Baa Baa Rainbow sheep?

Here, let some blacks, African Americans, negro's explain this too you.

In the 1980s, Jesse Jackson pretty much settled language on the "African-American" preference because it alluded to the experience of hyphenated Americans as much, if not more, than a geographic point of origin. Today, terms like "Negro," colored, and black are considered derogatory in many quarters, although "Black" still has some currency, although all terms have political overtones.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Hey wake us all up and explain what you meant when you said whites and blacks have many "physical diffrences"?

Name some
JB this is what I said "You know the world would be nicer, if we could accept differences, embrace them and learn to live together with tolerance and mutual respect if not in harmony."

you asked me what differences, I said physical and cultural, and did not pertain to black or white or green or blue.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I didn't say this , read it again
I can tell you are the type of person who avoids using the word black around blacks.

The same way you are avoiding answering your own statement of blacks "physical diffrences" to whites.
Theoryofrelativity said:
JB this is what I said "You know the world would be nicer, if we could accept differences, embrace them and learn to live together with tolerance and mutual respect if not in harmony."

you asked me what differences, I said physical and cultural, and did not pertain to black or white or green or blue.

and again....................
Differences between people, between individuals, not differences between races. You are a fixated moron JB. TofR has clearly stated and demonstrated this is what she means, but you are so hung up on there being significant differences between these so called races that you imagine everyone else is obsessed with them and is talking about them.

Have you actually contributed anything of value to any of these forums ever? Give us a list. It shouldn't take very long to compile.

You do know that it's people like you who give assholes a bad name, right?
Ophiolite said:
Differences between people, between individuals, not differences between races.
Theoryofrelativity said that blacks and whites have "physical diffrences", I just wanted to know what they were.
Ophiolite said:
You are a fixated moron JB. TofR has clearly stated and demonstrated this is what she means, but you are so hung up on there being significant differences between these so called races that you imagine everyone else is obsessed with them and is talking about them.
OOO NO, your wrong I know no one else "is obsessed with them and is talking about them".
Everyone is obsessed about not talking about them, thats why we have changed black sheep to rainbow sheep. Your friend Theoryofrelativity is a prime example of this behaviour.

Ophiolite said:
Have you actually contributed anything of value to any of these forums ever? Give us a list. It shouldn't take very long to compile.

You do know that it's people like you who give assholes a bad name, right?
What I injoy on here myself is not pointing out the differences (diversity) in the different races of our planet. I injoy learning the human behaviour of people when confronted with these facts.

Anger = Fear
Check out how your friend Theoryofrelativity freeked out over this issue.

She even went back and changed her post as to hide her feelings.
J.B said:
How about the fact that night time is dark, and daytime is light?

And what about the fact that dirt is brown.

Nature is racist.

It is sad that your small, racist mind cannot dig deeper than the first level of interpretations. Remember that no matter how badly you insult other people's ethnic culture, we will sympathize with your type as the bottom tier exemplary of the product of repeated brainwashing by racists and the like.

Not to mention your complete unawareness of what a racist actually is.

Take into account that nothing you say will be taken seriously.
J.B said:
Check out how your friend Theoryofrelativity freeked out over this issue.

She even went back and changed her post as to hide her feelings.

You keep posting things like this to somehow imply that you are right.
No, you aren't. These people are trying to be soft of you.
J.B said:
What I injoy on here myself is not pointing out the differences (diversity) in the different races of our planet. I injoy learning the human behaviour of people when confronted with these facts.

Anger = Fear

Then, your purpose here is nothing but to provoke meaningless fear and hatred. But this hasn't succeeded for obvious reasons.

Everybody knows a few empirical differences between the "races," as well as their fundamental limitations based on genetic evidence.

Except for you.
Facial said:
few empirical differences between the "races,"
Would you be so kind as to tell us what are the "few empirical differences between the "races"?