atheistic dualism

My stance on metaphysics is, there may or may not be supernatural phenomena, but I believe that they can be explained by natural and material means and ideas. This is not to say that you cannot still have a spiritual experience regarding these phenomena.

why the supernatural tag if afforded an explanation?
Because they are currently described as supernatural.
I believe that such phenomena have a natural explanation, just that we lack the specific empirical examples and precise theories to describe them. The supernatural terminology is more of a placeholder name until something empirical and precise is described for them.
I think it fits more under common sense than science.
You have it ass-backwards. Science exists because our common sense notions are so often wrong. You are really just making assumptions. Your position is in reality the opposite of science.


notions of causality, should NOT, as a general rule, be pulled out of one's ass

Well I don't really think you pushed me with your one liner. You're right - I couldn't be arsed.

You have it ass-backwards. Science exists because our common sense notions are so often wrong. You are really just making assumptions. Your position is in reality the opposite of science.

Well it depends. Given how a brain can retain memories and create intelligence and so on, and so on... Saying that consciousness doesn't follow the same material foundation is nonsense. The track record of materialism and cause and effect I was telling you about shows the consciousness simply must have something to do with the brain. Certainly, it is not the big toe. Severing the big toe allows us to remain conscious. Severing ones brain stem ends consciousness.