Atheists know more about their god than christians do.

To reconfirm their own beleifs in nothing maybe? They need to brainwash themselves in believing this christian God is a myth to appease their inner voice (if they have such a thing) that there is nobody up there?
To reconfirm their own beleifs in nothing maybe? They need to brainwash themselves in believing this christian God is a myth to appease their inner voice (if they have such a thing) that there is nobody up there?

To expose the lie for the betterment of Humanity is what I would have said.
M*W , maybe one day an atheist will make some sort of history instead of constantly trying to stir the shit with other "faiths" for no apperent reason .

Tell your students that it's not wise to just argue about something simply because you feel guilt "just in case" you may be wrong. Don't waste your time. You want to believe in nothing go ahead, why does anyone else have to hear about it?
If you are saying that the truth about Christianity is anti-Christian, you are 100% correct about that!

And everything you know was taught to you, and your still being led by the hand. You eat up the next book, the next article, the next made up opinion like a child eats a cookie. You are conditioned only those who are not can see this.
Is it a lie to assert the absolute truth of something with no proof to support it? Is it anything but a simple observation to point such a thing out?
And everything you know was taught to you, and your still being led by the hand. You eat up the next book, the next article, the next made up opinion like a child eats a cookie. You are conditioned only those who are not can see this.

All human knowledge comes from other humans. Everyone who is not delusional (or far too arrogant to think they might learn from other freethinkers) can see that.
Allright. I'm sure you're educated enough to know that there is a video out there to agree with virtually every theory and / or "conspiracy" opinion you may have towards many different ideas/topics. Try again atheist....

You can lead a horse to water...
Allright. I'm sure you're educated enough to know that there is a video out there to agree with virtually every theory and / or "conspiracy" opinion you may have towards many different ideas/topics. Try again atheist....

The net scares you doesn't it? In all that information just might be something that would forever alter your perception in a way you cannot control. I pity you.
Not as much as I do you . To question everything must really bring you some hard days and night sleeps .But then again, if you're not taught how to simply "believe" in some things , or how to simply accept some facts at face value without needing to disect them ,I can't blame you for what you are / believe. Good luck to you .
Not as much as I do you . To question everything must really bring you some hard days and night sleeps .But then again, if you're not taught how to simply "believe" in some things , or how to simply accept some facts at face value without needing to disect them ,I can't blame you for what you are / believe. Good luck to you .


You say this as if being this way is a bad thing.....