Atheists know more about their god than christians do.

"walk on water" is a metaphor for the Sun rising and setting over water! :)
M*W: I've been spelling this out about ancient sun worshippers for a few years now. We must be reading the same books! Most theists will never believe they are sun worshippers, for that's an abomination to the lord, blah, blah, blah....

Good going! I want to hear more from you!

~ M*W
M*W: I've been spelling this out about ancient sun worshippers for a few years now. We must be reading the same books! Most theists will never believe they are sun worshippers, for that's an abomination to the lord, blah, blah, blah....

Good going! I want to hear more from you!

~ M*W

I love it when they refer to their scriptures. Their lack of knowledge and study has left them quite vulnerable on this front. The scientific argument only serves to bloody the fighter's nose. The astrotheological argument cuts him off at the knees.

I also love how they disown their own brethren to atheism once they commit a crime. Then they say, "See all criminals are atheists!" Yet all the statistics show that atheists are the planet's most morally upstanding citizens. If they were to ever concede to reality on this argument they would really have to question the merits of their faith. And when you look at how those stats apply to Catholics... man I don't know how they can even have the nerve to bring it up!

Theists don't realize that atheists, for the most part, arrive at our position as a matter of integrity. We weigh the value of truth against the value of eternal life, and we choose truth. If more people would get behind truth we probably wouldn't even need all the laws we have, which based on the stats, only seem to be there to protect people from theists anyway.
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John99, don't waste any more time on this post. Some of these new "non-believers" of anything have absolutelly nothing to really argue about , except that " if you can't logically walk on water than how could you possibly believe in that crap" .
Wait till their time comes when they have that "need" for faith, and let's hope it's not too late for them . Good night all.

So it's all about being shit scared of eternal damnation. Out the window goes reaon to be replaced by mumbo-jumbo . No need to think. Just do what the man with the Holy Book says. Absolves you of taking responsibility for you own life. Sin ? Believe ans all will be forgiven. Life more comfortable that way.

I have been an atheist for almost sixty years. Been close to death once. Only help needed was from medics. Not scared of the future. I believe in reason rather than so-called revelation. Met many terminally ill people in hospital. Most were not the slightes bit interested in religion.

Your problem is that you believe everyone must be as scared as you are. Not so. Fear a a good motive for worshipping god ? I think not.
So it's all about being shit scared of eternal damnation. Out the window goes reaon to be replaced by mumbo-jumbo . No need to think. Just do what the man with the Holy Book says. Absolves you of taking responsibility for you own life. Sin ? Believe ans all will be forgiven. Life more comfortable that way.

I have been an atheist for almost sixty years. Been close to death once. Only help needed was from medics. Not scared of the future. I believe in reason rather than so-called revelation. Met many terminally ill people in hospital. Most were not the slightes bit interested in religion.

Your problem is that you believe everyone must be as scared as you are. Not so. Fear a a good motive for worshipping god ? I think not.

Fear is all they've got! The rest is just smoke and mirrors.
Because it is the right thing to do.

I know it because i learned Latin last summer, i know it like the back of my hand now.

Either way M*W you are the fundamentalist, this is your nature. The only thing i can tell you is that i have been an Agnostic my whole life i dont see why i would lie about that. Whatever else you are trying to say about the mirror you should just come right out and say it.

My reference to the mirror was about people programing themselves, brainwashing themselves, deluding themselves. Do you understand NOW?
M*W: John, the reference to your mirror image states loudly your homosexual tendencies. This has nothing to do with christianity. You have homosexual tendencies. If you want to accept these tendencies, you would need to face reality with yourself. Personally, I don't care. It is obvious that you are homosexual. You admitted it in your last post. However, that means nothing. I would side with you even so. But, please don't try to alienate with the truth. You are obviously a latent homosexual. That matters not. But who are you to talk about christianity? You are nobody. You are favoring a religion that you don't even underatand.
M*W: John... what could you possibly report myles for? You're the laughing stock of sciforums! You might want to shut-up.

:roflmao: aaaahhhhh haa haaaaa. Its all purely intentional.:shrug:

M*W: John, the reference to your mirror image states loudly your homosexual tendencies. This has nothing to do with christianity. You have homosexual tendencies. If you want to accept these tendencies, you would need to face reality with yourself. Personally, I don't care. It is obvious that you are homosexual. You admitted it in your last post. However, that means nothing. I would side with you even so. But, please don't try to alienate with the truth. You are obviously a latent homosexual. That matters not. But who are you to talk about christianity? You are nobody. You are favoring a religion that you don't even underatand.

