Atheists: Most deserving of Heaven?


Do you believe in heaven?

If you are an atheist, I'd say you don't believe in heaven.

But how then can you say

"It seems that the selfish people in this equation — the religious — will in fact lose their spot in Heaven, while the true humanitarians — the Atheists — will take their spot."

-- this testifies of a belief in heaven.

If you are an atheist and don't believe in heaven, why then say that you might end up there?
it should have said read your own thread(do atheist believe in heaven)
rosa said:
You're going to give yourself away if you won't be more careful.
what does that mean, you've lost me.
Actually, you have no moral code what so ever. Good and evil are meaningless and so is morality. There is no absolute right or wrong. Who is to say that child rape is wrong? Why is wrong? Upon what moral authority do you base that on?

Don’t you see? Your atheist morality is derivative of Christian morality.
There is a difference, if atheists do not derive their moral code from God or the Bible. Judaeao-Christian morals come via the Bible, via Moses, via God, but they derive ultimately from the underpinning moral absolute of not hurting or harming or otherwise depriving of their Natural right to health wealth and happiness one's fellow human beings.

Christians are told the rules when they learn the Bible story - "God said this" and "God said that" and you automatically "get" why they're good rules - or at least the obvious ones about not killing, stealing, lying etc. But the Bible story is simply the means by which these moral truths are instilled in children to begin with. But it doesn't have to be that way. We don't have to teach our children to love their neighbour, not to lie, not to kill, but also to hate and abominate gays and other people who are "not like us".
the preacher said:
I would also read these sites, it's not so black and white as it may seem, Exactly what Antony Flew has converted to remains unclear.
it seems he's as religious as einstein( no such thing as a personal god.)
He believes that the universe was designed by a supreme being.
Karmashock, no-one doubts that people do falter when approaching death, as you mentioned. I would not say that I myself would be proof against such backsliding.

I was surprised someone asked for that reference because I first heard about that guy right here at sciforums, though it got mentioned on BBC Radio 4 the next day, I think.

"including in debates with an atheist-turned-Christian named C. S. Lewis". "An" atheist-turned-Christian named C.S. Lewis? One would have hoped Lewis was better known than that, particularly in Christian circles - after all, he created the (Christ-allegory) Chronicles of Narnia, and his surprise late marriage to a cancer victim was the subject of a recent film. (1993 - my mistake, not that recent, my god where did the time go!?). Although, an apologetics site included the following quote:
"Lewis had become an atheist in his teens, but underwent a dramatic conversion in 1931, largely under the influence of discussions with a fellow Oxford medievalist named J.R.R. Tolkien."​
A fellow oxford medievalist named J.R.R. Tolkien. I wonder if he's related to any other Tolkiens! :eyeroll:

At any rate, the central core of what Anthony Flew has gone through is illustrated by the following quote from the link.
But he’s now been forced to face the evidence. It comes from the Intelligent Design movement, led by Dr. Phillip Johnson and particularly the work of Michael Behe, the Lehigh biochemist who has proven the “irreducible complexity” of the human cell structure. Though eighty-one years old, Flew has not let his thinking fossilize, but has faithfully followed his own dictum to “go where the evidence leads.”​
Behe's so-called evidence is misleading and falls prey to what Richard Dawkins called "the Argument from Personal Incredulity". Just because an 81-year old philosopher has been convinced by Behe does not necessarily mean that Behe's arguments are anything like foolproof, as a cursory glance at the low rating reviews of his book on will confirm.

Incidentally, preacher there was a recent Horizon programme on BBC2 here in the UK about Einstein in which they practically declared he was a fully paid up believer in God, (although not a practising Jew). Yes, he talked about God all the time when expressing his opposition to the quantum paradigm, but they made it sound like he was a sincere religious believer - a misrepresentation, I believe.
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and I concur silas I saw that as well.
as I said to karma, had no believe in a personal god.

and karma did you actually read, the info on those sites, it says he believes more in the possiblity that there is I D in the universe, not a god/gods he states he has no believe in the gods of any of the religion.
Well first of all I don't believe in an after life.

But I'm somewhat of a joker! so here it goes;

If there is such a thing as an after life, I would have to get a pretty damn good offer to live with such boring sob's for all eternity.

