Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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Wushu? Nah. Kickboxer.

But each of those urges are controllable... as is that for sex.

And road rage isn't controllable by all of the population either. Education, education, education.

you can educate as many people as possible, but it doesent change the fact that our very essence and biological make-up is programmed to reproduce and have sex,

especialy with men, there is nothong a man desires more than to have sex, it can be controlled but its not like controlling other things though and you know it.

to control the desire to have sex is trying to control the very nature of mankind, it is the hardest thing to control for a man and thats a fact, and you cant expect every single man to be able to do what some can do.

when you try and repress a primative urge as strong as this you are playing with the very core of mans reason to exist on this earth, its not like turning off a switch, and you cant expect everybody to be able to perform at the same level of excelence. its just not possible for every male to be able to act as you are asking,

when you try and repress a primative urge as strong as this you are playing with the very core of mans reason to exist on this earth, its not like turning off a switch, and you cant expect everybody to be able to perform at the same level of excelence. its just not possible for every male to be able to act as you are asking
But I do it, so why can't others? Am I somehow "better" than them?
Education. respect for others. Large calibre hand guns if necessary :D
But I do it, so why can't others? Am I somehow "better" than them?
Education. respect for others. Large calibre hand guns if necessary :D

i can also do it oli, but it doesent mean just because me and you can both do it that every other man can do it. i can bench press over 100 kg not including an olympic bar, and i can run a 26 mile marathon without stopping, i can also break a coconut with my bare hand, but i dont expect every other man on earth to be able to do the same thing on request.

just because some people can do something it doesent mean others can. some people can score a genius score of over 200 on their IQ tests can you?

Not a chance.
Because the tests I did the scores only went up to 200, they didn't cater for anything higher... :D

and i suppose you scored a 200 ?

dont you see my point though? just because 1 man can do something with ease, it doesent mean every other man can follow in his footsteps. what is easy for some can be like climbing a mountain for others.

i learn not to judge people on a standard level because we are all strong and weak in different areas. thats why i think ethics and morals are fickle.

everybody gets caught up in whats right and whats wrong, they dont ever consider that what they see as wrong others may not think its that bad, and some people seem to forget that humans especialy males have very very strong biological desires to mate and reproduce.

i know we live in a society that cares an awful lot about what is "right and wrong", but we seem to be forgetting that at the end of the day we are animals, and you cannot expect every single animal to obide by the laws of the majority its just not going to happen.

its like under-age sex, you will find that about 90% of men dont actualy care that a girl is not of legal age for sex, and if they could get away with it 100% they would do it. we alreqady had a vote on sciforums to prove that, and alot of general polls have came back int he world suggesting the same thing.

in my personal opinion and life, i dont think its nice to rape somebody and i wouldent do it, but thats me and i dont expect every man on this earth to agree with me or act like me,

ethics and morals are a human construct, they do not exist in the real animal kingdom, we are not perfect little angels, even though many people expect us to act like we are, its survival of the fittest in nature and with animals, if you cant stop somebody from attacking or raping you then in nature if it happened you would perish,

we are all protected nowdays. we expect everyone to hold our hands and help us, 99% of men these days would not do the spartans proud. and the women nowdays are weak compared aswell, without the cops most of you would perish like weaklings,


True enough we cannot expect every single animal to abide by the laws, but what of the conditions that facilitate disobedience?

For instance, I still, sixteen years later, cannot fathom the impact of the "sexually proper" society on rape survivors. It isn't that the loved ones don't care, but in their care they often only complicate the situation. Consider the young lover, at one of the greatest moments of her life so far, weeping on her boyfriend's shoulder because she wasn't a virgin when they were first together. Right there are two mucked-up issues of the proper: what is the American obsession with virginity? I endured it, but understand very little of it. And then there's the fact that the survivor is not in the least oblivious to the fact that everyone around is walking on eggshells. Both of these effects are hugely damaging, but I can't get a sounding on this abyss.

So I would ask you to think about it this way: The vast majority of rapes in the United States are committed by offenders known to their victims. Self-reporting surveys on college campuses suggest a minimum of seventy-thousand sex acts that can be defined as rape each year. We are familiar with affirmation rituals. "Yes you may," instead of "No, I don't mind." What is the flip-side of this?

When adults lament the state of sexuality promoted to children through the marketplace, the discussion typically forgets that it is the adult sexuality being addressed in such media. The lament, then, is about the manifestations of the sexuality of the offended generation.

This is important, because while the discussion is often misogynistic in its focus on female sexuality, what the hell is charging hormones to a minimum of seventy-thousand rapes a year among people old enough to be entrusted with military service or the vote? What ideas justify such conduct? What conflicts motivate such decisions?

