Bible/ UFOs, Giants, Annunaki


That explains how they built them pyramids!! They just used Giants!...... and all that time we thought it was ropes.. ::Shakes Fist at Discovery Channel::

Jonathan Frakes Narrates 'UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape' Monday, July 28 on FOX From the producers of "Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction", this all new special chronicles shows how the modern UFO era has been intricately linked to the growing use of home film and video cameras, which may present the best chance of proving the existence of UFOs. The show also profiles witnesses, imaging experts and researchers whose lives have been forever changed by their involvement with the amazing UFO video evidence. Shedding light on this startling phenomena, FOX presents what may be the most compelling video and film footage of flying saucers in UFOs: THE BEST EVIDENCE EVER CAUGHT ON TAPE Monday, July 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SP-9804) (TV-PG)
Special thanks to Netware for creating this real audio

UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape
Cut and paste, hit search, look at top link. Wah-lah! Is this what your talking about?
To One Raven and Dana D

Where did I get my info? I'll attempt to break it down for you the best I can - But this may get lenghthy...

{The Anakim are mentioned many places in the bible - also look for the term "the children of anak".
From the Hebrew Lexicon : The name Arba = Fourth, He was the father of anak, the greatest of the giants (post flood), The Anakim ('anna -'keem)-
"The Anakim" are mentioned ten times, Duet 1:28, 2:10, 2:11, 2:21, 9:2, Jos. 11:21, 11:22, 14:12, 14:15, and Joshua 47:5.
They were however, not the only race of giants that existed after the flood. There were nearly a dozen different races of them
during the time of Israels captivity in Egypt, but by the time they left wandering the wilderness and aproached crossing the river Jordan, only a few remained, one of which was the Anakim.
The rest had already been destroyed by Israel's distant cousins - the children of Esau.
This is only a partial record of the races of giants existing after the flood.}..........

This is in the Old Testement (Bible)

{ They were a throwback, decending from the giants that existed before the flood through a resessive gene, that existed in one of Noah's three sons - Ham.
Ham showed the behavior traits dispayed by Cain, who was the first hybrid man born without representation in God's "book of life".}...............

This requires cross-referencing many different scriptures. The O.T.(Old Testement) says of the pre-flood earth - "And there where giants in the earth in those days", if Noah and his three sons and their wives were the only ones saved , how did giants reappear after the flood. - Ham was the one who showed no respect for family or traditions when he told his brothers of his fathers nakedness.(read the story). Cain showed wrath and even anger towards God to his face, "Am I my brothers Keeper?" Lied to his face. Look at these scriptures as clues - "Cain was of his father the wicked one", "Ye generation of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come"(John the Baptist), "As the serpent beguiled Eve, I fear the church will be led astray"(Paul), "The way of an adulterous woman is this, she eateth, and wipeth her mouth and saith "I have done nothing"(Solomon)...Here you can see that eating (forbidden friut) is tied to adultry,... Think Eve in the Garden. - There are many mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, which Jesus said are" hidden from the eyes of the wise and prudent , but revealed to babes such as are willing to learn....One of these which is crucial to understanding God, and his purpose with mankind is the mystery of "The Serpents Seed"

{ In the beginning was "Elohim". Like any father, in Him was attributes yet to be expressed, His children, the Sons and Daughters of God. The first man "Adam" was a Son of God, Eve was taken from him later as a byproduct, not in the original creation, which was how she could be deceived. There were many races of animals of the earth, which were created one higher than the next, up until one was created that could represent the image of God, "Man". }............

This is all O.T. record, God made man in his own image...Sons of God. The new Testements says of the restored condition between God and man made possible by Jesus " They that are led by the spitit of God , these shall be called the Sons of God"....

{The closest race of animal to "Man" was the "Serpent". The "Serpent" was a large creature, ten feet tall, walked upright, and talked. Called in the bible "more subtile than any beast of the field".}...................

First of all, the Serpent was not always a snake. It walked, talked to Eve, and was very inteligent. After the fall, look at how God chose to curse them...Adam for his good the ground was cursed, that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve was cursed were she sinned, in childbearing, not in her mouth as if she'd eaten an apple, as some say. And the Serpent,every bone in his body was changed, and was told "on your belly you shall go"...thats why there's a missing link between man and ape today, it was the serpent.
Many species that are next to one another can reproduce, although it's not natural for them to do so. Take a horse and a donkey, they make a mule. A Hybrid .....The serpent was with Eve in the afternoon, and Eve was with Adam that happens today if there are two furtile eggs present. There were twins Cain, of the serpent, and Abel of Adam...
To see the nature of the beast, look back to see the twins at work through-out history....Cain and Abel, Moses and Balaam, Jesus and Judas - The Son of God and the Son of Perdition.
The pharasees and the Scribes, False religions of their day and ours, denominationism, the world council of churches. The true church and the false vine...All the world shall be deceived and worship the image of the beast, who's names are not written in the "Lambs book of life" from the foundation of the world...
It was the beast in the beginning (in the garden), and the beast at the end, follow the trail of the serpent, and you will begin to see...

