Bigfoot Found

Why is it that all of the pictures of bigfoot are out of focus?! Shouldn't there be at least one decent photo of the primape?
Yea, the sketchy footage and the sketchy pictures will never be enough to convince everyone that big foot is real. People need solid evidence and proof. They need a dead body or bones or something.
LMAO! Oh sure you will. :p Does 'get out' sound familiar? Liar liar, plants for hire!

If someone behaves normal towards me I will react normal.
If he asks me to leave him alone in this thread in a respectable fashion I will.

You on the other hand are a special case.. all thanks to yourself I might add.
Where do these mood swings of yours come from Orleander ?
You'll find I'm a reasonable guy.. if you want me to stop replying to you in this thread just ask me to :)

Not necessary just give my response some credit and don't assume I am an imbecile because I believe the missing link is Sasquatch.
You'll find I'm a reasonable guy.. if you want me to stop replying to you in this thread just ask me to :)

Not necessary just give my response some credit and don't assume I am an imbecile because I believe the missing link is Sasquatch.

I don't think you're an imbecile. It's just amazing to me that people actually believe that, I have trouble understanding how you reach your conclusions.
My questions are aimed to understand your position and to get you to maybe see things from another angle.
I am not going to hide that I think you're wrong though.
Fine a recent pole on AOL shows 45% of 34688 people believe Sasquatch is real so I am not alone. People from all age groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels say they've seen the creatures, indicating that the sightings are not an isolated phenomenon limited to a few pranksters and weirdos.
Fine a recent pole on AOL shows 45% of 34688 people believe Sasquatch is real so I am not alone. People from all age groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels say they've seen the creatures, indicating that the sightings are not an isolated phenomenon limited to a few pranksters and weirdos.

If a renowned biologist would say he saw Sasquatch I would be more inclined to believe it than if it was a brilliant mathematician.
But even then I would need some evidence.

Edit: what country was the poll taken in ?
Anyone with the internet could vote so that would be anywhere in the world. It is on going so you may want to visit and put in your two cents.

As for Scientists how about Kurt Nelson and Jeff Meldrum they spent five days with a video and audio crew at a cabin in Snelgrove Lake, pulling DNA samples from a bear trap and exploring the forest. Blood, tissue and hair discovered later on the trap outside the cabin was tested. The hair did not match any known North American bear or animal and tests showed an uncanny similarity to human DNA with one exception: the irregular DNA matched that of a primate.
Anyone with the internet could vote so that would be anywhere in the world. It is on going so you may want to visit and put in your two cents.

As for Scientists how about Kurt Nelson and Jeff Meldrum they spent five days with a video and audio crew at a cabin in Snelgrove Lake, pulling DNA samples from a bear trap and exploring the forest. Blood, tissue and hair discovered later on the trap outside the cabin was tested. The hair did not match any known North American bear or animal and tests showed an uncanny similarity to human DNA with one exception: the irregular DNA matched that of a primate.

Interesting, but couldn't it just have been deteriorated DNA from a human ?
Do you have a link to an article about this ?
Interesting, but couldn't it just have been deteriorated DNA from a human ?

How would human blood be on the trap without them knowing it. DNA in dried stains is remarkably resilient to degradation and can be detected many years later. If I remember correctly the trap was protected from rain the DNA breaks down if the stains are wet . However, the profiling techniques have become more and more sensitive and now even a few copies of degraded DNA can be amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

Interesting, but couldn't it just have been deteriorated DNA from a human ?
Do you have a link to an article about this ?

I did a Google search on:
Kurt Nelson and Jeff Meldrum bigfoot

I'm not allowed to post links here yet but click on the one labeled: DNA of American Bigfoot

Kinda interesting