Blood Drinking Lizards

I've also heard them called Goatsuckers, as well as a few innapropriate expletives, anyone care to verify these as well? we should check into this
JoojooSpaceape said:
I've also heard them called Goatsuckers, as well as a few innapropriate expletives, anyone care to verify these as well? we should check into this
The goatsucker is another name for...EL CHUPACABRA which was probably just a hairless rabid dog for all the evidence there is.
illuminatingtherapy said:
...New age is the ultimate liberal religion of this day, mixing old worldviews with new...

I don't know that I'd agree that it's necessarily liberal, but I do agree there's a trend. Mixing old worldviews with that's a solid thought and no mistake. Very interesting, and frightening. Old prejudices wrapped in an soft, oven-warm exterior.
Old prejudices wrapped in an soft, oven-warm exterior.
And if it's (half) baked to a golden brown colour you can sell it to nearly anyone....
cool skill said:
I have heard that many of the world leaders are blood drinking lizards.
Is there any verification for this?

Maybe they forgot to stock up on SoBe Adrenaline Rush Energy Drink!
They must have been in such a hurry they forgot to stock up on lubricants too.
personally for some strange reson i find this world holod so much that we dont even realize its is mind blown alot of it has been forgotten in the past in my eyes on purpose the mayans, other ancient civiliztions used to hold far more wisdom and knowledge then most of ourwestern civilizations do now... and they lived in the past.. they understood stars astronomy the sun.. they had a greater understanding of earth and the universe then we do right now... how i wonder.... hmm mabye they realized the true potenitals humans have... they didnt have douts about what they could or couldnt do... they had an understanding of dimentions (which are very real by the way try to take up astral prohjection as proof of this i have) hey mabye thats how they got the understanding of the planets and what not... the reson im brining all this up is beacuse looking at the past shows you how amazing humans used to be we still are its just the fact we are living in so much fear created by the media it makes us dout ourselves and makes us not realize the potenials we all hold.. which is basically anything we can imagine....

see if there is such thing as a god and such thing as satan and wewhere made in the image of god then we should be able to accomplish anything we have the ability to learn anything we derise complete any goal in our minds eye.... the god all the religions talk about was able to do anything in his mind... just we can when we realzie there is no reson for the dout or the negative thought... i belive david ickes view and you know why.... if the government was here to make this world a better place why would they spread so much negativity to the world, why would they start wars over money religion over NOTHING.. WHY... why wouldnt they tell the people about all the infinite possabilities we are able to meet and precive instead of trying to scare us into staying in our houses and waking everyone around us for terrorists huh? what is the pupose of all of this is my question when it is not needed at all.... why dont we start living our lives how we want to instead of living the ideal human life to societys standers....

see how this is the thing if there is such thing as satan or a huge negative force out there it loooks like to me that hes in charge as of right now.. if the government was the follower of god we would all realize we are all equal and capable of so muhc... but from what i can see all our governemt does is try to scare us, fill us with negative thought, fill us with paranoya i can go on but all i see is negativity in the world we live in now... well not all negativity but i think you might get what im trying to open your eyes to....

the main question is why is there a need for fear and negativity when we can live in positivity.... the negative thought is always easier then the positive.. but the energy of the positive thougt is alot more efficieant then the negative will ever be...

p.s. they arent blood sucking lizard people...they are fear thriving energetic beeings who feed on the energy that is produced by fear which is a very powerful emotion.. like a ki vampire
other ancient civiliztions used to hold far more wisdom and knowledge then most of ourwestern civilizations do now...
and they lived in the past..
Would that be why they're called ancient civilisations?
they understood stars astronomy the sun..
Well they could see them and do some calculations..
they had a greater understanding of earth and the universe then we do right now
hey had an understanding of dimentions
(which are very real by the way try to take up astral prohjection as proof of this i have)
Provide proof.
p.s. they arent blood sucking lizard people...they are fear thriving energetic beeings who feed on the energy that is produced by fear which is a very powerful emotion.. like a ki vampire
Evidence? And a "ki vampire" would be...?
LOL are u kidding me ok the mayans first of all understood sun spots which we are jsut starting to understand now.. they understood the orbits of the planets without the use of a telescope they could predict ecsplises up to 7 hours away alll without the use of technology..... look but the mayan calander and do some reading on it same goes with the egyption...

