Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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Yes, let us wait for James R. to clarify.

That being said, if it was under those circumstances, the violence and intent of the man would classify it as rape, unless, of course, this was some sort of kinky sex game they were involved with.
women are so much hassle...I hope the technology will allow a.i machines to be made...something like chobits with an ability to give birth to human just like women do. But these chobits want complain or create problems, or will accuse males of raping them, because they will not be human in the first place and will not have soul...yes what a pleasant dream. otherwise, now women can say anyone has raped them and get away with it.
draqon, I am appalled at the image that you have of women, and the way you apply your warped stereotype to all females.
If you've had a bad experience or two, I'm sorry... but your sexist attitude is inappropriate and not appreciated.
draqon, I am appalled at the image that you have of women, and the way you apply your warped stereotype to all females.
If you've had a bad experience or two, I'm sorry... but your sexist attitude is inappropriate and not appreciated.

please tell me how I should view women and act about them. I obviosuly have problems from the way I view/act towards women,:( i am almost 20 and I never had a gf...never kissed a girl. so please change me.
Only you can change yourself... but it might help if you tried to treat people equally. Try not to think of others as men or women, just people.
It won't be easy!
Right, so instead of concentrating on the man's failings as a human being, you blame the woman for somehow making him do it.
As I said, nothing listed above excuses rape. But many of them are just stupid, akin to leaving the keys in your car in a bad neighboorhood. If a woman was walking around naked, I wouldn't say that gives anyone the right to rape her. It's just that I wouldn't be surprised if someone did.
draqon said:
Accepting all terms of rape, just cause the woman says "I was raped" means that women will gain power to take down anyone who they please, regardless whether the person has done anything at all.
You do realise that only 31% of rape accusations make it to court? And only 20% of those actually result in a conviction?
It really does happen

Absane said:

Marriage. Does this really happen? Why would it happen if they made this big jump?

It took until the 1970s for the U.S. to get a serious attitude about marital rape, and we're still not where we ought to be on the issue. In history, sexual intercourse was often considered a wifely obligation.

More than the sordid image of a 16th-century lord chasing his new bride about the manor for days and nights in order to consummate, however, consider modern estranged marriages.

I would say that yes, it happens, and more than most of us would think. A spouse has the right to say "No," and expect that decree to hold.

Nor should I be found promoting the notion that estrangement is the only scene of marital rape. Many bad relationships in modern society include rapist sexuality.

Perhaps it would be better to let someone else do the talking on this one:

Approximately 10-14% of married women are raped by their husbands in the United States. Historically, most rape statutes read that rape was forced sexual intercourse with a woman not your wife, thus granting husbands a license to rape. On July 5, 1993, marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes. In 17 states and the District of Columbia, there are no exemptions from rape prosecution granted to husbands. However, in 33 states, there are still some exemptions given to husbands from rape prosecution. When his wife is most vulnerable (e.g., she is mentally or physically impaired, unconscious, asleep, etc.) and is unable to consent, a husband is exempt from prosecution in many of these 33 states .... (

It is, I suppose, an interesting paper. Especially if one is unfamiliar with its information. I, however, find it grim and depressing.


Would it count as rape? Yes. But I am at a loss for why she would give a damn, if she doesn't care about who she has sex with?

There would be no virginity issues, nor relationship ones...
Oh so the fact that she was forced to have sex, without her consent, she shouldn't care because she's had sex many times before? Right. So a woman has no right over her own body if she's been promiscuous in the past? You actually turn my stomach.

See my main post for my justifications. If you'd like to address them specifically, I'd be glad to reply.
I've read it, and all I see is drivel. You still fail to understand the concept that there is never a justification for rape. Rape is not merely about sex. Rape is about power, control and subjugation the victim. But I guess you are too uneducated and too morally bankrupt and basically backwards to understand such a notion.

I am speaking of "sexually-focused" in a general cultural context. If she was wearing a non-revealing sweater and a normal pair of jeans, for instance, she could hardly be said to be provoking anyone in particular.
And you actually say you disagree with the Mufti? So you think that if she's covered up, she wouldn't be provoking anyone? Hmmm sound about pretty much what he stated in his speech during Ramadan. A woman should be free to wear whatever the hell she may choose and not be raped. A woman has a right to not be raped. You keep assuming that women who dress a certain way would not really attract rape or provoke a man to rape her. But women are raped on a daily basis and are dressed differently. Some are raped in their own homes and some are raped at work, while walking down the street, etc. It has nothing to do with her dress or anything else for that matter. It is the rapist who has the problem against women as a whole. Excuses about her dress (as one example) is just that. An excuse.

