big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Pincho the really good thing is that Dywyddyr knows a lot and is willing to share. Instead of trying to butt heads with him take the opportunity to learn. Here you have someone that is giving freely of his time to inform. That's pretty nice.

In the discussion explosions and the effects on a person, you might now realize that you suggested something that garnered the response you received. There is an old saying, "You reap what you sow." In other words if you want to get slapped around in argument then that's what happens.

Poke around and you can learn lots of information. Coming here and proclaiming something like controlled demolition is obvious, or sodium bicarbonate immediately cures all cancers, or something else as unorthodox will lead to a quarrel. If there is a quarrel, then those who know more will win.
In regards to WTC 7 the failure was due to a particular column. That column failure was the first major events of the collapse. The column number and its location are detailed in the NIST report.
Many very intelligent engineers and others concluded that only demolition devices would bring down the towers the way they did .
Mike47 your claim is what is known as a glittering generality. Why don't you put some specifics into your claim.

Many more intelligent people across the world disagree with your claim: MIT, ASCE, NIST, and FEMA.

Again, no explosions of CDs were heard therefore no CD - end of story.
No explosives - no CD. End of story.
Obviously many very intelligent people are not listening to you .
Do you represent 6 billion people on earth ?.
Even if you ask some children they will tell you is an inside job . Wake up my friend before it is too late . It is IMPOSSIBLE for a sick man named Bin Laden to attack the most powerful nation on earth . He has no technology, no means and no power to do it . End of all the propaganda !.
I asked for evidence and you switch from claiming intelligent people to children.

Clearly you have no evidence and continue to make gibberish claims.
Obviously many very intelligent people are not listening to you .
Do you represent 6 billion people on earth ?.
Even if you ask some children they will tell you is an inside job . Wake up my friend before it is too late . It is IMPOSSIBLE for a sick man named Bin Laden to attack the most powerful nation on earth . He has no technology, no means and no power to do it . End of all the propaganda !.

This is BS.

Are you listening to your own propoganda?

The navy of the 'Most Powerful Nation on earth' has been defeated in training exercises by a country who's population is about the same as that of manhattan island, using maybe half a dozen pilots in sky hawks (versus a carrier group).

Your 'most powerful nation in the world' has been banned from entering the sovereign waters of that same nation give or take certain provisos.

Your 'most powerful nation in the world' came to us, asking for the help of our special forces in afghanistan.

Your 'most powerful nation in the world' appears to have had to lie to get the assistance of its allies in Iraq.

Osama Bin Laden, meanwhile, had CIA training to help fight off the communist threat, may or may not have an engineering degree, and comes from a family oozing with oil money.

Get a grip.

Get real.
Even if you ask some children they will tell you is an inside job . Wake up my friend before it is too late . It is IMPOSSIBLE for a sick man named Bin Laden to attack the most powerful nation on earth . He has no technology, no means and no power to do it . End of all the propaganda !.
And there you have it. What motivates the sick lies of the twoofers is fear.

If a lone man can kill a President, or a group of 12 men can bring down the tallest buildings in the world, then none of us are safe, anywhere. But we are the most powerful nation on earth. That a lone man can kill a President of 12 men can topple the Twin Towers doesn't make sense. It must have been an inside job. Now all we have to do is get rid of the conspirators and we'll be safe again ...

That is a pipe dream, mike. One lone man can and did kill a President; that is why the Secret Service is so vigilant. Twelve men with minimal technology can and did cause incredible harm. There is only so far we can go to protect ourselves from such threats. I for one do not want to live in a police state. With our freedoms come some nasty risks. Live with it.
Thanks for the input DH. A lone man did kill a US president on 4 occasions. Ford was shot at by lone women. Regan was shot. Rabin was killed by a lone person in Israel. Palme was killed by a lone person in Sweden.

The idiot claim was "no technology, no means and no power to do it". It was someone else's planes, box cutters, weight training, US flight schools, ample money, and a desire to do it.
Thanks for the input DH. A lone man did kill a US president on 4 occasions. Ford was shot at by lone women. Regan was shot. Rabin was killed by a lone person in Israel. Palme was killed by a lone person in Sweden.

The idiot claim was "no technology, no means and no power to do it". It was someone else's planes, box cutters, weight training, US flight schools, ample money, and a desire to do it.

Pincho the really good thing is that Dywyddyr knows a lot and is willing to share. Instead of trying to butt heads with him take the opportunity to learn. Here you have someone that is giving freely of his time to inform. That's pretty nice.

In the discussion explosions and the effects on a person, you might now realize that you suggested something that garnered the response you received. There is an old saying, "You reap what you sow." In other words if you want to get slapped around in argument then that's what happens.

Poke around and you can learn lots of information. Coming here and proclaiming something like controlled demolition is obvious, or sodium bicarbonate immediately cures all cancers, or something else as unorthodox will lead to a quarrel. If there is a quarrel, then those who know more will win.

Yes, I am poking around. I actually like the information that I get, I don't like the way that I get it. I don't like being the only person on here using the Aether as a reference, it bugs me.

Anyway I am happy with WTC 7 now, and I wasn't in a position to bother with it too much anyway. What if I did find a conspiracy? I can't do anything about it, it's a waste of time.
I don't like being the only person on here using the Aether as a reference, it bugs me.
I don't like not being able to speak Japanese but I don't try to convince Japanese people to speak my language, I accept I'm lacking in languages. You can't accept you're lacking when it comes to science and so you're trying to convince everyone they are at fault so you can delude yourself that you're not a massive failure at something.

Most people learn to accept their short comings as they mature. Internet cranks seem to have missed that bit of growing up.
Thanks for the input DH. A lone man did kill a US president on 4 occasions.
Thanks, and the comments on lone gunmen (gunwoman) is absolutely correct.

I was not advocating a twoofer position. (Nice phrase, Mac.) I'll be very explicit: Twelve men, armed only with box cutters and a modicum of flight training did bring down the Twin Towers and did crash a plane into the Pentagon. Anyone who argues otherwise is a loon.

What I was trying to do was to poke into their psyche. What exactly is it that makes the twoofers ignore the twoof?

The idiot claim was "no technology, no means and no power to do it". It was someone else's planes, box cutters, weight training, US flight schools, ample money, and a desire to do it.
Yep. There are lots of relatively low-tech ways to cause havoc in our high-tech and relatively free world.
Yah, those guys really twisted this thread out of it's original context...

Hell, just look at what I posted originally, than these guys think im trying to agree with them.
No matter how strong you want to close your eyes to the reality , the 9/11 all the WTC three towers were controlled demolished with some sort of explosives planted inside , this mass murder crime was organised and orchestrated by the bush regime officials , the sooner you realise about this FACT the better

If you are working as disinformation agent to coverup and shield the bush regime officials , I understand your position , you need to feed your family with this mass murder coverup
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If you have nothing useful to say such as evidence then don't post BS.

No explosions, no CD - end of story.