Atheists what is your proof?

Yes, let's put the origin of the Golden Rule around, hmm 3.5 billion years ago. That's about the time cooperation kicked in.
one must consider though, a factoid when the golden rule was first written down is one matter but it is not any proof that even millions had not had that revelation or understanding on their own.

so, in essence, that is no proof that the understanding first occurred in a particular location.:rolleyes:

even many children come to or in some cases are born with an innate understanding. we usually call them "nice" kids or people.:rolleyes:

I didn't mean to suggest that it did. I just think it is an interesting note regarding the development of mankind as a species and its civilizations.
it's also true that one can understand the golden rule and be against it. many people consciously do things to hurt people and that was their intention, without it even being a matter of disagreement. it was just because they can be completely selfish.

since nature does not require one to be fair or have that intention, not everyone will find that valuable.

it is hard to understand why someone that values their life and feelings would not have any empathy for another realizing they also feel when there is not even any sense of threat. it's like hurting a bunny and not caring at all. it is one of the most awful things, i think, that exists.
To OP: Theists: What's yours?

Apparently for Muslims it's: Mohammed's book is so damn good, you can't not believe it.

For Christians it's usually, the world is so complex, it must be a God that created it and besides why would Jesus go to all that trouble for nothing?

For Lori, it's: God told me so.
it's also true that one can understand the golden rule and be against it. many people consciously do things to hurt people and that was their intention, without it even being a matter of disagreement. it was just because they can be completely selfish.

since nature does not require one to be fair or have that intention, not everyone will find that valuable.

it is hard to understand why someone that values their life and feelings would not have any empathy for another realizing they also feel when there is not even any sense of threat. it's like hurting a bunny and not caring at all. it is one of the most awful things, i think, that exists.

That raises a good point. I've always thought that the golden rule was less an instruction in how to treat people, and more of an observation of the consequences of your actions.

I feel like I've already answered this question. God (and I) is/am not concerned with physical sufferings. It is the Kingdom of God that I want to be closer to, and personal health/wealth isn't terrible relevant to that.

You are not concerned with the physical sufferings of others ?

Once again you are speaking for god as if you know what he is concerned about and use the bible for that basis when the bible does show a god who cares about our physical well being.

Once again you are contradicting yourself.

"1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New International Version)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. "

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Would you worship him if he made you sacrifice your mother ? Or children ? ”

If that somehow fit into a theology that made sense to me, yes. However, that hypothetical is so ridiculous that it is almost pointless. It MIGHT be more applicable if the same God actually ORDERED slavery. Then you would have a picture of a God that I would not follow. But none of those scenarios apply, so your point is, well... pointless.

He did.

"Numbers 31:7-18
They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man. Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba - the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho.

Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. Moses was angry with the officers of the army - the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds - who returned from the battle.

"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he asked them. "They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and were the means of turning the Israelites away from the LORD in what happened at Peor, so that a plague struck the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

He also approves of genocide.

Pointless indeed. Go ahead, apologize away.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
And you know how god operates ? ”

Insomuch as the Bible describes it, yes.

Yet you refuse to see that he commanded slavery and genocide.

but the fact that when presented with the ACTUAL Biblical God you refuse to accept it as such leads me to believe you aren't interested in any kind of truth or reality anyway, just in arguments. I will only entertain those for so long.

What do you mean by the ACTUAL biblical god. I am referring to the biblical god. I didn't write that shit, it was inspired by god. Your god. So stop trying to hide him away. Bring him out in all his glory.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
And this is what irks me the most SolusCado.

You are perfectly willing to accept the good, but immediately excuse or ignore the bad. ”

Because you see something as bad doesn't make it "bad". You seem to have an extremely limited view, one in which everyone should be happy and still live in the Garden of Eden. But that leaves us no opportunity for righteousness. It leaves us no opportunity for good. It leaves us as animals. That to me is NOT good.

