Ban male circumcision. Why or why not?

I think circumcizing a baby is wrong. If any kind of surgery is to be done on a child, it should only be to improve their quality of life or to save them from death. Circumcisions are only for looks (or religion). And I can imagine it hurts like hell.

I say leave them intact! Then when they're older, they'll be able to choose for themselves, instead of having to live with a decision made for him.

I'm just curious . . . how many guys here are like me and have to "live with a decision made for them"? I assume I'm part of the majority.
If you miss your foreskin, just mutilate your penis even more and get a prince albert, frenum, or other penis piercing. You'll have much fun. :)

Oh and removing a clitoris is no comparison in removing excess foreskin of the penis. Sure we may lose a few nerves but damn, a girl loses damned near everything! Poor girls.

- N
I don’t see anything wrong with consensual and medically required circumcisions. The Humen foreskin is vestigial: unlike in many other mammals we cannot retract our entire penis into the foreskin or body, nor does it cover the whole penis rather its is part of the penis now and is used in copulation, in other mammals it is retracted full and does not enter a vagina. There has been no scientific proof as to the foreskin's benefits for humans, in fact the opposite! In many cultures where water is precious, circumcisions became a common practices. The reason why is foreskin traps much dirt and dead cells resulting in bad odor, irritation and even chronic infections if not clean often, All of this is also proven medically. Circumcisions removes these problems. As for the issue of circumcising a infant without sedation or even antibiotics in some cases, that does seem a barbaric. In first world countries I don’t think that should be allowed. A small percentage (3-6%)of male children will need circumcisions for medical reasons, this seems allowable. As Adults you are free to do what ever you want with your body (in some countries)

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unlike in many other mammals were cannot retract our entire penis into the foreskin
The foreskin covers the entire glans on the penis. At least for me.

I think it's orginial function was to protect the end from damage. In modern times, I would guess it's healthier without one - although I can't imagine the discomfort one would go through. The end is too sensitive to leave brushing about in your underwear.
its original functions was to protect the whole penis from head to stump, just take a look at other mammals. (or are you xenohomophobic?) As I mention in humans the foreskin enters vagina during intercourse, this is novel difference from us and most other mammals.

The end is too sensitive to leave brushing about in your underwear.
I happen to know from experience that not true. When the glans are moist they are extremely sensitive but dry there not.
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Oh and removing a clitoris is no comparison in removing excess foreskin of the penis. Sure we may lose a few nerves but damn, a girl loses damned near everything! Poor girls.

thats not nessarally true

i know one girl at least who gets off better from screwing than from her clit but a guy doesnt have another option at all

anyway why say ones worse than the other?
if i beat my kid and you sexually abuse yours would you be worse than me or would we BOTH be evil?

who cares whats better and worse they are BOTH wrong
WellCookedFetus said:
When the glans are moist they are extremely sensitive but dry there not.

"they're not," I think you mean.

Anyway, does the sensitivity come back if the glans gets wet, i.e. from a females secretions? Or is it a permenant snesation killer.

I can't decide whether to get chopped or not.
Ya I think they do, I think there was a article somewhere in one of my references about comparing the sensitivity of both circumcised and uncircumcised man, they were equally sensitive when moist, but the circumcised men had grown a callus (well thin layer of skin to be exact) on their gals and would be desensitized when dry.
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fine with me (why would I care) the reduced maintenance and more blow jobs are certainly not necessary reasons to get it cut. Think of it as similar to getting a tattoo or peircings.
I watched this movie called Wizard. It was a millionyears in the future, and the orcs (monsters anyhow) revived Nazism so they had a reason to fight the elves.

The leader of the elves lived in a tower that looked like a crooked, cirumcised penis.

I guess he was Jewish.

Ahhh, I love phallic imagry. It gives so much meaning to movies.

i have never had a problem getting my girl to go down
strange, maybe its because i do to or maybe because she wants to

oviously you are hanging around with the wrong people if they wont suck you when your uncut. Why in gods name would you WANT to do something that will make you less sesitive to the very thing you are trying to GET????????????????????