Atheists what is your proof?

Given that the slave traders of the 17th and 18th century were god fearing christians, what is wrong with slavery from the religious pov?

Where in your Bable does it say slavery is wrong? In fact, doesn't your 'good book' give instructions on the proper attitude of slaves toward their master?
Given that the slave traders of the 17th and 18th century were god fearing christians, what is wrong with slavery from the religious pov?

Where in your Bable does it say slavery is wrong? In fact, doesn't your 'good book' give instructions on the proper attitude of slaves toward their master?

You tell me?
Atheists are the ones who always
bring it up.

Can you answer the question?

I don't think you've ever answered a single question put to you.

You just shuck and jive.
That doesn't explain why it's wrong?
Why is it wrong?


Because it's exploitive. Labor doesn't get to keep their share of the wealth, and they have no personal right to liberty, freedom, happiness, even the right to be with your own family.
This still begs the question: Why is that wrong?
If it's not obvious that people should have the right to make their own choices, then I'm going to have to assume that your conscience is defective.

You know what a conscience is, right? It's that little voice inside your head that tells you when you're doing something you shouldn't do. I understand that some people do not have one of those - they are usually referred to as sociopaths.

Others tell me that that little voice is the voice of god... Personally I think it sounds more like my mother.

It typically boils down to the oft quoted "golden rule". You know, treat people the way you want them to treat you. It's not perfect, but it's a damn good start.
See? You've always answered a question with a question, and never supplied an answer.

Are you a bot by any chance?

Why is it so hard for you guys to answer this question?
I simply want to know why you think slavery is wrong.

Do you think slavery is a part of nature?
If not, what is it, and how did it originate?

Because it's exploitive. Labor doesn't get to keep their share of the wealth, and they have no personal right to liberty, freedom, happiness, even the right to be with your own family.

But it's natural right?
Somewhere in our evolutionary past we must have developed this propensity. Right?
How can it be WRONG or right, for that matter?
The strong dominating the weak, better for the long term survival of civiliasation, no?
Survival of the fittest, natural selection, and so on..


If it's not obvious that people should have the right to make their own choices, then I'm going to have to assume that your conscience is defective.

Why should all people have the right to make their own choices, if it's not natural for all people to have that right.
Is this not natural?

You know what a conscience is, right? It's that little voice inside your head that tells you when you're doing something you shouldn't do. I understand that some people do not have one of those - they are usually referred to as sociopaths.

Little voice inside your head eh!
Those folk are usually referred to as schitzophrenics.

Others tell me that that little voice is the voice of god... Personally I think it sounds more like my mother.

Your in worse shape than i thought.

It typically boils down to the oft quoted "golden rule". You know, treat people the way you want them to treat you. It's not perfect, but it's a damn good start.

The trouble is civilisation isn't built on on those principles, so how has slavery come about?
If it is a natural process then why do you think it's wrong aside from your personal subjective pov?

Yeah but we're talking about slavery.
What's wrong with it, from athiest pov?


you are assuming atheists have no ethics or morals. again.

some atheists don't have a problem with it just like some theists don't, such as yourself.

But it's natural right?
Somewhere in our evolutionary past we must have developed this propensity. Right?
How can it be WRONG or right, for that matter?
The strong dominating the weak, better for the long term survival of civiliasation, no?
Survival of the fittest, natural selection, and so on..

answer this: why did the christians fight persecution throughout history? why do christians on this board complain of being even criticized? why did the hebrews pray to god to be delivered from bondage?

if you can't understand or see that all life cares about itself, then you are worse than any atheist who recognizes that.
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