Before the big bang

That occurs when all evidence, logic, reason, math, science, common sense, and (in brief) the sum of human knowledge end.

Oh, the irony.

True. Cranks always start with the conclusion and work toward the premises. Causation is always figured backwards from imagination.
No, sorry but you are wrong. I already pointed out the error in your idea about how a quarter wavelength waveguide works. And your idea that Greene said that there is an infinite amount of energy in any given volume of space. You also have a misconception on quantum entanglement. All your ideas are based on misconceptions. You would be best served by PhysBang's advice that you learn the subjects you think (wrongly) that you know. I highly recommend the Susskind lectures available on youtube through Stanford University.

Just search for "Susskind Stanford" in youtube.
I never mentioned anything about quarter wavelength waveguides, that was in the video with Bell describing waves. Greene got infinities in these type of calculations and threw them out. Infinities come up when trying to do this type of calculation. The explaination of quantum entanglement is my own, I don't think the results should be different. I have already watched the Susskind lectures on youtube and can prove it because I have already said that in another thread in physics and math, called A lightcone problem. You would then need to watch these videos to even know what that thread is about!
I never mentioned anything about quarter wavelength waveguides, that was in the video with Bell describing waves. Greene got infinities in these type of calculations and threw them out. Infinities come up when trying to do this type of calculation. The explaination of quantum entanglement is my own, I don't think the results should be different. I have already watched the Susskind lectures on youtube and can prove it because I have already said that in another thread in physics and math, called A lightcone problem. You would then need to watch these videos to even know what that thread is about!

Oh really. Oh sorry I meant to say half wavelength. My bad. But my point stands. You knew what I meant.

I think someone has noticed by now, it just doesn't matter because no one cares. They would just be too lazy to try. It is much easier just to say that it is impossible, and then state the conservation of energy laws over and over to no end without any reason. You could destroy energy just by sending it down a half wave length wave guide. The energy will not go down it. If the worldine of an electromagnetic wave does not match up it just vanishes. It is a principle that is used in radar receivers. You could prevent all energy from going into a reciever that is coming directly out of a transmitter. This is the circuit used in radar. The energy comes out of the transimitter and then looks down the reciever, and says no wait that tunnel down there is only a half wave length, I am not going that way. So then what if that was the only way to go? It wouldn't be able to go anywhere. One of my instructors in radar theory said he use to work with the designers of military radar. They ran test to find out where the energy goes, and they couldn't find it. It will just be gone. They tried to tell scientist, but they just do not listen. It is as if the law of conservation has found it's way into the minds of scientist preventing a free energy device from being discovered because it brainwashes them.

It is like the problem of saying that if there was a time traveler, then at the moment he traveled back into time, there would be more energy. The mass of the universe would increase by the amount the time traveler weighed. Electromagnetic energy interacts with itself through time. So then there can be an increase in energy at any particular moment. Particles traveling close to the speed of light do not experience time the same way we do. The worldlines in their frame of reference are contracted into the same moment, so then we can observe an increase in energy from the interactions that take place at other locations on their worldline. We see the particle as probably being at two different place, it sees itself as being at both of those places at once. So then altering its worldline then would alter the amount of energy it had at another time along the wordline.

A resonant cavity that is exactly a full wavelength in size of the electromagnetic energy inside of it should increase in energy over time, just like a resonant cavity that was a half wave length in size then have no energy inside of it. That is basically what is between the antena and the reciever of a radar. Then the circuits do not fry because they do not have energy from the transmitter being sent right into it, even though they use the same wave guide to the antenna.
Oh really.
The explaination in radar theory for electromagnetic waves going down a HALF waveguide is that the electron chooses not to take that path with some action at a distance. So sue me, particles don't have brains!
The explaination in radar theory for electromagnetic waves going down a HALF waveguide is that the electron chooses not to take that path with some action at a distance. So sue me, particles don't have brains!

In an RF signal the electrons do not travel down the waveguide at the speed of light (adjusted for the medium). In fact, in DC circuits the electrons often move slower that you can walk. You really don't know much about electronics, or physics.
In an RF signal the electrons do not travel down the waveguide at the speed of light (adjusted for the medium). In fact, in DC circuits the electrons often move slower that you can walk. You really don't know much about electronics, or physics.

The speed of electrons through a medium is a lie! If you know anything about transitors, you would have to see that the speed of electrons is a lot faster than defined by the current theory. A charge can travel through the sky and reach your eye as fast as the speed of light, and that is called lightning. Then sound travels slower than that so then you hear that later as thunder.
The speed of electrons through a medium is a lie! If you know anything about transitors, you would have to see that the speed of electrons is a lot faster than defined by the current theory. A charge can travel through the sky and reach your eye as fast as the speed of light, and that is called lightning. Then sound travels slower than that so then you hear that later as thunder.

