Bible/ UFOs, Giants, Annunaki

And? An ancient book written by numerous superstitious and primitive peoples of an age long gone, with obvious and questionable motives, for the purposes of their own people, in a land that is thousands of miles away, translated and edited over and over again, from numerous languages, is hardly a credible source of accurate information regarding much of anything.


The bible is good enough for me, it's my "absolute" authority, but lets talk about you....
Whats your absolute...? Science..? Their story changes all the time, as they learn more about what already exists around them, they update their story accordingly.
You need an absolute or you have no basis to work from.
Not a bad theory visitor, I like it.
Some people are turned off any idea as soon as the bible is mentioned but you have to realise, the bible was written by LOTS of people in different stages through time, none of them knew eachother and just about none of them knew what the last writer was really saying. Some of the scripters would have been imaginitive lovers of tales and fiction, some straight up pranksters, some legitimately wise philosophers and some misinterpretting morons. The thing is the bible originally wasn't supposed to be taken at face value but through the ages people have taken it at face value and added their own crap. What I'm saying is some of the stuff in there(not much but some) is really profound and possibly true. Of course no burning bush talked to moses, no snake told some girl to eat an apple, their was no adam and eve as such but a majority of fallousy doesn't necasarily render the bible a whole book of garbage.
Just stirring the pot -
The book, "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" is an interesting read also.

The veracity of recorded information is always suspect. (Some here question whether we've been to the moon. Different thread.)

One thing we must keep in mind is that there are two systems of proofs out there. Scientific and Judicial. In fact, in a recent thread on one forum here, all were pretty much in agreement that the scientific method cannot prove something to be true, it can only disprove.

But some things in this world require "proving". It's not 100% accurate, but the judicial system is used the world over as the basis for determining the accuracy, or truth, of alleged historical events. The future of millions of peoples lives are determined, every day, based on judicial proofs.

Some things require the scientific method, some the judicial. The right tool for the right job.
Yes, thats amazing isn't it...
66 different books in the Bible, written by 40 different authors over a period of 2000 years...
And I challange you to show me one contridiction in any of it.
That in itself proves it was written by divine inspiration of God, and not of man.
This is why I use it as a basis for my understanding of the world.
It is a rock you can stand on, that will not change or move.
The Visitor

I agree. The Bible is also 25% prophecy, and as far as I know, all of the prophecies have been true up to this point. Do you think that if God is an alien, well he is an alien since he isn't from this planet, could it be that they have, and done, time travel? With all of the UFO sightings everyday is it possible that these beings 'God' are going back into the past to relate to the people in the holy land what is yet to come? Just a thought. Ideas?
Let me break this down some.....

The thing is the bible originally wasn't supposed to be taken at face value -

(No , not all, true. Some is written in parables, riddles, and purposfully made a mystery so that God can reveal the understanding to whom He will and others will look at it and just walk away...)

but through the ages people have taken it at face value and added their own crap. -

(many people have misinterpreted the bible, that doesn't reflect on it's credbility...only that persons mis-guided attempt to read someone else's mail...)

What I'm saying is some of the stuff in there(not much but some) is really profound and possibly true. -

(Oh, it's all true, but only some of it can be understood without useing a key - like the rosetta stone...then it's all unlocked for you. Have you ever seen a picture that was drawn to hide a object in plain sight. At first all you see is the picture....untill someone shows you the hidden object, then aterwards ever time you look at the picture you see the object there plain as day...

Of course no burning bush talked to moses,

(yes, there was, face value)

no snake told some girl to eat an apple,

(Please read my article to "One Raven and Dana D" on page 2 of this wasn't a snake it was a serpent - the missing link between man and ape. God afterwards changed it into a snake after it had alredy fathered Cain.)

their was no adam and eve
(yes, there was...face value)

as such but a majority of fallousy doesn't necasarily render the bible a whole book of garbage.

(As I said I challange you to show me one contridiction in the entire 66 books).........
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Adam and Eve

Visitor: Correct me if I'm wrong, but Adam in hebrew means of men and Eve of women? Something to that effect. Is that true? Some people take it literally that Adam and Eve were just one man and one woman, but that really was not the case. At least, in the realms of birth defects because of interbreeding I would think it was many men and many women.
I agree. The Bible is also 25% prophecy, and as far as I know, all of the prophecies have been true up to this point. Do you think that if God is an alien, well he is an alien since he isn't from this planet, could it be that they have, and done, time travel? With all of the UFO sightings everyday is it possible that these beings 'God' are going back into the past to relate to the people in the holy land what is yet to come? Just a thought. Ideas?