I have a limited view ? I am not the one who basis his beliefs on texts written by a bunch of ignorants thousands of years ago who CLAIMED to hear god. Oh, and then we have to consider human error in the mix and oh also all of those interpretations that were apparently wrong because in fact they were a bunch of ignorants and now have to be re-interpreted.

I scrutinize all the time, and adjust my beliefs to make things fit

LOFL. That is not scrutinizing at all. That is what you call a self fullfiilling prophecy because the texts don't change. So you have to make things fit where they don't.

For example. Slavery allowed. It doesn't fit with our understanding of slavery being wrong.

So you then have to make it fit.

I know, I will just claim he only mean't it for that time.

Does that really make sense or do you just need it to make sense otherwise god forbid you would actually come to the realization that it shouldn't be there. That is unacceptable because you have been indoctinated to believe and are not able to shake free from it personally. Your ego would be dented.

So you rationalize.

One more time, please answer. The bible, is it a book for all time or just for the time it was written ?

You can keep pointing out things that don't fit with your conception, but since that is neither my conception, nor in line with the Bible, you haven't actually pointed out anything that doesn't fit.

Uh, SolusCado, slavery IS in the bible.

As I said before, it's not what fits but what doesn't that you should be questioning. ”

Ok; fine - show me something that doesn't fit.


“ Originally Posted by jpappl
For example, these two together, regardless of the time, are in conflict.

1) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
2) slavery allowed and specified ”

I've said before - not instructing people to not do something at a specific point in time, and then later instructing them to do something, is EXACTLY the way one teaches. Consider again the example of sexual education. A five year old is not ready for such education. A fifteen year old is. That my I didn't learn to not have unprotected sex at five, but then later, at fifteen, DID is completely normal and to be expected. Why then would you expect a different scenario here?

Except that he wasn't talking to 5 year olds, or 15 year olds. He was talking to grown men. Correct ?

Ans these grown men were supposed to heed his words correct ?

You don't have a good answer for why he did not command man to not enslave people. There is no good answer to that.

So you point is useless. Again, you have to figure out if the bible was only relevant to the people of the time or if it applies to all time and stick with it.

Reminding you that this is supposed to be texts inspired by god.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Or these

1) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
2) Genocide allowed and specified ”

Same as above.

Nice try, see above as well.

What your answer here is he allowed children to kill other people. Afterall, they were too immature to know what they were doing when he commanded genocide. They were but children mentally.

That's your excuse.

Your god specifically told man to enslave, rape and kill others in his name and yet at the same time asked us to follow the golden rule. ”

Ha! That isn't true at all. If you are going to make such claims you should back them up with scripture.

Specifics about dealing with slaves. These are but a few in the link as an example.

" Exodus 21:20-21 "And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money [property]."
Exodus 21:26-27 "And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake. And if he smite out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake."

here are a few:

Deuteronomy 2:

33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people.
34 And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain

Deuteronomy 20:

16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
17 Completely destroy them - the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusite - as the LORD your God has commanded you.

Joshua 11:

20 For it was of the LORD to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that He might utterly destroy them, and that they might receive no mercy, but that He might destroy them, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

24 And it came to pass when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness where they pursued them, and when they all had fallen by the edge of the sword until they were consumed, that all the Israelites returned to Ai and struck it with the edge of the sword.
25 So it was that all who fell that day, both men and women, were twelve thousand - all the people of Ai.
26 For Joshua did not draw back his hand, with which he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

and here:

some examples:

I like how here they offer slavery as a choice.

3) More Murder Rape and Pillage (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

And here he can rape her but then has to marry her. What's the fun in that. Sheesh.

4) Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

It is because so far you haven't actually presented me with anything I haven't heard before. These misconception about the nature of God were things I learned about 15 years ago. You haven't revealed any great thing for me to stop and consider. Not yet anyway.

LOL. Yep, you learned these misconceptions 15 years ago. How old are you SolusCado ? Who is being deceived ?