You are keeping the onus on the woman instead of laying the blame where it lies. On the rapist. You still don't get that if a man rapes a woman, because she was wearing something skimpy, that it is he who has the problem. The rapist is the problem and not the woman. He is the one who has a problem against women and not the other way around. Your attempting to justify his behaviour is pathetic in the extreme and makes you just as bad as a rapist would be in attempting to justify his own behaviour. You can never justify a crime against another person. But I guess people like you prefer to lay the blame on the women instead of realising and understanding that men who rape women have a problem with women in general. What they wear, say, do, drink, etc, means nothing at all. I guess maybe you are trying to justify your own behaviour and attitude possibly towards women in general.

One can reasonably expect privacy and safety in one's home enough to walk around in one's underwear, nude, or otherwise. One could not be blamed for doing so and someone looking in, unless one was purposefully parading around a ground-level window with an intent to "show off".
Again. You take the blame away from where it lies. Are you that weak that you can't control yourself around women and therefore prefer to blame her instead of addressing your own problems, issues, weakness and lack of self control? Because that's what it amounts to with a rapist. Men break into women's houses and rape them. Men have in the past raped women (from children to the elderly) in hospital rooms, etc. So what exactly can they have done to prevent it? A man does't rape a woman because he merely wants a "fuck". He rapes her because he wants to control her, have power over her and demean her.

A man who breaks into a womans house and rapes her, is not different to a man who rapes a woman who might be dressed in what you've termed a "sexually focused manner". A rapist is a rapist. No matter who he rapes, how he rapes her and why he may have done it. He's still a rapist. He's the one with the problem. A woman is free to wear whatever she so chooses and have the right to not be raped. She can be free to wear or not wear whatever the hell she damn wants, be it in her house or out in public, and have the ultimate right to not be raped. She is not the problem or the issue. The rapist is.

You will note that I have mentioned that the moral blame belongs solely to the rapist. I am only claiming that women can and ought to lower the possibility of rape.
How? Women are raped regardless of what they may wear or do or not do. A woman cannot lower the possibility of her being raped because rapists do not rape for specific reasons such as her manner of dress, her behaviour, what she's drunk, if she's married. A rapist picks his victim because he wants to control her and demean her. She could be wearing anything at all, she could be in jeans and the sweater you so stupidly recommended, and she'd still be raped. Not because he's somehow 'sexually attracted' to her, but because he wants to control her and make her feel worthless so that he can feel like a better or bigger man, so that he can feel like he has power over her. She could be anywhere at all, in her own home with the curtains and windows shut and he can break in and rape her. Why? Because he has complete control over her and her saying "no" means nothing, because he is the one with the power to decide what happens to her.

May you or your family never get raped. Because rape is not merely about sex, as so many of you seem to assume.

Wow, you sure love Strawmen Arguments, don't you?
"WoW, you sure" are an idiot aren't you?

Those are some of the justifications that some men have given for raping a woman. "She smiled at me".. "She looked at me, therefore she wanted me".. "She walked that way just for me because she knew I liked it" (even though he was a complete stranger to her).. etc. Sadly they aren't strawmen arguments, they are realities of the excuses men give to rape women as well as children. I've heard paedophiles actually say that because the little 5 year smiled at him as she licked her ice-cream, she was telling him she wanted to sleep with him. Rapists, like paedophiles, will see what they want to see in every situation and with every individual they decide to assault, even if it is in their own minds.

And ad hominem...
Really? And here I thought I was actually being restrained and polite.

Hardly likely...
You're kidding right? You really think all men view the same thing as being somehow overtly sexual or 'flirtatious'? A woman winking at you may not be winking at you but may have a facial tick, or may have something in her eye. She may touch herself (ie. rub her arms or shoulders) not because she's flirting with you, but because she's either cold, you actually make her uncomfortable enough that her actions of rubbing her arms ensures that her arm is there across her body as a barrier between herself and you. She may flick her hair not because she wants to flirt with you, but because her hair is actually bothering her.

