Atheists what is your proof?

Religion is an inbuilt safety valve to explain things that the brain does not want to confront.
I am speaking mentally. The Christian always falls back on god says so it must be so, without thinking - its 'inbuilt' in that respect. They have no brain power to consider the alternative - that its all bunk!
I am speaking mentally. The Christian always falls back on god says so it must be so, without thinking - its 'inbuilt' in that respect. They have no brain power to consider the alternative - that its all bunk!

I would still have to disagree with you..

No one is born a theist..Hence nothing is inbuilt..One must "buy" into religion.

Why I said after-market...As opposed to stock..

Perhaps ingrained would be a better word to use than inbuilt.
We are a product of our environment. If our family bring us up to believe that there is god and we have to go to a mosque six times a day and be a good muslim that naturally that will be wired into our subconsuis mind.

If we are taught that religion is for the weak minded then we will naturally not be religious.
I disagree. I was brought up in a catholic household and catholic school in the days where hell fire and brimstone was the promised reward for 'naughty boys'. I soon began to realise it was all brainwashing and that catholic teachers were not 'all blessed with saintlihood either'. The priests were just as bad. I recall one, an Irish priest, visited the bookies on a daily basis. Anyway, I rebelled and cut it all out of my mind and decided at around 13-14 that doing my own thing was more satifsying than going to a church where they ruled supreme. When we eventually threw my drunk of a father out, the priests were banging on the door demanding he be reinstated as head of the household!!

Simple, do you want to be a slave? No.
So is it right to make others slaves? No.


It's a simple 'do as you would be done by' rule of thumb.

Is it not a part of our evolution, to enslave those who are weak?
Or to accept slavery as a result of our weakness, in order to survive
and pass on our genes?


Jan, every time I ask you a question, you dishonestly dodge it. Answer the fucking question.

Is it not a part of our evolution, to enslave those who are weak?
Or to accept slavery as a result of our weakness, in order to survive
and pass on our genes?


You can survive, and prosper, and pass on genes, without slavery. And no, it is not part of our evolution. We have evolved as a society to realise slavery is wrong.
Is it not a part of our evolution, to enslave those who are weak?
Or to accept slavery as a result of our weakness, in order to survive
and pass on our genes?
Is it? Thank God you found religion!

Seriously, would you find slavery to be acceptable otherwise?
History, and present day, is awash with slavery. Right?

At what point was there not some sort of slavery in this world?

This means it is a part of humanity. Right?

If it's not part of humanity, where did it originate?
How is it that humans partake in slavery?

If it is part of humanity, then it is natural. Right?
So from an atheist perspective. What's wrong with it?

You can survive, and prosper, and pass on genes, without slavery. And no, it is not part of our evolution. We have evolved as a society to realise slavery is wrong.

no we have not. we are all slaves to, money, money.
History, and present day, is awash with slavery. Right?

At what point was there not some sort of slavery in this world?

This means it is a part of humanity. Right?

If it's not part of humanity, where did it originate?
How is it that humans partake in slavery?

If it is part of humanity, then it is natural. Right?
So from an atheist perspective. What's wrong with it?


You could say the same thing about murder.