Nature is enough of a challenge. In light of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, locust swarms, HIV, and the up-and-coming Global Warming Extravaganza (how hot will it get?), warfare seems rather quite silly. Likewise, even if we got our ethics and morals straightened out to the point that they are logical and useful, nature would still provide us with a certain number of socio- and psychopaths who would commit murder and rape and other sorts of mayhem. These ought to be enough, don't you think?

In the meantime, our "attitudes to rape" are intrinsically woven with our attitudes toward sexuality. As long as our sexual attitudes are warped, we can expect that the greater proportion of human animals who violate the law will do so for seemingly arbitrary and nonsensical reasons. This is, perhaps, the great tragedy. The psychopaths can't necessarily help it. The rest of us can.

The number of deviant human animals who fail to abide by the laws of the majority, at least in terms of sexual violence, will come down as we make progress in the excruciating task of excising from our civic conscience its bullshit.

True enough we cannot expect every single animal to abide by the laws, but what of the conditions that facilitate disobedience?

For instance, I still, sixteen years later, cannot fathom the impact of the "sexually proper" society on rape survivors. It isn't that the loved ones don't care, but in their care they often only complicate the situation. Consider the young lover, at one of the greatest moments of her life so far, weeping on her boyfriend's shoulder because she wasn't a virgin when they were first together. Right there are two mucked-up issues of the proper: what is the American obsession with virginity? I endured it, but understand very little of it. And then there's the fact that the survivor is not in the least oblivious to the fact that everyone around is walking on eggshells. Both of these effects are hugely damaging, but I can't get a sounding on this abyss.

So I would ask you to think about it this way: The vast majority of rapes in the United States are committed by offenders known to their victims. Self-reporting surveys on college campuses suggest a minimum of seventy-thousand sex acts that can be defined as rape each year. We are familiar with affirmation rituals. "Yes you may," instead of "No, I don't mind." What is the flip-side of this?

When adults lament the state of sexuality promoted to children through the marketplace, the discussion typically forgets that it is the adult sexuality being addressed in such media. The lament, then, is about the manifestations of the sexuality of the offended generation.

This is important, because while the discussion is often misogynistic in its focus on female sexuality, what the hell is charging hormones to a minimum of seventy-thousand rapes a year among people old enough to be entrusted with military service or the vote? What ideas justify such conduct? What conflicts motivate such decisions?

Nature is enough of a challenge. In light of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, locust swarms, HIV, and the up-and-coming Global Warming Extravaganza (how hot will it get?), warfare seems rather quite silly. Likewise, even if we got our ethics and morals straightened out to the point that they are logical and useful, nature would still provide us with a certain number of socio- and psychopaths who would commit murder and rape and other sorts of mayhem. These ought to be enough, don't you think?

In the meantime, our "attitudes to rape" are intrinsically woven with our attitudes toward sexuality. As long as our sexual attitudes are warped, we can expect that the greater proportion of human animals who violate the law will do so for seemingly arbitrary and nonsensical reasons. This is, perhaps, the great tragedy. The psychopaths can't necessarily help it. The rest of us can.

The number of deviant human animals who fail to abide by the laws of the majority, at least in terms of sexual violence, will come down as we make progress in the excruciating task of excising from our civic conscience its bullshit.

yeah i see what your saying, but our attitudes towards sex are warped if we actualy believe ourselves not to be animals. we should look into the animal kingdom to see how they act about sex, you can see the comparison ofcourse with human males and other animal males.

men rape more than women that is a fact, and you only have to look to nature to see the answer as to why they do, its obviously natural for a man to wanr sex and to try and get it,

some use mating rituals like looking good, showing off strength, trying to impress the opposite sex in any fashion possible. and some simple aquire sex by force, all of those things in the animal kingdom are natural.

but we as ethical thinking humans are un-comfortable with this fact, we dont like to view ourselves as the beast, the killer, the rapist, the fighter, the aggressor, but thats what we can be its not nice but its true,

all you have to do is watch wildlife shows on national geographic channel, or own dogs and cats as pets, then it is plain to see why male animals act like that when seeking sex.

also not everyone cares about other peoples feelings, that is plain to see in nearly every aspect of human society, we are not considerate of how we effect other people in negative ways, if we all had sympathy for how we effect everyone maybe we wouldent act this way, but our desires usualy come before our humanity, we are selfish creatures by nature to deny this is turning a blind eye.

just look around everywhere, you will see people acting selfish and self centered, so if we care about our own pleasure more than how we effect other people, combined with natural desire for males to mate, you get rape. maybe a man wants sex with a particular woman even though he already has a wife, because he might care more about his own personal desire than hurting others, he will feel no way about rape,

i think there would be alot more rape if we didnt send rapists to jail, the law is stopping the amount of rape that would happen, people usualy dont care much about other peoples troubles, alot of men dont commit rape because they will be punished not because they care about others, alot of people do xare about others, but the majority do not and that is clear from how society conducts itself,

The number of deviant human animals who fail to abide by the laws of the majority, at least in terms of sexual violence, will come down as we make progress in the excruciating task of excising from our civic conscience its bullshit.

