Bible/ UFOs, Giants, Annunaki


Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
I read paranormal articles sometimes. Sometimes they mention "giants" and the "Annunaki" people, saying there's reference to such things in the bible. Along with "visitors fro mthe skies." Could somebody point me to specific passages in the Bible, or to a website that will point me to specific passages in the Bible relating to paranormal things?
I did a project on this in year 6, i remember it vaguely! Er..... They were like, four armed horses or something, I can remember the picture and they came down in little dome type things (It is an artists interpretation though!) I think the passage is in Ezekiel someplace?
I don't think Annunaki are mentioned in the bible. They come from earlier texts, Eloheem was in the Torah I think and was changed to God in the bible. The Giants you speak of are mentioned in Genesis, along with Nefilim and the "Sons Of God". Strange stuff.
I'm not sure what most of those are, but they sound cool enough. Why can't we have more beings of imense power? It'd make things more interesting!

The Anakim are mentioned many places in the bible - also look for the term "the children of anak".
From the Hebrew Lexicon : The name Arba = Fourth, He was the father of anak, the greatest of the giants (post flood), The Anakim ('anna -'keem)-
"The Anakim" are mentioned ten times, Duet 1:28, 2:10, 2:11, 2:21, 9:2, Jos. 11:21, 11:22, 14:12, 14:15, and Joshua 47:5.
They were however, not the only race of giants that existed after the flood. There were nearly a dozen different races of them
during the time of Israels captivity in Egypt, but by the time they left wandering the wilderness and aproached crossing the river Jordan, only a few remained, one of which was the Anakim.
The rest had already been destroyed by Israel's distant cousins - the children of Esau.
This is only a partial record of the races of giants existing after the flood. They were a throwback, decending from the giants that existed before the flood through a resessive gene, that existed in one of Noah's three sons - Ham.
Ham showed the behavior traits dispayed by Cain, who was the first hybrid man born without representation in God's "book of life". In the beginning was "Elohim". Like any father, in Him was attributes yet to be expressed, His children, the Sons and Daughters of God. The first man "Adam" was a Son of God, Eve was taken from him later as a byproduct, not in the original creation, which was how she could be deceived. There were many races of animals of the earth, which were created one higher than the next, up until one was created that could represent the image of God, "Man". The closest race of animal to "Man" was the "Serpent". The "Serpent" was a large creature, ten feet tall, walked upright, and talked. Called in the bible "more subtile than any beast of the field". Adam had both eternal life - how could something thats a part of God have a beginning or an end?, and Immortal life, contingent apon remaining connectted to his spiritual body or theophany. We are a tri-une being, body - spirit, and soul. Sin, defined here as "unbelief in God", breaks the connection nessessary for Immortal life, in this physical world.
Forget what you've been told by so-called scientist's. They are spreading lies to mislead the public from the truth.
Man was created perfect, This Earth was created in perfect balance, without seasons, or stormclouds to block the sun.
Man before the flood were smarter, lived longer, were more advanced, and more dangerous the Man today. Comparing us today to them would be like comparing a common housecat to the king of the beasts. But- there were two completely different races then, The "Sons of God" - the true desendants of Adam and Eve, and "The Sons of Men" Created when Eve was seduced in the Garden of Eden by a Male Serpent under the influence of Satan- Cain was the first of this race which ruled the world before the flood with physical strenghth and technology. The children of Seth, Adam and Eve's true son who replaced Abel, whom Cain slew, were the "Sons of God" . They had enormous lifespans, nearly 1000 years, and powers of healing, disernment, miracles, and all the powers accossiated with men of God. These two races mixed right before the flood, their tampering with the balance of nature caused the flood, and the tilt in the earths axis, causing the seasons we have today. We are a scaled down version of a mixture of both of them, with a limited lifespan ("because my spirit shall not always strive with the spirit of man, the days of a man shall become 120 years") For the purpose of testing, and childrearing of a people who's goverment shall never have an end, The redeemed sons and daughters of God, of which Jesus is the first begotton of many brethren.
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Another thing on that documentary "best ufo evidence caught on tape" I talked about was footage of this enormous craft that hovered over israel (or jerusalem or somewhere like that) for 3 days. It was so huge that you could only see a small part of it. You could see what looked like a cooling vent or something and some kind of metal plates. What was visible was very clear and eerie to look at, even on tv. This wasn't some frisbee lookin crap it was easily the most impressive footage of something weird in the sky I have ever seen. It was far too big and majestic to be a hoax and far too many people saw it.
And apparently it was mentioned in the bible somewhere.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Another thing on that documentary "best ufo evidence caught on tape" I talked about was footage of this enormous craft that hovered over israel (or jerusalem or somewhere like that) for 3 days. It was so huge that you could only see a small part of it. You could see what looked like a cooling vent or something and some kind of metal plates. What was visible was very clear and eerie to look at, even on tv. This wasn't some frisbee lookin crap it was easily the most impressive footage of something weird in the sky I have ever seen. It was far too big and majestic to be a hoax and far too many people saw it.
And apparently it was mentioned in the bible somewhere.

And this never hit the global news?
When did this supposedly happen?
Why was it not the biggest news story in history?
Anakim ... Anakim? ... oh, ya-ya - grew up to be Darth Vader, right?!;)
Visitor - Protestant canon basis but there is much detail from another source. Apocrypha? Gnostic?
Originally posted by one_raven
And this never hit the global news?
When did this supposedly happen?
Why was it not the biggest news story in history?
Very good question! It makes me mad as hell. It seems as though the term "ufo" is ALWAYS met with skepticism. Its hard to not feel as though there is some conspiracy going on, because like you said WHY HAVEN'T WE HEARD MORE ABOUT IT?! It had a five minute part in a documentary and was probably on israeli news one day but thats it. If you saw this thing you would know why I know it wasn't a fake, its hard to explain.
The documentary was actually called "The best UFO evidence ever caught on tape" if thats any help.
Would you be able to link us to any pictures of it on the net? I imagine there have to be a few, somewhere out there, I'm interested to see.
you'd think so but ... *shrugs*
maybe there are pics of it but I don't know what to search for, its not like on the docu' the narrator said "this particular ufo is named anthony" I can hardly remember what they said.
A pic wouldn't do it justice anyway.

Don't file sharing programs have documentaries? I wouldn't know I don't use any but I think you should be able to find it out there somewhere. The whole documentary was REALLY good.
Maybe it was called "UFO: Best evidence ever caught on tape" shit I can't remember, definately something like that.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
A pic wouldn't do it justice anyway.

Um, but then all you saw was a picture, so what does that say about the situation?
video footage is different, pictures are that much easier to modify in undetectable ways and that would feed your scathing skepticism too conveniently. I'd love for you to see this thing, trust me.