Black Triangle

I saw a huge black Triangle that just floated about 200ft above my head. I wasn't look to see one, it just happened. If we controlled such aircraft we wouldn't have any worrys about wars. That is unless we wanted to start and then control one. I just don't understand how some people can be so closed minded on the subject of UFOs. It's people like that that argued and had others killed for saying the world wasn't flat. Anyway time will tell. I don't think we have very long to wait.

Would you care to describe your experience?
I'm wondering why these sightings are concentrated around cities, interstates, and more so on the coasts? what about everywhere else? if these are aliens that have traveled thousands or millions of lightyears to visit our more primitive world, why are they so thrilled about our highway systems! cities i can understand, but the interstate?! just seems kinda dumb. now, covert, theoredically non-existent craft capable of scanning cars for, say, enemies of the state could make some more sence. but then how could 9-11 happen...
I don't think 9-11 would of happened if just one of these large crafts was controlled by us. All we would have to do now is just put on a show for certain trouble-makers and I bet they would start playing a new tune, and praying they were doing the correct dance, ect.... I know the one I saw changed my life. I drew it not long after seeing it. I'll have a link for anyone who wants to see it in a few days or sooner. I have also seen a few orange fireballs or anyway that's what they looked like, except they seemed to be controlled some how.Such as traveling about 4ft off the ground, going maybe 20 to 30 miles an hour, stopping at an intersection and makeing a sharp left and continueing on down the street in a strait line. I used to work nights and could only smoke outside. So I just happened to be at the right place and looking in the right direction at the right moment.
All we would have to do now is just put on a show for certain trouble-makers and I bet they would start playing a new tune
Ummm... that's what caused 9-11 in the first place. We could already turn the middle east into a valley of glass. Nothin is particularly frightening about a triangle.
To the debunker, No reality or truth is possible, simply because of a VERY Closed Mind! Even if they saw the truth, they are too afraid to admit it! They will cloud the truth out of shear fear. I think it comes from inner insecurity of being overpowered by and a feeling of weakness and helplessness. So they debunk like fools and remain so.

To the believer, The reality of the truth MAKES it possible, simply because they have seen and wittnessed the truth, accepted it, and continue to become wiser.

The truth is, we are babes in the woods compared to the Alien races that DO visit our planet! It does No good for the truth to argue unending with a Blank mind. nuff said.

There is a great need for a believers ONLY forum.. screw the debunkers! or let them screw themselves.. they cloud the real issue, which is: Furthering the Human race without greed and violence to the point of being accepted among the stars along with the other intellegent creations of all creation.

Being open-minded is a gift, not a nutty curse... I seek the truth that IS out There.... I do not have time for debunker's follys nor do I wish to entertain their stupidities.
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Persol said:
But also highly doubt that most people would recognize a mile long object if it smacked them in the head.

With most people, this is true. Not professional pilots though, and a good many of them have seen these objects as well.
weed_eater_guy said:
I'm wondering why these sightings are concentrated around cities, interstates, and more so on the coasts? what about everywhere else? if these are aliens that have traveled thousands or millions of lightyears to visit our more primitive world, why are they so thrilled about our highway systems! cities i can understand, but the interstate?!

More reports likely come from those places because there are far more people. With more people looking at the sky at any one time than in remote areas, there chances someone will see something strange probably increases a lot.
Not professional pilots though
Sure it is... even pilots judge the size of objects mostly by visual size... not paralax. That's why landing lights are set at certain specific distances.
Hypercane said:
Well, if these UFO's are DoD black projects, it has to be kept secret from the public until the proper occasion of deployment.

I say again, it is a shame how little this topic is understood and how history has been erased because of the fear factor people think putting it out there will incite.

These sightings are nothing new. It has been going on for almost 60 years. Starting in 1947 (I"m NOT talking about Roswell here) large types of craft have been observed thousands of times a year. The primary shapes seen have been disc and triangular shaped. There were no "black budget" aircraft in 1947 that matched any of these shapes or had anything remotely like the performance characteristics many of these craft possess. If there had been, we would most certainly know about it by now and the science of flight would have advanced significantly more than it has since that time.

The USAF knew as much back then. It set up several projects to investigate what they were. Why would they investigate something if they knew what it was or if they were operating it? They asked the FBI for help. The FBI's reaction was basically the same as one of the common positions today. Are we sure these reports aren't just misidentified aircraft? The Air Force assured them they were not. All this is reflected in widely available documents, for anyone that wants to look.

