best arguments against religion (no theists)

superluminal said:
What is that thing?
Cthulhu. It's from that one site, The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu. It's, like, a crossover of The Cthulhu mythos universe and the Hello Kitty universe. It's funny! :D
Hapsburg said:
The pic above is a cooler and easier arguement.

Why don't I see this pic? Is it due to my "adblock" or some other setting that I have set a certain way? I never see the pics or cartoons, etc. that people post. Do one of you know what I need to do? :mad:
Back to this reading in context thing for a moment, Cato, you really should try reading Mathew 15:1-20. If that is too much reading try just reading Mathew 15:3-4.
Here's verse 3 for those who are interested: "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
Going into verse 4 what is the Commandment of God and what is the tradition of the Pharisees? Well, gee, God's commandment is Honour thy father and mother, what is the Pharisees tradition?, He that curseth father or mother let him die the death.

This line of reasoning is further illustrated when you read verse 9, "but in vain they do worship me, teaching doctrines the commandments of men," which is a fancy way of saying that the Pharisees are teaching as doctrine their commandments and laws. Before you protest this, reading even further particularly verse 13: "But he answered and said, every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, they shall be rooted up." This was in response to Jesus disciples telling Him that the Pharisees were offended by what was previously said. And in verse 14, Jesus tells his disciples to leave the Pharisees alone, as they are "...blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

Continuing on, Peter asks for clarification of this parable, and paraphrasing verses 18-20, those things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and those things defile the man. For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murders, adultries, false witness, blasphemies, that's why it is not hypocritical to eat bread with unwashed hands.

Anyhow, that is the context of Mathew 15:4, and why your implication is out of context. And that is why theists get pissed off when you quote the bible out of context.

Well, good luck in your quest for the best arguements against religion.

Under "Edit Options" on your forum control panel, make sure you have the "show images" box checked.

Is your browser set to show images? (if you see images on other sites, it is).
to phoenix2634:
Youngs literal translation said:
also do ye transgress the command of God because of your
(4) tradition? for God did command, saying, Honour thy father
and mother; and, He who is speaking evil of father or mother –
(5) let him die the death;

todays new international version said:
(4)For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ a
and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is
to be put to death.’

king james version said:
(4)For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He
that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

I don't know what fucked up bible you are reading, because these three seem to spell things out quite clearly that the command of god was to put those who curse their parents to death. like I said before, the Pharisees had become more liberal about the death penalty for this particular crime, and jesus criticized them for it.
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superluminal said:

Under "Edit Options" on your forum control panel, make sure you have the "show images" box checked.
Yep, it's checked and still no images.
Is your browser set to show images? (if you see images on other sites, it is).
Yep, it's set that way too. I think I did something a while back to keep these from showing up, but I can't remember what I did. Any other ideas? :)

EDIT: OOPS, I've got them. I looked up instead of down. I've got my options set to show posts in the opposite order from Hapsburg. The change I had to make was in my browser under "Tools, Options, Web Features." I had the check box on for images, but I also had the box for "from originating web site only" checked, so it wasn't showing images from posters. After unchecking that, it allowed Hapsburg's picture. Thanks Superluminal.

Sorry for being off topic here. :(
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so, anybody got any arguments? or are we talking about display issues now.
cato said:
so, anybody got any arguments? or are we talking about display issues now.
Against religion? Nope - it's merely a form of self-help for those that need it.
Okay - at the root of the majority of religions is some unproven and unprovable stuff that you need to be irrational to actually believe in - but the actual benefits of religion (peace of mind, comfort, focus etc) for many are there to be seen.

Now, arguments AGAINST the roots of the religion are another thing entirely... and you only need to look at the other threads for that.
Most don't DISPROVE the existence of god - just regurgitate that there is NO EVIDENCE for the existence.
cato said:
so, anybody got any arguments? or are we talking about display issues now.