Sigh. You really do not know what you are talking about. In a waveguide the electromagnetic field moves at the speed of light (adjusted for medium). The electrons are for all practical purposes stationary. You can have section of transmission line with a capacitor at each end and the RF signal will be transmitted thought he caps. The signal will pass through the caps but the electrons will not. The electrons do not fly down the transmission line. It is the field that travels down the the line. The electrons just move back and forth (ever so slightly).
Sigh. You really do not know what you are talking about. In a waveguide the electromagnetic field moves at the speed of light (adjusted for medium). The electrons are for all practical purposes stationary. You can have section of transmission line with a capacitor at each end and the RF signal will be transmitted thought he caps. The signal will pass through the caps but the electrons will not. The electrons do not fly down the transmission line. It is the field that travels down the the line. The electrons just move back and forth (ever so slightly).
The frequency is just differences in volatage. If there is a short then that voltage can be gone almost intanstly. It doesn't take that long for a short to remove a voltage. If there is no more potentail or voltage then there would be no more electrons.
The frequency is just differences in volatage. If there is a short then that voltage can be gone almost intanstly. It doesn't take that long for a short to remove a voltage. If there is no more potentail or voltage then there would be no more electrons.

I have no idea what you just said. Complete gobbletygoop.
I have no idea what you just said. Complete gobbletygoop.
Basically, that it is possible to have a square wave. Like you said a RF signal will be shorted out by a capacitor that is next to ground. The RF signal is a quick rise and fall of a voltage. The voltage is the amount of potential, or the amount the total amount of electrons can create a force. If they create more force, then there are more electrons in that area of the circuit. If there is less volatage then there are less electrons that can create a force. So then the rise and fall of a square wave can be almost instant because the number of electrons can transfer almost instantly.
Basically, that it is possible to have a square wave. Like you said a RF signal will be shorted out by a capacitor that is next to ground. The RF signal is a quick rise and fall of a voltage. The voltage is the amount of potential, or the amount the total amount of electrons can create a force. If they create more force, then there are more electrons in that area of the circuit. If there is less volatage then there are less electrons that can create a force. So then the rise and fall of a square wave can be almost instant because the number of electrons can trasffer almost instantly.

Never give up. Never surrender.
Never give up. Never surrender.
That was a quick change in tune. I was never able to explain that one last time that came up because of this. But if electrons really traveled as slow as predicted, then they would never be affected by things because they are traveling close to the speed of light.
That was a quick change in tune. I was never able to explain that one last time that came up because of this. But if electrons really traveled as slow as predicted, then they would never be affected by things because they are traveling close to the speed of light.

Just remember, when you hit rock bottom, keep digging.
You should be suspicious of all organizations, esp the secret ones. Bells Labs was one of our (USA) premier propaganda and technology groups. I say ‘was’ because the group has been reformulated since about the 1990s. They became Lucent (giving off light) whose name was kind of an inside joke. Lucent’s symbol was Zen Buddhist in origin and meant “eternal truth”. They were then sold to Alcatel, a French company, but by that time the company was only a store front. It had been gutted and moved to new digs. Anyway, back to Bell Labs propaganda videos.

Back when I was in grade school, each year we watched a series of Bell Labs videos produced by Frank Capra, the brilliant propagandist of WWII fame. After the war Capra and Disney were allowed access to Joseph Goebbel’s research into mind control, with the provision that they aid certain government organizations with advanced technology projects. So they were both enlisted to produce educational films for Bell Labs. One of the stars of those films was Eddie Albert, an ex-Air Force intelligence officer, later to star in Green Acres, a highly cryptic television comedy chock full of secret symbols and words. But that show deserves much more time and space that I have here.

These Bell Labs educational films (produced by Capra and Disney) were; Hemo the Magnificent, The Strange Case of Cosmic Rays, Meteora The Unchained Goddess, Gateways To The Mind, The Alphabet Conspiracy, The Thread Of Life, and About Time (featuring Richard Feynman). Now you have to understand that I am the product of a government experiment. The town I lived in was enlisted by the government to teach a highly experimental curriculum in its public schools. The experiment was only for a few years but I was in the most critical school years of the program. These Bell Labs films were a very small part of that. From what I understand we were all tracked through our lives to see what effect the experiment had. I have heard that the reason my town was chosen is that we got our water directly from artesian wells that had very low fluoride content. Fluoride calcifies parts of the limbic system including the pineal gland, sometimes known as the third eye. (To this day I only drink water I know to be fluoride free. Eye Wide Open!) I do not have any information about the results of the program but some of my classmates went on to high level government jobs in the Alphabet Agencies (conspiracy).

One last thing about the Bell System. This little film clip talks about a real project. That is how the government disseminates knowledge to its agents. In plain view via films, television and radio programs (and now the interwebs). Mazulu should watch it to see that his aliens are really just government telephone operators messing with him to pass the time.

The President's Analyst: The Cerebrum Communicator - YouTube

Its real!

I can’t prove it. In fact I tend to believe your POV is correct. Disney’s involvement with Bell Labs would make it very easy to make effects like the Shive Machine look real.

