Atheistic Evangelism


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
I'm thinking of becoming a fire-and-brimstone, ummm... I mean plasma-and-sulfur compound, foaming-at-the-mouth Atheist Evangelist.

I am convinced that all of the intellectual arguments in the universe will never cause theists to leave the world alone and stay out of the business of holding humanity in the shackels of ignorance.


Theists hear me! You are slaves to an ancient instinct to follow the tribe lest you be ostracized. This has no place in the world anymore. Your behavior is the same as that of a child kowtowing to the schoolyard bully.

It's time to GROW UP!

Your worldview is founded on fantasy and self imposed ignorance! You are emotionally weak and accept willful stupidity as a way of life.

But DESPAIR NOT! You can be SAVED!

You can be washed in the cleansing waters of Rationalism and Objectivity. Clear your minds and let the wonders of the natural universe fall upon you. Be not trapped by unsupportable hearsay! Accept the SCIENTIFIC METHOD as you guide. Use it every day and feel the sense of freedom and wisdom that stems from using your MIND to fathom the secrets of the universe!

Abandon your emotional ties to a way of life that leads you, like lemmings, blindly over the cliffs of ignorance. You are better than that! You are a HUMAN BEING with a brain that has been honed over BILLIONS of YEARS to become the universe reflecting upon itself! This is an AWESOME reality!

The universe - YOU - alive and aware! Examining itself!

Ultimate truth stems NOT from internal reflection upon a false creation of your emotional weakness. Use your INTELLECT to access the awesome consensual reality that is the universe around you!

Let us cogitate:

My mind is the supreme expression of organization of the universe.

I am the universe awakened.

I value rationality and all incarnations of intellect above baseless hearsay.

The joy of life is living, knowing I am free from the ability of others to sway me with rhetoric and baseless assertions.

I can KNOW the universe and not live in fear.

My fellow humans, and all creatures, are supreme expressions of the physical laws of nature, the results of billions of years on painstaking evolution, and I revere their existence. Their value is inherent!

scientia, ratiocinatio, pax

Are you sure my child? You must give up superstition, blind acceptance, and the urge to dominate all others with your unfounded, baseless "beliefs". This is a hard road my child. Above all, you must be willing to use your MIND to fathom the mysteries of the universe.

Are you with me?
I'm not an atheist because I value objectivity or rationality very much, it's because deism doesn't leave much room for creative interpretation and irrationality. The idea of God is perfectly rational, that's why I don't like it, it's too easy and obvious to be true.
I can feel the power!!! Amen my Brothers & Sisters. . . Amen!!

(are we going to have to sing songs and stuff . . . Koom-Bye-Ya My Lord ... Koom-Bye ya ;))
(are we going to have to sing songs and stuff . . . Koom-Bye-Ya My Lord ... Koom-Bye ya )

Yes. You have the wrong lyrics though.

". . . Boom-Bye-Bye My Lord ... Boom-Bye Bye. . ."
superluminal said: "MW, Are you sure my child? You must give up superstition, blind acceptance, and the urge to dominate all others with your unfounded, baseless "beliefs". This is a hard road my child. Above all, you must be willing to use your MIND to fathom the mysteries of the universe.

Are you with me?"
M*W: Superluminal, I am very sure! I gave up superstition and blind acceptance in October 1978 when I went to Rome and Vatican City. It was in St. Peter's where I gave up than ungodly superstition and blind acceptance! What better place to learn the 'real' truth! Now about dominating others with my "unfounded, baseless beliefs." I am an agnostic-turned xian-turned-atheist. I don't want to 'dominate' anyone. I want to educate them! This road couldn't be any harder, my friend, than the one I've already traveled! I believe I do use my 'mind' to explain the mysteries of the universe. I've been with you all along! But... I'm curious what makes you think that I believe in unfounded, baseless beliefs? I thought we were on the same page, and apparently, you've got more apostles in this fray. It's time we banded together. In unity there is strength!

The world is at the doorstep of anti-xian truth. Let it be those of us who bring it to the masses!

There is NO WAY I can go back to believing what the RCC teaches, and there is NO WAY I can go back to believing what my ancestors believed. I am me. I am here. I am atheist! Let's roll!!!

I've been reading your posts for a long time now and I certainly know you are "with me"! My post to you was just a bit of rhetorical banter, that's all! I would never accuse you of such things!

You sound like a true, intelligent, kind, atheist!

Sorry for any misunderstanding I may have caused. :eek:
Someone's been busy!!! For a minute there I almost thought that Superluminal was Buffy The vampire Slayer!! Ha!!

As a Christian, the only swear word I am permitted to say is Dunce.

So here goes - Superluminal, You're a Dunce!!!! :D :D :D
"Buffy The vampire Slayer" That was a good show too.

I'm a dunce? Shit. Now I have to go flagellate myself for that. Thanks for nothing Jadon. Sheesh.

*whack* ONE... *whack* TWO...Ow! *whack*... Ugh Fuck this.

Now I just feel like a dunce with bloody stripes on his back. Fuck. What shoud I do Jadon?
I think you're a little kid trying to relive he's spankings from his Mama!!
Sorry man you ain't getting no spanking today. But really, is that the best you can do?
superluminal: "I've been reading your posts for a long time now and I certainly know you are "with me"! My post to you was just a bit of rhetorical banter, that's all! I would never accuse you of such things!"

"You sound like a true, intelligent, kind, atheist! "Sorry for any misunderstanding I may have caused." :eek:
M*W: No problem! I just wanted to make sure I haven't left that kind of impression on anyone.
Jadon said:
As a Christian, the only swear word I am permitted to say is Dunce.

So here goes - Superluminal, You're a Dunce!!!!
Actually, no. You're not.

Matthew 5:22 "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, `You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, `You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell."

Better go repent.
