Black Triangle

What's next ... purple spheres? :bugeye:

Maybe they got tired of posting regular UFO sighting so they came up with this new sighting of "black triangles" to spur the imagination of the common folk-person even further. Either that, or Hollywood needs more stories to expand on as a movie.

Like most UFO sightings, I'll believe it when I see it. :)
Black Triangles are old so it's not some story to bring up new types of sightings for people, heh. Small Black Triangles are from the Aurora Project, it's the project for the latest (not new, new though) US spy plane. Huge Black Triangles, no idea, those are what people see and are supposedly UFOs. I agree completely with the small ones being government aircraft (old news) but the jury is still out for the big ones (obviously alien if they're real).

- N
obviously alien if they're real
Huh? So if you see a small triangle fine... but a big one is 'obviously alien'? How ya figure?
Huh? So if you see a small triangle fine... but a big one is 'obviously alien'? How ya figure?

Well I don't know about you, but I highly doubt our goverment would have a mile-long flying craft, despite their 30 year technology advance over us. :p (and I called the others "huge" ones the first time.. 2nd time I just said "big" since I figured people would know what I meant)

- N
Neildo said:
Well I don't know about you, but I highly doubt our goverment would have a mile-long flying craft
But also highly doubt that most people would recognize a mile long object if it smacked them in the head.

It's hilarious that you think aliens are more probable 'just because'.
So if you don't know what it is, it must be aliens.

No, it's not if I don't know what it is, it must be aliens. I'm saying "if" it *is* what people claim it to be, then it's "more probable" to be alien. There are only two possibilities, either it's man-made or it's made by something else. That's it, no other possibilities "if" it *is* actually a mile-long aircraft.

But also highly doubt that most people would recognize a mile long object if it smacked them in the head.

Oh, I agree, which is why I said they're "supposedly" UFO's. I even went out of my way to use that word but it seems everything must be said in b-a-b-y talk.

*IF* what is seen is actually what people say it is then yes, I would say that a mile-long aircraft would "most likely" be alien. It's not "just because" but rather it's more probable that it would be if that mile-long triangular object really is an aircraft. You may think that it's more probable for the government, private sectors, or whomever to have a mile-long aircraft in this day and age, but I personally highly doubt it so we can only agree to disagree there. Smaller or medium-sized triangular aircraft, I agree it could be man-made, but not something a mile-freakin-long.

Again, this is all *IF* what people claim is actually true in that what they see is a mile-long aircraft. I never made any claims for any of this to be fact other than about the Aurora project having triangular design spy aircraft in the early 90's. I'm merely basing my "loose" opinion on if what people say is true and if not, I have no problem saying it's all false if it is, but if it is indeed a mile-long aircraft, my opinion still holds. So if you want to nitpick or criticize, do it to someone who is spouting off all this to be true. Just because I, or others, are posting in a pseudoscience forum, it doesn't automatically mean we're like all the other nutcases.

- N
Oh, I agree, which is why I said they're "supposedly" UFO's. I even went out of my way to use that word but it seems everything must be said in b-a-b-y talk.
It is most certainly a UFO. Your supposedly isn't needed as the object was unidentified to the witness.
It's not "just because" but rather it's more probable that it would be if that mile-long triangular object really is an aircraft.
And that translates to 'just because'. We have plenty of things a mile long... and making one that flies is fairly trival... but also pointless. Likewise, it would be fairly pointless (and obvious) for an alien race to have a mile long crat flying through an atmosphere.
It is most certainly a UFO. Your supposedly isn't needed as the object was unidentified to the witness.

Okay well ya got me there, it's a UFO in the traditional sense of the word. :p

And that translates to 'just because'. We have plenty of things a mile long... and making one that flies is fairly trival... but also pointless. Likewise, it would be fairly pointless (and obvious) for an alien race to have a mile long crat flying through an atmosphere.

Well obviously we have many things a mile long (nothing airborne though) but how is making something that large that flies trivial and pointless? Again, this is assuming what people saw is indeed what they say it was. That has everything to do with why I believe it would be at the very least something not man-made, and if it really is an aircraft, is not the only other possibility it being alien-made? And how is it pointless for an alien race to have a mile long craft flying through the atmosphere when "if" it *is* a real aircraft, it would mean the only other possibility is the craft being man-made. That would mean it too is pointless for there to be a mile-long man-made aircraft yet man still made it. Just because it may be pointless it doesn't mean it wouldn't ever exist.

And I also do not see it as pointless because well, "if" it were an alien craft, I'd say the smaller UFO saucers that people see that are claimed to be alien would be pointless if anything because having gone a long journey (if wormholes and bending space isn't an option), to send just a couple beings (unless UFOs are some advanced alien probe satellite, not aircraft) that far would be pointless, unless those tiny craft are part of a bigger mothership that is say, a mile or more long. If there's a long journey, the bigger the better, ya know? Send a buncha stuff, not a small amount.