Apparently they were things you learned about but they didn't provide you with any answers and you haven't bothered to construct something valid on your own.

That is explained in Christianity. Christ was the final messenger, and we no longer need God to speak through only certain people. We are all now capable of hearing God. Whether we choose to listen is of course up to us.

But don't you also believe that god has a chosen people. Why would he talk to the rest of us ?

Oh, that's right because we are all his people. But wait, then what makes the chosen people special then. If we are all special nobody is.

I once again refer you to everything above. We are children, spiritually, and God has taught us what we need to know as we have grown

He never came back to tell us slavery was wrong. We figured that our on our own. We outgrew the god of the bible.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Do you think that it is possible for you to believe in god but also believe the bible is flawed. IOW, man wrote the bible and just f8cked it all up because he was ignorant, as we are ignorant to humans 400 years from now, well let's hope so.

Is that a possibility for you ? ”

Yes. I did in fact come to the realization/conclusion that the NT is not the flawless, inspired word of God, but it didn't stop me from being a Christian.

Fail. Don't F with me Solus. We are talking about the OT and have been since you had firmly stated that the OT was not flawed.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Aren't we all gods children ? ”

Yes, but the Israelites were His "Chosen People," which, as I've ALSO already explained, I suspect meant there was a genetic ability to commune with God that at that point in time only existed in the Israelites.

Pointless and unnecessary.

his people" suggests that your god only cared about those who believe in him. Yet he created us all. ”

Yes, you are correct - I should have used the term "Chosen People".. I apologize

Missed the question or point. He created us all, why did he "choose" a people to back. Doesn't it make more sense that a god that created all humans, choose sides. More to the point, does it make sense for a god to choose sides and command them to kill his other creations ?

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Have you considered that statement as a question ?

Why didn't god tell us at that particular time that slavery was wrong ? ”

I've provided countless possible reasons already, and in this post I have provided several analogues to human/child development to show that we have a reflection in real life that answers the question.

You have provided reasons, all of them poor. Besides, he never came back to enlighten us. But now you claim that isn't necessary. Just moving posts around.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Maybe. God has never spoke to me. I would be far less likely to follow someone who said god told me this was the way then someone who claimed after thinking about this idea they have come to a conclusion and this is why using logic and reason. ”

I'm not convinced that you would know if God had spoken to you or not. You don't even understand who God is - there is no reason to think you would recognize him speaking to you.

I understand who your god is which is why I am asking you to scrutinize things because actually, you don't know your god.

Originally Posted by jpappl
Yes god would have known. Why he did not tell us is the question ? ”

See above. This question clearly doesn't bother me as it does you, but I would pose the same question to you regarding parents and children. Why don't parents just lay out all the rules their three year old will ever need as soon as the child is old enough to talk? Or better yet - as soon as the baby is born? Why not just given him/her every rule as soon as they come out of the womb?

First of all I am not a god. But, we do have answers for them as they grow. Your god was inspiring grown men. The analogy fails.

Originally Posted by jpappl
And there is no good answer. ”

I think mine is pretty damned good. :p

Only in your mind SolusCado, only in your mind.
cado said:
IOW, this can all be boiled down to saying we all have an internal mechanism to know what's right and wrong. Atheists are content to stop there,
In real life, atheistic people have gone on from there in many directions and with great diligence. The rreasonable, logical, philosophical, ecological, sociological, physiological, circumstantial, and other aspects or bases of human morality, have all been taken on as areas of serious life's work by all manner of atheistic people.

cado said:
Once again, it would appear that you wish to judge a theology based on the actions of its followers, instead of its written tenants.
You appear to have been interpreting these tenets according to your own intuitive sense of right and wrong, and declaring the new reading to be the "real" religion. I don't think the written tenets of Christianity provide nearly what you would wish to find among them, and as evidence I point to all the other Christians - intelligent and well educated and sincere among them - who read them quite differently and have for hundreds if not thousands of years.

cado said:
- Is enslaving someone loving them? If not, then how can you possibly suggest that Christ thought slavery was okay?
I don't see the sense in it myself, but exactly that was a fairly common argument during the debate over slavery in the US: those of inferior race were being protected from the modern world's evils, which they could not handle, by the loving owner who provided for their needs.

