big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

DEAR RESPECTED SCIENCE COLLEAGUE STEREOLOGIST; You were asked to provide, compatible with your structural engineering competence, the pounds per square foot of live load that the towers were required to have their floor structures designed for.

You have not provided such a number. Anybody actually familiar with structural engineering would have instantly known what what was asked and would have posted a useful number. You are either a fraud or you are playing a silly joke on us by pretending to be one just to get our reaction.

I have used up a good part of my valuable time to try to make a serious input in this thread on a subject that is a VERY SERIOUS ONE. You seem to be just trying to argue for the fun of it. You have been outed.

uno, you have to provide the number, you cannot make an absurd claim and tell people to get your evidence for you.

If you in fact could not find evidence because you were lazy than you are no scientist but just a wannabee.

If you did find the answer and you are keeping it from us for any reason like you know that it proves you wrong, than you are scum.
UNO HOO, I've already stated that this value is immaterial. If you want this number you'll need to find it yourself. I don't have to do your bidding. All you've done is post some fraudulent values to support a false claim.

The value is extremely material in determining whether you are capable of doing a serious discussion about this thread subject. So far, you have crapped out.
Firstly, at this point I strongly doubt you're sufficiently qualified to consider yourself my peer. Generally I expect plebs who wish to address me formally to address me as 'Sir' 'Master' or 'Lord and Saviour'.

I definitely do not consider you and me to be peers.

Hold your breath until I address you in any of your delusional ways. Start now.
I definitely do not consider you and me to be peers.

Hold your breath until I address you in any of your delusional ways. Start now.



Is that all you've got?

Sidestepping the points I raise in favour of going for the ad-hominem.

I thought you had an argument?
According to NCSTAR 1

Based on the failure of Truss seat connections, NIST estimates that the static capacity of an undamaged floor was 4.8 PSI against uplift pressure, and 4.4 PSI against dowards pressure

UNO HOO replies;

Thanks for, although in your convoluted way, for giving me your numbers to work with. Maybe you are not a total crook after all.

Let's see here now. 4.4 PSI x 144 = 633.6 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. So, you have dug up numbers that show that the towers floor structures were designed to carry 633 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT of live load. Thanks for making your stab at it.

At the moment of initiation of floor collapse, there were practically no people at all residing on the floors. Most of the combustibles had already burned up, I expect that you would claim. What is left for floor live load? A metal desk here and there? 200 pounds? A metal file cabinet here and there? 50 pounds? Total 250 pounds in an average 20 foot x 20 foot space? Total 250 pounds for a 400 square foot floor area? That's about 0.6 pounds per square foot live load.

Less than 1 pound per square foot live load on a floor structure, according to your own numbers, designed to carry 633 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT.

So, according to you all, a floor truss/column system designed, according to your own numbers, to support 633 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, actually loaded with less than 1 pound per square foot, fell down.

A column system designed to vertically support, and to resist the resultant horizontal tug of, a floor live load of 633 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, failed under a floor load pf less than 1 pound per square foot. According to your own floor load design number, and according to your own logic.

Yes, Virginia, and when you let go of the rope holding the reindeer, Santa Claus will fall up and dash away high into the sky. Did you make out your present list and check it twice? Maybe some lump of coal for you.
Many people say that it was a controlled demolition. But to make it look remotely plausible the plane would have had to have hit near the exact same spot as where the explosives were. Otherwise it would be obvious because it would look like a huge plane hit the tower and there was an explosion 20 stories below. Now here's the funny part. There was no painting of a red bulls eye on the wtc.

A normal plane is traveling at around 400 mph which translates to around the area of 600 feet per second. Probably the pilot if he had very good vision could count how many levels on the building by counting the windows at around 200 feet. Again this means he has to have excellent vision. so that means the pilot has from 1/3 to 1/6 of a second to not only count how many levels were on the building but to also alter the plane's flight course to hit that spot. Now i think we can all believe that that it impossible.

And considering that the plane was rapidly descending and the pilot's probably wanted maximum impact so this means the plane probably would've traveled at around 600 mph, translating to around 900 ish feet per second. This means that the pilots probably would have had around 1/4 to 1/9 of a second to count the levels and correct the planes altitude. Which is even more impossible.

The only other explanation that you scott should've considered was explosives on the plane. Which would be the only way it would work.

In conclusion, since everyone knows no one painted a giant red bull's eye on the side of the wtc, there was no practical way for the plane to have hit the exact position of the supposed explosives so perfectly, and is impossible.

How do you get any of your reaction time numbers? You are making them up. You are dreaming and then getting your dream confused with reality. You have not written any numbers regarding how quickly the plane could maneuver. You apparently have no idea how quickly the specific plane could have changed pitch or yaw. Your reaction time numbers are pure fiction and are totally worthless.

This thread must be seen as a clumsy attempt to generate readership via the age old snake oil hokum. Say something completely absurd, and get a gang of people running up to argue with you.

This thread is obviously not a sincere attempt to carefully examine the event. The opening post is so disjointed and ambiguous that it can only be categorized as literary scum.
So far Uno Hoo shows up to say nothing. Then makes a few straw man arguments and claims them to be important when they are not. They offer no evidence and claim everyone is wrong. Big deal.

The buildings did not fail because of the floor strength.
How do you get any of your reaction time numbers? You are making them up. You are dreaming and then getting your dream confused with reality. You have not written any numbers regarding how quickly the plane could maneuver. You apparently have no idea how quickly the specific plane could have changed pitch or yaw. Your reaction time numbers are pure fiction and are totally worthless.