{Adam had both eternal life - how could something thats a part of God have a beginning or an end?, and Immortal life, contingent apon remaining connectted to his spiritual body or theophany. We are a tri-une being, body - spirit, and soul. Sin, defined here as "unbelief in God", breaks the connection nessessary for Immortal life, in this physical world.}

The bible said: The wages of sin are death, The day you eat thereof, is the day you die....But also "a day to God is a thousand years. The mystery of Elohim, and your theophany and thier connection to Immortal life is best explained in a message titled "Who is this Melchesidec" delivered by William Branham on Feb 21, 1965. the link is here...

{Forget what you've been told by so-called scientist's. They are spreading lies to mislead the public from the truth.
Man was created perfect, This Earth was created in perfect balance, without seasons, or stormclouds to block the sun.
Man before the flood were smarter, lived longer, were more advanced, and more dangerous the Man today. Comparing us today to them would be like comparing a common housecat to the king of the beasts. But- there were two completely different races then, The "Sons of God" - the true desendants of Adam and Eve, and "The Sons of Men" Created when Eve was seduced in the Garden of Eden by a Male Serpent under the influence of Satan- Cain was the first of this race which ruled the world before the flood with physical strenghth and technology. The children of Seth, Adam and Eve's true son who replaced Abel, whom Cain slew, were the "Sons of God" . They had enormous lifespans, nearly 1000 years, and powers of healing, disernment, miracles, and all the powers accossiated with men of God. These two races mixed right before the flood, their tampering with the balance of nature caused the flood, and the tilt in the earths axis, causing the seasons we have today. We are a scaled down version of a mixture of both of them, with a limited lifespan ("because my spirit shall not always strive with the spirit of man, the days of a man shall become 120 years") For the purpose of testing, and childrearing of a people who's goverment shall never have an end, The redeemed sons and daughters of God, of which Jesus is the first begotton of many brethren.}

This is all in the bible....Lifespans of nearly 1000 years were only recorded of the children of Seth's linage, The lifespan of Cains linage are not recorded...check and see. They were a hybrid, The Serpents seed, which produced the giants. It's all there but you have to know where to look. God does things in a way to cause some to come in and some to go out, Things are hidden from the eyes of the wise and prudent, but revealed unto babes such as willing to learn, "His disciples asked him (Jesus), Why do you speak to the multitudes in parables? and he answered them, "Because unto you it's been given to understand the "Mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven", but unto them it's not been given".....

These are just a few....
Hope it helps

Edited by The Vistor on 03-02-03 at 04:49 AM
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Quite a post!

Are you familliar with the book, The Genisis Flood by Henry Morris and John Whitcomb?
to The Visitor

What you said was phenomonal. I agree 100%! Very interesting sums up what I have been trying to decipher--by the way where did you obtain this information? Would you be willing to help me learn or show me this info?:D :D :D :D
To Dana D : I don't recall reading the book you've mentioned....
I'll have to look it up.

To Divinebrn :
I would always be glad to help...Although I have many years as a private student of the Word, and I consider the Bible as an ultimate authority, I would never have been able to understand most of what I was reading without divine revealation. As I said before, He reveals (revealation) it unto babes, such as are willing to learn. And the revealation of these mysteries was given first to someone I believe to be a prophet of God who was sent to the Gentiles according to prophecy in Mal 4:5-6, Rev 10:7, Amos 3:7....and many, many others. His name was William Branham, and lived in the U.S. from 1909 to 1965. His story is one of supernatural phenomena, from a visit by an angel in 1946, to the revealation of the Seven Seals in 1963, Through his gift of disernment and revealation, God unraveled the Mysteries that had been guessed at down through the ages. Rev10:7 says: In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he begins to sound , the mysteries of God should be completed, as he hath revealed to his servents the prophets.
His ministry left over 1100 tape recorded messages from 1947 to 1965 available here and other places to read and listen to for free on the internet...and it continues to be broken down by a five-fold ministry today and used to feed people the truth all around the world.
I remain firm in my position that you are a special kind of crazy, and believe that you have only helped to make that more evident.

You know, reading through your posts I'm reminded of one of my ol' favorite RPGs, Vampire: The Masquerade, inwhich vampires are suposidly decended from Cain, who's sacrifice of his brother able so pleased God that a "Mark" was placed on him, and became the first vampire. . . demonic powers enused. Very fun game.
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Oh, because I revealed some of my sources, now your really sure huh. Ha, ha...thats funny, but you know, beings that I'm on the side with the "Good guys", when someone asks me for help I reach out a hand. Sometimes that leaves me fighting demons with one arm, but you know, it's worth it - cause the good guys always win..........Never liked Role playing games myself, I prefer to do my battle in the real world. But I've got a question for you - can you tell me where the twelve-digit numerical system came from that was used in the ancient world ?
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
can you tell me where the twelve-digit numerical system came from that was used in the ancient world ?