Quotes from the Bible were provided, including from Jesus himself about caring for those in need, and loving others as one should. No quotes from Christ condemning slavery were available.
That raises a good point. I've always thought that the golden rule was less an instruction in how to treat people, and more of an observation of the consequences of your actions.
Matthew 7:12. I would of thought it was self evident what it meant. :p

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
That raises a good point. I've always thought that the golden rule was less an instruction in how to treat people, and more of an observation of the consequences of your actions.
I've always seen the golden rule more as a general instruction for individuals within a society... and by society I mean a group of people wishing to live in harmony.

You might need to explain how it is an "observation of the consequences"... as there are certainly no defined consequences per se, imo - other than what the individual on the receiving end deems appropriate. Maybe I have misunderstood you.

Moreover it is the religions that seem to be defined by the consequences of actions: the "don't sin or you will go to Hell" type of approach that religions instil within their followers.

The golden rule is far more subtle. Rather than defining the consequences, it is leaving the entire matter in the hands of the individual, rather than an outside agency.
With religions the consequence is provided by such an outside agency... God, Allah etc.
With the golden rule it is the individual... i.e. judge an action on how you would react to being on the receiving end.
I've always seen the golden rule more as a general instruction for individuals within a society... and by society I mean a group of people wishing to live in harmony.

You might need to explain how it is an "observation of the consequences"... as there are certainly no defined consequences per se, imo - other than what the individual on the receiving end deems appropriate. Maybe I have misunderstood you.

Moreover it is the religions that seem to be defined by the consequences of actions: the "don't sin or you will go to Hell" type of approach that religions instil within their followers.

The golden rule is far more subtle. Rather than defining the consequences, it is leaving the entire matter in the hands of the individual, rather than an outside agency.
With religions the consequence is provided by such an outside agency... God, Allah etc.
With the golden rule it is the individual... i.e. judge an action on how you would react to being on the receiving end.

To elaborate, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" doesn't necessarily instruct one to love others, or treat them with respect, etc. Most people assume that the "you" would desire such things, but depending on your philosophical bent, "you" might not. A strict darwinist for example may desire a world in which everyone is only out for themselves, in the hope that it will eventually weed out the "weak". Given enough self-confidence, they may have an attitude along the lines of "bring it on" when faced with being treated the same as they treat others. On the other hand, someone who believes everyone needs a helping hand may go around helping everyone, because they too feel a need for assistance from others.

Taking this to an extreme, any militant group who believes they are destined for X would have no issue with carrying out genocide (or some other atrocities) because they believe they are ordained for victory. The other groups who might "treat them the same", but again - with the conviction of the darwinist - would not change the behavior of the group, given their full confidence in victory.

Bringing it all full circle, I see the golden rule as an observation of some fundamental truth to the nature of the universe - call it karma if you like - that your treatment of others will define how you are treated by others.
somebody else I got mixed up somehow said:
You might need to explain how it is an "observation of the consequences"... as there are certainly no defined consequences per se, imo
Cado has a valid take on the saying - it can be read as a less punitive and more comprehensive version of "what goes around comes around" and the like.

