Becoming a Whore?

duendy said:
hmmmm Buddha1, i am confused. you claimed i hadn't addressed a question of yours from an earlier thread (the one you linked me to here, buthaving looked at it i cannot for the life of me see where you asked me aything outright......?
Well, its strange because when I pressed the link it led me to it, here is the text of that message:

"Duendy, I'm greatly interested in what you've been saying about spirit and matter. I think they may hold an answer to most of the problems that humans face today."
OK! I looked it up on urban dictionary for everyone.

A whore is a women who sleeps with everyone but you.
I took a slut home last week, sadly I'm not single but my mate did fuck her. Damn hot too.

For me, a slut is a girl who will have sex without much investment in time or money, not necessarily anything to do with fuck frequency.
If whoring is the best you can do in life, you should become a whore so others can use you. Sort of like a predator-prey relationship.
Buddha1 said:
Well, its strange because when I pressed the link it led me to it, here is the text of that message:

"Duendy, I'm greatly interested in what you've been saying about spirit and matter. I think they may hold an answer to most of the problems that humans face today."
yew i know, i got to the link and read that. but didn't you say you had asked me a question i didn't answer....? was that a question? and/or what was it you asked me.....?
hug-a-tree said:
OK! I looked it up on urban dictionary for everyone.

A whore is a women who sleeps with everyone but you.
Neildo said:
Haha, that's perfect!
Another of those anti-male and heterosexual cliches to 'mainstream' 'whoreness' and further marginalise men.

A whore = an anti-man
I think alongside treating sex casually, another sign of a whore is that, they are sexually aggressive, dominant --- almost masculine.......and they know how to use the power that the society has granted them over men --- to grant manhood.

So they are willing and capable of exploiting that power that the ordinary feminine woman is not easily inclined to do --- unless being a whore is thrust upon women by the popular culture (as in a heterosexual society).

So any woman that 'demands' and expects sex from men as a birthright is a 'whore'.
Buddha1 said:
I think alongside treating sex casually, another sign of a whore is that, they are sexually aggressive, dominant --- almost masculine.......and they know how to use the power that the society has granted them over men --- to grant manhood.

So they are willing and capable of exploiting that power that the ordinary feminine woman is not easily inclined to do --- unless being a whore is thrust upon women by the popular culture (as in a heterosexual society).

So any woman that 'demands' and expects sex from men as a birthright is a 'whore'.

'DEMANDS'? tyhis isimmediately then putting men into the role of a cocquetish-like female, all coy and hard-to-get. a real turn on...heh

no. males havea voracious sexual appetite, on the whole---pun not intended--so a woman who can match it wouod beSOMEmen's dream......
IF you want themythical motif for such a woma, checkout abot Lilith. she is an aspect of the Goddess demonized by patriarchal tradition because yshe would not cow tow to Adam/man........go girrrrl go girrrrl!!
I was thinking of putting £500 to one side and waxing the lot on a drugs/sex holiday in Amsterdam. I don't see how whoring is anti-male in any way. Other than the proliferation of disease.
duendy said:
no. males havea voracious sexual appetite, on the whole---pun not intended--so a woman who can match it wouod beSOMEmen's dream......
All stereotypes!!!

Men do that because it has an enormous 'social masculinity' value. Take that value off and see how many men have such voracious appetite?

In other words this voracious appetite has been artificially created and a lot (most) of it is just pure pretense!
Bullshit Buddha1.

Check your local college male dorm, and count the number of men who whack off on a daily basis and tell me that they don't have a sexual appetite.

It's not a stereotype, or the porn industry and male magazines wouldn't be a billion dollar industry.

And don't give me the East vs. West bullshit on that either, because the instance of masturbation all over the world is the same.

Men don't masturbate for "social masculinity value", trust me.

Just like the rest of your posts, it's mostly crap with no support and no research. You speculations are bizarre and out of touch with reality.
Kotoko said:
Bullshit Buddha1.

Check your local college male dorm, and count the number of men who whack off on a daily basis and tell me that they don't have a sexual appetite.