You may think her tight top is sexually suggestive, but another man may not and may not be attracted to it at all because he prefers women to wear something different. What you deem to be "flirtations" are not deemed as such by the woman in question or by other men either.

I never claimed that the man owns the woman. I claimed that both ought to be sexually available to eachother. This implies a mutual thing. It is laso implied in the very notion of marriage and its historic and continuing cultural purpose.
Sex is not available if one party does not want it, regardless of their marital status. Merely being married does not mean that the man, or the woman for that matter, can merely take whatever they so choose if the other party is not willing. If a woman says no to sex to her husband, he has no right to force her. Doing so is rape.


draqon said:
Bells: what protection will men have than...from women making false allegations that she has been raped? or is this ok with you? or wait...your not going to reply to this, because you really dont want to answer this question as it makes some women evil. have you not seen evil women or all that surrounds you is angelic?
Good grief, you really are as silly as you appear.

Any person who makes a false allegation and it is proven as such in any matter should be prosecuted.

However, I need to ask you a question. If a woman has been raped and the man says she's making it up and gets away with it, is that right? Is that fair? Or do you think that men can do whatever the hell they want because they are men and therefore no woman should ever refuse them or simply say "no".

please tell me how I should view women and act about them. I obviosuly have problems from the way I view/act towards women, i am almost 20 and I never had a gf...never kissed a girl. so please change me.
And I expect that will never change if your attitude and actions are any thing to go by.


madanthonywayne said:
As I said, nothing listed above excuses rape. But many of them are just stupid, akin to leaving the keys in your car in a bad neighboorhood. If a woman was walking around naked, I wouldn't say that gives anyone the right to rape her. It's just that I wouldn't be surprised if someone did.
Why? Seriously, why wouldn't you be surprised?

Why can't men control themselves? Why are some men that weak? Why do some men feel the need to control, have power over and demean others to such an extent that they rape them? Because that's what rape is. It's not just about sex. So what would a woman walking down the street naked have to do with such men who are so lacking that they think raping a woman will make them feel like a true man?
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Why can't men control themselves?

Well, if they could actually control themselves, there'd sure be a helluva lot less marriages in the world! That they can't control themselves is the reason for most marriages ...and over half of them fail!

But I see, Bells, that you're still typing a helluva lot of words to get just one simple thought across. Isn't it rather tiriing to type that much when only a few words is actually necessary?

Baron Max
bells only supports women, but cares not for men, but really the issue concerns both men and women equally.

"Oh so the fact that she was forced to have sex, without her consent, she shouldn't care because she's had sex many times before? Right. So a woman has no right over her own body if she's been promiscuous in the past? You actually turn my stomach."

Again: I see no reason why she should care. It's just one more encounter.

But then again, I never said this -justified- rape. I just can't, for the life of me, see why she gives a damn.

"I've read it, and all I see is drivel. You still fail to understand the concept that there is never a justification for rape. Rape is not merely about sex. Rape is about power, control and subjugation the victim. But I guess you are too uneducated and too morally bankrupt and basically backwards to understand such a notion."

Yet in many of the cases, one could not say it is rape at all. When someone never declares - verbally or unverbally - that they do not want to have is that rape? When they are drunk and try to have sex with -you-, how is that rape? When they are neither being treated violently, nor have any obligation to accept the sex, yet give in even after some protestation in a relationship, how is that rape? And how can rape occur when there is an explicit sexual contract between both parties?

"So you think that if she's covered up, she wouldn't be provoking anyone? "

Generally speaking, yes.

"Hmmm sound about pretty much what he stated in his speech during Ramadan. A woman should be free to wear whatever the hell she may choose and not be raped. A woman has a right to not be raped."

Your protestations do not change human nature. Of course, she could also simply not care about being raped. Considering she is provoking the opportunity, that would all ready seem to be the case.

"You keep assuming that women who dress a certain way would not really attract rape or provoke a man to rape her. But women are raped on a daily basis and are dressed differently. "

Not saying that all instances of rape are based on provocative dress. You are putting those words in my mouth. I am only saying that provocative dress can inspire more instances of rape than would be otherwise.

"You are keeping the onus on the woman instead of laying the blame where it lies. On the rapist. You still don't get that if a man rapes a woman, because she was wearing something skimpy, that it is he who has the problem."

If you bothered to read what I wrote, instead of responding with a hysterical emotional response, you'd see that I have always put the moral blame on the rapist.