as for the dimentions its all over there art work in temple all over the place.. in the art... art is symbolic and has so many meanings its not even funny alot more then 100 words thats for sure you might not understand what im trying to say but im sure a few people will....

yah they can see them and do calculations thats why they knew about all the planets in the solar system and their orbits i think you jsut got pwned hahaha ive done my far share of readings on anthropology and ancient civilizations i suggest you do the same because there is alot that has been froggoten in the past....

astral projection is the seperation of the energetic for or the spirit/soul of your body from your physical body or your vessal for physical experiance... its all over hyrogliphics ancient art as proof.. and i myself have had about 3 astral projections which ive predicted evens befo they have happened in symbolic ways.. so i have my own proof from experiance.... byut if your seeking proof in modern days its going to be hard to find considering most of our science in directed in a diffrent way... this topic isnt about astral projection i jsut used it as an example of the potienitals we hold that are beeing hidden from us.. i said take up astral projection and try it for yourself which will take a month or less or more depending on your will power experiance it for yourself so you 2 can unnderstand

and see they had a greater understanding of the universe and planet becuse they not only have the physical knowledge of it all but also the spiritual wisdom.. which in my mind is a greater understanding...

and as for ki vampire well you know what a vampire is im sure ki vampire is a beeing who absorbes a certian energy, life force, ki from a select target.... like the reptilians focused on absorbing the energy of fear us humans produce when scared which enables them to i guees live or keep them powerful
p.s. the reson they dont have any ancient documents stating anything about dimentions of the world is beacuse when the europians i think it was colonized the area and destroyed the civilizations the churchs and religions had all the scripts burned beacuse it was blasphimy and when agiasnt the reality they create on the other side of the sea.... but in the mayan civilization is was all still very real as it is today we just need to unlock the past and experiance it for ourselves in a new way...

this is why i mentioed art work they couldnt burn the art inside the temples so they jsut said tsi all non sence or they translated it into what they thoug it ment when mostlikey it ment many diffrent things on a much higher level of thinking :)
Oh this is going to be fun:
Sunspots and Maya:
And although there is no clear evidence that the Inca or the Maya noticed sunspots, the Aztec myth of creation involves a sun god with a pock-marked face, which strongly suggests that they had seen dark blemishes on the sun
Saw and UNDERSTOOD are not the same.
they understood the orbits of the planets without the use of a telescope
Planets? Which ones? Venus and Mars are visible to the naked eye.
as for the dimentions its all over there art work in temple all over the place.. in the art... art is symbolic and has so many meanings
Correct, you make it mean anything you want - up to and including unsupportable "knowledge of dimensions".
yah they can see them and do calculations thats why they knew about all the planets in the solar system and their orbits i think you jsut got pwned
All the planets? Another myth. Calculations are easy if you have enough observations, even naked-eye ones. I think you just got confused.
ive done my far share of readings on anthropology and ancient civilizations i suggest you do the same because there is alot that has been froggoten in the past....
I think you should read some real books, there's a lot that's not understood today - by you.
astral projection is the seperation of the energetic for or the spirit/soul of your body from your physical body or your vessal for physical experiance... its all over hyrogliphics ancient art as proof..
No. astral prjection is a topic for woo-woos. Spirit/ soul is an unprove and unverifiable nonsense. And it's all over hieroglyphics because it was an unsubstantiated belief. Learn what proof is - one thing it's not is accepting ancient mythology as fact.
nd i myself have had about 3 astral projections which ive predicted evens befo they have happened in symbolic ways.
You mean you've hallucinated and then fitted what you can remember to what's happened later and ignore whatever doesn't suit you.
i jsut used it as an example of the potienitals we hold that are beeing hidden from us
Like an education?
and see they had a greater understanding of the universe and planet becuse they not only have the physical knowledge of it all but also the spiritual wisdom.. which in my mind is a greater understanding...
No they didn't. And you appear to understand nothing.
and as for ki vampire well you know what a vampire
Yup. A story-book creature.
is im sure ki vampire is a beeing who absorbes a certian energy, life force, ki from a select target....
You read this story, or did somebody read it to you?
like the reptilians focused on absorbing the energy of fear us humans produce when scared which enables them to i guees live or keep them powerful
Or fictional. Although I do have to give you credit on getting something right. Humans ARE fearful when scared. Wow. learn something every day.
OMF BULLSHIT iim soo pissed off i jsut wrote like fucking soo much information on everything you jsut stated uhhhh and then i clciked psot and it said page cannot be displayed.... ok i promise im going to get back to you on that but i jsut spend 10 min writting so much and its gone talk about stressful lol
see the thing is im 100% postive that they understood and you want to know why they teird into there mayan calander spesific dates as to when there would eb certian types of sun spots and how it would effect the weather and the planet in general.. the fact that its tied into there calander and notonly that but also it could predict ecplises up to 7 hours away 100 years from when the calander was first made makes it obviusle that they understood and not jsut saw

