Bible/ UFOs, Giants, Annunaki


None of this means the bible is in anyway the definative collection of what is true.

This is a valid point, but the point I made was not really a point; more of an observation.

I will put my theory here later, since this is Pseudoscience, but it's not complete. I stated in the religion section that I believe we are all missing something-I just happen to be one of the few looking for that something. The funny thing is, people work science against the Bible or vice versa-I apply science to the Bible and vice versa. Some would say that is ridiculous, but why would it be? I believe that's the problem. People are working the two against each other. For instance, the light of the first day. Was it the sun? No. This wasn't until the fourth day, but this is not to be taken literally. Therefore, I'm guessing 4000 years, 4 million years, maybe even 4 billion years. So, the question is what was the light of the first day? Edwin Hubble answered this in 1929 with his Big Bang theory. This was the light of the first day-at least to me that makes sense. And not only me. The Catholic church accepted the Big Bang theory to be in accordance with Biblical scripture in 1951. So, the question for me is: who or what knew of the big bang 2000 years ago? That is the question. I cannot accept that it is just a coincidence. I won't and I shant. There are several 100 questions that still haven't been answered. Again, since this is Pseudoscience, this has been my concentration for quite a few years.
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The Bible mentions nothing about the Big Bang.
There is no valid reason to make the leap that "someone" knew about the Bog Bang theory 2000 years ago.

The "light" mentioned in the Bible could very well be referring to:

The first day of man's existence on this planet. The light of the sun hitting his eyes for the first time.

The dawn of man's evolution, when the animal first became sentient.

Enlightenment. Maybe it meant that man's ability to enlighten himself lies in the pages of this book and through knowledge of God (which was said many years earlier in the Vedas).

Birth. I have considered that the Bible is the story of the journey of a single man's life. Not any particular man, but all. Genesis is birth (the light).

So many other interpretations could be made.
The Big Bang theory being around and understood 2000+ years ago is one of the very UNLIKELY scenarios.
Well, that's your perspective.
The Bible mentions nothing about the Big Bang.
I have to disagree with that conception.
I suggest you read Genesis because it does say that the Universe was void. Then God said let their be light! Sounds like the Big Bang to me! Just because it doesn't say: and God said let there be a Big Bang? Come on now, use that grey matter! You say Genesis is the birth-yes, of everything! The universe-let there be light, sun-this wasn't until the fourth day, thousand years, million years, whatever, earth, plants, animals and man. As I said, everyone is missing something. Man seems to think within the box. Case in point. We have a fuel crisis. Ford, and I think Toyota was the other company, built electric cars. Do you see the idiocy here? We have an energy crisis too! That's thinking within the box. I tend to think outside of the box. And this is the pseudoscience board. This is a board that is meant for speculation. Please read my post again because some of your claims are out of sequence. Maybe that's why you didn't understand my post in the first place.
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The Message

Q: How do you know what is true and what is parable?


