Black Triangle


"What we're trying to do is transform unidentified flying objects, UFOs, into IFOs, or identified flying objects," said Colm Kelleher, deputy administrator for NIDS.

"We want to limit the number of cases that are unidentified in our data base. The more that are identified, obviously the less we have to work on. That's our prime motivation& to eliminate the wheat from the chaff," Kelleher told"

Well now, I suppose that explains the duty of the study.. If it walks like a Duck, and quacks like a Duck...give it a stool and call it a stool pigeon.. limit the unexplained cases by labeling them officially.. I just wonder how fast can a blimp fly? the study explains in an offbeat way the stealth and lack of noise, but how is it possible and why would any Nation build and fly something that outruns its own F16 fighter jets, keep it top secret, and why Study its own road system? that explaination is simply ludicrous.. a Blimp cannot outrun a fighter jet with a pulse propulsion system.
Maybe doesn't study, maybe monitors. These days it may be for portable nuclear weapons. Minimal mass for such a thing is slightly over 25kg
(minimal critical core mass for Plutonium-239 is just 11kg)
Blimps are too slow, too antiquated...Too easy to destroy, and is unreliable to fly in high winds...A Triangular Blimp is a waste of time and money, not to mention the route that they take over our OWN cities? flying at treetop level? these things are not blimps! the explaination is obvious chaff itself.
Any large craft (human or not) in the atmosphere is:
too easy to destroy
unreliable in high winds
a waste of energy
Slim, you say that about blimps but the US does use them to deal with Drug smugglers and people smugglers. They fly them fitted with listening equipment and satellite equipment (the sort of stuff usually found on either an E-3 'AWACS' or A-50 'Mainstay')

The use of a blimp means that it can stay in a relative position for a longer period than that of an aircraft which would require having to re-manoeuvre into position, also a blimp's method to stay airbound is different in the sense that it relies upon the usage of gases as apposed to airfriction, which means it can stay up for a longer period. (and costs less to run)

However the blimps I'm refering to just look like normal airships, although they could camoflauge with clouds if using the venting of some of their gases to do so (Their gas venting being done from gas that has been kept in liquid form) although it would appear "Potentially" on radar, unless fitted with stealth or jamming equipment.

What people tend to neglect is that normal Airballoons can be developed in many different shapes and designs to either premote particular goods or services. Usually the operators are independents although their balloon designs do have to be checked out to make sure they are safe and capable of doing what a balloon is suppose to do without endangering people. (Industrial Safety Standards etc)

Sometimes during the testing phases of such balloons while they are still prototyping it means they keep it quite that such balloons exist to attempt to stop competitors also attempting to get their designs. They might test these balloons in remote places, usually the sorts of places where UFO's are usually seen.
Any large craft (human or not) in the atmosphere is:
too easy to destroy
unreliable in high winds
a waste of energy

I didn't say a waste of energy, a waste of time and money in that its radar signal and lack of speed makes it useless for a Military craft. any Terrorist or Drug dealer with a simple ground to air missile would have a heyday with something so large and slow! It would make good target pratice I suppose.. Also, as Stryder points out they are useful as a long term stationary or slow moving high or low altitude platform for domestic type anti-drug or Hobby craft. As far as a Military use type craft I think our AWACs are leaps and bounds ahead in that they are far more able to relocate quickly and are more of a multi-use type of craft than a blimp can ever be for the simple reason of mobility and more adaptable as new age type of warfare or survelance domestically. An AWAC can fly through the eye of a hurricane.. I don't see a Blimp doing that ever! I also cannot imagine a modern Government steping back a century to use a craft such as that to low fly its own population centers.. that thought in itself makes this arguement moot... The fact remains that mutitudes of people have wittnessed the same craft silently moving with lights on its underside and it can move slowly, or it is instantly out of sight very quickly. Those decriptive actions alone dispell any blimp notions completely unless we re-write the accounts of those wittness's.. I can relate to a limited use of a blimp for drug suvelance domestically in that it needs not fear being blown out of the sky in its own airspace. it would HAVE to stay clear of international and domestic type Aircraft, which also means its use would be severely limited and use the proper lights that all aircraft use. Even Ground towers must use a strobe light or other type of light as a signal for personal or comercial flights to steer clear of. The more I think of the Blimp notion the more far-fetched that idea seems. There would have to be a shit-load of them or a few very buzy ones in order for them to be seen so often and I'd again have to ask.. Why? To what end would any Government use a Black Blimp to low fly the interstate hi-ways and how in the heck can it move away faster than a fighter jet? It is Not Possible and for what reason? Along with Modern Technology and Spy Satillites Blimps have gone the way of the horse and buggy... As you know a Blimp requires a large ground crew and would most certainly be accompanied by Helicoters unless it is Based very close to the area where it is in service.. The Goodyear Blimp only Flies in Good weather, so I would imagine this Blimp you speak of would have the same limitations. I just Don't see it happening.. Its easier to understand it being and Alien Craft than to think of it as a top secret Government plot to do??? The very idea is preposterous.. No Offense! But Sheeet... :bugeye:
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If your suggesting a Black craft flying low over a highway, you could suggest that:
1: if it's low enough its avoiding radar.
2: It's following a road to somewhere like an inhabited city which could be classed as "an approach".

