I have never been moderated for any statements I made against baronmax. baronmax however, has reported and complained about my replies to him over the past few months to at least two moderators. He has even requested some of my statements against him be stricken from public view after a thread was already locked. That qualifies as being image-conscious, and that isn't a positive quality.
As for him always being on topic, nay. One of his troll methods is undermine the topic of the thread and berate people for actually being on topic. Check this post out...
I read that post you linked to a couple of times and I cannot see where he berates people for being on topic. He does impilcitly judge people for what he sees as strange priorities, but that is not a judgment about what they are posting.
Further I don't see him posting there off topic. He is asking why the issue you are focusing on is important to you. I don't know if he is correct about your feelings about starving children or that it is less important, etc., but he is not off topic.
I think his argument is a weak one. I can think of several responses I would make to it, but for being off topic this example is incredibly mild at worst.