hmm as f the plnets i find this one funny.... well considering when you look up in the sky you see million of stars it makes me curois as to how they could determain which was just a star and which was acually a planet in this galaxy which they did with great persision.. hmm and also recorded the orbit of the planets! all with the naked eye strange ifyou ask me.. expesally considering how would they be able to tell the diffrence and even tie the orbits once agaan into the calander.... hmm i think thats understanding and not just an observation!
and yes observation is easy but to record it all and how it works into the solar cycle of their calander come on with the naked eye you go out and try to do that hahaha without the knowledge of planets even existing hahaa

hmm hallucinations and jsut [putting it all together and making it mean what i want to hahah my freind there is alot more to it then you can understand until you experiance it for yourself... its basically liek tapping into your sub concoiuse mind concously... there is no hallucination it is all very real.. but i cant argue wiht one wiht you beacuse you hvant experinaced it and tois one of those things u have to experinace it fo yourself.. so why judge me and say it was a hallucination when it predicted a negative event in my life when i was with my freinds and along wiht that many other things..... take some time and try it fo yourself befor you judge thats ignorance my freind open your mind a bit.. the path of one though is a jail fo your mind look at the world through the eyes of another change your perspective... it he;lps open your mind p.s. i remeber everything that happened to me when i astral projected like a memory of a physical moment it is a very real thing my freind its jsut been forgoten for a reson and that reson is beacuse of the possabilitiy the ony human talent hold alone..

what does the education comment haveto do with anything thats kinda obvius man getting side tracked are we? education is kinda pointed all in the same direction it limits your mind... education is obviusly great but having an education of society and one of your own is a diffrent story learn from yourself and from soceity..

and you say i appear to no nothing when infact that isnt true at all i no many thing for my age beeing 18 ive lived a lot longer life then you would expect i no so much about this world alot about life, humans, soceity, psychology philosophy i can go on... but uhh hey it just shows how smart you are for judgeing people is very simple minded try to be spesific that is going to get you know where its jsut a bleck comment good old human traits.....

also i did read the storys... and you know what ive also experianced them first hang... so have many of my freinds.. if i didnt have a first hand view of ceritan issues i owuldnt be here trying to put a few points across im not ehre to agruse with you im here to try and open your mind so you look at things in a diffrent view.... same as david icke is trying to do fo so many people....

