Atheists & Christians in the USA

Fragile rocker, you are just missing it. There is nothing to know. Just look inside and see what it means to be a man, and be a good one. Every man child and woman can naturally act in a godly manner with out influence of devilish media, or society. There is nothing to understand, just give it up.
Would you happen to know more about the "when" part? When was it that this God of yours created the Universe? Was it 14-15 billion years ago, as the current understanding of Science indicates? Or some other time?

in my opinion, the age of the earth question is moot. IOW it is just a point to create division and hatred.
speaking of which..has it ever occured to anyone that there is a difference between the science of the universe and the science of the mind?
scientist seem to focus on the science and discount God because of it..(yes i realize religion does the same(focus on the science that is))

IOW all arguments about God that brings science into the mix to try and validate God is in error,(i admit i get caught up in some of those arguments also)
But God is not about the science,its about how we behave and treat each other, its about relationships, whether it be man to man, or man to God.
(according to religious texts)
Fragile rocker, you are just missing it. There is nothing to know. Just look inside and see what it means to be a man, and be a good one. Every man child and woman can naturally act in a godly manner with out influence of devilish media, or society. There is nothing to understand, just give it up.

If we can act good without god, then there is no need for god, and god is no explanation for goodness.
No, it's a valid question to a person who is interested in science.

yes, but not a valid premise to discount God..(IMO)

i watched a Stephen Hawking special last night, comparing religion and science, he did a fair job of positing that God was not needed to create the universe, (with the exception of his reasoning of how the big bang could be natural)
where he lost me was at the end when he concluded that God doesn't exist because he could not have created the universe, that only invalidates genesis, not God.
If we can act good without god, then there is no need for god, and god is no explanation for goodness.

maybe not an explanation, but if someone uses God as an excuse to be/do good,then he is validated.

this argument also brings up the question of, if everyone on the planet were to be/do good things, would religion still exist?
When was it that this God of yours created the Universe?

in my opinion, the age of the earth question is moot.

No, it's a valid question to a person who is interested in science.

I was actually inquiring about the Universe, not Earth, creation. As far as I understand it, there's a gap of about 10 billion years between these two events.

Which kind of leads to another interesting (for some) question: does the Christian (or any of the other major religion) dogma recognizes that the Universe existed long before the Earth?

If it does, I wonder if there's any speculation as to what was God doing for the first 10 billion years (or whatever long is assumed to have been the interval until Earth got created) of the Universe?

Could he have played around creating life in other places? You know, kind of experimenting before finally proceeding to the Adam and Eve project? (Unlikely, I guess, since the Christians insist we are special in God's eyes. So The Man must necessarily be the one and only such creation. But then again, so was the Earth in the first iterations of the Christian dogma -- a place around which the Sun, and pretty much all the rest of the Universe, was rotating. That bit got updated once Science proved it wrong. So the safe bet will be to expect a similar update if/when Science gets proof of extra-terrestrial life.)

Or maybe he kept busy creating all the billions of billions of stars, planets, and other such cosmic objects? (Not really, I guess. He's all-powerful, so he could have created them all (except Earth, which within the working hypothesis assumes a later date creation) at the same time. No need to spend billions of years doing it.)
IF life were never to be found on other planets,

God must have realized how screwed up it was to let his creations choose for themselves and decided never to do it again..
IF life were never to be found on other planets,

God must have realized how screwed up it was to let his creations choose for themselves and decided never to do it again..

God must have realized? You mean like in he didn't already knew everything there is to be known in the entire Universe and beyond? Therefore, at some later time after whatever action he must have realized such and such? Boy, you must be talking about the wrong God.
God must have realized? You mean like in he didn't already knew everything there is to be known in the entire Universe and beyond? Therefore, at some later time after whatever action he must have realized such and such? Boy, you must be talking about the wrong God.

dunno how much you have studied about God.
but there is a current belief that God made the angels first,angels have to do as they are told by God, God seen this and decided to create humanity and give them the ability to choose..

does this mean God made a mistake when he created angels?
why didn't he just bypass the angels and go straight to Man?
And what's with this Satan dude? What the hell did he create him for? And isn't he an angel? Why doesn't he just do what he's told?