Atheist..Please stand up

I think it's interesting that Mac now bases it's OS on Unix. But then I'm not the biggest fan of Unix derived systems for personal computers.
Time will tell

It might have been a brilliant strategic move. It might not. Perhaps it was some sense of necessity.

Time will tell.

Tiassa :cool:
"I can't help it if Frencheneesz can't figure out how to use the most user-friendly operating system in the world."

I can't help it if you can't learn how to use an operating system that is intuitive more than half the time (windows or anything besides mac), rather than the Mac OSs which prevent you from doing many thing because the computer is designed for idiots who would break their computer if they had those options available.

It is definately not the most user friendly. I have used both windows and Macs OS, old and new. The macs are always a couple of statue of liberty steps back from any other OS.

"An unstable Mac at work?"

Yes, all macs. The computer was new, 2 months old. And I used the thing quite well, it just pissed me off in the proccess. I think we can both agree that the old Mac OSs are complete crap. You couldn't even minimize windows for crying out loud.

Macs have more food coloring in them than thought.
Macs? User friendly? You can't do shit with them!

I can't help it if you can't learn how to use an operating system that is intuitive more than half the time (windows or anything besides mac), rather than the Mac OSs which prevent you from doing many thing because the computer is designed for idiots who would break their computer if they had those options available.

Damn straight!
blaspheme all you want about jesus and his dad. i will not however tolerate heretical talk about the MACINTOSH!
kneel i say! desecrate not these hallowed grounds!!

there is but one god, MAC and jobs is his prophet
Say what you want, Frenchy, but ...

But you can't deny the fact that Windows 95, and now Windows XP, are stylistic knockoffs of Apple OS. That Microsoft and Gateway imitate Apple is actually a kind irony.

Ever used a springloaded folder in Windows?

Intuitive, my ass.

Just because you want OSX to work like Win95 doesn't mean it's going to happen. I love how people call "intuitive" what they've worked to get used to. The day a Windows OS can operate with a shred of decent common sense, I'll accept the word "intuitive" of Windows.

Until then, I keep wondering if you have anything worthwhile to say, or if this is just the two-bit whining of someone who's run out of anything substantial to discuss.

What, am I supposed to respect your intelligence? I'll have to pretend there's some to respect at this point.

Tiassa :cool:
Just for my input (I'm a Computer Science, Math Major)

I use 3 different OS

Mac, Windows XP, Unix

Unix is great for compiling my programs.

Windows can run all my computer games.

Macs, well, we use them for foreign language, and they crash all the time, and don't have any of the jacks we need (mike jacks), and they don't retain the settings I tell them to.(seeing as I'm the only CS major in the class) And, they don't have many great games, which is all I care about :) I'm sure they do have their upsides, just not for anything I do.
what mac are you using? no mic jack?. what makes it crash? what settings? the only point i concede is that there arent many games

on a side note, i am a windows user. i like to be a unix man but am too stupid. one of the reasons i like the mac is cos i am a leftist pinko anarchist!

ps: eyeball my latest os x desktop in nerd culture
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A curious thing

Take Microsoft Internet Explorer, for instance. Here's a piece of junk that I could live without. Oh, heavens, it's the only compliant browser for OSX. Oh, heavens,it can't even display Sciforums correctly.

Something funny about MIE: it cannot handle my posts. Generally speaking, I write my posts in the text editor and C&P them into the input window. This protects you against MIE-related seizures like the random collapse and occupation of the network. Admittedly, beta browsers aren't entirely stable, but OmniWeb can receive the information I offer it. But MIE simply refuses the input if you approach (I think) 65,536 characters (256 x 256). That's approximately 10,000 words. Where do I want to go today? Obviously, somewhere beyond Microsoft's reach.

I find it odd when I stop to think that MIE cannot handle the posts I write, while a militant, sharp-tongued Windows fan is also complaining: He'p me, he'p me. Tiassa's posts are too long!

One thing I never understood about Windows: why it reprograms its applications. Every Windows operating system has had that habit; that it will collapse an application for some mysterious reason, and then never be able to run it again without reinstall and patching. That alone is worth the switch. But it used to be amazing, watching programs getting progressively sicker until they couldn't run at all. Never understood why this happened.

That's the nice thing about Apples: they work.

Now, Frenchy ... aside from asking some vague questions that people ask all the time despite people's attempts to answer them, do you have anything of worth to add to the topic? Or is this splinter to be its final voyage? I'm cool with it either way.

Tiassa :cool:
what mac are you using? no mic jack?. what makes it crash? what settings? the only point i concede is that there arent many games

Like I almost said :) , I really don't blame the macs. I blame the idiots in the foreign language department! :) which mac: a nice shiny new one from two months ago (I believe it has the newest version of Mac OS) Yes, there is no michrophone jack on the back (like I said, it is the idiots who bought the things, not the mac) What makes it crash: opening programs(1/2 the time, our foreign language software will run, other half, it won't). I don't have permision to access settings. I never said macs where bad, I just don't find them applicable for MY needs (games, programming). I don't know about al that multi media stuff, cause I don't do any of that.
Macs are toys. Windows is a joke.

The only good thing I can say about these two OSes is that they keep me well employed.

Get a real OS. Any Unix variant will do but Linux is free.

Linux - Because rebooting is for installing hardware.

For the record

Linux - Because rebooting is for installing hardware.
That's also why OSX is a modified BSD kernel.