This thread must be seen as a clumsy attempt to generate readership via the age old snake oil hokum. Say something completely absurd, and get a gang of people running up to argue with you.

This thread is obviously not a sincere attempt to carefully examine the event. The opening post is so disjointed and ambiguous that it can only be categorized as literary scum.

First off uno, how maneuvrable is a 767? Its not a fu###### jet fighter, hell, not even a jet fighter could turn that quickly.

And I came up with the calculations based on the speed of the plane, the distance at which a human eye can reliably count the number of floors without having issues of realtive speed and other variables.

those planes can not maneuver quickly, they were meant to travel at long range not to turn on a dime.

Uno, dispute my numbers, I dare you to you coward, give me some of your own numbers in return and prove them.

Otherwise I am right and you are wrong, you cant point a finger and say you are wrong and than just say "because I said so" that makes you scum. So prove it uno, or go back to the cesspool.

Based on the failure of Truss seat connections, NIST estimates that the static capacity of an undamaged floor was 4.8 PSI against uplift pressure, and 4.4 PSI against dowards pressure

UNO HOO replies;

Thanks for, although in your convoluted way, for giving me your numbers to work with. Maybe you are not a total crook after all.

You really are pathetic.
Firstly, at this point I strongly doubt you're sufficiently qualified to consider yourself my peer. Generally I expect plebs who wish to address me formally to address me as 'Sir' 'Master' or 'Lord and Saviour'.

Dear delusional Trippy; I am not in the least concerned about your opinion of my qualifications. For the record, I definitely do not consider you and me to be peer, or, in other words, equals.

Who cares what your delusional psyche expects. In general human experience, the only persona who demands that it be addressed as you write is Satan. Tell us, with no wishy-washy screwing around; are you claiming that you are Satan?
You really are pathetic.

On the contrary to your wildly erroneous assessment, based without doubt upon your complete ignorance of me and my accomplishments, due in general to your increasingly obvious general ignorance, I am the very opposite of pathetic.

On the other hand, your attempt to personally insult me and arouse me to emotional retort, really is truly abysmally pathetic.
Dear delusional Trippy; I am not in the least concerned about your opinion of my qualifications. For the record, I definitely do not consider you and me to be peer, or, in other words, equals.

Who cares what your delusional psyche expects. In general human experience, the only persona who demands that it be addressed as you write is Satan. Tell us, with no wishy-washy screwing around; are you claiming that you are Satan?

On the contrary to your wildly erroneous assessment, based without doubt upon your complete ignorance of me and my accomplishments, due in general to your increasingly obvious general ignorance, I am the very opposite of pathetic.

On the other hand, your attempt to personally insult me and arouse me to emotional retort, really is truly abysmally pathetic.

Once again, like a coward, or an idiot, you sidestep addressing the points that have been raised in favour of engaging in personal insults.

Wassamatta? Got nothing left?

Out of arguments?
First off uno, how maneuvrable is a 767? Its not a fu###### jet fighter, hell, not even a jet fighter could turn that quickly.

And I came up with the calculations based on the speed of the plane, the distance at which a human eye can reliably count the number of floors without having issues of realtive speed and other variables.

those planes can not maneuver quickly, they were meant to travel at long range not to turn on a dime.

Uno, dispute my numbers, I dare you to you coward, give me some of your own numbers in return and prove them.

Otherwise I am right and you are wrong, you cant point a finger and say you are wrong and than just say "because I said so" that makes you scum. So prove it uno, or go back to the cesspool.

You have totally failed to provide any references, any sources, any proof of any nature, to back up your wild assertion about the maneuverability of the airplane types associated with twin tower 9/11. I guess that means, according to your own dictates, that you are a scum and must swim back into your own cesspool. Remember to keep your mouth shut or you will get cess in your mouth.
Dear delusional Trippy; I am not in the least concerned about your opinion of my qualifications. For the record, I definitely do not consider you and me to be peer, or, in other words, equals.

Who cares what your delusional psyche expects. In general human experience, the only persona who demands that it be addressed as you write is Satan. Tell us, with no wishy-washy screwing around; are you claiming that you are Satan?

Will Trippy (can I call you Sa for short?) answer the plainly worded question?
You have totally failed to provide any references, any sources, any proof of any nature, to back up your wild assertion about the maneuverability of the airplane types associated with twin tower 9/11. I guess that means, according to your own dictates, that you are a scum and must swim back into your own cesspool. Remember to keep your mouth shut or you will get cess in your mouth.
Government secrecy and lies did not show any evidence that Al Qaida was involved in any way . According to the Administration account of events no judge will convict Al Qaeda or Bin Laden because no evidence was given .
Propaganda and lies are NO evidence in a court of law although they are excellent machines to brainwash the politically blind folks .
Government secrecy and lies did not show any evidence that Al Qaida was involved in any way . According to the Administration account of events no judge will convict Al Qaeda or Bin Laden because no evidence was given .
Propaganda and lies are NO evidence in a court of law although they are excellent machines to brainwash the politically blind folks .

What color is the sky in your world? Um...last time I checked AQ claimed responsiblity for 9/11.
Will Trippy (can I call you Sa for short?) answer the plainly worded question?

Sa has racial conotations.
I've already outlined in plain english the titles that I consider appropriate for you to address me by.

And as far as your 'plainly worded question' goes, I had not deemed it worthy of an answer, mostly because you have yet to demonstrate how it is even remotely implied by anything i've said, or, for that matter, relevant to the thread.

Prove relevance to anything i've said.
Then prove relevance to the thread, and I will reconsider further response.