I see you are a student of semiotics just as I am. I study animated films as a hobby, sometimes spending as much as 4 hours per day on the subject. Decoding the meanings they contain. They are the hieroglyphics of our time. Encoded into them are much of the world’s knowledge including the secret stuff they don’t want us to know about. Just the mention of the xylophone in Steamboat Willie brings very vivid imagery into the visual cortex of my brain. Almost like I am viewing it now. Each of the great animation houses had specific goals and government projects. Bullwinkle, Wile E Coyote, Flintstone and Jetsons, etc, I have studied them all. I would like to write a book on it, but it is hard to separate out some subjects that I am not allowed to talk about.

Not at all. Here is have admitted the truth but people don't believe this stuff. So mostly I go with the company line. That is the brilliance of it truth. You can tell them right to their face and they will never be the wiser. Of course there are the deeper parts that you can get "disappeared" for mentioning. But the stuff that is out there in the public view, in cartoons and films, is all OK to discuss in the open. People just think you are crazy and ignore the truth. The effect is recursive too. Even the people that don't think you are nuts, think you are a liar. And the people that don't think you are a liar are nuts. And besides I already cleared this info with the higher ups. They signed off with no caveats.
I was in 6th grade when I saw Hemo the Magnificent. Maybe 5th grade. I missed some of it because I was busy trying to catch a beaver shot or two. To bad some of these cranks don't mention stuff that would get them 'disappeared'.
I was in 6th grade when I saw Hemo the Magnificent. Maybe 5th grade. I missed some of it because I was busy trying to catch a beaver shot or two. To bad some of these cranks don't mention stuff that would get them 'disappeared'.
Maybe if you stayed inside doing your homework, instead of outside hunting beavers, you would be able to teach them the error of their ways.
I was in 6th grade when I saw Hemo the Magnificent. Maybe 5th grade. I missed some of it because I was busy trying to catch a beaver shot or two. To bad some of these cranks don't mention stuff that would get them 'disappeared'.

Sounds like we might be about the same age. Hemo the Magnificent was pretty boring so my mind was probably wandering to those kinds of things too. By the time I got to Jr High the Mini-skirt fad was literally at its height (and girls were forbidden to wear anything but dresses). Dresses were absurdly short. Man was that a great time to be alive and young. I still remember some of those girls and their dresses vividly. There was this one girl, a early bloomer, very pretty, and get this, her name was Cherry Moulton. LOL. The teachers would always pause when taking role; Klein Thomas, Letham Barbara, Moulton Cherry <pause> Obrien Pat ... Nobody ever even had to explain why. It described her exactly. And it was like there was a contest to see who could wear the shortest skirt and she was always the winner. Sitting down was a struggle for her, and woe to her if she dropped something. Hmmm, High School reunion coming up next year. Maybe she will be there. LOL.
I was pinning him down as being closer to the age of Davy Crocket, and he was looking for beavers because he needed a new hat or something. That would explain a lot...

Do you think either of you would be able to get your mind off women long enough to discuss the Big Bang? There are other forums for that.
Do you think either of you would be able to get your mind off women long enough to discuss the Big Bang? There are other forums for that.

I don't think that you or I could hold a meaningful conversation on the subject. While I can't say for sure, I doubt you know the vocabulary for a discussion on space-time curvature, etc. I know that I don't. Add in to the problems that the thread was started by a guy who talks to aliens, and the fact that specific topic is "before the big bang" and I don't think many knowledgable people would be willing join in. Maybe Mazulu will discuss with you. That is always entertaining.
I was pinning him down as being closer to the age of Davy Crocket, and he was looking for beavers because he needed a new hat or something. That would explain a lot...
Do you think either of you would be able to get your mind off women long enough to discuss the Big Bang? There are other forums for that.
Prof. Layman,
I can see the writing on the wall. While the pinheads among the scientific community refuse to entertain new strategies to revolutionary scientific breakthroughs, while these pigs laugh and joke at the pearls of new insight being cast at them, the United States is going to go over the economic cliff. The physics community doesn't understand that new technological breakthroughs drive new economic growth. Wealth grows out of efficient business activity. But it's gravity that holds us back from becoming more economically efficient and creating new wealth. Neither republicans nor democrats will be to blame for the imminent financial crunch, the blame lies with physicists who cling to the Einstein equations like a security blanket. I've shown you all that the big bang explosion is inconsistent with the so called nothingness that preceded it. There was something here before the big bang. There was some kind of space or quantum vacuum before the big bang. There is something that contains the big bang, and that something is still here.

Instead of pondering that possibility, the lazy and evil pinheads of the physics community will choose to attack me, with malice and hatred. It is too far beyond their fat asses in their comfy chairs, to come up with an experiment that could detect the presence of the pre-existing mega-verse that contains this universe. While the physicists are too busy clinging to their security blanket, the US economy is going to go over the financial cliff and take the rest of the world with it. Get ready to sell your gold and buy Ra man noodles.