A: Thats a fair question, and I will answer it to the best of my ability, with God's help. This may get a little lengthy, so I'm apolgizing in advance.
It's true, as a man, I could have as many different guesses of the true meaning of the scriptures as the next man. Many have made their best guesses and put their own interpretations to it in the past, some were close in some areas and some were not. But God's Word is of no privite interpration. "Word" in the Greek means two different things - "Rhema" is the "letter of the word", and "Logos" is the thought or true meaning of the word". One word can have many differnt meanings. The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.
God is a manifestion of the promises made in His word, in that effect, God is the Word. (1 John 1:1-14). The whole bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Just as God has chosen to hide Himself from the "world", He has also chosen to hide the meaning of His Word from the "world", so He can reveal it to whom He will in a time and place of His own chosing. In John 6:44, Jesus said: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him". Only those He has chosen to see, will, and the rest will not. What I'm about to tell you is profound and startling, but it is the truth. I'm not responcible for making anyone believe it, thats up to Him. The bible has been a locked, or "sealed" book, the complete revelation of which has been witheld until the last days. (Dan 12:9-10). Rev. 10:1-7 says the "book " will remain sealed until Christ returns with the book in His hand open, and in the "days of the voice of the seventh angel" the mysteries of God should be finished.
The Jews missed their day of "visitation", because they mis-interpreted the scriptures' meaning, by confusing prophecies of Christ first and second comings. They thought He was coming to set up His kingdom, and missed His coming as the sacrifice. The "Gentiles" today and their organized religions have also missed, and are missing their "day of visitation". Mis-interpreting the scriptures, they have confused the people about how Christ has promised to return in His second coming. What was promised to the Gentiles was the "revelation of the Son of Man". Luke 17:26 " And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:30 "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Jesus refered to himself when he was here as the "Son of Man:, it is the title of an office, when God uses a prophet to reveal Himself to the people. John 6:53 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." The Word itself seperates those who beleive from those who do not. He didn't explain it. Some said: "This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" and in John chapter 6:66 ( notice the numbers here) "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him". Others chose to stay even though they didn't understand, because they believed he was "The Christ". See how God works. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Son of Man, and He's come back and revealed Himself to this generation through the office of a prophet just as he promised. Amos 3:7, Mal 4:5-6, Rev 10:7 are just a few of the scriptures. The supernatural ministry of William Branham (1909-1965) was thoroughly vindicated as that of a prophet, a seer such as were the old testement prophets with all the signs, wonders, and miracles the world has not seen since the days Jesus Christ walked the earth. The disernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart, that only God could know, was displayed thousands of times without one single error. But as it was in Jesus first ministry, the miracles were not merely done for show, it was to attract the peoples attention, then after God had vindicated His messenger, He sat down to teach them doctrine. That pattern was repeated in this day. First the sign, then the voice of the sign. The miracles God performed night after night through William Branham's ministry attracted millions to the ranks of the pentacostal movement in the late 40's, 50's and early 60's. But in 1963, after letting there be no doubt this was truly a man God had raised up to be His prophet, Jesus Christ, the only one worthy, took the book, opened it, came down, and through the mouthpiece of a prophet revealed his Word that had been hidden since the foundation of the world. Things mortal man had only guessed at through the ages, His doctrine, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. (Rev. 10:7). It was the revelation of the Son of Man. He came exactly as promised, just not the way the church had it figured - sound familar ?. "the same yesterday, today and forever". After the churches (the organizations - not the people) rejected God's message, just as they did in His first coming, He turned to calling His people out of it's organized religous systems refered to as " Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". Rev 18:1-4. These things were not done in a corner, and the message is still unfolding more every day through a five-fold ministry (prophets, apostles, evangelist, pastors and teachers) of God called men. "We speak that we do know". They asked Jesus: "By what authority do you speak these things."? "Where did you receive this knowledge? We have no record of any school you went to for learning". It has been revealed from the mind of God. My own ideas were a million miles off. This is the wedding supper, the feast He promised. The marriage of the Lamb is come, the Bridegroom's here. With the revelation of His Word and His will, the Bride is making herself ready. The Bride and the Bridegroom say come.
He's still here calling His elect....if you feel the pull after reading this, check into it....I've told you the truth, and I pray those who read this will have the eyes of their understanding enlightened.

God Bless You,

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The Visitor

Question for you have you ever heard of ENKIDU?
Also what about Cleopatra and Marc Anthony, wasn't Cleopatra a "black Phonecian woman of Lebanon who was impregnated by high ranking Roman Soldier who was a white man.
Also from the beginning of the Old Testament(malachi) and beginning of the new Testament(mattew) why is there a time span of 300 or 400 years?

I am confused by all of this:confused:
To Divinebrn

The Visitor

Question for you have you ever heard of ENKIDU?
Also what about Cleopatra and Marc Anthony, wasn't Cleopatra a "black Phonecian woman of Lebanon who was impregnated by high ranking Roman Soldier who was a white man.
Also from the beginning of the Old Testament(malachi) and beginning of the new Testament(mattew) why is there a time span of 300 or 400 years?

I am confused by all of this


Enkidu was the "Hairy" beast-like man that fought with Gilgamesh in the Sumerian Epic. They later became friends and went on adventures together..........

Whats interesting to me is not whether the story is fiction or not.
But something that old can be used to tell us of the world in those times.

Have you read my post a few pages back about the "Giants"
Enkindu sounds a lot like the Serpent-Seed "Sons of Men" before the flood which were large, hairy and from whom the Giants sprung. (Remember they reappeared - after - the flood through Ham's linage . He was one of Noah's three sons and displayed the characteristics of Cain.)

And Gilgamesh claimed to be 2/3 "God" and 1/3 "Man"
in a time period shortly after the flood. The book of Genesis says the two races mixed just before the flood.....