It's possible the black craft are known about by the government in question however their activities are not, since usually training exercises maintain secrecy as if they are real operations.

Perhaps the activities are a test, in the sense they are asked to get from their airbase upstate and sneak into a Cities airspace to test, if the city can spot them and get an alert out correctly. Since I would guess that any Civillian ground controller not getting a response from an aircraft would have some protocol to follow.
Honestly, for crying out loud, boys.
If any country had the capacity to build a mile large craft, get it off the ground and fly it, then why would there be an over 35 year hiatus in human space exploration?
FieryIce said:
Honestly, for crying out loud, boys.
If any country had the capacity to build a mile large craft, get it off the ground and fly it, then why would there be an over 35 year hiatus in human space exploration?

This is the key point.

These same vehicles were seen over Air Force bases 50 years ago. The Air Force did not have and was not working on anything resembling them at that time. They even said as much.
Having a mile large craft fly is different than going to space.

That said, there hasn't been a 35 year hiatus... so it doesn't really matter though.
Perhaps they are nothing more than what a lot of people think they are, which is Alien Spacecraft that is not new at all, but simply checking us out and preparing us for a Non-frightening encounter soon.. That sounds a lot more likely and less silly than the complex Nature of a secret Blimp.
Alien Spacecraft in the earths airspace is far more "Unlikely" than a blimp, although I'm not suggesting it was a blimp seen. Just remember that The governments aren't the only ones attempting to create new aircraft, some prototypes are actually built by third-party firms in an attempt to get government contracts if their designs cut mustard.
"Alien Spacecraft in the earths airspace is far more "Unlikely" than a blimp"

Stryder, I'll have to ask the proverbial question that I get hung up on... Why? I happen to think that UFOs are the Angels of the Bible and are the Basis of the Gods of all ancient civilization! I think its more Woo Woo or vain to automatically assume that we are the ONLY Creatures in this vast universe! That thought goes against the complex organizims, plant life and all animal life of this planet. It goes against the miricle of childbirth, death, and all the cycles of this Earth. The universe is much more complex than a can of Beans and there is more to it than our Little world!
Gives Slim a slap on the back, hands yah the pipe and grins. :m:

FieryIce and I will have to agree with you on those points. The bible pretty much puts all of it together and the WHY of it all. A very old tale that has with stood the tests of time and accuracy of prediction, written in a very simple non technical language.

Tips his glass to you. :)

Me thinks Stryder attempts to play the devils advocate;
and obviously fails completely, as a mask to obvious information control. :D
I didn't suggest we were the only beings in the universe but my point is simple:

Why would our little planet amongst countless other solarsystems in a seemingly infinite universe be that interesting in comparison to somewhere else in the universe?

Our planet within the universe is mearly a Needle in a haystack, the only time that needle is interesting, is if you intend to sit on the haystack and don't want it poking in your butt or if someones offered a prize for finding it.

To tie the Bible and Aliens together is Rhetoric. Originally those that wanted weight for their stories so people would listen about their alien abductions meant they created ties with the bible so religious folks would actually listen to them incase it was some sign of a new epoch.

This was understood during the 70's with a number of cult groups taking up this method of securing people to become apart of their commune's (in which most those people gave all their life possessions up to become one of the group.)

In recent years such cultgroups were proven to have not just fanatical beliefs but also ones that were dangerous to themselves and others, this caused a bunch of them to be closed in on for what ever reason the particular governments in question could dream up since the cultists themselves tend to greyline. (namely they knew one foot wrong would have the authorities coming down on them).

The most notorious one was the "Heavens Gate" lot, now I doubt either you Slim or Norval are going to suggest their group suicide really did get them beamed up into a UFO stuck in the tail of a comet.

In all:
I'm not suggesting people are a "Woo-Woo" to believe that there are other lifeforms in the universe, However I am suggesting to jump to conclusions that anything they see in the sky isn't somehow related to the works of either private, commercial or military aviation practices is ludicrous.

You'd be suprised at how much air traffic their really is up there in the sky, it's not just commercial airlines and military craft. There is balloons and microlytes, radio controlled craft, people that do skydyving and other aerosports, gliders, kite flyers etc.