Heaven may just be an empty place. As no one has ever been so freaking perfect! and Jessus is just siting there waiting for some hones christian to still arrive; Good luck Jessus you'll be waitin a long time. Specially when Alla is overthere in the other corner of heaven getting all them muslims that fight jihad for their 15 virgins. :D

Sattan is throwing one hell of a party; Many christians don't even know they are in hell thinking they are in heaven they are been fooled just as easily as this administration with the Devil's advocate been president. G.W. Devils advocate.

Yea the Devil knows how to manupalate and coherse Hell's media to keep them poor suckers fooled for centuries.

Thus for us athiest jessus may just give us a deal we can't refuse;


Hey if Brando is there it can't be all that bad!. Right?.

the preacher said:
and I concur silas I saw that as well.
as I said to karma, had no believe in a personal god.

and karma did you actually read, the info on those sites, it says he believes more in the possiblity that there is I D in the universe, not a god/gods he states he has no believe in the gods of any of the religion.
Intelligent Design in the creation and nature of the universe is about as close as you can get to supreme beings and Gods.

He’s not saying that this god is the Christian god or any other human oriented god… merely that the universe is very very conveniently organized.

Again, I’m not saying he’s right. I’m just saying you don’t know.

There is doubt. Therefore, both sides are a matter of faith.

Do you want to have faith that there is no god or that there is a god? The choice is yours.
The uncivilized and un-Religious Barbarians have been guilty of the most montrous crimes which pale anything that Religious Institutions ever perpetrated.

That made me really confused. What do you mean with un-religious barbarians? :confused:

Do you mean those up the north of europe many centuries ago? Those who the christians said where "barbarians"... Well they of course, like everyone else at that time, had a religion.

Say one barbarian tribe that didn't have religion.

Just because they doesnt belong to one of the world religions they aren't "unreligious".

It's my understanding that you'll get exactly what you want.


Atheists don’t particularly want oblivion; they simply accept the somewhat overwhelming evidence that that is what happens when you die. Believing in fantasies doesn’t help you avoid oblivion.

The people that believe in god know that what they profess sounds stupid. They're not idiots... no they're really not. They have faith.

But faith is simply believing something is true without any evidence – that is entirely stupid and idiotic.

I don't expect you to convert or even respect that... it would be nice however if you understood it.

I believe most atheists here understand these issues quite well.

It's like a dream taken to the point where it becomes reality.

No, it remains a fantasy that religionists have mistaken as reality.

You’re missing the point. This is faith. If anything, proof would destroy it… even if I could show you absolute bulletproof evidence of god and heaven, it would ruin it.

Well of course. That’s why religion is factually baseless and useless.

Though if you want to get snarky, prove that you love your parents. Provide absolute proof. How do we know it isn’t an act? How do we know your love isn’t just self-interest? A product of greed and fear?

You are confusing the issues of deliberate deception with the fantasy delusions of religious belief. They aren’t comparable.

There is nothing dishonest about believing in God. It is a belief. They aren’t lying or cheating. They’ve chosen to believe in something. That is their choice.

Agreed, but that in no way indicates whether what they believe is true.

As to atheists, many atheists convert back to religion when they get old or prey to god when they’re dying.

What is the source of your statistics? It seems more likely that those who have never given religion much thought start to consider the issues as death approaches. The idea that death is not permanent is the primary common factor in virtually every religion and the reason why religions exist. This is our inherent survival instinct kicking in and the difficulty of accepting inevitable non-existence. Those who identify themselves as atheists tend to have given the issues serious consideration and are more likely to accept the obvious inevitability of non-existence.

He’s in the Roman records as a troublemaker.

No he isn’t. What’s your proof?

The thing you have to realize about a supreme being is that it can bend reality around its finger like a strand of hair. God can make 1+7 = 23.1 And this will become fact. God can do literally anything, in any order, reverse time, and then do it again. There is no limit. Within such a system no data can be absolute because the nature of the universe is in question.

And why is this anything other than a nonsense fantasy?

Science can’t disprove God and only a foolish religious person would try to prove their religion with science.

Perhaps what is more important is that no one can show that a god or gods actually exist, have existed, might exist, or could exist. Trying to show that a fantasy is a fantasy is a rather futile endeavor and certainly of no interest to science.

One is physical and the other is metaphysical.

No – one is indeed known and physical, while the other exists only as an imaginative concept.

They deal with completely different realms.

