Before the big bang

That would be last thing on my list after all other possible results were overruled. All that happens in a reflection is . . . reflection. In fact, reflection would be exceedingly difficult if other things had to be done in tandem.

A resonant cavity, a laser, an electronic phase inverter . . . there are some pretty widely used devices that go to great extremes to set up reflections - you think something would have been noticed by now if (theramin plays 50s alien invasion sound effects) something else was going on.
I think someone has noticed by now, it just doesn't matter because no one cares. They would just be too lazy to try. It is much easier just to say that it is impossible, and then state the conservation of energy laws over and over to no end without any reason. You could destroy energy just by sending it down a half wave length wave guide. The energy will not go down it. If the worldine of an electromagnetic wave does not match up it just vanishes. It is a principle that is used in radar receivers. You could prevent all energy from going into a reciever that is coming directly out of a transmitter. This is the circuit used in radar. The energy comes out of the transimitter and then looks down the reciever, and says no wait that tunnel down there is only a half wave length, I am not going that way. So then what if that was the only way to go? It wouldn't be able to go anywhere. One of my instructors in radar theory said he use to work with the designers of military radar. They ran test to find out where the energy goes, and they couldn't find it. It will just be gone. They tried to tell scientist, but they just do not listen. It is as if the law of conservation has found it's way into the minds of scientist preventing a free energy device from being discovered because it brainwashes them.

It is like the problem of saying that if there was a time traveler, then at the moment he traveled back into time, there would be more energy. The mass of the universe would increase by the amount the time traveler weighed. Electromagnetic energy interacts with itself through time. So then there can be an increase in energy at any particular moment. Particles traveling close to the speed of light do not experience time the same way we do. The worldlines in their frame of reference are contracted into the same moment, so then we can observe an increase in energy from the interactions that take place at other locations on their worldline. We see the particle as probably being at two different place, it sees itself as being at both of those places at once. So then altering its worldline then would alter the amount of energy it had at another time along the wordline.

A resonant cavity that is exactly a full wavelength in size of the electromagnetic energy inside of it should increase in energy over time, just like a resonant cavity that was a half wave length in size then have no energy inside of it. That is basically what is between the antena and the reciever of a radar. Then the circuits do not fry because they do not have energy from the transmitter being sent right into it, even though they use the same wave guide to the antenna.
I think someone has noticed by now, it just doesn't matter because no one cares. They would just be too lazy to try. It is much easier just to say that it is impossible, and then state the conservation of energy laws over and over to no end without any reason. You could destroy energy just by sending it down a half wave length wave guide. The energy will not go down it. If the worldine of an electromagnetic wave does not match up it just vanishes. It is a principle that is used in radar receivers. You could prevent all energy from going into a reciever that is coming directly out of a transmitter. This is the circuit used in radar. The energy comes out of the transimitter and then looks down the reciever, and says no wait that tunnel down there is only a half wave length, I am not going that way. So then what if that was the only way to go? It wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

That's pure and utter rubbish from the word go! I worked with microwave transmission and waveguides extensively for a number of years. Anyone with a half-functioning brain and a little knowledge of the field knows EXACTLY where the energy goes!!!!! It's simply converted to heat, you misbegotten crank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's pure and utter rubbish from the word go! I worked with microwave transmission and waveguides extensively for a number of years. Anyone with a half-functioning brain and a little knowledge of the field knows EXACTLY where the energy goes!!!!! It's simply converted to heat, you misbegotten crank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heat damages components. If it converted to heat then the components would fry. The whole point of this wave guide circuit is to prevent just that. You can't just apply the explaination of thermodynamics about how any energy is then converted to heat. It doesn't get hot. You just made that up. I could ask a fifth grader, oh what then happened to the energy, then he would say, "oh, it just converts to heat".

