Athiests: I am buying souls


Valued Senior Member
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul. It's very simple- PM me, I PM you the form, you fill it out and PM it back to me and I PayPal you $5.00.
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul. It's very simple- PM me, I PM you the form, you fill it out and PM it back to me and I PayPal you $5.00.
As you stated, we atheists do not believe we have souls. To sell our non-existent souls to you would be fraud. Although I cannot speak for everyone, my moral code doesn't allow that.

What is the purpose of the form? What information are you collecting?
No. Dimwit, we have a soul (bigger and more profound than your poor little mind can comprehend), it just doesn't go on for eternity.

I've got free tickets to heaven ( I stole 'em off an old Nun), thousand bucks apiece, send me your credit card details sunshine.
Second thought.

If you include this text on the bill of sale:
"I acknowledge that I have been informed by the seller that souls do not exist."

Then, the transaction would not be fraudulent (in my eyes at least) and I will happily sell you my non-existent soul. But, my minimum price is $27.
What if I'm one of those bargain barrel atheists who believes in the soul as metaphor?
Call it half a million and I'll sell you my soul. Surely you appreciate the fact that it's in good condition, is a very rare item, and is in fact very collectable.

I offer a range of other items, including my "invisible unicorn" brand. Now normally they retail at $10,000 but I'm not asking $8,000, I'm not even asking $7,000; for you, because I like you son, a mere $5,000. That's right, I don't make that offer to just anybody ya know.... and they make a great christmas present....
I'll even throw in my sense of decency for free.
I also don't believe in a soul and can't sell you something that does not exist to me with my beliefs. I would never ask you to sell what you belive in so why are you asking me to sell someting that I don't belive in? Why is it you just can' t live and belive in what you want to and let others belive in what they want to?
Call it half a million and I'll sell you my soul. Surely you appreciate the fact that it's in good condition, is a very rare item, and is in fact very collectable.

Half a million? I can get a dozen hobos to jump off the Grand Canyon for that kind of money- what makes your soul worth so much?
Second thought.

If you include this text on the bill of sale:
"I acknowledge that I have been informed by the seller that souls do not exist."

Then, the transaction would not be fraudulent (in my eyes at least) and I will happily sell you my non-existent soul. But, my minimum price is $27.

How about "If I have a soul, I am selling it to ________"?

$27? $5 is my buying price. Why would an athiest pick $27? 3X3X3?

If I sold you my soul, how would I go about delivering it to you? And how would you know when I delivered it to you?

I follow my own religion.

What are your main beliefs?
How about "If I have a soul, I am selling it to ________"?

$27? $5 is my buying price. Why would an athiest pick $27? 3X3X3?
Sorry, your wording wouldn't work. It implies I might have a soul. I can't morally stipulate to something I regard as false. The number 27 has personal significence unrelated to this transaction. I thought of asking for $666 but I decided that might imply that I believed in the devil or some other mythical creature, which would also make the transaction fraudulent.

You can have my nonexistent soul with the original wording and price.
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Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul.

Hey hey! The bots have a new sales angle now?

Keep this up and I'm going to start thinking you're some kind of commercial bot.:D
What are you going to do with them?

The last soul I owned I gave to Satan in tribute- did it in '88 when I was a high school senior on a Halloween eve.

These souls- well- once I own them, it's really none of your business anymore, is it?