Atheists: What's the Purpose of Living?

What ? Are you a Homo sapien ? You know what that word means . It comes from Latin I believe . It means wisdom . Why would that be ? Maybe because of the need for the human to understand there environment? They have a tendency to seek the truth , The meaning of life and what makes it tick and things like that . Yeah big herds of humans in city centers everywhere do it . They are evrywhere

That was the non-sequiteur of the day for sure.
There isn't anything wrong with competing with your buds to see who can wheel the hottest chick to boost your ego. Nothing immoral or unethical about it in the least ( until you turn it into something immoral or unethical ). It is fun and enjoyable. Its a game, where there are multiple good payoffs, you get a hot chick, you have a good laugh with your friends when they fail ( or in the rare case where I fail, almost never happens, but always extremely funny :D ), you boost your prestige amongst your social circle, your boost your confidence and ego, and last but not least, have a great time with a girl that hopefully will make the time enjoyable and not be a bitch ( in which case get rid of her immediately ), plus you get to make new friends. How is that for payoffs, and those are only a few examples, there are many many more
Right, because as we all know, there's absolutely nothing unethical or immoral about satisfying/ boosting your own ego/ prestige and giving your friends a laugh by treating another person as a commodity. :rolleyes:
Not once in that little self-aggrandising diatribe did to take her ego, "prestige", emotions or satisfaction into account.
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well, would you be satisfied with the elimination of human suffering and death?
Death is an essential part of the process. We must return to the stardust from which we came so that our elements can be broken down and reassembled.
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The purpose of life is to enjoy it in the way you see fit as this is the only opportunity you'll receive.
You should do this with the consideration that others will also want to enjoy their lives too and so you should not callously infringe on their happiness. It's a much better world if we're all respectful and able to be happy.
I read somewhere that our purpose is so the universe can comprehend itself. Now, it wasn't a planned thing, but it's happened. Maybe a few other times elsewhere.
Right, because as we all know, there's absolutely nothing unethical or immoral about satisfying/ boosting your own ego/ prestige and giving your friends a laugh by treating another person as a commodity. :rolleyes:
Not once in that little self-aggrandising diatribe did to take her ego, "prestige", emotions or satisfaction into account.

No, no, I don't mean it like that.

It is hard to explain man....I mean a situation where EVERYONE has a good time. I know how to treat girls, or I would have got slapped a lot.

It is...not like a commodity, but more like , flirting and making new friends.

It is the hardest thing to explain in the world....
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Right, because as we all know, there's absolutely nothing unethical or immoral about satisfying/ boosting your own ego/ prestige and giving your friends a laugh by treating another person as a commodity. :rolleyes:
Not once in that little self-aggrandising diatribe did to take her ego, "prestige", emotions or satisfaction into account.

I treat a lot of the girls as my friends ( some of the more then friends, but lets not get into that ), everyone has a good laugh, everyone wins.

Also, do I have to mention it?

It is a part of being a cultured gentlemen, it is courtesy and etiquette

P.S. Of course I take those things into account. They actually go before my bros.
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I would turn the question back on theists. What is it about belief in a God that gives you a purpose? It could very well be a God that doesn't give a shit about you.
I would turn the question back on theists. What is it about belief in a God that gives you a purpose? It could very well be a God that doesn't give a shit about you.

Well, hypothetically assuming your scenario, then...well I know people might how blasphemy at me, but assuming your hypothetical scenario, then we will create a god in our minds, to give ourselves light in the darkness, emotional support, and a morale boost to boost yourselves.

What does faith give to us?

Hope, perhaps? The comfort that we are working for and towards something greater, that what we accomplish will not be in vain.
If the faithful can have such things even though there is no God, then certainly atheists could do the same.
If the faithful can have such things even though there is no God, then certainly atheists could do the same.

People might shout blasphemy, but what the hell.

Yeah I admit, logically it is sound. Atheists can potentially do the same.

There have been impartial studies done on psychological, morale and physically effects of faith, take Joan of Arc for example. Unless you become extremists and go on a crusade or go join the Al-Qaeda, then faith is healthy and beneficial. It gives us the ability to see what we been through, the bad times as trials, and there will be a better day someday, or it is for a greater purpose.

You can chose to be happy, or chose to be unhappy, nobody can force to do either, they can influence you, but it is your choice.
"What's the purpose of living?"

"Sex", pretty pure and simple. Can't really find any fault with it.

Of course, that's the purpose of my life. That's not the life I will live, that's reserved for Aerospace engineering, I hope.

But simply, the only consistant quality in not only human life, but the life of every lifeform we know of is reproduction.
"What's the purpose of living?"

"Sex", pretty pure and simple. Can't really find any fault with it.

Of course, that's the purpose of my life. That's not the life I will live, that's reserved for Aerospace engineering, I hope.

But simply, the only consistant quality in not only human life, but the life of every lifeform we know of is reproduction.

True :D

It is flawless :D You really can't disagree with that. That and to in some way, shape or form benefit oneself :D
"What's the purpose of living?"

"Sex", pretty pure and simple. Can't really find any fault with it.

Of course, that's the purpose of my life. That's not the life I will live, that's reserved for Aerospace engineering, I hope.

But simply, the only consistant quality in not only human life, but the life of every lifeform we know of is reproduction.

and this can go on and on or become circular. why reproduce? to continue life. why continue life? because we have an instinct to survive. why do we have an instinct to survive? because nature made us this way. why did nature make us this way? because the laws of nature. why are they like that? we don't know.

so therefore, we do not know the answer to ultimate questions. maybe there aren't any or the kind that we can understand.
People might shout blasphemy, but what the hell.

Yeah I admit, logically it is sound. Atheists can potentially do the same.

There have been impartial studies done on psychological, morale and physically effects of faith, take Joan of Arc for example. Unless you become extremists and go on a crusade or go join the Al-Qaeda, then faith is healthy and beneficial. It gives us the ability to see what we been through, the bad times as trials, and there will be a better day someday, or it is for a greater purpose.

You can chose to be happy, or chose to be unhappy, nobody can force to do either, they can influence you, but it is your choice.
But the problem is that religion make people subject to the tyranny of people who say they know what God wants. Also, faith without evidence isn't a good habit to get into.
But the problem is that religion make people subject to the tyranny of people who say they know what God wants. Also, faith without evidence isn't a good habit to get into.

Exactly, people will shout blasphemy at every corner and do lots of things in the name of God, and claim what they do is the will of the Lord. See the Crusades and Osama Bin Laden for the most famous and well known examples. The burnings at stake....originally it was supposed to be baptism by fire ( not literally, but spiritually ), but it got twisted pretty bad....

Well, faith for me is an emotional, spiritual retreat. I won't follow any religious leader recklessly, without thorough and critical analysis on my part.
and this can go on and on or become circular. why reproduce? to continue life. why continue life? because we have an instinct to survive. why do we have an instinct to survive? because nature made us this way. why did nature make us this way? because the laws of nature. why are they like that? we don't know.

so therefore, we do not know the answer to ultimate questions. maybe there aren't any or the kind that we can understand.

The best way to break the cycle without getting religious that I can think of is to be the crazy guy and say that my mind is so powerful that everyone is a figment of my imagination and troll until all discussion halts :D