Before the big bang

I think someone has noticed by now, it just doesn't matter because no one cares. They would just be too lazy to try.
They sure are lazy people! I'm eager to hear about how your hard work trumped their laziness.

It is much easier just to say that it is impossible, and then state the conservation of energy laws over and over to no end without any reason.
Indeed, who said the universe has to have laws. The sun will not necessarily rise in the morning, at any moment we may all start to float, and wood and copper could actually exchange thermal and electrical conductivity when we're not watching. Just a few examples. (If you don't like them, I've got more.)

You could destroy energy just by sending it down a half wave length wave guide.
Or you can just stick a pair of tweezers in an electrical outlet. That will destroy energy fast, no?

The energy will not go down it.
(I wonder where it goes.)

If the worldine of an electromagnetic wave does not match up it just vanishes.
Man I'd love to see a wave vanish. I wonder if that's all it takes to keep the sun from shining.

It is a principle that is used in radar receivers.
You're a radar technician. USAF?

You could prevent all energy from going into a reciever that is coming directly out of a transmitter.
You mean like a switch?

This is the circuit used in radar. The energy comes out of the transimitter and then looks down the reciever, and says no wait that tunnel down there is only a half wave length, I am not going that way.
Kewl. Then the return signal would only get to pass if it was hugely frequency shifted. I get it, you just fly really, really fast.

So then what if that was the only way to go? It wouldn't be able to go anywhere.
Woah. A trap. Another way to kill energy dead. Or maybe to boost it.

One of my instructors in radar theory said he use to work with the designers of military radar.
You're taking a technical course in the AF?

They ran test to find out where the energy goes, and they couldn't find it. It will just be gone. They tried to tell scientist, but they just do not listen.
Oh you should send them to me. I'm all ears.

It is as if the law of conservation has found it's way into the minds of scientist preventing a free energy device from being discovered because it brainwashes them.
Which is why the sun won't be coming up in the morning, when we wake up floating in superfluid air, under a sun that won't rise, at which time the truth of free energy will be revealed.

It is like the problem of saying that if there was a time traveler, then at the moment he traveled back into time, there would be more energy.
Oh yeah, because he magically got added to the net energy of the universe. I see.

The mass of the universe would increase by the amount the time traveler weighed.
Aha! Just as I suspected!

Electromagnetic energy interacts with itself through time.
Whoa dude. You mean like this?:


Ooops. They forgot the t for time.

So then there can be an increase in energy at any particular moment.
Even when the waves are out of phase in your half-wave reflector?

Particles traveling close to the speed of light do not experience time the same way we do.
How so? And while you're at it, how do they experience time if they're traveling exactly at the speed of light? That would help me get a handle on what you mean.

The worldlines in their frame of reference are contracted into the same moment, so then we can observe an increase in energy from the interactions that take place at other locations on their worldline.
Are you looking backward and forward in time to find all the interactions in the equation I posted above? That would be far out.

We see the particle as probably being at two different place, it sees itself as being at both of those places at once.
Why stop there? Why not just add up all the moments of its existence into one grand total?

So then altering its worldline then would alter the amount of energy it had at another time along the wordline.
Worldine alteration sounds like waking up floating in superfluid air where the sun never rises.

a resonant cavity that is exactly a full wavelength in size of the electromagnetic energy inside of it should increase in energy over time, just like a resonant cavity that was a half wave length in size then have no energy inside of it.
I like it. Imagine what two cavities would do. And then three, and four, and a million. I bet you could power the whole planet if you had enough cavities. I bet that's the best kept secret in the military. National security and all.

That is basically what is between the antena and the reciever of a radar. Then the circuits do not fry because they do not have energy from the transmitter being sent right into it, even though they use the same wave guide to the antenna.
But how does the return signal get into the receiver? Never mind. I really want to build a cavity based free energy amplifier. That would be a great way to prove your ideas about the Big Bang.

Are you looking backward and forward in time to find all the interactions in the equation I posted above? That would be far out.
It really is man, you should try it sometime. Time couldn't be added to the equations because it goes to zero. According to relativity, as an object approuches the speed of light, time approuches zero. So then for an object traveling the speed of light, time cannot be factored into the equations. Relativity just breaks down when trying to apply it to particles that are traveling close to the speed of light.