It's not a stereotype, or the porn industry and male magazines wouldn't be a billion dollar industry.

And don't give me the East vs. West bullshit on that either, because the instance of masturbation all over the world is the same.

Men don't masturbate for "social masculinity value", trust me.

Just like the rest of your posts, it's mostly crap with no support and no research. You speculations are bizarre and out of touch with reality.

Kotoko, do you know that you're one very angry dame!

I'm sure you look beautiful when you're angry......

I remember what my female friend told me about this female friend of hers who had a love marriage. In my country couples often don't have sex before they get married.

On their first night after the couple had sex, the man remarked, "I enjoyed doing masturbation better than sex with you!"

That men masturbate doesn't mean that they have a natural vociferous appetite for women. In nature men's sexual need is multifaceted and has different time and importance for different needs.

Usually youth is the time for sexual bonding with another man/ men. Even scientists have talked about a 'homosexual' adolescent phase. This phase useually lasts for the first half of adulthood (in nature!). Later youth is the time for sexual relations with girls.

The porn industry fulfills the artificial need created by the social pressures that work on men. Men do exaggerate their sexual need for women. If you notice carefully, see how much it means for the sense of 'manhood' of a man......and how low a man feels if somehow he is seen to have not enough sexual attraction for females or can't 'satisfy' his woman enough!

You know in my country, how many young men go to prostitutes before their marriage to know about sex. Because they are utterly afraid of finding out that their wife will find out they know nothing about sex!
And ALSO, the way women have been sterotyped by the patriarchy as the virginal wife etc etc is ALSO anothewr reason dudes will seek out, for the wolman of the night will be prepared to DO thangs for the male that his wife amy not, and/or he may not want his wife to do

origins for this expctation?

again, its to be found intact in mythologies where te Great Goddess is SPLIY up into different aspects. in Judeo Christian myth the timid model of the 'Virgin' Mary is glorified, and trhe Hoe is the Hoe in the Book of Revalations, andmuch muc older--as i've already told you, LILITH. She who would not obey the patriarchy/'God' and would not lie UNDEr Adam
so we can see with these clues ,n's mindset can we not. he demands women keep to stereotypes the patriarchy demands.not ALL men. but men that buy this, and have been indoctrinated to.

the extreme of tis fear of women is found in the mythof the 'Succubae'. tis wa the belief that female 'demons' visited men at night--a particular 'problem' for many celibate clergy. who blamed 'wet dreams' on these 'succubae'...!
duendy said:
And ALSO, the way women have been sterotyped by the patriarchy as the virginal wife etc etc is ALSO anothewr reason dudes will seek out, for the wolman of the night will be prepared to DO thangs for the male that his wife amy not, and/or he may not want his wife to do

origins for this expctation?

again, its to be found intact in mythologies where te Great Goddess is SPLIY up into different aspects. in Judeo Christian myth the timid model of the 'Virgin' Mary is glorified, and trhe Hoe is the Hoe in the Book of Revalations, andmuch muc older--as i've already told you, LILITH. She who would not obey the patriarchy/'God' and would not lie UNDEr Adam
so we can see with these clues ,n's mindset can we not. he demands women keep to stereotypes the patriarchy demands.not ALL men. but men that buy this, and have been indoctrinated to.

the extreme of tis fear of women is found in the mythof the 'Succubae'. tis wa the belief that female 'demons' visited men at night--a particular 'problem' for many celibate clergy. who blamed 'wet dreams' on these 'succubae'...!
EVen though femininity has been unduly and severely suppressed, femininity is not always good. There is negative femininity and it is equally disastrous as negative masculinity.

Heterosexuality (which is not equal to sexual desire for women) represents negative femininity.
Buddha1 said:
EVen though femininity has been unduly and severely suppressed, femininity is not always good. There is negative femininity and it is equally disastrous as negative masculinity.

me)))))hmmmmwell, all wehavehad since god knpws when is negative patriarchy. and Nature ITSELF is now severely under threat...!!!