"Your attempting to justify his behaviour is pathetic in the extreme and makes you just as bad as a rapist would be in attempting to justify his own behaviour."

I'm not justifying a damn thing. I am simply making a comment on human nature.

"What they wear, say, do, drink, etc, means nothing at all."

Pure, unequivocal, nonsense. Women who make themselves sexually focused are attempting to convince men to have sex with them. Convincing the wrong man to have sex with them produces rape.

Certain behaviours, manners of dress, actions...all have a sexual overtone. Engaging in such things sexualizes the atmosphere more than not. Unless of course you think seduction has no foundation at all.

"I guess maybe you are trying to justify your own behaviour and attitude possibly towards women in general. "

Pathetic ad hominem.

"Are you that weak that you can't control yourself around women and therefore prefer to blame her instead of addressing your own problems, issues, weakness and lack of self control?"

See above.

I am beginning to see here the famed "hysterical woman" popping up.

"A man does't rape a woman because he merely wants a "fuck". He rapes her because he wants to control her, have power over her and demean her. "

Sometimes, they might, but actually the over whelming impetus to rape is not "power" but "sexual gratification". Some men might get off on the power experience of it, but the act is also chiefly sexual.

"A man who breaks into a womans house and rapes her, is not different to a man who rapes a woman who might be dressed in what you've termed a "sexually focused manner"."

Morally no, but pragmatically yes. He had more of a reason to rape the woman in provocative dress (not good reason, mind you, but a foundation).

"A woman is free to wear whatever she so chooses and have the right to not be raped."

Human nature says otherwise. If she wishes to buck against it, then she must suffer the likelyhood of her chances to be raped increased.

"Women are raped regardless of what they may wear or do or not do."

Some are. But you will find that the provocative dress issue -does- produce more rapes, specifically in modern society.

"A woman cannot lower the possibility of her being raped because rapists do not rape for specific reasons such as her manner of dress, her behaviour, what she's drunk, if she's married. A rapist picks his victim because he wants to control her and demean her."

That is absurd and ridiculous and I am fairly certain even -you- know it. Rapists most -certainly- target specific women. Rapists are -much- more likely to rape someone in a skimpy dress that forces a focus on her sexuality.

"She could be wearing anything at all, she could be in jeans and the sweater you so stupidly recommended, and she'd still be raped."

Could be, but -far- less likely.

""WoW, you sure" are an idiot aren't you? "

Blahblahblah, hysterical woman, blahblahblah.

"Those are some of the justifications that some men have given for raping a woman. "She smiled at me".. "She looked at me, therefore she wanted me".. "She walked that way just for me because she knew I liked it" (even though he was a complete stranger to her).. etc. Sadly they aren't strawmen arguments, they are realities of the excuses men give to rape women as well as children. I've heard paedophiles actually say that because the little 5 year smiled at him as she licked her ice-cream, she was telling him she wanted to sleep with him. Rapists, like paedophiles, will see what they want to see in every situation and with every individual they decide to assault, even if it is in their own minds."

Some make weird justifications, of course. Some are going to target anyone and probably have targetted beforehand. Many others will not.

"You're kidding right? You really think all men view the same thing as being somehow overtly sexual or 'flirtatious'?"

In a common cultural milieu? For the most part, yes! That is how -social discourse- works.

"Sex is not available if one party does not want it, regardless of their marital status. Merely being married does not mean that the man, or the woman for that matter, can merely take whatever they so choose if the other party is not willing. If a woman says no to sex to her husband, he has no right to force her. Doing so is rape."

Then there is no reason whatsoever for marriage and, in fact, the marriage contract is explicitly broken. The purpose of marriage is sex. Sex for procreation and sex to socially restrain the influence of sex in general society. Barring sex, there is litterally no reason to be married.
However, I need to ask you a question. If a woman has been raped and the man says she's making it up and gets away with it, is that right? Is that fair?

Well, sure it's right/fair! That's what trials are all about, ain't it? If you can't trust the trials and juries, then....? Or are you saying that, no matter what comes out in the trial, the woman is always right????

I think men will soon have to get signed, notarized affidavits in order to protect them from false accusations from the sluts!!