Say you had two coordinate planes and overlaped them together. One of them is contracted. Then multiple units could then fill the space of a single unit on the other coordinate plane. So then if there was an interaction on only one of the units in one plane then it could then be seen to affect multiple units on the other plane. That would then be seen as an action at a distance on the plane that has the larger units. On the plane with the smaller units, it would just observe that distance to be the same location. So then a single particle at two different locations could then transfer information or energy to the other locations in space and time, instantly.

For example, an electron sent in the double slit experiment could then have an interference pattern with other electrons sent through the experiment that are not even sent at the same time.
This should explain the whole thing about how 1/2 wavelength waveguides work, and more. Pretty interesting old video.

Even Bell says impendance mismatch could cause big loses in energy and finantial ruin. All of electronics is rigged to prevent a large amount of impendance in a circuit. You would have to increase the impendence of both sides of a line to increase the energy so they reflect at a full wavelength. Then it would increase in energy instead of decreasing.
This should explain the whole thing about how 1/2 wavelength waveguides work, and more. Pretty interesting old video.

In the first place I am highly suspicious of a Bell Labs propaganda video, obviously cast on the set of The Day the Earth Stood Still with a device that looks very much like pre-warp drive technology from the craft they were then studying in an airplane hanger in the desert.

Second, can you prove they didn't just use the Photoshop of the day (stop-action animation) to steer us away from the reflection effects they actually know about (worldine crossing/energy creating/full-wave reflecting technology) but which they were planning on testing on humans which is why they invented the Cold War?

Also, I can prove (I have to find it) that this device was known much earlier since it appeared in a 1920s version of Steamboat Willie, where he's playing a xylophone where the bars swivel like that as he hammers them, and it does set up a harmonic pattern which obviously was a signal to the ETs (who were then, as now, monitoring all transmissions) requesting the correct dimensions needed to build the perfect reflector (its obvious true mode of operation) to build up the huge amounts of energy needed to take over the League of Nations and unify the world under one ruling class, the illiterati.

In any case, there is a classified version of the video which you will never see that obviously shows the device building up so much energy that it goes supersonic, then slides up the HF band all the way past X-ray at which point it's in pure emission mode, and that, my friend, is not only how you harvest free energy and solve all of our world problems that are distracting us from the landing parties that are taking over (hence the requests for Obama's birth certificate)--not only all of that, but this clearly illustrates how the Big Bang started from a simple harmonic oscillator set up in full-wave reflection mode where it's obviously over-unity and therefore you get something from nothing. This also goes to show we are not only living in a simulation, but one set up by Reptilians who have a guy like that Bell Labs guy there (they were the first warrantless wiretappers by the way, Nixon and Bush were just their minions)-- but their guy is, well think of an organ grinder, cranking on the simulator with just a little initial energy to get it started, and it cascades from there. Obviously the whole purpose of this is to harvest food since Reptilians specifically need human DNA to keep their advanced brains remembering to turn that crank.

Also, for all the dummies out there who foolishly disbelieve overunity devices, go back to your old notes and check out all the places where the prof said "ignore the right half plane", and if you can snap out of the brainwashing, you Manchurian Candidates, you'll remember the profs wanted to talk about why. Obviously they don't want us to know how any of this really works.

So thanks, Cheezle, for predictably following their programming and unwittingly giving us teh Cold War propaganda film. After the Graviton Winter, when we're all living on termites like (well your, not mine) ancestors did, and the World Court regroups and does its mop-up operation, I'm going to be sure this video gets entered as People's Exhibit A. Heads are gonna roll, friend, when the truth gets out.
Time couldn't be added to the equations because it goes to zero.

Oh tell your instructor to cover the section on limits and you'll see what I mean.

According to relativity, as an object approuches the speed of light, time approuches zero.
Are you French? ( I know, you were thinking cartouche, Ra be with you.) Uh yeah relativity would make t go to zero relatively speaking, but locally time still ticks, so when you calculate the electrostatic force within the local reference frame you should be able to add t in there so to speak. That would give you a worldline for a static field which will blow the minds of the mainstream robots in a heartbeat.

So then for an object traveling the speed of light, time cannot be factored into the equations.
I like the way you think. That would sure explain why the Coulomb force travels at the speed of light. Now just put that on a worldline and you get force as a function of time and space, right?