The general principle is found throughout the Bible, as well as other texts revered as sources of wisdom by people: in the Bible, "cast your bread upon the waters etc - - - " and other places, all through the Tao Te Ching the seeking of the lower level where all things tend of their own, in Buddhist thought the "that art thou" principle, and so forth.
cado said:
A strict darwinist for example may desire a world in which everyone is only out for themselves, in the hope that it will eventually weed out the "weak".
An actual Darwinist would know much better than that. The shortsighted and foolish "Darwinist" of fundie mythology should be getting a different name soon - this is tiresomely ignorant and bigoted.
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To elaborate, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" doesn't necessarily instruct one to love others, or treat them with respect, etc. Most people assume that the "you" would desire such things, but depending on your philosophical bent, "you" might not. A strict darwinist for example may desire a world in which everyone is only out for themselves, in the hope that it will eventually weed out the "weak". Given enough self-confidence, they may have an attitude along the lines of "bring it on" when faced with being treated the same as they treat others. On the other hand, someone who believes everyone needs a helping hand may go around helping everyone, because they too feel a need for assistance from others.

the golden rule is a generality about respect for other's life because you respect yours. it's not really meant to be specific as in liking others or if you like chocolate ice cream, then you only offer chocolate even though they like strawberry etc.

even with a strict darwinist in hoping to weed out the 'weak', they would be apt to not consider themselves the weak. this is also not so simple as it appears. is the man who rapes a baby strong or a coward (weak)? is self-control weak or strong? is aggression always strong or can it be due to weakness of another kind?

there are also people who constantly take and never give.

one can always claim that how they treat others is what they would take as well but that is usually not the case. you see it all the time. if one murders, they try to get away with it and not face punishment etc.

the golden rule can only be practiced legitimately by those who can be honest with themselves. it's something that can't be forced.
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And I reject every one of those as incomplete:

so you lied -
you claimed repeatedly that no answers have been give.

You did NOT previously say the reasons given above were 'incomplete' - you repeated over and over that NO reasons had been give.

Now you finally admit reasons HAVE been given, but YOU consider them 'incomplete'.

So you were repeatedly and consciously lieing when you said there were no explanations given here.

How do you think such a blatant lie will affect your credibility here?

Cado has a valid take on the saying - it can be read as a less punitive and more comprehensive version of "what goes around comes around" and the like.

The general principle is found throughout the Bible, as well as other texts revered as sources of wisdom by people: in the Bible, "cast your bread upon the waters etc - - - " and other places, all through the Tao Te Ching the seeking of the lower level where all things tend of their own, in Buddhist thought the "that art thou" principle, and so forth.
An actual Darwinist would know much better than that. The shortsighted and foolish "Darwinist" of fundie mythology should be getting a different name soon - this is tiresomely ignorant and bigoted.

:) Fair enough. I didn't mean to denigrate "Darwinists". I just couldn't think of a better term. I was actually thinking of "Nietszcheans" from the Andromeda television series...
Then why not provide a reference? For the record, defines condone as "to disregard or overlook". While I will acknowledge that God overlooked slavery at one point in time, that doesn't mean it stands as a universal condoning of slavery.

That is exactly what it means.

I'm sorry - are you saying the actions of others makes Christ's commands vague?

I'm saying that the interpretations of others are as valid as your interpretations, on their faces. And since contrary interpretations were widespread for long periods of time, you have a serious dispute to address. It is not sufficient to simply sweep the beliefs of millions of Christians over thousands of years under the rug.

Once again, it would appear that you wish to judge a theology based on the actions of its followers, instead of its written tenants.

There is no "written tenet" in the Bible the declares slavery off-limits. You have to add a bunch of your own assumptions and interpretations to the actual text in order to arrive at that prohibition.

I thought we were all already in agreement that the command to love one another excluded the concept of slavery.

Not if "we all" includes the majority of honestly self-identified Christians throughout history.

Is enslaving someone loving them?

Many people over the years have seen no contradiction - including entire societies of earnest Christians, for centuries on end.

If not, then how can you possibly suggest that Christ thought slavery was okay?

He never bothered to say anything about the subject. Seems like he would have, if he considered it a big deal.

Umm, yes - mainstream Christianity has a TON of things wrong with them.

