Becoming a Whore?

men like sex
men act like sex is the most important thing in the world
women like sex
women act like they dont want sex

a man who acts like he doesnt want sex gets called a fag

a woman who acts like she wants sex gets called a whore

but shes only a whore if she takes money for sex
Sounds like a lot of ideas in this topic are really confused, Showing a real lack of understanding sexuality, and the natural poster of sexuality. However that is not unusall anthorpologist have spent years trying to find the proper stature of sexuality, as well it has been a debate among many of the major religions in their formation, the confusion over the issue has made it a taboo type topic for centuries, and so because of this many people still have that confusion.

I simple measure for rule of the issue is to remember that males are different females, and because of this each has a different name, one male and the other is called female. Both have different sex organs, and other behaviors.

a woman have the right to be whore and whore is not some thing bad what's wrong to be a whore? if you can't keep your woman by yourside you want her to sufur your penis decrease problem with you?
Baron Max said:
When, at what point, does a woman become a whore (or slut or whatever term you wish to use)?

I mean, if a girl fucks two different men over a two year period, is she a whore?

If she fucks twenty men over a two year period, is she then a whore?

How 'bout if she fucks 405,236 men in two HOURS, is she then a whore?

There must be some cutoff, some measure, of whoredom ...but in all of my 60-some years, I've never known what it is. And now that I'm totally surrounded by some of the smartest people on the entire planet, I'm hoping to find the answer to this perplexing question!

Baron Max

a whore is someone who charges for sex, so your entire question is invalid, are you a whore?