Relativity just breaks down when trying to apply it to particles that are traveling close to the speed of light.
Yeah and imagine the photon which is right at the speed of light. So broken is that theory they had to invent the excuse that it has no mass. Like the Emperor has no clothes? Duh!

Say you had two coordinate planes and overlaped them together.
OK I get that.

One of them is contracted.
Ok like one is marked in inches and the other in cm.

Then multiple units could then fill the space of a single unit on the other coordinate plane.
Ok like 1 in = 2.5 cm. got it.

So then if there was an interaction on only one of the units in one plane then it could then be seen to affect multiple units on the other plane.
Yeah, you open the door to knowledge 1 inch, but in the other system you went a full 2.5 cm.

That would then be seen as an action at a distance on the plane that has the larger units.
Yeah, let me just redefine "action" to mean "scaling a coordinate system". OK I'm with you.

On the plane with the smaller units, it would just observe that distance to be the same location.
Well duh any nitwit can see that, but try to get these dummies to follow you.

So then a single particle at two different locations could then transfer information or energy to the other locations in space and time, instantly.
Oh, OK now that sounds more like action at a distance. Let me see if I follow you. It's really one particle, but it's at two places at the same time because there are two planes of reality it inhabits that are on different scales so 1 inch of movement in Plane A causes 2.5 cm of movement in Plane B, instantly, since it's really the same particle. Then, when you set 1cm = 1 in the particle can be seen with its twin. What's really cool is that you get to amplify the velocity for free too and the kinetic energy. So yeah, all the grousing about overunity falls by the wayside. Slick.

For example, an electron sent in the double slit experiment could then have an interference pattern with other electrons sent through the experiment that are not even sent at the same time.
Yeah that really could be true. I'm going to go back to Coulomb's Law and see how I can prove what you're saying. I just need to add a t in there to express what you just said, I haven't fully baked my formula yet. After that I'll see if I can do the same for the photon. (Unless you were referring to a double slit in front of a cathode ray.)

I think with the math that has all the t's crosses and all the i's dotted, we're going to shut these puppies down. Keep stoking those coals, between you and me this is bound to go viral.
It really is man, you should try it sometime. Time couldn't be added to the equations because it goes to zero. According to relativity, as an object approuches the speed of light, time approuches zero. So then for an object traveling the speed of light, time cannot be factored into the equations. Relativity just breaks down when trying to apply it to particles that are traveling close to the speed of light.
Special relativity works best when considering things moving close to the speed of light. What it cannot do (essentially) is admit an inertial reference frame in which an object is moving faster than the speed of light relative to the system of coordinates. It is fantastic at describing things that are moving at the speed of light; these things are the basis for all translations between different inertial reference frames.
In the first place I am highly suspicious of a Bell Labs propaganda video, obviously cast on the set of The Day the Earth Stood Still with a device that looks very much like pre-warp drive technology from the craft they were then studying in an airplane hanger in the desert.

You should be suspicious of all organizations, esp the secret ones. Bells Labs was one of our (USA) premier propaganda and technology groups. I say ‘was’ because the group has been reformulated since about the 1990s. They became Lucent (giving off light) whose name was kind of an inside joke. Lucent’s symbol was Zen Buddhist in origin and meant “eternal truth”. They were then sold to Alcatel, a French company, but by that time the company was only a store front. It had been gutted and moved to new digs. Anyway, back to Bell Labs propaganda videos.

Back when I was in grade school, each year we watched a series of Bell Labs videos produced by Frank Capra, the brilliant propagandist of WWII fame. After the war Capra and Disney were allowed access to Joseph Goebbel’s research into mind control, with the provision that they aid certain government organizations with advanced technology projects. So they were both enlisted to produce educational films for Bell Labs. One of the stars of those films was Eddie Albert, an ex-Air Force intelligence officer, later to star in Green Acres, a highly cryptic television comedy chock full of secret symbols and words. But that show deserves much more time and space that I have here.

