Ban male circumcision. Why or why not?

There is inspiration in one's work, Xev.

To think, I don't even know what I foreskin looks like! :(

Everyone I know is circumcised, and I've only known one or two jews in my entire life. :mad:
To think, I don't even know what I foreskin looks like!

Everyone I know is circumcised, and I've only known one or two jews in my entire life.

I can second that, that I don't even know what foreskin looks like! If all the porn stars are circumcised, then it can't be that bad can it?
everneo said:
Stop fantacising about others' penises. There is lot more than that in this world. No offence intended.

I’ll concede that there is indeed more in the world. But I’d note that the subject of this thread is male circumcision.
this is a forum god damn it!

here ... nothing is more important than foreskin.
Okinrus, don't underestimate the power of sex in achieving world peace and love.
There is no true power in lust.

Ever wonder why the OX is so big and mean? Because it doesn't vent it's energy in sex....they castrate it so that it becomes unemotional and powerfull. Why do you advocate a procedure that will affect your god given biological features that clearly affect your emotional state?
I don't think I mentioned on this thread whether I was for or against circumsision. Nevertheless, I'm for parents have the right to circumsise their male child. As to my emotional state, why do you think that circumsision would affect it?

My bottom line is that we should not mess with our bodies thinking that we are making ourselves better or carving a non healthy feeling. We should look at sex positevely and forget the stupid christian logo, "we are all sinners whether we sin or not...original sin crap".
The doctrine of original sin means lack of God's originals grace

If we all got laid properly, we would never hate or have wars.
The rationale for this is?
okinrus said:
There is no true power in lust.

What rock are you living under? Lust is probably one of the single most powerful forces affecting our psyche and indeed our world! The very idea of suggesting that there's no true power in lust while surfing the net is absurd. Why do you think real time streaming video/audio were created? What are webcams for? Teleconferencing? Pornography has done wonders for the internet, you know.

I'm certain that we could go over to the history forum and start a really great thread about great moments in history motivated by lust! In fact I think I'll do that. The Trojan war comes to mind!
Mystech, lust is a dangerous thing, something that should not be joked about. It leads to the destruction of souls, a chain around the neck. It's power is only insofar as a person wants to experience lust; thus, I say that it has no power but to those who allow Lust, it has the power over them, and they remain slaves.
okinrus said:
Mystech, lust is a dangerous thing, something that should not be joked about. It leads to the destruction of souls, a chain around the neck. It's power is only insofar as a person wants to experience lust; thus, I say that it has no power but to those who allow Lust, it has the power over them, and they remain slaves.

We've got a forum for religious mumbo-jumbo and jibberings, you can lecture me about destruction of souls there if you like.

Sure lust can be dirty and sleezy and nasty, but don't act so ignorant as to say that it never did anyone any good. It's nice to think that a person can't get ahead through that sort of thing, you know, but unfortunately reality doesn't conform to your quack theology, so instead perhaps you should acnowledge reality in your theology. . . say like my sun-worshiping!

This is all terribly off topic, though.

Just to save this indevidual post, I'd like to propose a march on washington to show our support for foreskin.
Xev said:
Now that's interesting. My ancesters the Germans felt that a warrior should be sexually continent when campaigning - abstinence was believed to focus and purify a man's destructive spirit.
I think the Romans and the Poles engaged in simular practices. Fucking wild what we've lost to industrialization and lovey-dovey tolerence of the weak.

This practice is bull shit and reminds me of my father feeding me a sea food feast right before swim competition thinking that it will give me energy, only for me to feel sleepy and groggy in the midst of the heat. Ask any football coach about his advice to players before the match....Don't have sex...why? Because having sex drains a person's destructive energy, opposite to what you say. Boxers don't have sex the entire training season for the same purpose. Look at Tiger Woods, he was a killer until the blonde entered his life and drained his second brain energy to historic low records.