and hey yah humans are fearful but if you look at our western society mabye you wuld realize that fear is beeing used agiasnt the masses to control them jsut look at the world in the perspective of another from mabye another civilization and you wiull see its not that hard
Maya scribes independently discovered eclipse prediction methods similar to those used by ancient Greek and Near Eastern astronomers.
Despite their abilities as observers, the scribes were sometimes willing to sacrifice accuracy in order to make cycles commensurate. They were also limited by the simple naked-eye techniques available to them. The eclipse table itself appears to do no more than identify "warning stations", times at which eclipses might occur, at which appropriate rituals would be required. However, it is not the accuracy of Maya astronomy so much as its ambition to capture the cycles of the heavens in an all-embracing framework of sacred time that is remarkable.
So they weren't accurate and the Maya weren't the only ones... next!
hmm as f the plnets i find this one funny.... well considering when you look up in the sky you see million of stars it makes me curois as to how they could determain which was just a star and which was acually a planet in this galaxy which they did with great persision..
Because if you look at the meaning of the word planet it means wanderer. Planets move much more rapidly than stars and they sometimes move retrograde - basic astronomy, they do not move the way stars do. Your curiosity would appear to be limited to the one book. Try reading others.
and yes observation is easy but to record it all and how it works into the solar cycle of their calander come on with the naked eye you go out and try to do that hahaha without the knowledge of planets even existing hahaa
Make your mind up. Did they know the planets were there or not? They recorded what they saw. Full stop. Ha ha.
hmm hallucinations and jsut [putting it all together and making ... blah blah... that reson is beacuse of the possabilitiy the ony human talent hold alone..
Evidence? Of course not. It's unprovable, unrepeatable under controlled circumstances and anecdotal. Woo-woo.
what does the education comment haveto do with anything thats kinda obvius man getting side tracked are we? education is kinda pointed all in the same direction it limits your mind... education is obviusly great but having an education of society and one of your own is a diffrent story learn from yourself and from soceity..
My apologies on this one. Apparently some people don't need an "education to limit their mind"... they manage it on their own.
and you say i appear to no nothing when infact that isnt true at all i no many thing for my age beeing 18 ive lived a lot longer life then you would expect i no so much about this world alot about life, humans, soceity, psychology philosophy i can go on... but uhh hey it just shows how smart you are for judgeing people is very simple minded try to be spesific that is going to get you know where its jsut a bleck comment good old human traits.....
You've lived a lot longer than I would imagine? You're right. My first guess was that you were a 12 year old. You KNOW about psychology and philosophy or you saw a comic with those words on the cover? Congratulations - one day you'll be able do degree courses in them. Like I did.
also i did read the storys... and you know what ive also experianced them first hang... so have many of my freinds..
I should be surprised you have friends, but I'm not. Woo-woos tend to congregate.
same as david icke
Not quite the same as David Icke. You're a woo-woo, he's a rich woo-woo.
look at the world in the perspective of another from mabye another civilization and you wiull see its not that hard
Since I live in this civilisation then I look at the world from the persepctive of this civilisation. Anything else is speculation.
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i dont geet why your always tryiung ot be negative and bring me donw by saying negative things about me your a real asshole you know that jsut beaucse i have a difftrent oppinion then your beacuse i think as myself as more open minded and i look at diffrent side of the story makes me an idiot i think your an idiot beacuse your not beeing open minded but hey i dont go calling you names or moking you... i see no point to this..

read the mayan prophicy fool then come back and and arguee these points.. wow they did sacrifices that means nothing our govermnet starves thousands of people scares, i could go no its jsut in the religion and has nothign to do with this....

i said ancient civilizations in my first post.. not jsut the mayans they are an example..

my mind is made up that they where planets im stating the point of how could the mayans tell the diffrent between a planet in our solar system and a star in another galixy wihtoutthe use of a scope to tell them if it was or not pobiusly they had some type of infermation on the subjecxt or better understanding

lol its not unprovable tr it fo yourself everyone can do it some things are beyond our scientific knowledge considering it is pritty limitied in one direction.. science doesnt know everything at this point... dawrins theroey is beeing changed they are now realizing intelligent design (im jsut saying this to put the thought across that things do change once more realization is made and over time so keep your minds eye and your ears open lol)

david icke is rich and whats your point? thats completely irelivent alot ofpeople in this time is rick but beacuse of the things he does to hold all those big events he has and television or media things he needs money to do it money is required to be heard somethings in this era so your statement once agian is bleck there