Gen. 6:1-5
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Remember the story of Hercules,? part "God" part "Man".
Also look at the Legend of the Titans and the Olympians.
Giants battling Gods ...remember ?
and Atlas...The balance of the world rested on his shoulders.

(That balance has been lost....the earths tilted 33% off her axis today thanks to man's tampering with the powers of nature before the flood.)
Just as God said "the day shall come that shall burn as an oven" and allowed man to discover the power of the sun, nuclear energy, man before the flood was advanced too, and had the power to control elements of nature.
God allowed man to cause the first destruction just as He will allow man to cause the second destruction.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Satan.
The tree of Life was God. This world chose Satan over God and was doomed right there. The world today is "Satan's Eden"
He's had six thousand years to make it that way.

But, back to the ancient stories...many of these tales of lore seem to paint a picture thats maybe not based entirely on total fiction when you see the truth of the "Serpents-Seed" and what really happened in the garden.
But I no way intend here to say that I beleive in any greek or babylonian tales of gods as being true. There is one TRUE God and I believe it is Jesus Christ.

I don't know about the Cleopatra story too well, I'll have to look into it.

If you mean the "end" of Malichi untill the begining of Matthew, it was hundreds of years....The jews had to 'Slip" from their observance of the law some before God sent a prophet to line them back up. This time The Messiah came and they had slipped so far into dead traditions and creeds, that something they had waited over 1900 years for, slipped right through their fingers. Thus started the "Dispensation of the Gentiles".
Now "We've" had over 1900 years to wait, and slip into dead creeds and traditions....He said He'd come as a theif in the night and only take a small number........Luke 17:26
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moving star....ufo?

Hi everyone!

I am new here on this forum and I have a question to ask everyone.

The other night, I was standing looking up at the stars....looking for moving stars actually, since I have seen them before.

I watched and in a very short time, maybe a few minutes or so, not only was it going up and down and from one side to another which I think is normal for most stars ( magnitic field or somethings ), but all of them move alittle but always in the same area of location. This star was at first doing the same thing but since I know that it starts that way but then..... well, this star began to go higher and to the right more and did moves like a regular star and more and than was very surely travels to the right and it was therefore at this point no longer a star!

I am wondering, is this a ufo? which I think it is...some type of intelligent flying star?? it looks like a star with the naked eye but it is not obviously, it is moving enough distance to know, something is going on and it is not a star!

It was traveling a good distance and then it would go up and did different things. I was not able to stay long enough to see how much further it would travel, but it was not a star, stars do not move and travel distances .

I have seen this before a number of times, and also a ball of white lightening one night around 3 am in the morning.....traveling from east to west and it was INTELLIGENT.....

Thanks, hope we can somehow find out what is really going on? get some information.....

Thanks, Vicky
Moving Star


Some of the lights moving in the sky at night can be explained as ordinary objects. Even though it's dark where your at, a jetliner at an angle to the horizon closer to the sun, could reflect light while traveling at 40, 000 ft. Also theres "shooting stars", that are meteorites, and there are thousands of man-made "satelites or "space junk" in orbit that can refect light while moving.
But there are some cases that don't fall under these catagories.
You have described a ball of light that appeared intelligent....

Many of these lights, that people see appear to be defying the laws of physics.....are in fact investigating angels, that have come down just as they did before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorha.

Other examples of lights in the scriptures -

(A pillar of fire led the children of Israel through the desert by night and a cloud by day, a burning bush that was not consumed "spoke" to Moses, "Firery serpents" struck down the Israelites when they turned to idolatry, Saul was struck by a pillar of fire, that said it was Jesus, on his way to perscute christians and was converted, afterward writing most of the New Testment. On the day of "pentecost" in the house where they were all assembled "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.")

They sometimes appear as an amber light, or a pillar of fire...I've read many accounts and have seen numerous photos of this, including one that was authenicated by Geoge J. Lacy (the examiner of questioned documents for the F.B.I.) and hung until recently in the smithonian hall of religious arts as the only supernatural being ever photographed.
It is a picture of a pillar of fire over the head of evangelist William Branham, taken before thousands of people in Sam Houston colliseum in Jan, 1950.
A link to the photo is here
Once there click on the photo for more information.

Edited by TheVisitor on 03-05-03 at 06:20 PM
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