Many of these lights, that people see appear to be defying the laws of physics.....are in fact investigating angels, that have come down just as they did before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorha.
They sometimes appear as an amber light, or a pillar of fire...I've read many accounts and have seen numerous photos of this, including one that was authenicated by Geoge J. Lacy (the examiner of questioned documents for the F.B.I.) and hung until recently in the smithonian hall of religious arts as the only supernatural being ever photographed.
It is a picture of a pillar of fire over the head of evangelist William Branham, taken before thousands of people in Sam Houston colliseum in Jan, 1950.
A link to the photo is here
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Some people take it literally that Adam and Eve were just one man and one woman, but that really was not the case

The geneology is quite accurate......Go back several pages and read my artice on the giants.... This explains the creation of two seperate races from Adam, Eve and the Serpent. The Sons of Men and the Sons of God. The geneological record of Seth's linage (Adam and Eve's) and Cain's linage (The Serpent and Eve's) is quite accurate and extensive.
Since they were created perfect, the problems of in-breding are still a long ways off. But just like a tape that you record, and then make a tape of that tape , and so forth...eventualy you have nothing but static left on the tape.
This is why Man was smarter, stronger,and lived longer than we do today...
However, sexual reproduction was never the means God intended His children to be brought forth by, it was only meant as a secondary method, available to animals of all flesh.
The Sons of God were meant to be brought forth by the power of the spoken word, as Adam was...and as Jesus was..."A virgin shall conceive"... He was "the second man Adam" and thats how he was the propitiation.
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Visitor OT (off topic)

I didn't really look at it yet, visitor, but I will later on. I do believe though that not only the church, but government officials are covering up the existence of UFO's. I also believe that there is a link between man and these UFO's-our celestial brothers. I wish I could prove it because it has been a bother for me for a long time-14 years of looking into different scientific theories, conjecture and fact. The angel that visited the virgin Mary, and please don't take offense to this, was what I believe to be a close encounter of the third kind. How else could she have been artificially inseminated? There is a speculation by researchers that genetic memory is passed through male sperm. It may be the reason why people claim they have lived previous lives under hypnosis, when possibly it is memory passed throughout the generations. With this in mind, I think it's possible this is the reason why Christ knew of the powers he held. I think anyone could do some of things He did-walking on water comes to mind-if we knew how to harness the vass amounts of energy around this planet, possibly the universe. There are other things that I question to. I may go to hell for it, but in all honesty, I really do believe I'm on the right track with this. I think I'll leave it at that because there were others in the other boards ie biology/genetics that really are biased, and really don't have an open enough mind to even remotely think it is possible.

Go to the link I posted, to the picture, and when there click on the picture itself. Read the article on down where it explain how faith works miracles.......This is how it works.
It's your own faith that operates it, but sometimes you just need something to "boost" the level of your faith.
While in the sight of Jesus, Peter got out of the ship and also walked on the water....He was just a man like you or I.
Also see my last post, it explains how Jesus was born...By the power of the spoken word through the mouth of a prophet 800 years earlier.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
The bible is good enough for me, it's my "absolute" authority, but lets talk about you....
Whats your absolute...? Science..? Their story changes all the time, as they learn more about what already exists around them, they update their story accordingly.
You need an absolute or you have no basis to work from.

Well, that's a pretty piss poor basis for your beliefs if you ask me. Tell me, what kind of authority is it, when the events therein demand proving, yet as using it as the base for everything else, it defies proof? Seems pretty shoddy to me.

The idea of comparing science to the bible is pretty ridiculous. Science isn't something you're supposed to take as unquestionable cannon, you don't need to develop an interpretation of it, and the very idea behind it is that ideas are supposed to change as new evidence is gathered, and new observations made. Scientific thought puts nothing in the category of "Beyond proof", and it requires no faith, it's the logical and rational drawing of conclusions about how the world works, based upon making observations, and testing and retesting theories in such a way as to only be able to draw one conclusion once all aspects have been explored.

I'll tell you what my absolute is, visitor, it is that we live in a world with objective and consistent principals, and through observing these, we can continue to learn ever more about the world, and apply that knowledge to make our life better. At no point does the idea of faith, or belief without knowledge, come into play as a serious factor, it's irrelevant, and fallacious.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Yes, thats amazing isn't it...
66 different books in the Bible, written by 40 different authors over a period of 2000 years...
And I challange you to show me one contridiction in any of it.
That in itself proves it was written by divine inspiration of God, and not of man.
This is why I use it as a basis for my understanding of the world.
It is a rock you can stand on, that will not change or move.

Here are just a few to begin with...

Let me know what you make of these, for now.

I also use the bible as the basis of my...I will not say beliefs, but I do read the Skeptics Annotated Bible, in which I find pretty interesting. I have never been a follower of so called "religion" to many contradictions and the majority of people always conform the bible to fit, yet again thier beliefs. Have you ever read The Twelth Planet by Zacharias Stitchin? He supports your theory on the UFOs--pretty interesting piece of literature..