A friend used an OSX beta, and aside from system updates, he never had to restart the computer. I use OSX on a G3-400, which is, technically, underpowered for the OS. The only problem I ever have anymore is when I'm challenging my graphics card. New iMacs don't have this problem. Oh, well. Just don't run 16 bots on Unreal Tournament in a Shock or Pulse match. Easy enough to do.

Also a reminder: .Mac is here, and while it's not .NET, it will in the long run deliver what Microsoft has thus far been unable to do. In the meantime, we've got what works and the rest of it will come along eventually.

Tiassa :cool:

(Edit: General--Is the microphone complaint about the lack of S/PDIF inputs? They'll figure it out shortly. Nonetheless, I find the microphone complaints kind of silly, given how much Macs are used for music production. A friend of mine is recording his album on an iMac. I don't see the problem.)
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my home computer is running XP, and I haven't had to reboot for over 3 month (its 4 months old, and it took me a month to get around to installing all my games :) I have over 60 :)) Why am I running XP? cause it was $5 and I can play games on it. Why do I care about the microphone jack on Macs? Becuase we are supposed to record crud on in the program, and the wonderful built in mike on the moniter doesn't work :) (In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a gamer :))
what!? Win XP is 5 bucks!? did you get it off the black market or something...

Win Xp is for those who have toooo much money, and those who are terrified of the nudity of their computers. also for those who are ignorant.

cmon get intimate with thy computer!! Start stripping ;p
"Win Xp is for those who have toooo much money"

Heh, I have windows XP corperate addition. Free. Of course its a copy, but these things aren't worth whatever 100 some dollars they cost.

"Something funny about MIE: it cannot handle my posts."

I use MIE (as you call it) for everything. It has 0 problems. If anything its your mac.

XP really isn't as bad as I thought. Windows has its bad points, it has to go through weird registry crap and has problems with older versions which is dumb. But I'd rather that than mac crap which isn't compatible with anything and sucks over that. I'd try linux and unix stuff, but I haven't looked into it seriously. Is there any place where you can get that for free easily?

"I find the microphone complaints kind of silly, given how much Macs are used for music production. A friend of mine is recording his album on an iMac."

What? He can record without a microphone? Well, in any case, microphone jacks are... kinda... standard on all PCs...
ALSO, what happened to disks? Macs seem to have forgotten the need to transfer small files using very inexpensive and replacible floppy disks. Whats up with that?

I'd love to design my own operating system, but that would fill my life with boring code and learning... things....

"I don't know about al that multi media stuff, cause I don't do any of that."

I did mutimedia on those thing. It didn't crash half the time... but It did crash alot. You have to unplug the computer to turn it off manually, you can't just press the button, another idiot proof thing which is a disadvantage to smart people. Why don't they just put a safe cap on it like on missile launch buttons?
"do you have anything of worth to add to the topic?"

I Found it futile to try to debate and get anywhere with theists (talk to muscleman, he'll piss you off too, he changed his name to "whatsupall"). So I'd rather diss macs.
Oh, don't I know it

You need not tell me about the wacky theists. In general--that is, beyond Sciforums--that's why I have no religion. I have a sense of the Universe, various myths do help put it in order, and the sum result of God becomes so inoffensive that it isn't worth the quest to find another word. I came across "All-in-All" in a Sufi article I was reading, but that makes me shiver and think of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps. While they're damn fine soaps, the labels are at once amusing, enlightening, and downright scary.

But I do accuse you of a specific prejudice. It is just as difficult at Sciforums to get any rationality out of most atheists. I tend to think of it as a human problem, and not one we can restrict to labels.

Incidentally, it's Microsoft. Everybody, including them, knows that they're over. When OSX came out, Microsoft didn't even try insofar as IE was concerned; they gave at the Office, so to speak. MIE for OSX is a port; it's just OS9's Internet Explorer carbonized to X. It even displays the wrong cursor-timer when transferring data. We Mac users may have been frustrated with Adobe for taking so long with Photoshop, but we got a Cocoa build out of it.

What's up with the lack of floppy disks?

Well, Microsoft just botched .NET.

Mac users generally don't need floppy disks. We use networks. Please understand, they're designed to operate that way.

As to your crashes--it must be a user error or a lack of updates. Apple cannot be held responsible if a user doesn't wish to patch their applications. They extend great effort to make sure your system is updated; it takes a conscious effort on the user's part to screw that up.

Mac is more than an OS. It's more than a computer. It's an idea. That's what Windows users generally fail to remember. I don't think Apple has ever claimed otherwise.

The value of the idea: Watch what people do when they love their computers. Apple just released the Sherlock 3 DSK; things should be getting even more fun by spring when the first fruits are harvested.

Really, it is too bad about .NET. That's what happens when you try to be first, and not best.

Incidentally, I get a showdown with XP tomorrow. I have to go fix a friend's system. I have no idea what's wrong, and my initial user impression of it was that it was so anemic a caricature of an operating system that I would rather avoid it. Perhaps my impression will change. I have no idea what I will be looking at whatsoever; of course, that's the thing. It took less than five minutes before I could move fluidly through OSX. On the one hand, that's part of why I don't understand what the hell you or your IT did to that computer. (If you or they treated it like a Windows machine and expected to use it as such, A- that's the problem, and B-you expended way too much effort. It's easier, more fluid, and the more you tamper with it, the worse you'll screw it up; they're designed to give it their best--unlike a Windows machine, you don't have to coax it out.) To the other, if XP is that easy to use and fix, I'll consider it a lesson learned. Of course, they were inspired by the best.

Tiassa :cool: