantastical notions such as shapeshifting aliens may well gain their only credibility from the lack of character of those who deny them and the poor quality of the denials. The establishment is not innocent in all of this. It has its own pretenses, delusions, and deliberate deceptions by the big lots.

Those who want to define reality for the rest of us need to clean up their acts.

Whew. Cool reposte. Have yer shape shifted yet Geoff?..GEOFF??
Geoff the Gecko has left the building. Probably gone to find some flies and bugs to eat.
but realty is soemthing that one person cant define as a whole beacuse it is all very diffrent for each of us considering each and everysingle one of us has an ego that is not the same as another... we all have diffrent beliefs in religons god aliens what is wrong or right considerd positive and negative.....these belifes are what create our indavidual reaitly... our brains produce what we see and our belifes and ego help our brain create and choose what reailty we choose manifest...

david icke isnt about changing everyones reailty.. he is trying to get the point across that we have the abilitiy to create our own reailty instead of living the reailty that has been already previously choosen this collective whole reailty we have been born into and grown to know so well...

you say we need to clean up our acts and define reailty when the term reailty lies diffrent in everysingle person....

in my reailty i see this physical world which we all live in as energy... energy which has been created by the power of the brain... this energy fades in and out of physical reailty into diffrent dimentions... our world in my eyes is like a slide show the clips move so fast we dont see the indavidual pictures we see the full motion beacuseour physical sences can only pick up so much... everyday i look out of my window and beacuse i have realized energy is real i see it in every object person and physical manifestation... bits of colour, staticy almost... always moveing never in the same creating what we see what we have been told to see..

we choose what we belief is real beacuse of past exeriances of ourself and others.... the question is why live in the collective whole reailty when there is so much drama tragety and fear... why watch the television and see people getting killed hurt sex cartoons ect when all this does is fill our mind with fears and what we are told we are suppsoed to do... why not jsut create the reailty you wish to live with your freinds.. and aviod all of the negative factors which seem to haunt us so much? there is so many possabilities in the whole why give them up for a common thought that has been deluted....

you have said i have delusion beacuse of my astral projection but this is my reailty and im living it to the fullest im exloring everysingle thing i can and im finding my own awsner to all of it instead of using somone elses.. delusions to you mabye but they are very real to me everything is.. so whats the problem when im the happiest outgoing guy i know rarly dealing with stress everyone loves beegin around me haha thses "delusions" you think i have has helped me in so many ways its unexplanable at this point

my question is why live somone elses life label yourself beacuse of the job u have care for the judgment others give you worry about what the next tragaty to come onto tv or when the next bomb is going to blow up... whos going to win next top model, when you can live the reality that fully suits YOUR INDAVIDUAL needs isntead of living the collective whole reailty which is supposed to be perfect and is supposed to take care of everyones needs when the people who created this whole reailty are reallly only filling the needs of there personal reailty and pulling the strings of everyone else to see who can become more powerful..... look for yourself
you say we need to clean up our acts and define reailty when the term reailty lies diffrent in everysingle person....
Ever tried proving that theory with what in my reality is a high speed vehicle coming at you?
in my reailty i see this physical world which we all live in as energy...
Then you're not looking correctly.
energy which has been created by the power of the brain...
No. Keep trying.
this energy fades in and out of physical reailty into diffrent dimentions
No it doesn't.
Reality is a demonstrable fact. That is why it's shared. What's in an individual's head is belief - if it goes against demonstrable fact, especially to the extent you're taking it, then it's delusion.
But upon reading the entirety of your post I begin to understand - you're an
ineffectual loser with delusions that convince you you're going to mean something one day. Do you take drugs?