Heterosexuality (which is not equal to sexual desire for women) represents negative femininity.

As saaid. Goddess Stream honoured ambiguous sexuality. patriarchy dont. 2plus 2 equals.......
Buddha1 said:
Another of those anti-male and heterosexual cliches to 'mainstream' 'whoreness' and further marginalise men.

A whore = an anti-man

It wasn't anti male at all. Don't be like that. It was off of urban dictionary, everything off there is a joke.
Buddha1 said:
On their first night after the couple had sex, the man remarked, "I enjoyed doing masturbation better than sex with you!"

Oh man, I feel so bad for her.
Buddha1 said:
Where are all those feminists? How come Sciforums don't have them? I'd love to discuss things with them, and see them challenge me!

I'm maybe jumping in a bit late to this discussion, and I have not read the entire thread. To answer the OQ, I define a whore as someone with an agenda who fucks to get what he/she wants. It is someone who does not honour his/her body, but uses it for gainful purposes (not necessarily just monetary gain). It is someone who uses sex as a vehicle by which she/he acheives a less-than-admirable/honourable goal, and does so at the expense of his/her own mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical health and complete disregard for that of others.

Now...Buddha... I admit that I have not read all of your posts - even in this thread - and I likely won't hang around for a really lengthy debate, so let's keep it short.

I am a little confused about your stand on things. It probably would help to know: are you a person of the male persuasion? Or to rephrase, do you consider yourself to be a man, a woman or neither? For some reason, you seem really touchy about the whole subject of heterosexuality, homosexuality and the stigmas and agendas of either camp. I am a woman, I'm probably about 95% heterosexual, and I'm not a feminist. I'm just a "humanist". When I say heterosexual, I mean that I prefer to have sex with men rather than women. It doesn't define me. It merely labels my preference. I wonder, does my heterosexuality somehow seem threatening to you? Does it mean that I wish to exert some sort of control over you or any other man? If it seems so to you, then it is merely your imagination telling you this. It sure as hell isn't me! Am I married? Yes, very happily. Is my husband happy? Most certainly. He must be, because he is still with me after 12 years. "Big freakin' hairy deal!" you say? I suppose it wouldn't be if we had a "standard" marriage, where both parties sign a contract that locks each to the other until they die, no ifs, ands or buts. But we don't. He is free to leave me any time he pleases if he sees a life out there waiting for him that will treat him better than I can.

What if that life is with another man, you ask? Well be it. It is his life, and not mine. I only want for his happiness. I have no agenda. There is no secret plot for hetero women to take over the world. I just happen to prefer men over women (and I've tried both). This, by definition, makes me a heterosexual woman. Until you brought it up, it never ocurred to me that the terms hetero- or homosexual carried with it any negative connotations. I just thought they were the terms we used to describe a person's sexual persuasion. There are lots of other derogatory names we could use.

Okay, maybe not quite so many derogatory names for heteros, but that's because you're right that heterosexuality has definitely been the social default relationship for a very long time. But hey! Don't beat up the heteros just because our preference has been favoured over the years by those who DO have agendas...

Maybe I'm waaaay off base here, but I guess I'm just unclear as to what it is, exactly, that you are so afraid of?
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Buddha1 said:
All stereotypes!!!

Men do that because it has an enormous 'social masculinity' value. Take that value off and see how many men have such voracious appetite?

In other words this voracious appetite has been artificially created and a lot (most) of it is just pure pretense!

Are you saying that men are inherently asexual? That they wouldn't like women if they didn't HAVE to?? I agree with the other posters above: men typically have a high sex drive. It's just biology! HOW they prefer to get off is a matter of individual taste. Some men like men. Some men like women. Some men like both. Some men prefer to have sex with inanimate objects or themselves. So... which camp are you in?

I just think that sex, while it can be indulged in solo, is a social activity. How long can a person have a conversation with himself without losing his/her mind? Okay, okay, let me rephrase that. Quality time with one self is good, but I find that it's nice to sexually connect with other people, too. Humans have a great capacity for doing just that. Seems a shame not to.