Lack of sex leads to tension, good orgasms are overall body therapy that relaxes all the body muscles and relives all tension and destructive energy. Sometimes, I'm also very tensioned and angry, so when my friends notice me getting overboard with my destructive energy, they phone my hubby so that he can relax me at night.

Sex = Love = Peace.....At least that's what Alexander the Great (The greatest warriors ever) have tried to teach us. How did Alexander the Great invade persia? He made his soldiers marry into the persians until the greeks completely infiltrated the hearts of the people.

So, let's give men their foreskin back so they can enjoy sex better and relax.
Because having sex drains a person's destructive energy, opposite to what you say.

Uh Flores, that's exactly what I said.

abstinence was believed to focus and purify a man's destructive spirit.


How did Alexander the Great invade persia? He made his soldiers marry into the persians until the greeks completely infiltrated the hearts of the people.

That probably has more to do with dominating the Persian women in order to disrupt their bloodlines than anything else. Certainly "love" has nothing to do with it.

so instead perhaps you should acnowledge reality in your theology. . . say like my sun-worshiping!

But he aknowledges his kinky little fantasies about those who are "slaves to lust"
Xev said:
Uh Flores, that's exactly what I said.


Sorry, your choice of words are out of my limited vocublry, I thought you misspelled content, when you wrote continent, then that threw me off totally.
Something interesting about the history of male circumcision. African tribes usually perform circumcision before puberty and call the practice..."Entrance to manhood". Why before puberty, and what does the foreskin have to do with manhood?
For that matter, how does being symbolically castrated prove you a man?
Xev said:
For that matter, how does being symbolically castrated prove you a man?

It proves that you can take one where it counts, and keep right on using your meat poll! Nothing shouts virility more than a guy who's been wounded greviously but still keeps right on fucking anyway.
Flores said:
Sex = Love = Peace.....At least that's what Alexander the Great (The greatest warriors ever) have tried to teach us. How did Alexander the Great invade persia? He made his soldiers marry into the persians until the greeks completely infiltrated the hearts of the people.

Didja ever hear about the Sacred Band, a.k.a. "the army of fags"? They were finally trashed by Philip of Macedon, but even he had a lot of respect for them.
BigBlueHead said:
Didja ever hear about the Sacred Band, a.k.a. "the army of fags"? They were finally trashed by Philip of Macedon, but even he had a lot of respect for them.

I must admit that I've never heard of this "Sacred band" but, a cursory look via a google search reveals some hits that sound very interesting. Perhaps you'd like to go into the topic a little more detail? I know I'd certainly like to hear it.

Hmm, some of these sites, I notice are slash sites. Which, up until just recently I didn't know was a term for gay erotica, but instead thought was another name for splatter punk. Slash just sounds a bit more violent, doesn't it? If you don't know what splatter punk is, I suppose this isn't the place to answer. . . just try to think of all the sexual applications for a knife, and you won't be so far from knowing all you need to about the idea. People on the internet write some very weird stuff.
I thought slash usually referred to gay erotica involving two recognizable characters - the slash referring to this kind of slash - "/" - as in Kirk/Spock. I don't know if that's really true.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was supposed to be an army of boys who paired up in sexual relationships. The basic idea was that they would be too embarrassed to run away if their lovers were there watching them, and so would fight to the last man. Can't remember who wrote about them... might have been Herodotus in The Persian Wars.
I agree that non-consensual circumcision should be outlawed, except in those rare instances when it's medically essential.
Xev said:
Now that's interesting. My ancesters the Germans felt that a warrior should be sexually continent when campaigning - abstinence was believed to focus and purify a man's destructive spirit.
I think the Romans and the Poles engaged in simular practices. Fucking wild what we've lost to industrialization and lovey-dovey tolerence of the weak.

What is he supposed to do, fantasize about his own penis?

Nope, sex is pretty much all there is. Then death.
I totally agree with everything you've said! Go death!