Ban male circumcision. Why or why not?

I recently heard there are mucus membranes in the foreskin. How dare they take such a valuable piece of equipment from my body before I even had a chance to try it out! Sexually uptight religious freaks! There ought to be a law.
mucose membranes? You mean I have been deprived of that? a nice warm sorta gooy little pouch for me bits? Aww man. Damn you religiously influenced medical practices!
SpyMoose said:
... its those nerve endings I miss.

I second that! I am a huge advocate of nerve endings in general (as a rule they're quite handy) and having those particular endings removed from my very favorite patch of skin really pisses me off. The real bitch is my family isn't even Jewish!

I'm against excessive goverment intervention but there should DEFINATELY be a law against this, once you're of age you can cut you're dick right off if you want but there is no way it should be legal to do this to children. Well I suppose one good thing is I'm really hearing a lot of talk about this lately (the last year or so) and the consensus is almost unanimously anti-circumcision. I have a feeling this practice will, if not disappear become rare in the near future, at least in the west anyway.

That still leaves mr. happy out of luck but the next generation should get off ok (pun intended).

you know, this is probably the first thread that I've ever read that is in 100% agreement (so far). That has to be a record of some kind.
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Hmm, well if so many of us are looking at the situation as circumcised males who are pro foreskin, then maybe there's something we've missed. You know, it might be like one of those hoaky "be careful what you wish for" themes that they throw into children’s shows to crush their spirits and make them stop dreaming. But what if we really should be more careful about this foreskin. I mean we're all sitting here advocating it, but what do we really know about it? Most of us have lived our entire lives without it, what if it burns really badly or something. . . or like attacks people, or maybe it curses or drives it's owner to drink more alcohol or vote republican. Perhaps, just for the sake of argument, it would be wise of us all to examine this whole foreskin issue a little closer before we all come out in support of it.

To that end I'd like to invite all uncircumcised members of the sciforums (and maybe your hunky uncircumcised friends, too) to come over to my place so that I can study your foreskins closely.
what do you think of the military enforcing circumcision in its male soldiers?

the reasoning is that if they are stranded in some unfriendly location or taken prisoner, a circumcised penis will resist infection from lack of cleanliness.
Well, for the sake of continuing this thread I've gone out and looked a bit at foreskin specific medical problems. I've got a good Canadian friend (uncut) who assures me that in Canada circumcision isn't terribly popular, not as much as in the US, at least, and he gave me the following link:

It outlines a few minor health problems that are foreskin specific. However it also goes on to mention that these problems are extremely rare and treated very easily even if they do occur. Because of this the Canadian Pediatric Society has deemed circumcision to be "obsolete". I guess that the idea of circumcision for heath reasons is a bit like cutting off your fingertips so that you don't have to worry about hangnails.

As for Okinrus' comment. . . I've just got to ask what exactly he's smoking, because I definately want some of that. I imagine that'd be one hell of a wild surgery, though.
what do you think of the military enforcing circumcision in its male soldiers?

well they could also remove their finger and toenails then cover them over with a skin graft, that would save them from possible ingrown nails ... could get infected after all (not to mention the old "bamboo under the fingernails" trick wouldn't work).

Or remove all recruits appendix just in case, now that I think about it they should remove their teeth and give the those permanent dentures, no more of those pesky cavity disasters that have obliterated so many armies in the past.
As for Okinrus' comment. . . I've just got to ask what exactly he's smoking, because I definately want some of that. I imagine that'd be one hell of a wild surgery, though.
Now, I was wondering the exact same thing about you, Mystech. It's a hypothetical statement, and perhaps the only legal way to force circumsision if circumsision is banned. Just answer the question.
okinrus said:
Just answer the question.

The question is completely assanine and useless, I don't see any point in answering it. The idea is absurd, and if you're trying to paint some sort of picture like "Ohhh well that's what you're advocating" then just shut up, we don't need your mindlessness here.
Upset? No, I think you've already painted your picture, and it's quite clear. But what is even more clearer is that if a parent can decide to have an abortion without the fetus' choice, then certainly the parants can decide to shave off a little useless skin from the baby. Anyone who says otherwise is hypocritical, which is, after all, a far greater detriment than being mindless.
You hit the bulls-eye, okinrus.


my foreskin only helps in occasional masturbation. Nothing exciting about that. Get over with your 'brutalised penis' complex. Stop fantacising about others' penises. There is lot more than that in this world. No offence intended.
... what the hell does this have to do with abortion? Don't get me wrong, it's certainly a fair topic for debate but to segue from circumsicion to abortion is like bringing up slavery in a discussion about which world cuisine is the superior. In other words, a topic for another thread don't ya think?

and, with all due respect everneo, there is nothing more important than my penis (including peace on earth, democracy, the coral reefs, the combined world religions, truth, the rain forrests, freedom, the continuation of our species and janet jackson's breast).
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okinrus said:
Upset? No, I think you've already painted your picture, and it's quite clear. But what is even more clearer is that if a parent can decide to have an abortion without the fetus' choice, then certainly the parants can decide to shave off a little useless skin from the baby. Anyone who says otherwise is hypocritical, which is, after all, a far greater detriment than being mindless.