I wouldn't recommend trying to prove that it does convert to heat by experiment, becease you will probably just end up creating an electromagnetic pulse that would damage every peice of electronics in your city.
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Heat damages components. If it converted to heat then the components would fry. The whole point of this wave guide circuit is to prevent just that. You can't just apply the explaination of thermodynamics about how any energy is then converted to heat. It doesn't get hot. You just made that up. I could ask a fifth grader, oh what then happened to the energy, then he would say, "oh, it just converts to heat".

I wouldn't recommend trying to prove that it does convert to heat by experiment, becease you will probably just end up creating an electromagnetic pulse that would damage every peice of electronics in your city.

Obviously you ARE completely insane! As I plainly said, I worked with all that for number of years. And in certain instances we even measured the amount of heat being produced with thermocouples.

YOU, bub, are the one here that's acting like a silly little 5th grader. Apparently, you're about as uneducated in physics as anyone on this site could possibly be. All you've done here is toss around a few hot-button buzzwords but yet haven't a clue as to what they mean or represent. What a troll !!!!!!!!!!
Obviously you ARE completely insane! As I plainly said, I worked with all that for number of years. And in certain instances we even measured the amount of heat being produced with thermocouples. YOU, bub, are the one here that's acting like a silly little 5th grader. Apparently, you're about as uneducated in physics as anyone on this site could possibly be. All you've done here is toss around a few hot-button buzzwords but yet haven't a clue as to what they mean or represent. What a troll !!!!!!!!!!
I don't see you writing down any thermodynamics equations. Apparently, you're also uneducated in physics. Anyway, measuring heat with thermo-couplers is something that a high school graduate could be trained to do. So don't be too proud of yourself.

Some of these clowns here probably don't know any more than you do; they're just lay persons who need an attitude adjustment. Just ignore them.
I don't see you writing down any thermodynamics equations. Apparently, you're also uneducated in physics. Anyway, measuring heat with thermo-couplers is something that a high school graduate could be trained to do. So don't be too proud of yourself.

Some of these clowns here probably don't know any more than you do; they're just lay persons who need an attitude adjustment. Just ignore them.

I don't need to provide any equations. Even if I bothered to, neither you nor the other dullard would be able to understand them. Besides, they are ALL over the Internet! If you want to, feel free to go get them yourself - I really could not possibly care less. <shrug>
I don't need to provide any equations. Even if I bothered to, neither you nor the other dullard would be able to understand them. Besides, they are ALL over the Internet! If you want to, feel free to go get them yourself -
Anybody can say that. Prove to me that you know something about thermodynamics. Show me what you got.
Anybody can say that. Prove to me that you know something about thermodynamics. Show me what you got.

I'm not the fool that you two are. As I said, those formulas are readily available to anyone from a thousand sites. If I took a few seconds to type some of them, both of you jerks would just say I copied them from somewhere. So shove off, bub!!
Obviously you ARE completely insane! As I plainly said, I worked with all that for number of years. And in certain instances we even measured the amount of heat being produced with thermocouples.

YOU, bub, are the one here that's acting like a silly little 5th grader. Apparently, you're about as uneducated in physics as anyone on this site could possibly be. All you've done here is toss around a few hot-button buzzwords but yet haven't a clue as to what they mean or represent. What a troll !!!!!!!!!!
Your explaination doesn't even go along with current theory. If a wave was reflected at something other than a half have length it would give off some heat. But, I was talking about where a electromagnetic wave has knowledge of future events, and then takes its upon themselves to alter their course of direction. The particles being destroyed and being converted to heat does not fit with the current theory. If heat was given off then they wouldn't have said that the particles simply choose to go in a different direction. All you have done here toss around principles of thermodynamics taught to a fifth grader and thrown them around saying that they apply to electromagnetic energy.
Your explaination doesn't even go along with current theory. If a wave was reflected at something other than a half have length it would give off some heat. But, I was talking about where a electromagnetic wave has knowledge of future events, and then takes its upon themselves to alter their course of direction. The particles being destroyed and being converted to heat does not fit with the current theory. If heat was given off then they wouldn't have said that the particles simply choose to go in a different direction. All you have done here toss around principles of thermodynamics taught to a fifth grader and thrown them around saying that they apply to electromagnetic energy.