How became someone a believer ? Is teached by family or society. If not, would he became a believer ?
Or let's say you were born in China, or in Amazon jungle. What should be your religion now ? And if your tribe will conquer the world after 2000 years ? What religion will be predominant ?
And why are so many religions ? Wich one should I believe ? If you accept that others religions are wrong, so yours is too from the others point of view.
When were created allmost religions ? In antiquity. By the that time people. What else they did and what else they wrote ? It's a good percentage of believe what they left for memories, not only religion books ?
The best argument against religion is that it has been the driving philosophy of the last 2000 years, and humanity is in the same crappy state. It doesn't work.
and you only need to look at the other threads for that.
gee thanks, because I started this thread to compile arguments just so I can ignore it and hunt through thousands of posts looking for them. wow, you are so helpful.

at least the person who, obviously, does not know very good english gave it a shot.
cato said:
but we are to presume to know exactly what jesus meant?
Point taken.

cato said:
what does that have to do with it? that was a case of adultery. moreover, he never said it was wrong to stone her, he merely said that a sin-free person should be the one to do it. after they all left, he forgave her with the caveat that she would never do it again. nowhere in that story did he say it was wrong to stone her, he merely found a way to avoid taking a hard stance either way. I guess jesus was the first politician =]
This instance tells us that we cannot condemn anyone, especailly our children, because we can never be without sin. That is what it has to do with it.
You complain of context being a favorite argument of Christians. It is controversial subject because either someone takes scripture out of context with what we know as the character of God, which is describe throughout the Bible; or, because scripture can never be completely understood by man's intellect.
This instance tells us that we cannot condemn anyone, especially our children, because we can never be without sin.
holy shit, what a reach, Ben Wallace can't even reach that much.

what makes you think he means that we cannot condemn anyone? moreover, what makes you think we cannot be without sin? isn't that what he died for? moreover, where do you get the idea that children are especially above the laws of the old testament?

you reach too much. you presume things that are either not stated, or stated in some part of the bible I have forgotten. when you make claims about what the bible says, you should site proof. you cannot take part of the passage in question to prove the passage in question, it does not work that way. I think that preachers have planted too many ideas about jesus in your head. you don't seem to be getting your ideas from the bible (word of god), but rather from a preacher of some kind (who's life revolves around getting and keeping people in the church)

p.s. you need not quote the bible, I can look them up in one of my bibles if you give me the passages.
cato said:
you don't seem to be getting your ideas from the bible (word of god)

Wasn't Christ supposed to be the Word (creative power, "logos") of God. At the beginning of John: "The word became flesh." Christ, the word of God, is within us. It is our higher self.
thats what I don't like about online arguments, people dodge all your questions.

Wasn't Christ supposed to be the Word (creative power, "logos") of God. At the beginning of John: "The word became flesh." Christ, the word of God, is within us. It is our higher self.
so..... you are saying that everyone can speak for jesus huh? you do realize that I would also speak for jesus if that were true, right?
cato said:
what makes you think he means that we cannot condemn anyone?
moreover, what makes you think we cannot be without sin?
isn't that what he died for?
moreover, where do you get the idea that children are especially above the laws of the old testament?

you can answer them any time you like. or just admit that you have no basis for your claims.
cato said:
thats what I don't like about online arguments, people dodge all your questions.

It's probably because "things aren't so simple".

cato said:
so..... you are saying that everyone can speak for jesus huh? you do realize that I would also speak for jesus if that were true, right?

Yeah. "God" is within all of us. But if you think you are merely a body, you become a body, and you can only speak of bodily things. Our true self is "God". We are what we want to be. Everyone wants to be perfect ("God") That goal is our (the body's) real "self".

You know that you can not control your body in all situations. It controls you. But in reality, the body is supposed to be the "instrument" of the self. When our bodies advance, when they become equal to our "self", then we can be ourselves ("God"). I'm sure you always want the best for everyone. Yet, sometimes that doesn't happen, you make mistakes, because the evolution of the body is not over yet.
lets see, where to start with this one...

It's probably because "things aren't so simple".
all I ask is where you got the ideas you posted. by the way, what "were the" quotation marks for?

Yeah. "God" is within all of us. But if you think you are merely a body, you become a body, and you can only speak of bodily things. Our true self is "God". We are what we want to be. Everyone wants to be perfect ("God") That goal is our (the body's) real "self".
I simply think I am a man in search of truth. I would love to have god proved to me.

cato said:
--what makes you think he means that we cannot condemn anyone?
--moreover, what makes you think we cannot be without sin?
--isn't that (allegedly) what he died for?
--moreover, where do you get the idea that children are especially above the laws of the old testament?

you can answer them any time you like. or just admit that you have no basis for your claims.