Atheists know more about their god than christians do.

The proposition that atheists know more about the Christian God than Christians is absurd. Atheists fail fundamentally in their understanding of faith, which is the most important aspect of Christianity. If you have no faith, you cannot better understand faith.
What's to understand about faith? It's wishful thinking. It's not always a bad idea, but come on, there's no mystery about it.
Wishful thinking doesn't compel martrydom. Wishful thinking doesn't create evangelists. Wishful thinking is a pale comparison to faith.
Sure it does. You want to believe a certain thing, so you adopted the view that it's totally and completely true.
That's not wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is - Gee, I bet Sally will go with me to the dance. See, you understand nothing about faith.
I'd like to see these Christians read some of Manly P. Hall's books. Oh, but they'd say he's "of the Devil", wouldn't they? I guess all knowledge that doesn't fit within the boundaries of the belief system is "of the Devil". Kind of explains all those Catholic book burning frenzies doesn't it!?
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M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Faith is doubt." ~ Emily Dickinson

Nihil obstat.

You didn't learn latin during those grueling years?
M*W: No, Latin was not required for the lay catechist. Apparently, you do know what I was talking about. So, why did you make a big thing about those RCC literatural authorizations?

BTW, I'm still waiting to hear your response to my question of your looking in the mirror as a way to reprogram yourself. Just a hint, here, but why would you need to look into a mirror to prove something to yourself? I don't think we're talking about religious preference here. Why would you need to look at your image in a mirror, and what do you hope to accomplish with this activity? I'm tending to think that this has absolutely nothing to do with religious preference. What do you think?
I know this much.

God is claimed to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and in all ways infinite in wisdom and knowledge.

Therefore, in the limit, what atheists or theists know about god can be shown to be essentially zero.

I'm not sure who's side this supports... wait... that would mean that no one can know anything at all about a god as presented by theists.

Ok. Got it. :D
The proposition that atheists know more about the Christian God than Christians is absurd. Atheists fail fundamentally in their understanding of faith, which is the most important aspect of Christianity. If you have no faith, you cannot better understand faith.
M*W: That is not true, but of course, you would want to believe that it's true. Christians are limited in their capacity to understand christianity fully. When atheists become atheists, we don't stop studying christianity. Just the opposite, we study it more. You're relatively new here, but if you were around the past 6-7 years, you would be familiar with earlier posts. Everytime a new christian comes aboard, they miss the original posts, and they don't go back to read them. I don't teach atheism. I teach christianity. There's no point in teaching atheism. That comes from years of re-education. It doesn't happen overnight. It took me years of contemplation to understand the truth from the lies. What I hope to do is save the rest of you the time it took for me to see the truth. It is not about atheism, it's about the truth of christianity.
I know this much.

God is claimed to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and in all ways infinite in wisdom and knowledge.

Therefore, in the limit, what atheists or theists know about god can be shown to be essentially zero.

I'm not sure who's side this supports... wait... that would mean that no one can know anything at all about a god as presented by theists.

Ok. Got it. :D

omniscient = the Sun
omnipotent = the Sun
omnipresent = the Sun

"I am the light of the world..." and so on, blah blah.

The nature of god is available for all to see, it is the Sun, period.

Judaism = Sun worship
Christianity = Sun worship
Islam = Sun worship

First you must understand that every religion is built on two different theologies - the exoteric, and the esoteric. The exoteric is constructed for the masses of sheep as a sort of encrypted form of the esoteric "truth". The esoteric is taught and preserved only to the highest initiated among the priest classes. This is how the "Sun of God" becomes the "Son of God".

I recommend you read Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" for further information on the subject.
Hall is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. His knowledge and insights into the study of astrotheology is profound.
You knew that the guy meant nihil obstat. Why jump in ?


Because it is the right thing to do.

M*W: No, Latin was not required for the lay catechist. Apparently, you do know what I was talking about. So, why did you make a big thing about those RCC literatural authorizations?

BTW, I'm still waiting to hear your response to my question of your looking in the mirror as a way to reprogram yourself. Just a hint, here, but why would you need to look into a mirror to prove something to yourself? I don't think we're talking about religious preference here. Why would you need to look at your image in a mirror, and what do you hope to accomplish with this activity? I'm tending to think that this has absolutely nothing to do with religious preference. What do you think?

I know it because i learned Latin last summer, i know it like the back of my hand now.

Either way M*W you are the fundamentalist, this is your nature. The only thing i can tell you is that i have been an Agnostic my whole life i dont see why i would lie about that. Whatever else you are trying to say about the mirror you should just come right out and say it.

My reference to the mirror was about people programing themselves, brainwashing themselves, deluding themselves. Do you understand NOW?
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M*W: Christians are limited in their capacity to understand christianity fully. When atheists become atheists, we don't stop studying christianity. Just the opposite, we study it more. I don't teach atheism. I teach christianity. There's no point in teaching atheism. That comes from years of re-education. It doesn't happen overnight. It took me years of contemplation to understand the truth from the lies. What I hope to do is save the rest of you the time it took for me to see the truth. It is not about atheism, it's about the truth of christianity.

Why do atheists study chrisianity, and why would you teach it?