Why and how can you say that when, in fact, the trend has been INCREASING, not decreasing, as time goes on? And that seems to be true of all major crimes, not just rape.

I mean, on what evidence do you base that assertion?

Baron Max
Why and how can you say that when, in fact, the trend has been INCREASING, not decreasing, as time goes on? And that seems to be true of all major crimes, not just rape.

I mean, on what evidence do you base that assertion?

Baron Max

as the population grows it will be harder to police and enforce laws, so crime of all types will increase as the population rises, thats proven with statistics.

Baron Max said:

Why and how can you say that when, in fact, the trend has been INCREASING, not decreasing, as time goes on? And that seems to be true of all major crimes, not just rape.

I mean, on what evidence do you base that assertion?

The passing of time means nothing in this context unless that period is engaged in raising educational standards. The reality I use to construct the assertion is twofold: general observation and personal experience.

General observation provides evidence of the notion that many crimes are exacerbated by individual and communal ignorance. Personal experience teaches me that normalization, not the constant reminder of an incident, is what serves rape survivors best. Every time someone checks their tongue in her presence, the rape survivor seems to know. The cumulative weight of knowing one is at the center of the minefield navigated by friends and family simply does not help recovery.
The passing of time means nothing in this context unless that period is engaged in raising educational standards.

Ya' mean if we tell the criminals that committing crimes is not nice, they'll quit doin' it? Hmm. You have a very high regard for education, don't you? Even though we've been educating people since the Middle Ages, somehow you think things will change just by telling people it ain't nice to rape some woman?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

Ya' mean if we tell the criminals that committing crimes is not nice, they'll quit doin' it?

The tragedy here is that you can't possibly be as stupid as you sound. I mean, really, do you believe the stupid crap you write, or are you just playing a game? Either is fine with me, Baron, but you really ought to try to be honest once in a while.

You have a very high regard for education, don't you? Even though we've been educating people since the Middle Ages, somehow you think things will change just by telling people it ain't nice to rape some woman?

I think even you're capable of seeing that there is a difference betweeen "education" that focuses on the debate about whether or not angels move, and an education designed to actually teach people useful things.

For instance, I was watching some random documentary on PBS last year that followed two young men through public school in a middle-of-nowhere town in, I think, Alabama or Arkansas. One of the students went to the alternative school, and it struck me that the "science class" consisted of such inspiring dialogue:

Teacher: ... and Darwin just doesn't make sense because Jesus wasn't a monkey.

Student: Exactly. That's why I don't believe in Darwin. 'Cause, like oyu said, Jesus wasn't a monkey.​

With that kind of piss-poor excuse for an education, the student faces a future that includes greater statistical odds of living below the poverty line despite working sixty hours a week. Given that education, poverty, and crime are interrelated, it would seem that a genuine attempt at education would be helpful. No more of these intelligent design debates, no more telling of American history as a pack of lies designed to assuage the racists.

What does a school system teach (e.g. Oregon public schools) that will expel an hispanic six year-old who brings a small plastic GI Joe gun (all of 3/4 of an inch long with no moving parts) because the schools have a zero-tolerance weapons policy, but refuses to expel a white honor student who uses a prop gun (e.g. full-size and intended to look real) to hold up the a hallway outside the cafeteria and threaten teachers actually teach anyone? The answer is summed up by one white parent's thoughtful consideration of the problem: "Those rules" (e.g. zero-tolerance weapons and drugs) "aren't meant for our kids."

And that's what the education system taught that day: that the rule of law is not intended for white people. but only to control the darker shades of skin.

Remember, public education was not implemented in the United States to inspire or elevate; it was intended as a conformity factory. This notion is outmoded; there is no one-size-fits-all solution in education. True enough that generations of education have not eliminated crime entirely. That is a fool's chase. But what it does do is alter the circumstances at the moment of choice when one examines the options and decides what to do. We could debate the psychospiritual aspects, but one thing that proper education most definitely does is reveal more options at the moment of choice.
teacher- jesus was not a monkey so evolution is flawed.

some guy- yes but evolution started way before 2000 years ago, what you said is stupid,

teacher- yes but god was not a monkey and he looks like a man, so evolution is wrong.

some guy- how did you become a teacher? i want to see some credentials.

The tragedy here is that you can't possibly be as stupid as you sound. I mean, really, do you believe the stupid crap you write, or are you just playing a game? Either is fine with me, Baron, but you really ought to try to be honest once in a while.

How precisely would you teach empathy?
No, I support the venture, but it sounds rather socialist. Perfection through education! Or at least progress.
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