The USAF has admitted their ignorance about the origin of these craft on multiple occasions. But their tagline continues to be that they don't perceive them as a threat to national security, so they aren't important. This is simply obfuscation of the larger issue, which is still what are these craft and who/what is controlling them.

Many AF officers and scientists (Ruppelt, Brown, Hynek, et al.) who worked on the investigative projects have testified to the highly anomalous data accumulated through them and their continuing struggle to come up with ANY reasonable explanation.
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Persol said:
Sure it is... even pilots judge the size of objects mostly by visual size... not paralax. That's why landing lights are set at certain specific distances.

What I mean is, a professional pilot is much less likely to misidentify an aircraft that is completely normal as something inordinately large or sensational.
There are hundreds of proven accounts of UFOs , my favorites are of the space shuttle videos, sts 48 is one of the best. then there is SOHO, the sun camera. Wild things putt past it constantly..

The last site has some very interesting videos .. one of my favorite was taped by a man and his wife driving early in the morning. It clearly shows a glowing UFO tailing a Meteor down to Earth and it is destroying it before it can do damage to the homes below.
slim said:
sts 48 is one of the best.

That is indeed one of the best. I find it especially interesting that according to those who first recorded that, about 1 minute after that was broadcast the feed was cut off abruptly. Additionally, the next day all satellite broadcasts from NASA were encrypted and a two minute delay was added. Those procedures are still in effect today.
all you people who believe in black triangles, think for a second, what shape are our rockets??? they're sort of a rocket shape, there are lots of reasons for this, such as aerodynamicness, a triangle is about as aerodynamic as a piece of shit, and is a very inefficient use of space (ie the front half would be too thin to be of use)
Yeah well, alain.. assuming that they aren't alien, you are still wrong.. How do Darts fly? how do Arrows Fly? how is the shuttle built? It glides to a landing under No power.. Assuming that the triangles ARE Alien, and concidering how SLOW they can move, plus how Fast they can move, without Noise.. ummm and they can Hover? Motionless? Whats yer point? it would seem that they Do defy any KNOWN aerodynamic inventions of the earth, it would follow that they are NOT of the Earth? Hense.. uhh.. UFO? unidentified-flying-object... got it?
slim said:
and concidering how SLOW they can move, plus how Fast they can move, without Noise.. ummm and they can Hover? Motionless?

This is an important fact that is sometimes lost on people. A key element of many of the unusual UFO reports is that they describe objects that can both hover completely still and accelerate rapidly at a high rate of speed. No human built aircraft (at least that we know of) is capable of both of those things. We have plenty that can do either one, but not both.
If you were to in a darkened room shine a torch up on a wall, can you not cast the light to stay still and then make it move rapidly through the use of shaking or moving the torch?

I suggest that some of the "UFO's" currently generated might not even be made of solid matter, but either through radiological matrixing or Electromagnetic superposition can generate an anomalous area. This can either be achieved through ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays if of course people were willing to prove it.
Yes Stryder, many of them change shape and color and seem transparent, but they also fly slowly and can accelerate with amazing speed, sometimes with four or five clustered and intermingling as if they were alive. Perhap Humans could partly duplicate this feat, yet people in other towns and cities report the same flight pattern at the same time of the day or night.. They also fly straight up into the clouds...
This can either be achieved through ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays if of course people were willing to prove it.

Jeeze man. Do you use that to "debunk" everything?

Someone: "How do the black triangles hover so still and then accelerate extremely quickly?"

Stryderunknown: "ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays"

Me: "How do you explain the bending of the stalks and cellular abnormalities of plants in crop circles?"

Stryderunknown: "ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays"

Me: "Sometimes I can't shit for more than 3 days in a row"

Stryderunknown: "ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays"

Me: "What is your favorite color?"

Stryderunknown: "ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays...."
Stryderunknown said:
I suggest that some of the "UFO's" currently generated might not even be made of solid matter, but either through radiological matrixing or Electromagnetic superposition can generate an anomalous area. This can either be achieved through ground antenna arrays or satellite arrays if of course people were willing to prove it.

Discounting for a minute the huge problems with that theory, it doesn't explain the data gathered through other methods of observation such as radar tracking, which is often obtained at the same time the object is sighted visually.