If you were to look at how NASA might generate a craft to fly from this planet to another you would find that the craft itself would purely be meant for staying in space and that it would have some form of "Shuttle" to relay people between the surface and it in space. (Basically if alien craft are flitting around the earth, their mothership would be spotted)

As for information Control Norval, Tell me what information has been controlled? Or are you going to suggest the lack of evidence that anything is being controlled supports your crackpot theory. Afterall I let your Craterchains thread run even though after about the 3rd page I had decided that your theory was BS from both the lack of supporting evidence and the fact that evidence submitted actually contradicted your statements. You know you remind me a little of a certain "Doberman Pincher" group.
FieryIce said:
Honestly, for crying out loud, boys.
If any country had the capacity to build a mile large craft, get it off the ground and fly it, then why would there be an over 35 year hiatus in human space exploration?

Ah HA!

You've said it right there.

How do you know there's been a 35 year hiatus?

We've been cutting NASA's budget for 25 years. Do you really think that Space exploration isn't a priority?? Could it be that maybe, just maybe some other organization has taken over the bulk of it? A branch of the military for instance? NASA today is nothing more than an Experimental Robotics organization. Everything they do today revolves around robotics development.

These Triangles, if in fact they exist, very well may be part of our real space exploration. Because it's obviously been taken out of NASA's hands.


That whinning excuse that 'Why would they come all this way to visit our little planet' has been beaten enough. Give it a rest.

Here's a thought. Why WOULDN'T they?
Simple answer VRob,
"Because they wouldn't want to catch a common cold."

There are many things that any outerworld species would have to question before interfering with another species. One is already pointed out, would a chance meeting cause contamination? would entering our atmosphere cause contamination? Would interacting with people on our planet cause a government to take a warlike stance?

I would suggest if a species is evolved enough for interplanetary transition where they can escape their home solar system they are probably evolved enough to know that we shouldn't be messed around with. If they haven't concluded that, then obviously they aren't as evolved as some of your alien buffs would prefer to think they are.

I know you guys and girls would just love to believe, but quite frankly we should really be directing our attention towards the middleground. Not the absolute they exist or don't exist but the somewhere in the middle.

Seeing something is not evidence of something existing, Since Victorian theatres it's been possible to show the audience "ghosts" but do they exist? In reality no in this situation, it would mearly be a stage hand or actor dress in light clothing standing next to a dark background at the side of the stage where the reflecting light from their clothing would reflect off some angled glass that would make their reflection look ghostly.

"Smoke and Mirrors" is all this "Illusion" is at the end of the day, it's just finding out which Illusionists are responsible and why.
"There are many things that any outerworld species would have to question before interfering with another species. One is already pointed out, would a chance meeting cause contamination? would entering our atmosphere cause contamination? Would interacting with people on our planet cause a government to take a warlike stance?

I would suggest if a species is evolved enough for interplanetary transition where they can escape their home solar system they are probably evolved enough to know that we shouldn't be messed around with"

I think you have Touched upon the truth with the above, but I'd like to add the idea that our little Haystack (Earth) is a Garden compared to some of our local planets. I think they visit for many reasons, maybe they like the taste of fern from the Valleys , or they want a soil sample from the Coal regions, but it is costly because of the viciosness and backwards ways of those Earthlings? Every Farmer and Rancher has been Dusting their Spaceships for Years, and the Airforce of every Nation has Chased them since the advent of the Airplane..

The middle ground you speak of is a Waste of my time... Smoke and Mirrors are simply that! My intrest is not in exposing man-made fun and games or Hobbists and I AM aware of the fact of many types of craft that are prototypes for individual gain.. I don't think you will see much military activity in testing near any Cities though! The risk of crashing and killing civilians is taboo.

So, Just who are these craft Piloted By, and How are they propelled So Erractically and How can they Disappear SO Fast?

In MY STUDIES, I have found there to be Numerous types of Alien or UFO craft. Many of them Cannot be duplicated by Mankind nor their Entry into and Exit out of our atmosphere Be Accomplished in this day in time By Mankind. The last one I saw appeared as a falling Star till it reached a very low altitude, Then it Hovered.. Maybe they all enter that way?
As you keep stating you have decided they are "Craft", what makes you so sure they are? What makes you so sure they are actually solid.

For instance if you were to take a doppler field around a triangular craft from Radar and other antenna arrays, then took the recording of them all and created an output based upon the recording you would potentially recreate the illusion that the triangular craft exists at a point in space relative to how how your antenna's are matricing.

As with Projectors, altering the distance between the point of broadcast or in the case of a project the point of project, it's possible to alter the Size and constinuancy of the afore mentioned hologram. So a Craft that is of normal size could be replicated a mile long.

This method has long been in use to "Ghost" radar systems, and make false readings.