Atheists: What's the Purpose of Living?

Why not just stop having children?

If the only reason death is necessary would be to make room for others, then by not having children, there would be enough room, and no need to die.

But it doesn't work that way. Even people who don't have children, die.
Why not just stop having children?

If the only reason death is necessary would be to make room for others, then by not having children, there would be enough room, and no need to die.

But it doesn't work that way. Even people who don't have children, die.
It's not an individual choice... It's a team effort. Besides, eventually the sun's gonna burn out and take the solar system with it... So you can't avoid the recycling mechanism forever.

Why is everyone so worried about death? And why does the fear seem worse among the religious? The one's who should be less concerned about it because they "believe" they get to go live with Jesus.
Another reason...

omfg that looks absolutely delicious...

On a more serious note. I think one of the main purposes of religion is to sedate people that fear death/nothingness a lot.
Why is everyone so worried about death?

Because living beings love life.

And why does the fear seem worse among the religious?
The one's who should be less concerned about it because they "believe" they get to go live with Jesus.

Obviously, not all people who consider themselves religious, believe in Jesus ...
Besides, eventually the sun's gonna burn out and take the solar system with it.
When the sun goes into its red giant stage it will expand to just about where Earth's orbit is. Earth may or may not be swallowed up, it's impossible to estimate more precisely. However, even if the rock itself survives, it will have long since become too hot for liquid water, so it will not be able to support life. In any case, the outer planets will not be destroyed. ;)
Why is everyone so worried about death?
Because this is a great party and we don't want it to end. Duh?