Black Triangle

I think they are spirits of the ancient world. Now how is this less valid than aliens?
This is why I dislike these kind of conversations -> they are pure speculation.
DoD, aliens, satellite arrays, ghosts, gods, spirits, atmospheric manifestations....
On this, I agree with Avatar.

All hail the ancient gods! :D

Ah, conversations here always have so many facets...
Avatar said:
I think they are spirits of the ancient world. Now how is this less valid than aliens?

It isn't necessarily.

I don't think the explanation is as important right now as the fact that an unknown of this magnitude is continually ignored by science. Once people realize it's there and deserves serious consideration then maybe some progress will be made.
coolmacguy said:
What I mean is, a professional pilot is much less likely to misidentify an aircraft that is completely normal as something inordinately large or sensational.
Oh, yeah... agree with you there.
coolmacguy said:
It isn't necessarily.
Hailing the gods isn't necessary?

*Persol watchs a flaming hole open up in the ground under coolmacguy *

All hail the ancient gods!
Aw man... This is rapidly becoming a fiasco. my favorite sandwich is a hamburger, do you fish?.. how many days are in a year? were you a test tube baby? how many ones are in the number six? did your Dad have sex with your Mom?
Persol said:
Oh, yeah... agree with you there.

That's why I find their reports particularly compelling. And there aren't just a few of them. NARCAP compiled a database of more that 3,000 sightings by pilots.
it would seem that they Do defy any KNOWN aerodynamic inventions of the earth, it would follow that they are NOT of the Earth?

'im an alium, i dont have to obey the laws of aerodynamics...' doesnt quite work
alain, they don't obey the Laws of this planet, so THAT argument is usless.
So aliens are allowed to have secrets, but people aren't? Earthlings are plenty capable of keeping discoveries secret for some time.
Well, the Truth is ...Humans are very easy to keep secrets from, Many refuse to believe the obvious even. Maybe being bound to the Earth by the laws of nature is a good thing for the universe and the skeptics. all the black holes and strange unknown dangers would be disposing of the unbelievers at an alarming rate.. Like..
Believer says: "Black Holes Suck"
Skeptic says: Your Nutty, No They Don't! Prove it!
Believer says: Okay, Watch this!... (Pushes Skeptic into Black Hole)... Whooosh...... (Gone By-By)...

Now for a skeptical gravity lesson!~ Planets Suck Too! Step over here next to Jupiter a second....

Soon the universe would be Void of Skeptics unable to Debunk the Obvious and the Universe would be better for it probably. Who has ever progressed in time with naysayers retarding mental growth and the truth. Sooner or later the Truth will bite ya inna ass! Those Woo-Woo Visionaries will always be prepared for the unexpected, Simply because they possess the seemingly unique ability to Dream and Grasp an idea and are not locked into a mental rut like an obsessed Debunker.. Who is armed with Earthly notions, rules and a Closed-Mind! The Human race would be further advanced if those people would take a "True" Hint of a Well Known Fact... "Two Eyes to See, Two Ears to Hear, (ONE Mouth) to question with" For those of you who don't see the "Obvious", take the Hint, Look and listen before you run your only mouth, You just might learn something new... maybe..??

to avatar: You Dislike these conversations? and dreamwalker agrees?
Put your Hands over your ears and Humm loudly... The Booger bear will go away.. It worked for me when I was a Little Child!

If that don't work for ya, Don't post to a subject that scares ya..

Making Fun and being witty will get you suspended from the School of Thought and Growth. Time of of essance, we are very late in understanding the unknown universe and the world of Spirits. It could be that the Two are permanently fixed as one.
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believing without any evidence is irrational
when there is some evidence, it is a potential fact and only an idiot would not accept it as such then, but before it, it's nothing more than speculation. Maybe good only for making prediction models of possible scenarious
If something strange happens and is wittnessed by a few, questions should be asked.
If MANY see the same strange occurance, then it would serve mankind well to speculate a lot! Speculation is the first step to understanding! The Wheel, Controlled Electricity, Automobiles, and Computers were born of speculation. Even a Farmer is Speculating when he plants a crop! I'd say it does no harm to speculate..
ok, then I still hold my speculation valid that most UFO's observed are spiritual manifestations.

p.s. I hate when an UFO is equaled to an alien craft
people tend to forget what "UFO" means
I'd say that the metalic UFO's are containers for spirits to travel the universe, like a physical tool. Other UFO's that are described as transparent like a gas or energy could very well be totally spiritual manifestations. Perhaps those that travel in the metallic UFOs are Shielding or protecting themselves from the other manifestations or energy by encasing themselves in a shell.. Perhaps they work together.. its unknown to me, but somebody knows and is maybe talking, but no one will listen.

I Do know that what I've seen the UFOs do in manuvers is physically impossible for mankind to do because of the Human restraints of weight and inertia.. the force of a Hi-speed direct turn would kill a human unless the machine possessed an Anti Gravity shield of some type. I saw several UFOs in the sixties do manuvers that were unreasonable and humanly impossible! Blazingly fast left and right turns with No Curving like an airplane is known to do, like they weighed zero, nothing! the occupants had to weigh the same I'd think... Hell, I dunno! :bugeye: many people describe the same super fast takeoffs and out of sight UFOs. So people see Something.. and I want to know what it is! So I ponder and study.
UFO for me is: "Un-Forgettable Obsevation" I've seen them twice in 51 years and I remember every detail.. I've always been a stargazer, the vastness of the universe is a formidable wonder! It can contain anything and everything, which is what it is..

All this time of looking, and I've only seen two occurances that were undeniably controlled by something other than gravity.. Both times they were out of the blue and over and gone quickly. there is little time to figure just what they can be.
I agree with alot of what you said and Iam grateful to others like you, who aren't afraid to speak of what they have seen. We who have seen things that can't be easily explained away. I wasn't out looking for a UFO to spot.But once I did! It changed my life. I think for the best. Because I now know that we aren't alone just floating (rotateing) in this huge endless space. I think there are many different types of other beings. Mainly because there are so many types of UFOs. Anyway they do seem to show up when you least expect them to.