And you actually believe that the principles of thermodynamics somehow no longer apply to EM waves?? Oh, I get it - because YOU say so!

Pity - you are a waste of a human mind...
And you actually believe that the principles of thermodynamics somehow no longer apply to EM waves?? Oh, I get it - because YOU say so!

Pity - you are a waste of a human mind...
The laws of thermodynamics was made laws before electricity was even discovered. Isaac Newton didn't put electromagnetic energy inside of a box and then prove that energy is conserved. It wouldn't have even been possible. The laws of thermodynamics was even discovered to be laws before Einstein came out with relativity. The laws of thermodynamics should be applied to thermodynamics. The experiment of radar theory already contradicts the laws of thermodynamics. In thermodynamics the amount of energy inside of a box should become evenly distributed inside of that box. This is not what happens inside of a radar transeiver! The energy is not evenly distributed and then only travels down the full wave length guide. So then applying the laws of thermodynamics to this would then prove impossible. It has broken the laws of thermodynamics in the transceiver experiment! This is before any theory is even applied to what is going on here! So then as a scientist, and the results of the experiment, it should be obvious that the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to electromagnetic energy that is inside of a box. The law is already broken when the electromagnetic energy only goes down the full wave length guide.
The laws of thermodynamics was made laws before electricity was even discovered. Isaac Newton didn't put electromagnetic energy inside of a box and then prove that energy is conserved. It wouldn't have even been possible. The laws of thermodynamics was even discovered to be laws before Einstein came out with relativity. The laws of thermodynamics should be applied to thermodynamics. The experiment of radar theory already contradicts the laws of thermodynamics. In thermodynamics the amount of energy inside of a box should become evenly distributed inside of that box. This is not what happens inside of a radar transeiver! The energy is not evenly distributed and then only travels down the full wave length guide. So then applying the laws of thermodynamics to this would then prove impossible. It has broken the laws of thermodynamics in the transceiver experiment! This is before any theory is even applied to what is going on here! So then as a scientist, and the results of the experiment, it should be obvious that the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to electromagnetic energy that is inside of a box. The law is already broken when the electromagnetic energy only goes down the full wave length guide.

You've done nothing here except dig yourself into a deeper hole. Do you intend to make it even worse again?
You've done nothing here except dig yourself into a deeper hole. Do you intend to make it even worse again?
Then maybe you would like to indulge us on how the laws of thermodynamics apply to electromagnetic energy inside of a box. One of our leading string theorist can't even figure it out. Electromagnetic energy is not Newtownian, you can't think about it in completely Newtownian physics. Baryons act Newtownian, the electrons do not. There is no principle in thermodynamics that says anything about only altering the shape of the box would then prevent energy going into one place or another. There is an interaction that causes this, it could never fit with thermodynamical principals.
You've done nothing here except dig yourself into a deeper hole. Do you intend to make it even worse again?

I like the ignore list function. Keeps me from getting pissed off. Helps me from becoming a practicing stupidist. IE disrespecting the rights of people to be stupid and remain so indefinitely.
I like the ignore list function. Keeps me from getting pissed off. Helps me from becoming a practicing stupidist. IE disrespecting the rights of people to be stupid and remain so indefinitely.