These Bell Labs educational films (produced by Capra and Disney) were; Hemo the Magnificent, The Strange Case of Cosmic Rays, Meteora The Unchained Goddess, Gateways To The Mind, The Alphabet Conspiracy, The Thread Of Life, and About Time (featuring Richard Feynman). Now you have to understand that I am the product of a government experiment. The town I lived in was enlisted by the government to teach a highly experimental curriculum in its public schools. The experiment was only for a few years but I was in the most critical school years of the program. These Bell Labs films were a very small part of that. From what I understand we were all tracked through our lives to see what effect the experiment had. I have heard that the reason my town was chosen is that we got our water directly from artesian wells that had very low fluoride content. Fluoride calcifies parts of the limbic system including the pineal gland, sometimes known as the third eye. (To this day I only drink water I know to be fluoride free. Eye Wide Open!) I do not have any information about the results of the program but some of my classmates went on to high level government jobs in the Alphabet Agencies (conspiracy).

One last thing about the Bell System. This little film clip talks about a real project. That is how the government disseminates knowledge to its agents. In plain view via films, television and radio programs (and now the interwebs). Mazulu should watch it to see that his aliens are really just government telephone operators messing with him to pass the time.

The President's Analyst: The Cerebrum Communicator - YouTube

Its real!

Second, can you prove they didn't just use the Photoshop of the day (stop-action animation) to steer us away from the reflection effects they actually know about (worldine crossing/energy creating/full-wave reflecting technology) but which they were planning on testing on humans which is why they invented the Cold War?

I can’t prove it. In fact I tend to believe your POV is correct. Disney’s involvement with Bell Labs would make it very easy to make effects like the Shive Machine look real.

Also, I can prove (I have to find it) that this device was known much earlier since it appeared in a 1920s version of Steamboat Willie, where he's playing a xylophone where the bars swivel like that as he hammers them, and it does set up a harmonic pattern which obviously was a signal to the ETs (who were then, as now, monitoring all transmissions) requesting the correct dimensions needed to build the perfect reflector (its obvious true mode of operation) to build up the huge amounts of energy needed to take over the League of Nations and unify the world under one ruling class, the illiterati.

I see you are a student of semiotics just as I am. I study animated films as a hobby, sometimes spending as much as 4 hours per day on the subject. Decoding the meanings they contain. They are the hieroglyphics of our time. Encoded into them are much of the world’s knowledge including the secret stuff they don’t want us to know about. Just the mention of the xylophone in Steamboat Willie brings very vivid imagery into the visual cortex of my brain. Almost like I am viewing it now. Each of the great animation houses had specific goals and government projects. Bullwinkle, Wile E Coyote, Flintstone and Jetsons, etc, I have studied them all. I would like to write a book on it, but it is hard to separate out some subjects that I am not allowed to talk about.

So thanks, Cheezle, for predictably following their programming and unwittingly giving us teh Cold War propaganda film. After the Graviton Winter, when we're all living on termites like (well your, not mine) ancestors did, and the World Court regroups and does its mop-up operation, I'm going to be sure this video gets entered as People's Exhibit A. Heads are gonna roll, friend, when the truth gets out.

Not at all. Here is have admitted the truth but people don't believe this stuff. So mostly I go with the company line. That is the brilliance of it truth. You can tell them right to their face and they will never be the wiser. Of course there are the deeper parts that you can get "disappeared" for mentioning. But the stuff that is out there in the public view, in cartoons and films, is all OK to discuss in the open. People just think you are crazy and ignore the truth. The effect is recursive too. Even the people that don't think you are nuts, think you are a liar. And the people that don't think you are a liar are nuts. And besides I already cleared this info with the higher ups. They signed off with no caveats.
Special relativity works best when considering things moving close to the speed of light. What it cannot do (essentially) is admit an inertial reference frame in which an object is moving faster than the speed of light relative to the system of coordinates. It is fantastic at describing things that are moving at the speed of light; these things are the basis for all translations between different inertial reference frames.
I don't think it does really. The factor 1-(v/c)^2 prevents any calculations from being done when v=c. If v=c then (v/c)^2=1, then if (v/c)^2=1 then 1-(v/c)^2=0. So then you end up with this zero that prevents any other relation from velocity and the speed of light. It would be like the graph of the equation has a hole in it when v=c.

It can and actually has been used to describe particles that theoretically travel faster than the speed of light. You just end up getting a negative number, then taking the square root of the value 1-(v/c)^2, you end up getting an imaginary number. The imaginary value is then interpretted to travel in a higher dimension or backwards in time. This theoretical particle is called the tachyon.