it seems in alot of the things you say all your doing is making poor judjment of me i findit puthetic your pritty mature man wooo wooo

and im going into psychology and anthropology so dont you worry about that just wait woo woo
Any reader can see that your education, Ember-To-Inferno, is at a terribly embarrassing level of incompetence, you can't even write correctly, let alone provide a scientific argument. So I suggest that you uptake a university course in history or anthropology as fast as you can, provided that they accept you in. Oh, and some critical thinking too.
i dont geet why your always tryiung ot be negative and bring me donw by saying negative things about me your a real asshole you know that jsut beaucse i have a difftrent oppinion then your beacuse i think as myself as more open minded and i look at diffrent side of the story makes me an idiot i think your an idiot beacuse your not beeing open minded but hey i dont go calling you names or moking you... i see no point to this..
Hmmm let's have a look at this. I'm being negative because you're espousing complete unverifiable rubbish. Opinion does not count when facts are available. There's a difference between open-mindedness and gullible to the point of stupidity. No, you look like an idiot because you spout nonsense, I had nothing to do with - you're doing quite well on your own. Name calling? "Woo-woo" is self evident. "asshole", conversely, isn't. And calling me "asshole" isn't name calling?
read the mayan prophicy fool then come back and and arguee these points
Pehaps you're not aware that "The Mayan Prophecy" is not a scientific text? When I want to read fiction I prefer good fiction.
my mind is made up that they where planets im stating the point of how could the mayans tell the diffrent between a planet in our solar system and a star in another galixy wihtoutthe use of a scope to tell them if it was or not pobiusly they had some type of infermation on the subjecxt or better understanding
And that's why you're a woo-woo - you've made your mind up, in contradistinction to looking at the information. A planet has a different motion than a star. (For the second time).
ol its not unprovable tr it fo yourself everyone can do it some things are beyond our scientific knowledge considering it is pritty limitied in one direction.. science doesnt know everything at this point... dawrins theroey is beeing changed they are now realizing intelligent design (im jsut saying this to put the thought across that things do change once more realization is made and over time so keep your minds eye and your ears open lol)
Of course it's unproveable. There is no evidence for souls or spirits, much less that they can leave the body... Correct. Science doesn't know everything at this point. So what? Intelligent design? Oh dear, you are lacking an education aren't you? Intelligent Design is a fallacy, a non-idea.
david icke is rich and whats your point?
Your comprehension is lacking also. The point was that you compared yourself to Icke. I merely pointed that, except for Icke being rich, the comaprison was valid. You and he are both woo-woos.
it seems in alot of the things you say all your doing is making poor judjment of me i findit puthetic your pritty mature man wooo wooo
Since my judgement of you is based on the ideas you present, the manner in which they are presented, and the evidence with which you support those ideas then may I suggest that the "fault" lies with you... learn something. Learn the difference bewteen reality and wishful thinking. Learn to spell, punctuate and use grammar and syntax. Learn how to back up your assertions with facts rather than just make more ridiculous assertions.
and im going into psychology and anthropology so dont you worry about that just wait woo woo
Good. You're going to into them? More reading on your own or a real course? Do the courses, perhaps you'll learn to distinguish between reality and stupidity.
how si it that beacuse i think diffrently then most of society it is considerd stupidity? beacuse i view the world diffrently then most? beacuse my freinds view the world diffrently then most.. do you ever wonder if people have diffrent perceptions then yourself if they see more or less then you yourself do? everyone has a brain and each person is in control of there brain and there physical body..some people understand this and are able to use it to their advantage while some people are left with out an understanding of what the brain is really cabaple of doing beacuse of the limitations that have been set up and ebacuse they have been born into a reailty full of limitations and restrictions....