Baron Max
None of the Above for me.
If the woman is forced into sex, married, drunk, sexy or not it is rape.
Labels mean nothing in reality. Men and women can be sluts. But sluts choose who they have sex with. Whether one was a virgin and married their sweetheart and thats the only partner they've ever had or someone who has had numerous relationships. Nothing condones RAPE. It is a crime to whoever male or female it is done to. Because you find someone enticing, they did not force you to have sex with them, you braindead assholes. Both men and women try their best to be as attractive as possible to attract who they want, but in the end it is a choice that one has a right to have. It is their body and self. It is a foregone conclusion that more women are raped than men simply by default of physical dynamics but rape has the same effect on both because we are human and it is a violation, and everyone understands the grievousness of that. That is usually why more boys and young men experience molestation or rape than older men. But still the devastation and trauma is the same. There will always be people who make false claims on all sides and not even in at rape crime scenario but there is no excuse for rape if a crime was commited. There are children or young people who were so scared of their attacker they did not say no but this is just another ploy of an attacker. Did a rape not occur because it wasn't expressly stated "no" when the attacker knew the victim did not want this to happen to them but was stricken with fear or taught to obey or trust all authority figures? Of course even in a situation this was rape because the attacker knew it was abusing power or intimidation or threat against another. These things happen. The saddest and hardest part for anyone is proving guilt or innocence. For those accused wrongly, those who are a victim of rape or molestation far outweigh them greatly. It is extremely devastating for the victim and people should be more sensitive to victims of crime because it could have happened to you.
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I'll have much more to say later, but for now, let me just comment on the issue of promiscuity, which you think excuses rape.

Your argument is that if a woman has had many sexual partners, or has a lot of consentual sex, then she is "up for it" and fair game for rape. What will it matter to her? It's just one more sexual event in her life.

Do you play sport, Prince_James?

Let's say you play rugby, say. When you play rugby, you agree to be tackled and brought to the ground by other players. You do this voluntarily, many times - regularly.

So, if you are a rugby player, and I happen to see you walking down the street, are you "fair game" and "up for" a good tackle? Can I run at you and take you down? After all, you agree for that to happen at least once a week.

If you play hockey, you probably get hit with a hockey stick every now and then, and you agree that this is part of the game. Does this mean I can attack you as you walk down an alleyway, with my hockey stick? After all, it's just one more hit with a stick, isn't it?
James R.:

You mischaracterize my argument. I have never said that promiscuity excuses rape (in fact I have noted that it does not). I have only said that I cannot understand any objections to a non-violent rape from a promiscious woman.

I'd like that to be kept in mind: I do not suggest that it is not rape to rape a promiscious woman. Only that I cannot see why the promiscious woman would care if the rape is non-violent.

Let's say you play rugby, say. When you play rugby, you agree to be tackled and brought to the ground by other players. You do this voluntarily, many times - regularly.

So, if you are a rugby player, and I happen to see you walking down the street, are you "fair game" and "up for" a good tackle? Can I run at you and take you down? After all, you agree for that to happen at least once a week.

As a rugby player, I'd find the experience far less horrible than were I a non-rugby player. Similarly, the idea of being tackled is not something which would cross my mind as something inherently bad, considering, as you noted, I volunteer for such regularly. Thus whereas I might have preferred it not to happen, I could not say that I was truly harmed by it.

I would check "none of the above" if I wasn't a bit confused about these two:

-Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.
-Woman was married to the rapist.

I know what you mean by these two and my answer is will be "none of the above," but why rape during these times?

The point is that sex without consent is rape. It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship, including marriage. Being married to somebody doesn't give somebody some kind of God-given right to sex whenever they want it.

Do you think it does?

What about when men are raped? I know it's rare and it's usually something men DREAM of.

Nobody wants to be raped. I can only assume that you have no idea what rape is about if you think it is something the victim would enjoy or desire.

If some guy grabbed you in a dark alley and forced you into anal sex, would you enjoy that? Do you dream of that?

Over all, the problem I have with unconsenting sex is that it violates the victim's freedoms. This is inexcusable. Therefore, no condition should reduce the severity of the punishment.

However, this poll assumes the man KNEW he was raping. We should not argue over whether he was crazy or drugged or has sexsomnia.

This seems more sensible.

It's like the police tell us students on campus (downtown Atlanta): if you want to reduce the likelyhood that your car will be broken into, hide all valuables and all eye-candy. If I want to leave my laptop out and show off my fancy GPS or DVD player, there is no stopping me. However, I am more likely to be a victim.

