Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

Then perhaps you will do as I have asked: show where I edited. And show where I have stated a belief of mine.
Sure I haven't done that yet...
Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
If there IS a plan then either we're doing what god intended or we aren't.
If we aren't then god isn't all-powerful and crap at planning to boot (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god.

Would you like to take back the bold part?

Which you changed to not include the last part

I'll explain the first sentence and the start of the second one to you, and we'll see if you can work it out from there.
1) Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
So we have case 1 OR case 2. (Plan or no plan). Got that bit?

Hence I made NO claims whatsoever about my assumptions/ conclusions/ beliefs.

Or you can take back that bold part. You can't have both bold parts... And them both be true, but if you delete the first the second would be true.

Did not see the word "if" at the start of the sentence?
I perceived that as more of a given statement than whatever you think it is...

By lying, misrepresentation and avoiding the actual argument?
that appears to be your job...

:rolleyes: Oh boy. I haven't claimed that it does. The argument is predicated on CLAIMS by theists.
So quit lying(to yourself), your not going to hurt my feelings by saying you don't believe in omniscience. Just realize that is a belief.
Then, obviously, you are the one having trouble imagining omniscience, omnipotence etc. IOW exactly what you have accused me of.
yes trying to imagine how exactly you believe these concepts (ie from your point of view) if you believe these concepts is frustrating.
So, more lies, more obfuscation and still no addressing the argument.

Well I tried to remove an article here:

Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
"If we aren't (following God's plan) then god isn't all-powerful and crap at planning to boot (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god."

But you got all angry and said that wasn't correct. So I continued with real situations.
We are following God's plan, and most of us don't even realize theres a plan. What is God's plan? Basically, it outlines how we get from alpha to omega, at the same time bringing as many souls through the gates as possible.
Sure I haven't done that yet.

Would you like to take back the bold part?
Not at all. READ it.

Which you changed to not include the last part
Ah, a lie, in other words. You ignore the rest of what is said in that post.
As previously explained to you the omnipotence fails if god cannot put us back on track.

Or you can take back that bold part. You can't have both bold parts... And them both be true, but if you delete the first the second would be true.
No need to. As, again, previously explained.

I perceived that as more of a given statement than whatever you think it is...
Then, as usual, your perception was incorrect.

that appears to be your job...
Please, point out where I lied, misrepresented OR avoided the argument. Yet one more lie from you.

So quit lying(to yourself), your not going to hurt my feelings by saying you don't believe in omniscience. Just realize that is a belief.
Still pushing your assumption as fact. Still can't be bothered (or maybe not capable of) actually disputing the logic.

yes trying to imagine how exactly you believe these concepts (ie from your point of view) if you believe these concepts is frustrating.
Then, as usual, you aren't reading.

Well I tried to remove an article here:
Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
"If we aren't (following God's plan) then god isn't all-powerful and crap at planning to boot (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god."

But you got all angry and said that wasn't correct. So I continued with real situations.
What "real situations"?

WTF are you talking about?

I'm done with you.
You have shown a complete inability to address the argument itself, an inability to post coherently, an inability to follow a line of reasoning and an inability to be honest.
You need to make your argument clear, because I know exactly what I said, and im not sure what your problem with it is.
Not clear?
Are you terminally stupid?
You have claimed (in different posts) that we ARE following god's plan and ALSO that we ARE NOT.

This has been previously pointed out to you in numerous posts, and highlighted in post #73.
And, so far, all you have done is avoid the issue and make further (unsupported and nonsensical) claims.
Ah, a lie, in other words.
Where?? How?

You ignore the rest of what is said in that post.
Because as we both have come to realize by now the extraneous information refers to a situation in which there is no plan made by god. In which god still may exist. And that is not what we are talking about is it?
As previously explained to you the omnipotence fails if god cannot put us back on track.
We just went really off track. So now that we are back on track does that mean god exists definitively?
What "real situations"?
Ahem... (clears throat)

I'm done with you.
Bye. Have a nice day.
"You have claimed (in different posts) that we ARE following god's plan and ALSO that we ARE NOT"

I have done no such thing.
You, the theists, are using the objective form. But you apparently take offense when that same objective form is used against you.

have i?