I don't think it is just the hole in the graph of the equation that is preventing it from being unified with quantum mechanics. I think to make any progress in this direction we would have to consider that spacetime dialation is a real effect and has consequences that are part of the quantum weirdness seen in particles that travel close to the speed of light. Action at a distance is a real consequence in quantum mechanics, and it has be proven to be a real effect. In quantum mechanics the speed of light barrier has already been broken. I think spacetime dialation is the main reason for this occurance.

For example, particle spin can be changed in other particles at speeds that are faster than the speed of light. If a particle is split into two particles, and then you change the spin of one particle then the other particle will instantly change to the opposite spin. This could be interpretted as the particle having its spacetime contracted to zero. So then the particle would observe spacetime so that it was at a different location and a part of the original particle at the same time, the worldline of the particle is the same location for the particle. So then changing the spin on our frame of reference then changes the spin in all locations the particle would be along its wordline. For us, it is action at a distance, but for the particle, there was no distance for the action to travel. So then, a particle cannot have two different spins at the same time from its own frame of reference. I think the same particle having two different spins at two different times would have to be explained in the MWI.
Getting back on topic of the main subject of the thread, there was nothing before the Big Bang. No space, no time, no nothing. Conservation laws say everything would have always had to have existed, the particles that make up everything would have to have had some Godly property so that it always had existed. But we know that this is not true, because if all the matter and energy that is now was at one central location in the past it would create a black hole, then nothing could ever escape the black hole. Then there would have been no Big Bang. So then the matter/energy and spacetime that we observe now would then had to have been ceated some time after the Big Bang, it all couldn't even have been created at once. Then since there was no black hole, the laws of physics would have been the same and then there would be a free energy mechanism providing the energy needed to account for everything in the universe that would create that energy over time.

Then since there was not infinite energy at the moment of the Big Bang, then nothing from the Planck Scale could then have an effect on our reality. So then the Big Bang wouldn't even begin until after 10^-33 sec after the Big Bang. It becomes a late bloomer. At this time the universe would only be 10^-34 cm in size. So then you have a single point that is 10^-33 sec and 10^-34 cm big. So then comes the question, how fast is the Planck Scale here traveling? Well, there is then nothing for it to measure itself relative too. So then it travels at one meter per secound, then two meters per sound, then three and so on ad infinitum. Since there is nothing for it to measure its speed to it could in effect say that it is traveling at any constant speed it wants too. There would be no difference in the observation no matter what speed it traveled. Then eventually it begins to travel the speed of light, that would lead to our laws of physics. It travels in one direction the speed of light and since there is no space or time it finds itself as being in the same location. It then intensifies itself gaining in energy. Then it has to slow down from increasing in mass, so then the universe increases in size. Then it gains even more energy according to the new increase in size. Then this goes on untill the universe increase in size so that a photon could no longer travel around the universe and interact with itself.

So then ironically it is as if God said, let there be light, and then the photon was allowed to come into existance. I developed these ideas while being atheist, and religion really had no role in the formation of these ideas. I didn't realize the religious implications until years afterwards, where then I was converted. I believe that photonic energy is the only way science can achieve the goal of going from nothing to something, so that there is a universe that would not have been totally prevented from a black hole. God could be the result of a superparticle created like an alternative universe before the big bang. It is much simpler to create a superparticle or being of infinite energy than it would be to create a universe with alternate laws of physics. Light picks up a lot of God like properties when it is assumed to be at rest. For instance it is everywhere along its worldline at once, it is then omnipresent and observe everything along its wordline at once.
I don't think it does really.
Then you show that you really do not know anything about the theory. This is not surprising, given the many mistaken ideas about physics you have shown so far.
The factor 1-(v/c)^2 prevents any calculations from being done when v=c. If v=c then (v/c)^2=1, then if (v/c)^2=1 then 1-(v/c)^2=0. So then you end up with this zero that prevents any other relation from velocity and the speed of light. It would be like the graph of the equation has a hole in it when v=c.
You are talking about a factor for converting between reference frames. Go back and read what I wrote. Then find a decent textbook or a college course and start learning the special theory of relativity from the basics.
Then you show that you really do not know anything about the theory. This is not surprising, given the many mistaken ideas about physics you have shown so far.