So what. Where did i admit that in my last post? I have been with hundreds of women up until two years ago when i changed my life for the better and not one MAN. Be that as it may i love homosexuals as human beings and calling me one does not mean anything to me.


I understand Christianity, i understand ALL religions, and i understand Atheism. Whatever i told you in PMs (but i NEVER said i was homosexual because to be on you have to want sex with the same sex, i never even thought about it or NEVER had an experience so i guess i am not one) was done on purpose to watch you betray me with your PMs. Why dont you tell everyone here, out in the open, what i put in those PMs to you?

Did you save them? You can publish them here word for word and i will do the same because you have been doing it in PMs to other people anyway.

Dont worry M*W i most likely will not reveal yours, because they are too personal and they make me cry when i read them......

The truth is from the day i had any awareness of faith i have been AGNOSTIC. Never read the bible, never worshipped aside from courtesy at various houses of worship i have been to- Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Judaism. I already said i know alot about mostly the people because i worked on a documentary, that had worldwide distribution, on religion.

Getting back to the PMs be sure to tell about the little bird by the window.

To be clear, i did like you for awhile and enjoyed the posts on the religion forum but there are just too many unenlightened posters lately.
:roflmao: aaaahhhhh haa haaaaa. Its all purely intentional.:shrug:

So what.Where did i admit that in my last post? I have been with hundreds of women up until two years ago when i changed my life for the better and not one MAN.Be that as it may i love homosexuals as human beings and calling me onedoes not mean anything to meJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUALJOHN IS HOMOSEXUAL

I understand Christianity, i understand ALL religions, and i understand Atheism. Whatever i told you in PMs (but i NEVER said i was homosexual because to be on you have to want sex with the same sex, i never even thought about it or NEVER had an experience so i guess i am not one) was done on purpose to watch you betray me with your PMs. Why dont you tell everyone here, out in the open, what i put in those PMs to you?

Did you save them? You can publish them here word for word and i will do the same because you have been doing it in PMs to other people anyway.

Dont worry M*W i most likely will not reveal yours, because they are too personal and they make me cry when i read them......

The truth is from the day i had any awareness of faith i have been AGNOSTIC. Never read the bible, never worshipped aside from courtesy at various houses of worship i have been to- Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Judaism. I already said i know alot about mostly the people because i worked on a documentary, that had worldwide distribution, on religion.

Getting back to the PMs be sure to tell about the little bird by the window.

To be clear, i did like you for awhile and enjoyed the posts on the religion forum but there are just too many unenlightened posters lately.
M*W: John, it's pretty obvious that you are a homosexual. However, I don't discriminate among homosexuals. Really, I don't care.

I know you have a "girlfriend" in NY, but that doesn't say anything. Your posts extremely allude to your homosexuality. Still, I would be on your side, but please admit it. You are a homosexual, and that I don't care. But you are not the christian that you portray to be. You ae a liar and a not christian.
M*W: John, it's pretty obvious that you are a homosexual. However, I don't discriminate among homosexuals. Really, I don't care.

I know you have a "girlfriend" in NY, but that doesn't say anything. Your posts extremely allude to your homosexuality. Still, I would be on your side, but please admit it. You are a homosexual, and that I don't care. But you are not the christian that you portray to be. You ae a liar and a not christian.

You are going to be a little clearer, i have no idea what you are talking about.:shrug:

Post # 5150 = VH:thumbsup:
You are going to be a little clearer, i have no idea what you are talking about.:shrug:

Post # 5150 = VH:thumbsup:
M*W: John, I don't care what you have to say. You are clearly a homosexual. I really don't condemn you for that. I can accept you as a homosexual, but, please, admit it! You sexual activity with so many woman doesn't make you heterosexual. I have been studying you responses, and I know you are a homosexual. I can
aaccept that, and I will defend yyour place, but you've got to bbe honest with yourself!

John, I feel pretty sure you have made it a perfect example that you are a homosexual. You last post convinced me of that. Men who like to see their refelctions in a mirror are definitely homosexuals. Homosexuals like to see their masculine images in mirrors. I've done studies about this. John, I would bet my life that ybut 'you have homosexual tendencies, but, John, I'm okay with that. So, please don't try to deny it