best arguments against religion (no theists)

Can you;

1) explain what actually ''frees the mind''
2) give example of people whose minds are ''free''


(1) truth, facts, evidence, logic, reason, mental health,....
(2) any person who is not being fed propaganda is by definition more free than those that are.
@lightgigantic --

So what unit do you measure love in?

Straw man argument. We don't measure any brain activity with a unit, but that doesn't mean that it can't be measured, and the tool we would(and have) use to measure it is the same one we can use to measure all brain activity, the MRI. And forget taking a picture of love, with an fMRI we can make a movie of it.

MRI scan images highlighting the areas of the brain involved in feeling love
From here
Straw man argument. We don't measure any brain activity with a unit, but that doesn't mean that it can't be measured, and the tool we would(and have) use to measure it is the same one we can use to measure all brain activity, the MRI. And forget taking a picture of love, with an fMRI we can make a movie of it.

And this movie is then what you give your family and friends for Christmas and expect them to be happy with it?
the one on the left is for the children,the one on the right is the lover..the one in the middle is the spouse...

So when Arioch provides proof (ie. the MRI image) to his wife that he loves her - he tampers with the evidence or what?
@Signal --

And this movie is then what you give your family and friends for Christmas and expect them to be happy with it?

Whether or not anyone is happy with the video is irrelevant. The point is that the standard theist tactic of trying to equate god with love(in that they are both supposedly something that we can't measure or have direct evidence of) is a fallacious argument based on an incorrect assumption. We can and have taken such pictures and videos, and the results are fantastic evidence that love is just another emotion in the brain and not some metaphysical wonder.

Can these MRI's distinguish whether the love is for the wife, or for the mistress?

What makes you think that these "types" of love are functionally any different. People leave their wives for their mistresses all the time, and people decide to stay with their wives and leave their mistresses all the time as well. It's sounds like the mechanisms behind the emotion would be the same to me, what makes you think that they would be any different?

@NM --

the one on the left is for the children,the one on the right is the lover..the one in the middle is the spouse...

Have I mentioned that I like it when you're snarky?
Whether or not anyone is happy with the video is irrelevant.


The point is that the standard theist tactic of trying to equate god with love(in that they are both supposedly something that we can't measure or have direct evidence of) is a fallacious argument based on an incorrect assumption.

I didn't see anyone making that argument here.

We can and have taken such pictures and videos, and the results are fantastic evidence that love is just another emotion in the brain and not some metaphysical wonder.

So when a woman tells you she loves you, or when your children tell you they love, you reply
Love is just another emotion in the brain and not some metaphysical wonder

What makes you think that these "types" of love are functionally any different. People leave their wives for their mistresses all the time, and people decide to stay with their wives and leave their mistresses all the time as well. It's sounds like the mechanisms behind the emotion would be the same to me, what makes you think that they would be any different?

Well, it kinda matters to the wife, and the mistress ...
@Signal --

Yes, really. A thing is what it is regardless of whether or not anyone likes it.

I didn't see anyone making that argument here.

The only reason I mentioned this in the first place was to head off LG who had already attempted to make a similar comparison in this thread. Hence the "and don't start with..." part of my post. I guess that I forgot that I'm dealing with a theist who has an at best loose understanding of science and what science has accomplished in the past century or so.

So when a woman tells you she loves you, or when your children tell you they love, you reply
Love is just another emotion in the brain and not some metaphysical wonder

That we can explain a thing doesn't reduce the wonder of experiencing a thing. I've been in love and it's an experience that is without equal(and I've also been medically dead for over two minutes), you might even say that I love(read, truly enjoy) being in love. However that doesn't mean that the mechanics of love have to be anything but materialistic, and the materialistic explanation fit's all of the evidence to a T.

Well, it kinda matters to the wife, and the mistress ...

What? The fact that humans are by nature serial monogamists is somehow a bad thing now? It might matter to them, but it doesn't matter to the truth of the situation.
@lightgigantic --

Straw man argument. We don't measure any brain activity with a unit, but that doesn't mean that it can't be measured, and the tool we would(and have) use to measure it is the same one we can use to measure all brain activity, the MRI. And forget taking a picture of love, with an fMRI we can make a movie of it.
Measuring without units?
Now that is a novel concept ...

(BTW MRI's do measure in units - that's why they are called Magnetic Resonance Imaging :eek: - although where you would go from correlating such imaging to love is just as much poppycock as measuring without units)
It might matter to them, but it doesn't matter to the truth of the situation.

And the "truth of the situation" is, of course, more important than anything else.

Wait ... where did I hear that? That's right, Tomás de Torquemada and his team were famous for this kind of thinking!
That we can explain a thing doesn't reduce the wonder of experiencing a thing. I've been in love and it's an experience that is without equal(and I've also been medically dead for over two minutes), you might even say that I love(read, truly enjoy) being in love. However that doesn't mean that the mechanics of love have to be anything but materialistic, and the materialistic explanation fit's all of the evidence to a T.

Show us that your acceptance of this kind of reasoning is not the result of various cognitive biases and psychological defense mechanisms.
Really fascinating stuff, the images... they never cease to amaze me.

so it gets me wondering what that really means, you know, some waves that are localized... by the way the one you're showing looks really deep the little spots in the center, down by the meninges I guess, sort of a hindbrain thing going on there maybe... just wondering, you know love could be very primitive, thus explaining (as in Darwin's comments) the tenderness a mother gorilla shows the infant.

still- it always makes me wonder why this is so. why those waves mean this. and where this (the emotion) is really existing since I can't deny the existence of my own emotion, I just can't fathom how it exists. Just a big mystery. I guess if I was inclined towards theism, I would be relieved to dump all my mysteries into one big bundle and call it God.
Yes, really. A thing is what it is regardless of whether or not anyone likes it.
Are people things?

That we can explain a thing doesn't reduce the wonder of experiencing a thing.
It can and as far as I can tell it does quite often out there. Living entities are now seen as replaceable, and infinitely tweakable genetically. They are seen as biological machines - despite 20th century physics.

I've been in love and it's an experience that is without equal(and I've also been medically dead for over two minutes), you might even say that I love(read, truly enjoy) being in love. However that doesn't mean that the mechanics of love have to be anything but materialistic, and the materialistic explanation fit's all of the evidence to a T.
We don't know this yet.
@lightgigantic --

Straw man argument. We don't measure any brain activity with a unit, but that doesn't mean that it can't be measured, and the tool we would(and have) use to measure it is the same one we can use to measure all brain activity, the MRI. And forget taking a picture of love, with an fMRI we can make a movie of it.
Or you are taking a movie of the effects of love or something that has a correlative relationship with love.