This is not the point of the question in the thread, and a lot of people seem confused about that for some reason.

I did not ask about whether wearing skimpy clothing might or might not make a person more likely to be victimised. I asked whether people think that wearing skimpy clothing should somehow excuse the rapist, or make the rape the woman's fault, so that the man's liability is diminished.

I don't know where to start with you. It's like you're living in the dark ages, or in Taliban-run Afganistan or something.

Rape needs different attitudes to it, as there so many situations where rape is a crime and it is not, for it is not rape at all yet condemned as rape by the society so blind to the truth.

You think that many convictions for rape should not occur? Really?

Accepting all terms of rape, just cause the woman says "I was raped" means that women will gain power to take down anyone who they please, regardless whether the person has done anything at all.

Convictions rarely happen "just cause the woman says 'I was raped'".

However, by its very nature, there are usually only two people present during a rape: the victim and the rapist.

Surely you do not adopt the line that multiple witnesses should be required in order for somebody to be convicted of rape. Do you?

But there's GOD that sees everything and knows the real truth of what happened? isnt there GOD? is there GOD that knows what really happened that night? what if noone will know the truth? than so many get condmned for something they have not done.

It sounds like you think most rapes are just "made up" by women. Are you for real?

...and women got actor skills...they can cry and make any heart sink for them.

Do you think men ever lie? Do you think men ever rape?

Do you even believe in rape?

it is so easy to fake rape. She takes out her hands...all covered with blue spots...and scratches...which she, while she cries and gazes with tears with her deep blue eyes at the judge, got when she was raped. And in truth...she beat herself up for the sake of putting this guy in jail, who did not like her.

Studies indicate that it is actually very rare for women to invent rape stories. How common do you think it is? What percentage, would you say, of rape claims are made up?

Oh wait...another scenario. The guy's got money? ok no prob. let me get him into bed than in the middle of him in the girl, the girl tells him to stop, he of course cant because he is about to get to climax...

Are you saying a guy can't control himself if he is asked to stop during sex?

And that's the woman's fault?

no it would not be ok to rape her because she is a slut. However if she does gets raped the government must not protect her, for she brought this evil unto her self, so when she does say that she was raped, the government must not condemn it as a rape.

Are you saying it is ok to rape a "slut"?

Are you saying that some women deserve to be raped?

the evil within women and men is the same, the cover which that evil bears is different thou for women and men.

Do you think women are more evil than men?

women use everything as a tool, theyr body is a weapon which they use for a common goal, everything on her is a tool to gain control over others. Women posses such power and it cannot be denied since men fell for the sex appeal. If the flowers attract the wrong is the flower's fault and not the bees.

Do you think women are so powerful that they have absolute control over men? In other words, if a man sees a woman he finds attractive, he just can't help himself - and if that leads to rape then it is the woman's fault for looking sexy?

There is a fine line between what should be considered a rape and what should not. I have heard of both of the extremes. I do not agree with pedophilia or anything dealing with it, as it clearly is immoral, but mainly is bad for human species, as humans depend on psychology in their guidance, and an undeveloped human being psychology will be damaged when introduced to sex/raped or abused.

Do you believe that ordinary women are not really damaged by rape?

The world were women decided to be as powerfull as men, to have the same freedom as men, they are given that freedom, but they should not abuse it...but clearly some did.

How? It is not the men being raped by the women.

The problem arises were...females dont want to choose any male...they want the best male there is...but they dont know who it they go around and attract everyone there is...hoping that the best male is attracted.

Do you think women shouldn't really have a choice in which males they mate with?

Obviously, they have no choice in rape. Is that a good thing, according to you?

bells only supports women, but cares not for men, but really the issue concerns both men and women equally.

We're not talking about all men in this thread, but only men who rape women.

Do you think not enough people care about rapists?

Why do you support men who rape above women who are their victims?
It sounds like you think most rapes are just "made up" by women. Are you for real?
Maybe not most, but I've been falsely accused of such.
Studies indicate that it is actually very rare for women to invent rape stories. How common do you think it is? What percentage, would you say, of rape claims are made up?
It still happens. Going to court for a year isn't very fun.
How? It is not the men being raped by the women.
But men can get into a lot of trouble over it.
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