- N

P.S. Sorry for the lil jab earlier, I was just annoyed with the auto-nut, auto-like-every-other-psuedoer assumption.
Well obviously we have many things a mile long (nothing airborne though) but how is making something that large that flies trivial and pointless?
Trival - blimps with connecting fabric/wires/whatever.
is not the only other possibility it being alien-made?
No. Just because you don't understand why it would be made or how it would be made doesn't mean it can't be. For that matter, you don't know how or why aliens would make it.

This is possible to make. Nobody has a reason to, but then neither would an alien species. The very reason this is most likely not real (and not man made) is the same reason it's not alien... theres no damn reason to make something that big in that shape when you are in an atmosphere.

The 'this must be alien if it exists' is completely unfounded unless the aliens have some magical ability which is forever out of reach of humans. Otherwise it is just science... of which you are not knowledgable on all human or alien science and can make no such judgement.
The 'this must be alien if it exists' is completely unfounded

I've never said anything about "it must be alien", etc because blah blah blah. I said if the aircraft is NOT man-made, THEN it must be alien. As for me leaning on the alien side of a mile-long triangular aircraft, that's just because I doubt it would be man-made because I've never seen nor have heard of an aircraft that large built by humans. Blimps connected by fabrics and wires are not a mile-long triangular aircraft, blimps connected by fabrics and wires are just that, blimps. I'm referring to one single triangular aircraft that large, and multiple blimps are the only thing that could come to being that massive, and I don't mean something just a mile-long thin, heh, it has some mass to it.

Again, as I said in the previous posts, I am basing what I'm saying on "if" the object *is* actually what people claim it to be, not what it *could* be, so this is about a mile-long triangular aircraft, not a blimp, not a weather balloon, or anything else. When talking about that specific object and specifications, I lean towards it being an alien craft.

Now as to what the unknown object actually *is*, not what people claim it to be, then yeah, I have no problem saying it's connected blimps, a weather balloon, or something else. I'm merely speaking from the perspective of if what people say is actually true then it could be, or is, an alien craft, not whether what they say the object is true or not. And I have no problem debunking what people see and saying what they're seeing is something else, man-made, natural, or whatever. I guess not many people look at things from various perspectives or play devil's advocate much. Darn scientists and engineers with their one perspectives. :p

- N
If these craft that can be seen baffle officials how much more so by the things they don’t see that only show up on instrumentation.
Neildo said:
I've never said anything about "it must be alien", etc because blah blah blah. I said if the aircraft is NOT man-made, THEN it must be alien.
No... you really didn't. You said "obviously alien if they're real". That's a far cry from alien if not-made made... which I'd still disagree with.
No... you really didn't. You said "obviously alien if they're real". That's a far cry from alien if not-made made... which I'd still disagree with.

This is what he actually said.

I agree completely with the small ones being government aircraft (old news) but the jury is still out for the big ones (obviously alien if they're real).

Personally, I'd wouldn't call it "obvious". I would call it "likely" (if they were indeed mile long air craft, which they're not :p )

I don't know where you guys are getting "mile-long air craft" anyway. These silent, low-altitude black triangular air/space craft are estimated by NIDS at being 250 feet long and 200 wide. The fact that they hover slowly and at low altitudes in cities and freeways means they're seen at a lot of different angles by a lot of different people, making those numbers relatively credible.

As for interconnected blimps attached by yarn, come on. Debunking has to be the most humbling of all jobs.
Personally, I'd wouldn't call it "obvious". I would call it "likely"
Agree with you there... if they exist.
As for interconnected blimps attached by yarn, come on. Debunking has to be the most humbling of all jobs
Lol, didn't say that's what it actually was. I was just giving another example which is a little easier to do then fly a few hundred light years to buzz somebody in the atmpsphere while having the drag of a mile big aircraft.
I saw a huge black Triangle that just floated about 200ft above my head. I wasn't look to see one, it just happened. If we controlled such aircraft we wouldn't have any worrys about wars. That is unless we wanted to start and then control one. I just don't understand how some people can be so closed minded on the subject of UFOs. It's people like that that argued and had others killed for saying the world wasn't flat. Anyway time will tell. I don't think we have very long to wait.
Well, if these UFO's are DoD black projects, it has to be kept secret from the public until the proper occasion of deployment. If there is ever going to be a WWIII, I'm suspecting this is the time we get to see all the 'futuristic' weapons cast out. For example, I hear DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is experimenting on stealthier crafts, rail guns, tesla weapons, and so-called "forcefields." Maybe we already did develop the technology to nover in the air, or access to hypersonic speeds. Only time will tell in 'the next good war'.
BobG said:
So if you don't know what it is, it must be aliens.

Not necessarily, its possible that there is some form of intelligent life out there, but I doubt any of them are visiting Earth. Ignore claims from presidents "I do not know anything concerning UFO's with our governments etc. etc. etc." Of course they wont tell the president, he stays in office only for a few years, as for other officials in the government htat may know of DoD black projects, they stay in tehir position for years and years to come.