i myself understand this and have at a younge age beacuse of person experiances i have been though..which has made me question many things about life in general and ive found some awnsers but not only that im left with more questions to find the awnser to a thrist for the unkown and all teh bueaty it holds... each of us has our own diffrent views on the world society humans.... but in my mind and in my reailty with my freinds, there is alot more to the world then there used to be.... and each day there is some new we discover

see this is whats in my mind.... instead of having limitations on everything laws and restrictions, physical weakness, sicknesses, ect i have realized that lol they dont have to be there and ive learned that at a younge age i used to be an the avedge kid pulling off c- s in every class just barly passing until i realized the potenital i hold... im accepted into collage and kicked ass on my last semestar in grade 12 and got all As and Bs woowoo.... sure my spelling sucks and my grammer but thats only ebacuse i could care less about it im sure you still understand what im saying its not to hard to read it all its the feelings the words have not how they are spelt you still get the points but i will try to re read my work and edit this..

just for you ladies

the main point here is that society these days is sheltering the mind with limitations fear and reistrictions so you dont become the person your really capable of becoming....your brain creates your belifes, your preceptions and your sensations.... its your brain why live somethings thats already been done and experiance when there is much more and so many diffrent ways to experaince this thing we call life... the reality i live is obviusly much diffrent then yours and many people on this forum beacuse ive realized im in control of my reality and see there is no negative factors or limitations in my reailty... everyday i awake feeling stronger, better more efficent, there is no hang over after drinking no lack of modivation or enegry the physical body is a vessal for experiance our minds and soul is in control of this and our minds and soul have endless emounts of energy once we realize how to tap into them... which understand how to do to some effect as of now just wait until later on in life once ive put more energy into these thoughts..
how si it that beacuse i think diffrently then most of society it is considerd stupidity? beacuse i view the world diffrently then more? beacuse my freinds view the world diffrently then more.. do you ever wonder if people have diffrent perceptions then yourself if they see more or less then you yourself do? every has a brain and each person is in control of there brain..some people understand and are able to use it to their advantage while some people are left with out an understanding of what the brain is really cabaple of doing....

i myself understand this and have at a younge age beacuse of person experiances i have been though which has made me question manythings about life in general and ive found some awsners but not only that im left with more questions to awnser... each of us has our own diffrent views on the world society humans.... but in my mind and in my reailty with my freinds, there is alot more to the world then there used to be.... how old are you oli... out of curiosity...

see this is whats in my mind.... instead of having limitations on everything laws and restrictions, physical weakness, sicknesses, ect i have realized that lol they dont have to be there and ive learned that at a younge age i used to be an the avedge kid pulling off c-s jsut barly passing until i realized the potenital i hold... im not accepted into collage and kicked ass on my last semestar and got all As and Bs woowoo.... sure my spelling sucks and my grammer but thats only ebacuse i could care less about it im sure you still understand what im saying its not to hard to read it all...

the main point here is your sheltering your mind with limitations alonge with so many other people when its not needed....your brain creates your belifes, your preceptions and your sensations.... its your brain why live somethings thats already been done when there is so much more to experaince... the reality i live is obviusly much diffrent then yours beacuse ive realized im in control of my reality and see there is no negative factors in my reailty... everyday i awake feeling stronger, better more efficent, there is no hang over after drinking no lack of modivation or enegry the physical body is a vessal for experiance our minds and soul is in control of this and our minds and soul have endless emounts of energy once we realize how to tap into them... which understand how to do to some effect as of now jsut wait until later on in life once ive put more energy into these thoughts...

jesus christ the son of god this is what i find if funny... he was just an avedge person like you or me but he understood the poteinital humans had and learned at a younge age what we are capable of doing.... but the things was he was the savoir of the past the bringer of light in dark times.. and in the past there was less judgment and less negativity so his thoughts and belives spread fast to others and his reailty became that of the people who fully belived in him and put there complete energy into his personal belifes. those thoughts and the energy produced by those strong emotions empowerd him and becuase of such a strong beleife in him and so much consentrated energy he was able to accomplish all the goals in his reality those beeing things considerd supernatural abilities... until the realities of others in power felt threatened by the reality he creating and was choosing to live...