No – we only know of one realm, whatever else you believe is just creative fiction.
Please don’t bold your text indiscriminately. Bold some selectively or none at all.
Cris said:
Atheists don’t particularly want oblivion; they simply accept the somewhat overwhelming evidence that that is what happens when you die. Believing in fantasies doesn’t help you avoid oblivion.
There is no evidence of the kind. There is simply no evidence of anything… one way or the other.
But faith is simply believing something is true without any evidence – that is entirely stupid and idiotic.
as stupid as unconditional love… and yet that is considered by most to be beautiful.

To have faith in the idea of God and such a universe is not stupid.
I believe most atheists here understand these issues quite well.
My experience is that they don’t think much about this sort of thing at all.
No, it remains a fantasy that religionists have mistaken as reality.
your opinion.
Well of course. That’s why religion is factually baseless and useless.
Factually baseless perhaps, but hardly useless.
You are confusing the issues of deliberate deception with the fantasy delusions of religious belief. They aren’t comparable.
Quite comparable. Prove with science that you love your parents. Give me numbers that quantify that love. Is it 32.1223 (Love units)/(human emotional constant)?

God is beyond science.
Agreed, but that in no way indicates whether what they believe is true.
So? It’s faith and belief. We’re talking about world views, identities, cultural psychology, etc. Truth has less to do with it, then whether said beliefs are beneficial regardless.

Furthermore, you don’t know that god doesn’t exist and cannot know that. It is also probable that any god would hide his existence on the grounds that people wouldn’t have faith if they knew.
Those who identify themselves as atheists tend to have given the issues serious consideration and are more likely to accept the obvious inevitability of non-existence.
No, they tend to just go along with the crowd. Atheism is considered modern and no one likes to think of themselves as outmoded. As such, they just ‘say’ they are and don’t give it much thought.

Put a gun to their head and give them a chance to pray… I doubt many atheists would say there is nothing to pray to.
No he isn’t. What’s your proof?
yes he is, look it up.

It’s common information. No major archeological society disagrees with this point. Jesus was a real man. Whether he was the son of God too or not is debatable.
And why is this anything other than a nonsense fantasy?
Why must it be a nonsense fantasy? You can’t prove either with science. Science has no ability to touch this… It can’t prove or disprove it.

Science is and has always been an agnostic.

If you’re an atheist, then science isn’t with you anymore then it’s with the passionately religious.
Perhaps what is more important is that no one can show that a god or gods actually exist, have existed, might exist, or could exist. Trying to show that a fantasy is a fantasy is a rather futile endeavor and certainly of no interest to science.
No more profound that that Science cannot prove they don’t exist, have existed, might exist, or could exist.

Science has no opinion on God.
No – one is indeed known and physical, while the other exists only as an imaginative concept.
You can’t prove that.
No – we only know of one realm, whatever else you believe is just creative fiction.
Again, science won’t back that up. This is largely why Flew said he was no longer an atheist. Science just couldn’t show that it knew enough about the universe to say such things.

Love and peace, Karmashock.
Religion requires "blind faith" - believing it to be true without the evidence to support it.

This is illogical and irrational.
Thus it can be deemed "stupid" if that is how one defines stupidity

Karmashock said:
as stupid as unconditional love… and yet that is considered by most to be beautiful.
This is a strawman fallacy - as being beautiful does not prevent one from being stupid.
Unconditional love is often seen as stupid - no matter how "beautiful" one sees it.

karmashock said:
To have faith in the idea of God and such a universe is not stupid.
Yes it is, if you define "stupid" as being irrational and illogical.
Atheist believe in exactly the same physical universe - and some lead far better lives (judged by society as a whole) than those who purport to be religious.
Why, then, would you need to believe in an unprovable mystical being that is as real as an invisibile, undetectable Green Dragon sitting on my shoulder right now?