Besides Micheal Branham are there any other teachers that you base your theories on?

If you dont' mind me askin? What is your ethnicity?:D
The Bible

You know, it's obvious that there is something to the Bible. I don't practice religion, but so many cultures have tried to destroy the Bible (religion) so many times, it still preseveres. That's what I find interesting about something that some would call a fable. Quite the fable to endure those kinds of attacks! Bet you Mary Poppins wouldn't last through it!
Re: The Bible

No not really
Originally posted by norad
You know, it's obvious that there is something to the Bible. I don't practice religion, but so many cultures have tried to destroy the Bible (religion) so many times, it still preseveres. That's what I find interesting about something that some would call a fable. Quite the fable to endure those kinds of attacks! Bet you Mary Poppins wouldn't last through it!
Whats in the bible that is "valuable" is it teaches people to be kind and good to one another, I don't personally find that valuable but alot of people including atheists do. There are also some interesting fables that inspire thought, thats why its still around though basically is to keep society in tact. Society still loosely revolves around religion and the teachings of the bible as a corner stone for what is right and wrong, without that there would be anarchy. There are also alot of religious nuts out there and they keep it going. Its like in japan, kiddie porn wasn't illegal a few years ago because there were alot of pedophiles around and they had too much say. If enough people are behind something it will persevere. People aren't always right.
None of this means the bible is in anyway the definative collection of what is true.
Originally posted by one_raven
Here are just a few to begin with...

Let me know what you make of these, for now.

I will continue...

Very shortly after buying my first Bible and starting to read it some questions come to me...

1.) Who the hell was Cain's wife? Is this question not proof that Adam was not the first person on earth according to the Bible?

1a.) If Cain was the son of Adam, when he was cast out to wander the land of Nod, why did he fear for his life being taken from him by the hands of men? What men existed then? Just him and Adam, no? Why would God need to make the law against causing harm to Cain?

2.) The great flood happened because God wanted to punish those on earth that were evil... Noah was the 8th (EIGTH) generation directly under Adam... How could the earth possibly be populated by then? Again, proof that Adam was not the first man (according to the Bible).

3.) Further proof that Adam was not man #1: That early (counting generations) after Adam, how could there be an entire government system, including thousands of slaves and Pharoahs, have been fully developed?

4.) NOWHERE. I repeat, NOWHERE in the book of Exodus does it say the God, the creator, is the ONE AND ONLY GOD!! On the contrary, it alludes to the fact (in both Genesis and Exodus) that there were/are multiple Gods, and this particular God, the God of Israelites (which has nothing to do with country of origin, rather family of origin) is the God that the children of Israel (meaning those that are directly decended from Jacob, who's bloodline began with Adam) should worship. Not the OTHER GODS. It further implies that Egyptians were not decended from Adam because they are not children of Israel (again, children of Israel means directly decended from Jacob).

Also judging from the reference to sons of God and daughters of man, it would seem that people were here before God created his Son Adam.

It seems, at first glance, that Christian conveniently filled in the blanks with assumptions and false statements.

Could Christians be as drastically wrong as it appears, or am I totally missing some grand point here?

What am I missing?

Any ideas?
Re: Re: The Bible

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
No not really

I was wondering why that was a good point too.

It survived because people believed in it.
(well, at first it survived because if you didn;t believ in it you were tortured and killed. Then it was against the law to read ANYTHING other than the Bible. THEN people, for some reason, started to believe in it.)
How does that make it true or valuable?

Originally posted by TheVisitor
No , not all, true. Some is written in parables, riddles, and purposfully made a mystery so that God can reveal the understanding to whom He will and others will look at it and just walk away

Then who are you to say things like...

Originally posted by TheVisitor
The geneology is quite accurate......Go back several pages and read my artice on the giants.... This explains the creation of two seperate races from Adam, Eve and the Serpent. The Sons of Men and the Sons of God. The geneological record of Seth's linage (Adam and Eve's) and Cain's linage (The Serpent and Eve's) is quite accurate and extensive.
Since they were created perfect, the problems of in-breding are still a long ways off. But just like a tape that you record, and then make a tape of that tape , and so forth...eventualy you have nothing but static left on the tape.
This is why Man was smarter, stronger,and lived longer than we do today...
However, sexual reproduction was never the means God intended His children to be brought forth by, it was only meant as a secondary method, available to animals of all flesh.
The Sons of God were meant to be brought forth by the power of the spoken word, as Adam was...and as Jesus was..."A virgin shall conceive"... He was "the second man Adam" and thats how he was the propitiation.

How do you know what is true and what is parable?