Let me guess, it came from the depths of hell itself! Or maybe the lord gave it to us. Who can tell?

You're looking really hard for things that aren't there, you know, you should probably be posting this stuff in the Religion forum, wild as the stuff on this particular board is, I think you've gone that one extra step into blindingly stupid and literal faith.

I'm going to ignore that last remark, in the name of peace, love, mutual understanding and all that good stuff....
Because I believe knowing the origin of an ancient twelve-digit based numerical system does fall under the topic of science or pseudoscience, one of the two.

The basis for our present numerical system is ten-digits.
When your little children learn to count, they have ten fingers to count on, yes.....?

So why is there reminents of an ancient system that was based on twelve.......?

Think of all the examples.....Twelve numbers on the face of a clock, twelve months to a year, twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve in a dozen, twelve dozen to a gross, twelve inches in a foot, twelve blocks to a mile....

...... (1 Chronicles 20:6) - And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was descended from the giants.
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To Lord tigersloth

- did a project on this in year 6, i remember it vaguely! Er..... They were like, four armed horses or something, I can remember the picture and they came down in little dome type things (It is an artists interpretation though!) I think the passage is in Ezekiel someplace?


Ezekiel 1:18 - The four wheels had rims and they had spokes; and their rims were full of eyes round about.

Ezekiel 1:19 - And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose.

These "living creatures" had four sides, on one side was a lion, then an ox, then the face of a man, and a flying eagle.

"when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the lord raises up a standard against them"

In the revelation of the Seven Seals, the four horse riders are the stages of anti-christ, the four beasts are of the spirits of God to combat and announce each rider as it appears. This takes place in the 2000 years from Christ's death to His return.

.... (The Seals)..... Revelation 6:1-8

The white horse rider went out (satan inpersonating Christ), the first beast ( the lion of the tribe of judea) anointed the people with the word...(first church age, after the apostles, nicolatianism)

The red horse rider went out ( power to take peace, and kill all who oppose him) the second beast (the ox, sacrifice) anointed the people to give their lives...(when church unites with roman state, receives power to kill all who disagree with pope)

The black horse rider went out( power to sell eternal life, purgitory, penances)the third beast (the face of a man) anointed the people to reason with the reformers....(during dark ages, false church selling hope of salvation for money)

The pale horse rider went out (a mixture of all three), the forth beast (the flying eagle) anointed the people with the vision of a prophet....(civil, ecclesiastical, demonic powers unite to deceive all who's names are not written in the Lamb's book - God sends a prophet to call His people out of her-Rev 18:1-4)
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So, the Anakim had 6 digits; operated in base 12, of which we have many remnants today. I've heard a lot of different theories, but not that one. Hummm ... fascinating.
So, the Anakim had 6 digits; operated in base 12, of which we have many remnants today. I've heard a lot of different theories, but not that one. Hummm ... fascinating


I don't say it's an absolute , but it's a theory of mine (actually I picked it up from an author about 15 years ago, can't remember the name of the book...and have investigated since) it has a lot of evidence to back it up...
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So like, where are they now, then? I suppose the must all have moved into the hollow earth, via the 300 mile diamater hole in antartica, along with the remainder of the Nazi party, and the reptoid people.
In the book of Joshua, he leads the Israelites into the promised land , and God commands them to destroy every one of the inhabitants of the land, every man, woman, and child...
In one instance, some of the people were about to get away and Joshua used God's orders to hunt them down to stop the sun for twenty-four hours so they could not get away.

JOSHUA 10:12 - Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. 14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.

About a thousand years latter a reminent re-appeared in King David's day - (At Gath - see below), Golieth and his brothers, but they where all killed in battle.

......1 Chronicles 20:4 And it came to pass after this, that there arose war at Gezer with the Philistines; at which time Sibbechai the Hushathite slew Sippai, that was of the children of the giant: and they were subdued. 5 And there was war again with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weaver's beam. 6 And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot and he also was the son of the giant. 7 But when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea David's brother slew him. 8 These were born unto the giant in Gath; and they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.
Also I might add... the fictional book I once read, (actually, I can't remember the name of the book, but it was a christian childrens mystery novel, kind of like Nancy Drew, or the Hardy Boys type of thing.)
said some of them still exist today, in hiding, part of some secret society. They wore gloves when in public, with two of their fingers together. But I like I was from a ficticous acount. I do know however, that the condition of being born with more than five fingers or toes is fairly common.
It happens in 1 out of so many thousand births.
It's called polydactilism, and usually the extra toe or finger is cut off in the hospital at birth...
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And? An ancient book written by numerous superstitious and primitive peoples of an age long gone, with obvious and questionable motives, for the purposes of their own people, in a land that is thousands of miles away, translated and edited over and over again, from numerous languages, is hardly a credible source of accurate information regarding much of anything.

My advice to you would be to find actual evidence. It's a novel idea, I know, but it may be just credible enough to work.