And yet, that is the Christianity that everyone has to deal with, and so defines what is Christian and what is not.

Sigh... I'm talking into a vacuum here. This is the LAST time I will repeat myself. Either move on or get left behind. God created a universe with 'children' who have the capacity to "fall short of the glory of God". Anything less would make us lesser beings - simple animals.

Or not - God gets to create the rules, right? And so God can create a Universe where humans are both perfect and glorious.

God created children that can make mistakes so that we can experience the glory of overcoming and learning from our mistakes. There is nothing gained if there is nothing risked.

Those very rules of logic and relation are inventions of God. He could have created them otherwise, if he'd wanted, no? Why didn't he choose to create a universe wherein things can be gained without risk?

If God is subject to some underlying rules of logic and philosophy, then he is neither omnipotent nor the ultimate creator. In such a conception, God is simply a very powerful alien.

My only authority comes from the Bible itself.

Along with the addition of your own interpretations of Biblical text, rules of logic and inference, etc. If you stick purely to the Bible, then you have nothing to say about slavery (or a host of other relevant issues).

I'm not making this stuff up. Have I said anything about the nature or character of God that you believe to NOT be represented in the Bible?

Yes, as detailed in this post and the last.

Let me know where and I will provide you verses that are the basis for said characterizations.

If the Bible is a "basis" for "characterizations" then you are, by definition, introducing your own elements of interpretation and inference above and beyond the contents of the Bible.

See above. We would be lesser beings if he did not create us with the capacity for failure.

Or not - that whole relationship between "capacity for failure" and "lesser beings" is itself a creation of God, no? And so he could have created a universe in which we can't (or don't) fail, and yet are not diminished by this. Why would that be outside the power of an omnipotent creator?

Again, if there are bounds on the power of God, then God is not an omnipotent creator, but simply a very powerful alien.
To elaborate, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" doesn't necessarily instruct one to love others, or treat them with respect, etc. Most people assume that the "you" would desire such things, but depending on your philosophical bent, "you" might not. A strict darwinist for example may desire a world in which everyone is only out for themselves, in the hope that it will eventually weed out the "weak". Given enough self-confidence, they may have an attitude along the lines of "bring it on" when faced with being treated the same as they treat others. On the other hand, someone who believes everyone needs a helping hand may go around helping everyone, because they too feel a need for assistance from others.

Taking this to an extreme, any militant group who believes they are destined for X would have no issue with carrying out genocide (or some other atrocities) because they believe they are ordained for victory. The other groups who might "treat them the same", but again - with the conviction of the darwinist - would not change the behavior of the group, given their full confidence in victory.

Bringing it all full circle, I see the golden rule as an observation of some fundamental truth to the nature of the universe - call it karma if you like - that your treatment of others will define how you are treated by others.
What is a Darwinist? It's not like evolution is a philosophy. :wtf:
so you lied -
you claimed repeatedly that no answers have been give.

You did NOT previously say the reasons given above were 'incomplete' - you repeated over and over that NO reasons had been give.

Now you finally admit reasons HAVE been given, but YOU consider them 'incomplete'.

So you were repeatedly and consciously lieing when you said there were no explanations given here.

How do you think such a blatant lie will affect your credibility here?


OMG, if the best you can come up with is to call me a liar for saying "no answers have been given", and then later saying "no COMPLETE answers have been given" then I think you and I are done here. Feel free to address ACTUAL points.

Oopsss post very quickly.Until I wrote what I wanted you're away, yet I post.

I think the golden rule is an attempt to define morality.
If you steal be ready you'll be stolen.
If you are violent, be ready you'll be the victim of violence.
If you do not want to be stolen or to be the victim of a violent, then do not steal and do not be violent.
These rules must be imposed also to other members of society.
If you can not impose these rules because you're in the minority, then or you adapt or forsake that society.
The society which chose the correct rule will survive.
These rules will be set somewhere in the super-ego (through history) and become moral norms.