Religion is a matter of subtle brainwashing and need.
The former starts when your parents wheel you off to church and your school teaches you about "religion". The latter comes in when you use the ideas of religion as a crutch for problems in your life - whatever they may be - perhaps to give your life meaning, direction, comfort etc.

karmashock said:
Quite comparable. Prove with science that you love your parents. Give me numbers that quantify that love. Is it 32.1223 (Love units)/(human emotional constant)?
In order to prove something you have to define it.
Please define "love" and we'll start from there.
If you find you can't define it then please don't ask people to prove it exists.
Can you define "God"?

karmashock said:
So? It’s faith and belief. We’re talking about world views, identities, cultural psychology, etc. Truth has less to do with it, then whether said beliefs are beneficial regardless.
Logical fallacy.
No-one is arguing against the beneficial effects that believing in a religion can have on the individual or the society.
It is widely used as a guiding force in someone's life, or a crutch in time of despair. It can help enforce common sense by getting people to believe in something through fear.
The benefits are wide.
But this is no evidence for the existence or otherwise of God, or for heaven etc.
If believing in God is the only way that some people can get through life then I'm happy for them.

karmashock said:
Furthermore, you don’t know that god doesn’t exist and cannot know that.
An appeal to ignorance.
It is not science's aim to disprove any god exists.
If there is evidence to prove something then science will accept it.

karmashock said:
It is also probable that any god would hide his existence on the grounds that people wouldn’t have faith if they knew.
:confused: :bugeye: You're serious, aren't you??
Not only do you believe in an unprovable deity, you are now assigning traits to him to satisfy your own belief.
Probable? Compared to what?

Atheism is considered modern and no one likes to think of themselves as outmoded. As such, they just ‘say’ they are and don’t give it much thought.
Please. Atheism? Modern?
It is not Atheism that is modern it is the ability for people to think for themselves that is modern without fear of reprisals.
Atheism is still a minority thorughout the world.
Don't confuse Apathy with Atheism.

Put a gun to their head and give them a chance to pray… I doubt many atheists would say there is nothing to pray to.
Don't confuse prayer with an outward showing of hope.
I can watch a soccer match and "pray" that they score the penalty.
That is merely an outward sign of "hope" - not belief in a God.
I would certainly "pray" if someone was about to shoot me - but it would be nothing more than hoping they don't.

karmashock said:
It’s common information. No major archeological society disagrees with this point. Jesus was a real man. Whether he was the son of God too or not is debatable.
:eek: So now you're questioning your own religious beliefs that Jesus was the son of your God? (I'm guessing at your religion as Christian).

karmashock said:
Why must it be a nonsense fantasy? You can’t prove either with science. Science has no ability to touch this… It can’t prove or disprove it.
Thus it is a nonsense fantasy.
Thus it is illogical and irrational.

karmashock said:
Science is and has always been an agnostic.
I thought science was nothing more than the search for fact.
To assign a religious persuasion to it is utterly meaningless.

karmashock said:
If you’re an atheist, then science isn’t with you anymore then it’s with the passionately religious.
No more profound that that Science cannot prove they don’t exist, have existed, might exist, or could exist.
Science has no opinion on God.
Science does have an opinion of God - that it is an unprovable concept and thus meaningless. God is not a theory as theories must be either provable or disprovable.
It is not science's task to disprove the existence of something - rather those that believe in it to prove its existence.
And then why believe in something that will forever be unprovable.

The answer is that Atheists DON'T need to believe in anything else. Religious people DO, or at worst too lazy to think outside of their brainwashing from birth.

I am atheist.
I believe in what science (the scientific method) will tell me.
It can not tell me, ever, that an unprovable being exists.
I thus do not believe it does.
I am a Christian.
I believe in what science knows.
It cannot tell me, ever, that God doesn't exist.
I thus do not disbelieve that he does.
But then the question becomes "Why believe?"
And "Why should others believe?"

Try and answer those without starting from the assumption that God exists.
karma said:
Intelligent Design in the creation and nature of the universe is about as close as you can get to supreme [beings and gods.
however I dont believe in I D, to me it makes no senses, the scientific world is split, on the subject.

Creation science/Intelligent Design is not science but pseudoscience. It is religious dogma masquerading as scientific theory. Creation science/Intelligent Design is put forth as being absolutely certain and unchangeable. It assumes that the world must conform to its understanding of the Bible. Where creation science/Intelligent Design differs from creationism in general is in its notion that once it has interpreted the Bible to mean something, no evidence can be allowed to change that interpretation. Instead, the evidence must be refuted.

karma said:
I am a Christian.
I believe in what science knows.
It cannot tell me, ever, that God doesn't exist.
and never would it try, it would be stupid." he that asserts a thing, has to prove a thing."
karma said:
I thus do not disbelieve that he does.
do you mean, "I thus do not disbelieve that he does'nt".