Oh, wrong.
what i said (after reviewing after your response) seemed pretty generic and could apply to just about anyone..

It's quite simple. I make an effort to write exactly what I mean. Therefore it's best to actually read what I wrote.
yes,but that doesn't mean ppl will hear it the way you mean it..clarification isn't about repeating exactly what you said..
(btw i am fighting my Gdaughter on this same issue..she thinks by repeating the same thing over and over and over and over..she will make herself heard.)

What IS annoying is that NH seems to prefers sidetracks, diversion and misreading (and lying) rather than actually addressing my actual argument with any form of logic.

that may be true..but there is more than just logic in this world..
and you tend to hit those buttons relatively easy..

misreading by itself just reinforces what i said above about not repeating, if he misread it the first time,odds are he will misread it again if you repeat verbatim..

Yet theists persist that A and B pertain. And have so far provided NO reasoning as a rebuttal.
when we exercise our free will that doesn't line up with Gods plan..he changes the plan..

If you want to be more effective Dyw..I keep trying to tell you how..
do not use 'wrong' or 'supposition' or anything like that..explain the why's without the judgmentalism, lead the user to figure out for him/herself why it is wrong..all you do is put ppl on the defensive when you do that and then wonder why no one listens to your point..

IOW you encourage the arguing from an emotional state, and not from any logic.
you want ppl to argue logically then quit putting them on an emotional state of defense.

(maybe you do that on purpose..:shrug:)
"You have claimed (in different posts) that we ARE following god's plan and ALSO that we ARE NOT"

I have done no such thing.
Lying again?
One more time, I have posted your denials (twice now) and given links to the posts where you made those denials.
But, since you seem to suffering honesty difficulties I'll reiterate them here:

Shit is the way it is because MAN made it this way.
Man did, not what god decided.

He [god] didn't intend for it to be this way
If god didn't intend it this way then he didn't plan it to be this way. Therefore we're doing something not in the plan.

Only because man choose it to be this way.
If it's ONLY because man chose it then god didn't plan it.
yes,but that doesn't mean ppl will hear it the way you mean it..clarification isn't about repeating exactly what you said.
But saying "read what I wrote" should indicate that their interpretation is faulty. Especially when their responses include claims that I haven't made.

that may be true..but there is more than just logic in this world..
and you tend to hit those buttons relatively easy.
Ha! In the case of NH look at his last post:
Because as we both have come to realize by now the extraneous information refers to a situation in which there is no plan made by god. In which god still may exist. And that is not what we are talking about is it?
A complete invention, one which directly contradicts what I said, and what I have been saying all along. How is one supposed to deal with people who consistently misread and misinterpret? Even doing so to the extent that despite numerous iterations they still invent claims and comments I didn't make?

when we exercise our free will that doesn't line up with Gods plan..he changes the plan.
Then he isn't omniscient since his first plan wasn't perfect (it didn't include the knowledge that we would cause changes).

If you want to be more effective Dyw..I keep trying to tell you how..
do not use 'wrong' or 'supposition' or anything like that..explain the why's without the judgmentalism, lead the user to figure out for him/herself why it is wrong.
Lead the user to figure it out?
NH has been involved since about page 5. He still hasn't figured out what I'm saying (despite differing wording) or realised that the way to advance a discussion is to address points made, rather than introduce non-sequiturs with every post.

all you do is put ppl on the defensive when you do that and then wonder why no one listens to your point.
Agreed. Mea culpa. I presumed a minimum intelligence level for posters and obviously misjudged it by about 95 IQ points. Next time I'll try to aim my remarks to be understood by congenital morons.

IOW you encourage the arguing from an emotional state, and not from any logic.
you want ppl to argue logically then quit putting them on an emotional state of defense.
People get emotional when I present logic?
Something wrong with the f*cking world... I always thought so.