Okinrus, please address the issue on hand and stop bringing other issues that don't pertain to our discussion or our lives. None of these men here that are questioning circumcision have ever aborted before, neither did I, so HOW DARE YOU CALL US HYPOCRITES?. Why do you put the blame of something that we are all experiencing on somthing else that we have no hands in nor resposbility in commiting. That's true hypocracy Okinrus and since none of us ever commited abortion, you are the only hypocrite here.

Yet again, I give you FACTS. That fetus that you are talking about can't live outside the mom's womb before twenty some weeks of gestation...The fetus have no choice one choice the fetus is capable of making, and I'll give it you. At least a baby can cry it's lungs out in protest and that's a form of showing choice....but what does the fetus do? A fetus is merely a potential being, not an independant life. Whatever the mom DECIDES to eat, drink, cry, laugh, suicide, ect....will affect the fetus. If the mother suffer low blood pressure, the fetus can die, if the mother is depressed, the fetus is affected....ect...Get it through your THICK HEAD....FETUSES HAVE NO CHOICES...The fetus is not it's own person until the umbilical chord is cut.

Also, does the umbilical chord belong to the mother or the fetus? I say the mother. The placenta belong to the mother. The cervix belongs to the mother. Sticking my hand in my vagina and opening my cervix is clearly an infringement on my own body and not the fetus. Now if the fetus can survive what I do to my OWN body, then don't blame the woman for killing a fetus, just blame the woman for being irresponsble with her body....entirely different case.

Now, babies are fine on their own without an umbilical chord and cutting thier skin is an infringement on their rights...
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everneo said:
You hit the bulls-eye, okinrus.


my foreskin only helps in occasional masturbation. Nothing exciting about that.

Masturbation, sex, same thing. Sexual drive and ability to enjoy sex is one of the greatest gift by god to humanity. My husband is not circumcised and he enjoys sex very much. Our sex and intimacy brings us together us loving parteners and we find our affection very healthy for our souls. Now, If I'm not mutilated and my husband happens to be mutilated, then clearly we are not on equal grounds...clearly my drive exceeds what he can offer, and that's not healthy at all nor does it make the relationship on equal footings and pleasurable.

Does male circumcision explains our male dominated unemotional society? I think it does. Clearly our females are more interested in pleasing their males, while the males don't even care for the females. That's making the female suffer from attention defecit and thus females remains jailed in their secondary sex dependant status.

Okinrus, don't underestimate the power of sex in achieving world peace and love. Ever wonder why the OX is so big and mean? Because it doesn't vent it's energy in sex....they castrate it so that it becomes unemotional and powerfull. Why do you advocate a procedure that will affect your god given biological features that clearly affect your emotional state?

My bottom line is that we should not mess with our bodies thinking that we are making ourselves better or carving a non healthy feeling. We should look at sex positevely and forget the stupid christian logo, "we are all sinners whether we sin or not...original sin crap". If we all got laid properly, we would never hate or have wars.

Plus, for god sake, GOD CREATED Skin for a reason.
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Mystech said:
Though I suppose that the two of us haven't exactly been on friendly terms in the past, I am still greatful for them.

I don't care for you greatfullness or friendship, the bottom line is do you find me more attractive now to dump your boy for me? :D
Yes, I noticed that it was a bit off topic. If you want to discuss what I say, discuss the issue of "forced" choice, not whether the fetus is a human being or not.
Does male circumcision explains our male dominated unemotional society?
Unemotional? It may be male dominated, but modern society is not unemotional, nor are males.
If we all got laid properly, we would never hate or have wars.

Now that's interesting. My ancesters the Germans felt that a warrior should be sexually continent when campaigning - abstinence was believed to focus and purify a man's destructive spirit.
I think the Romans and the Poles engaged in simular practices. Fucking wild what we've lost to industrialization and lovey-dovey tolerence of the weak.

"Stop fantacising about others' penises."

What is he supposed to do, fantasize about his own penis?

There is lot more than that in this world

Nope, sex is pretty much all there is. Then death.