atheists, please explain yourselves..

are you an atheist?

  • yes

    Votes: 38 74.5%
  • no

    Votes: 13 25.5%

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In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..

so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...

so please enlighten me..
Why should we believe in your "god?"

Can you grasp why you don't believe in unicorns?
Can you grasp why you don't believe in Zeus or Thor?

What is the difference between Thor and your "god?"

I'm sorry but I don't think bronze age sheep herders are the source of ultimate knowledge about the universe.

Why do you think they are?
We "grasp" what the idea of God is, its we just do not believe in God as a supreme being that made everything and controls everything as well. There are to many scientific facts that show us that the Bible is wrong. The Earth is over 4 billion years old not 6000 years old. The dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans not with humans. It is just our belief to not believe in what others believe in, I believe in myself personally, others may believe in other things but just not in God, that's all. :)
Why should we believe in your "god?"

Can you grasp why you don't believe in unicorns?
Can you grasp why you don't believe in Zeus or Thor?

What is the difference between Thor and your "god?"


niiiice..i'm enlightened...but still, the norm state of people is that they are born with their parents believing in god..what made you people decide to leave the flock?

I'm sorry but I don't think bronze age sheep herders are the source of ultimate knowledge about the universe.
Why do you think they are?[/

no way..te answer is too back then was too simple..easier to see the truth of things than this day and age..look at all the philosophers..where would the world be if not for those sheep herders..they were people like us you know..not half monkeys or something..
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god.. .
And you never will until you start to think critically, only you can do that.

I don't dis-believe in a god/gods, I just don't believe in your claim that one exists, because it is unreasonable and irrational to do so.
It is up to you to show me it exists, there are 2850+ different gods (not including the 33 million Hindu gods)
why should I think yours is anymore special than the others.

I cant grasp why you don't believe in the Bumba. Even though theres no evidence for one, you will just have to believe me that Bumba exists, just take it on faith.
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..

so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...

so please enlighten me..

I suggest you give up immediately. There is no logic to understanding atheists. :p
I think it started with Santa Clause. My family is Jewish, so we didn't have this myth, but some kids I knew did believe in him. I figured if people would lie to their children about that, what else would they lie about? I started looking into the subject and it turns out that there isn't any evidence of a God. It's not just that we can't percieve one directly, we can't percieve one indirectly either (with the exception of crazy people)! Measurement is indirect by nature. What effect or phenomenon can you point to that cannot be explained by anything other than a God?
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i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

I used to believe in God, but I got so sick of being associated with you ingrates that I recanted.

If "heaven" is an eternity spent in this type of company, I'll take the lake of fire any day.
athiest probably havent grasped why thiests believe in a god

I understand why. They need to. They need to think there is something more than this. They need to believe someone loves them.
I don't need to. I'm ok with this being it.
They need to because religion placed that need in them, and then fufilled the need it created. Kind of like alcohol.
I've seen religion do a lot of good. Salvation Army comes to mind. When your life has been devastated, religion can help some people.
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..

so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them...

so please enlighten me..

I still haven't grasped why you DO believe in God.
Please explain yourself.
I've seen religion do a lot of good. Salvation Army comes to mind. When your life has been devastated, religion can help some people.

Again, religion created a society in which religious institutions are needed. Do the Bushmen have a salvation army? No, they don't need one.
Any entities proposing to be God are merely creatures with super advanced technology perpetuating the greatest hoax of all time.

I haven't seen any of them, but lot's of preachers and other SOBs make claims.....

If you're alive and you know it, YOU ARE A PIECE OF GOD. End of discussion.
i still haven't grasped why atheists don't believe in god..

if it's because we can't directly sense him..then it isn't the first thing we believe in that's beyond our direct senses..
if we cant directly sense god,..why do you call him He?

btw why dont you believe in all those other gods being real
so.. i don't know....:shrug:..i'm lost with trying to understand these guys..they say they stick to logic yet they don't show how logic supports them,,just how logic supposedly contradicts everyone other than them....
you dont really know much about logic,do you?
Atheists will not understand until they force themselves too. Debating with many Atheists reveals they have a tendency to see themselves as far superior that someone who doesn't agree with their conclusions. It's similar to speaking with a Hindu or Buddhist preacher. They tend to say that you cannot truly grasp it until you know what they know and use your mind (in this case limiting one's self to science and only the present). When asked to prove their assertions with logic, they tend to get defensive and ridiculing of their opponent.

Atheism is the end result of the materialistic and nihilistic philosophies. It is the end result of rejection of the people of this world, and by extension God. The rejection of morality and moral codes, and absolute anarchy in the judgment between good and evil. It also precipitates destruction energies on a society, such as in the West, which are already reeling under perversion, the break-up of the traditional family, lack of historical experience (due to cut off from ancestry), and the rise of greed, selfishness, and violence (due to materialism).