You are talking about a factor for converting between reference frames. Go back and read what I wrote. Then find a decent textbook or a college course and start learning the special theory of relativity from the basics.
The only reason I mentioned the quote you responded to was because I had become convinced that you need to start learning the special theory of relativity from the basics. The special theory of relativity is NOT like you say, "fantastic at describing things that are moving at the speed of light". I don't see how anyone that has any knowledge of the theory could make such a statement. Why don't you go take a course in it, so then you would know where the current scientific theory ends and my own theory begins.

It is amazing someone could have the audacity to tell someone something like that when they absolutely know nothing about it themselves.
The only reason I mentioned the quote you responded to was because I had become convinced that you need to start learning the special theory of relativity from the basics. The special theory of relativity is NOT like you say, "fantastic at describing things that are moving at the speed of light". I don't see how anyone that has any knowledge of the theory could make such a statement. Why don't you go take a course in it, so then you would know where the current scientific theory ends and my own theory begins.

It is amazing someone could have the audacity to tell someone something like that when they absolutely know nothing about it themselves.

The only reason I mentioned the quote you responded to was because I had become convinced that you need to start learning the special theory of relativity from the basics. The special theory of relativity is NOT like you say, "fantastic at describing things that are moving at the speed of light". I don't see how anyone that has any knowledge of the theory could make such a statement. Why don't you go take a course in it, so then you would know where the current scientific theory ends and my own theory begins.

It is amazing someone could have the audacity to tell someone something like that when they absolutely know nothing about it themselves.

No, sorry but you are wrong. I already pointed out the error in your idea about how a quarter wavelength waveguide works. And your idea that Greene said that there is an infinite amount of energy in any given volume of space. You also have a misconception on quantum entanglement. All your ideas are based on misconceptions. You would be best served by PhysBang's advice that you learn the subjects you think (wrongly) that you know. I highly recommend the Susskind lectures available on youtube through Stanford University.

Just search for "Susskind Stanford" in youtube.
Why don't you go take a course in it, so then you would know where the current scientific theory ends and my own theory begins.
That occurs when all evidence, logic, reason, math, science, common sense, and (in brief) the sum of human knowledge end.

It is amazing someone could have the audacity to tell someone something like that when they absolutely know nothing about it themselves.
Oh, the irony.
No, sorry but you are wrong. I already pointed out the error in your idea about how a quarter wavelength waveguide works. You also have a misconception of quantum entanglement. All your ideas are based on misconceptions. You would be best served by PhysBang's advice that you learn the subjects you think (wrongly) that you know. I highly recommend the Susskind lectures available on youtube through Stanford University.

Just search for "Susskind Stanford" in youtube.
I never mentioned anything about quarter wavelength waveguides, only half and full wavelength. It is not a misconception, it is the only theory that explains it with any type of reason that I myself have come up with. I don't think the current theory is wrong, it just doesn't have an explaination. I am only trying to explain it in words like people like yourself can understand. I have already watched Susskinds lectures on string theory on you tube. It doesn't mention anything about relativity. I also posted a thread in physics and math, called a lightcone problem, on just that and how he derives a theory using a lightcone that has time set to infinity. So then you would need to watch Susskinds videos on string theory, to then know what the other thread is even about.

Take a look at the dates and time I stated in this thread that I had watched the video. Note they are before you made this comment. Also note, that the idea of this thread came from watching Susskinds video, and also no one has been able to provide a valid reason why he does what he does in the proposed problem.
Oh, the irony.

It is not irony, some people just flat out lie when they want to verify if someone actually knows something. Then you have to hit the right reading on their "truthometer". They then gauge your response to tell if something is fact or fiction without even knowing anything about it.
No, sorry but you are wrong. I already pointed out the error in your idea about how a quarter wavelength waveguide works. And your idea that Greene said that there is an infinite amount of energy in any given volume of space. You also have a misconception on quantum entanglement. All your ideas are based on misconceptions. You would be best served by PhysBang's advice that you learn the subjects you think (wrongly) that you know. I highly recommend the Susskind lectures available on youtube through Stanford University.

Just search for "Susskind Stanford" in youtube.
I already watched this videos and posted another thread in the physics and match section on this web site that mentions a problem in the videos.

I never metioned anything about quarter waves. That was Bells video.