That's a good idea, Bruce, I need to start making more use of it. None of these people make me angry in the least - though there are several here that DO annoy me. Sort of like mosquitoes on an otherwise pleasant day. ;)
That's a good idea, Bruce, I need to start making more use of it. None of these people make me angry in the least - though there are several here that DO annoy me. Sort of like mosquitoes on an otherwise pleasant day. ;)

You're right annoy is a much better word. I do get pissed off once in awhile. My bad. I really laughed when Prof. Alienman made the comments about EM and thermodynamics. I worked in the oil industry for 40 years. 10 as a commercial diver and 30 in refining. It's really a shock to realize all those thermocouples didn't actually work. hahahahahahahah..aah. I'll link this 'How does it work'. Maybe he'll read it. Doubt it since ideologues never see a fact that they won't ignore if it conflicts with ideology.
You're right annoy is a much better word. I do get pissed off once in awhile. My bad. I really laughed when Prof. Alienman made the comments about EM and thermodynamics. I worked in the oil industry for 40 years. 10 as a commercial diver and 30 in refining. It's really a shock to realize all those thermocouples didn't actually work. hahahahahahahah..aah. I'll link this 'How does it work'. Maybe he'll read it. Doubt it since ideologues never see a fact that they won't ignore if it conflicts with ideology.
It is obvious that I went way over your head. Maybe you where too busy laughing instead of trying to understand what I was saying. I never said that a thermocoupler would never work. I was talking about a specific interaction of electromagnetic waves. For all I know, a thermocoupler was used when determining that the electromagnetic wave does not go down a half wave guide. There would then be no energy associated with the half wave guide, not even a transference of heat, so then it is assumed that the electromagnetic wave never went that direction in the first place! If there was a transfer of heat caused by the particles being destroyed by traveling down a half wave guide, then the current theory that explains it would then be wrong! It could then be proven that the wave does actually travel down the half wave portion of the wave guide! All I am doing is accepting that the current theory fits as an accurate description of what is happening! There is no energy associated with the electromagnetic wave that doesn't travel down a half wave guide!
The point I am trying to make is that even though the current discription is accurate in what happens, it is not the underlying cause of this behaivor. The particle doesn't have a brain, it cannot look down a tube and then decide that it will only go one way or the other. So then if something fundemental was going here that didn't include the particle having a brain, then the worldline of that particle is contracted. It could then show signs of intellegence with an action at a distance. So then the alternate explaination I am giving is that since the wordline of the particle doesn't fit in the tube, it cancels itself out. Then when it cancels itself out there is a complete lose of energy. It would remain as though the particle never went that way to begin with. So then since it could completely cancel itself out without transfering any energy, then it could also intensify itself the same way. Then if it intesfied itself and created more particles they would then interact with the container it was in and create a rise in heat! To gain heat it would have to interact with other matter.
The point I am trying to make is that even though the current discription is accurate in what happens, it is not the underlying cause of this behaivor. The particle doesn't have a brain, it cannot look down a tube and then decide that it will only go one way or the other. So then if something fundemental was going here that didn't include the particle having a brain, then the worldline of that particle is contracted. It could then show signs of intellegence with an action at a distance. So then the alternate explaination I am giving is that since the wordline of the particle doesn't fit in the tube, it cancels itself out. Then when it cancels itself out there is a complete lose of energy. It would remain as though the particle never went that way to begin with. So then since it could completely cancel itself out without transfering any energy, then it could also intensify itself the same way. Then if it intesfied itself and created more particles they would then interact with the container it was in and create a rise in heat! To gain heat it would have to interact with other matter.

I am not very knowledgable about waveguides but I have worked with transmission lines before (long ago). Since no one else is answering here I will attempt it, and hopefully not botch it too badly. When you work with RF and microwaves you are normally interested in power transmission rather than voltage or current. See this link. In the link a half wavelength side stub with an open at the end will look like an open to the main transmission line, so no power is transmitted down the stub. Always think about what the power (EI) is at the entrance to the stub. The EM wave is definitely traveling down the stub and reflecting back but is not causing any power loss. With a shorted end the power is I think still zero since E=0 and I=max therefore EI=0, but it will reflect power back to the signal source and that is bad. It is not magic. And you can make an open stub look like a short, an open or any impedance in between simply by adjusting the length. This is why you alawsy need to terminate open ports of RF devices. I think waveguides are going to work in a very similar way.