it was said in the past that chirsts will grow like grapes on a wine vine in clusters around the world.... the indigo children the generation of 88 just wait until the reailtys of others grow..... positive thoughts and energy is alot more powerful then its counter part negative energy and negative thoguths and the overall reailty of western soceity has alot more negativity then all of you even realize!!! just wait until the collective positive thoughts and energy is large enough to make a change the 100ths monkey effect i guess you can call it....

icke main point is that we need to realzie we dont ahve to live this one reality that our western society is living beacuse there is so many diffrent choices out there why not go out and create your own with YOUR own personal needs... become happy everyday have no negativity its not needed dont fear the terrorests or dont think everysingle person on your street might be creating a dirty bomb or wanting to rape your children beaucse there all jsut like you mabye a bit diffrent but thats beacuse they migh be living the reality they want to live

my generation is the generation that is going to have the power to change this world the polarity changing is already begining people are forming groups like minded people are find other groups of like mindedness and so forth....
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how si it that beacuse i think diffrently then most of society it is considerd stupidity?
It's not because you "think differently" it's that appear to not think at all. You accept the ridiculous assertions that have no proof and ignore the real answers. You ignore the facts.
people are left with out an understanding of what the brain is really cabaple of doing....
Becoming more evident with each post you make.
here is alot more to the world then there used to be.
So now there's MORE to the world? What about the "forgotten knowledge"?
how old are you oli.
50. Why?
sure my spelling sucks and my grammer but thats only ebacuse i could care less about
Which is entirely indicative of your attitude to reality. You don't care about spelling, grammar, precision or facts. You're doing it your own way regardless of actual validity.
here is no negative factors in my reailty
Aww. You're forgetting there's me. I'm hurt.
my generation is the generation that is going to have the power to change this world
Yep. Your generation. But you won't be in their because you have no idea of how things work, you just accept the ridiculous stories about "ancient civilisations controlling things with their minds".
jesus christ the son of god this is what i find if sunny... he was jsut an avedge man
Read the relevant thread. There is no historical evidence that Jesus ever existed.
the indigo children the generation of 88
More drivel.
just wait until the reailtys of others grow
I'll be honest here. This is the part that absolutely scares the shit out of me. A generation of woo-woos who are going to let the world fall into ruin - because you can't change a fucking plug by mind power.
the collective positive thoughts and energy is large enough to make a change the 100ths monkey effect i guess you can call it.
I've quoted this sentence bcause it's a perfect counter example to your comment here -
im sure you still understand what im saying its not to hard to read it all
Its not TOO HARD, it's obscure, illiterate drivel and I have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about.
So presumably, since you say you're not accepted into college it means you're "learning" pychology and anthropolgy on your own. Hard luck because you won't learn a damn thing. As soon as you come across a science book, as opposed to one that says "it's okay, think positive", you'll chuck it in the bin and go back to Dick and Jane.
sry man i was editing my whole post to better your needs beacuse of my grammer i wanted to be a nice guy but then i pressed post.. lol and my internet happened to be down and it took me an hourto fix it the internet is my only negative factor in my reality lmfao it always shuts off on me one things i cant control lol

lol a bunch of woowoos hey man us woo woos are nice people we put others befor our selfs we think of others first.... and there for we benifit greatly from eachother beacuse we are all putting each of ourselfs befor one anothers... synergy nothing bad about that man

yah it is a perfect couter example you know why beacuse your generation is the one that has a stronger reailty right now beacuse there is more people who belive in its system... o shit then time comes into play here... there is wars.. natural disasterds... people dissapear population drops.... o whats going on? why are things changing.. well hmm thats beacuse us woowoo are really good at surviving without physical needs we do what we can to survive we are humans survival of the fittest and our positivity is alot more powerfull then the people who think negativitly... so more of us woowoo survive over time beacuse are are younge as of now no one lisens to us but when disasters come and ect ect there will be less of you COO COOs and your reailty will start to change to the 100th monkey effect of us WOO WOOs....

and that forgotten knowledge is jsut a bit to what this world has to offerwe need to uncover the truths of the past so we can discover even more in the future... we learn from the past so we can make better choices learn from our mistakes but we must make a true realization of certian events in the past befor we can move on instead of looking at lies