Atheist..Please stand up


I'm tired of hearing atheist wine over the unfounded claim that God doesn't exist. Through the wining I'm beginning to wonder who they are trying to convince, anyway I have posted a couple questions for all proclaimed atheist.

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

** Most people believe in God because he has proven himself to exist to the individual not just because someone told them he exist.
**Please feel free to state your thoughts on why people should accept atheism.
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"(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution? "

I can't do that. Not yet anyways.

"(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up? "

No one and nothing. Time started at the Big Bang, there was no "before". It's an event without a cause. As for the Earth, it wasn't designed specifically for us. We happened to evolve from the many adaptations and mutations over the millions of years. We can survive on this planet because if we couldn't we would never have evolved this way.

"(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God? "

Proving or disproving God is all but impossible. If he exists, then he exists outside this universe, a realm which is outside the scope of science, at least for the forseeable future.

"(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form? "

I don't dismiss the existance of other life, in fact I am sure it exists. A century ago we couldn't even leave Earth, I imagine in another century or two we will be able to launch deep space missions to other stars.

"(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from? "

Not sure about this question...

"(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it? "

I think if there was a designer he is in no way like the Christian God. I think if a designer exists he would have no interest in us and there would be no way for us to communicate with him through prayer. Basically, if the universe was designed I think it was the work of an incredibly advanced, but material being. "Sufficiantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", or in this case, miracles.

"(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant? "

Don't know what you're asking here.

"(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to? "

I expect nothing after death. Just like any other animal on this planet, I expect to die and that's that.

"(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically? "

No, neither can God's existance.

"(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why? "

Why not? Humans are curious by nature, the universe is simply immense in size, and we occupy such a tiny portion of it, there has to be more to the universe than our little corner, why not try and discover that? After all, what else are we going to do with our time here? You say God created all this extra space as well as us, why not use it?
*Originally posted by Xelios
"(2) Who or what initated the big bang?"

No one and nothing.

This is priceless.
Nothing exploded, and for no reason, yet.

*We happened to evolve from the many adaptations and mutations over the millions of years.*

Or so your teachers told you.

*We can survive on this planet because if we couldn't we would never have evolved this way.*

When one considers circular logic, it doesn't get much more circular than that.

*I think if there was a designer he is in no way like the Christian God.*

I think if there is a Xelios, he is no way like any other person.

*No, neither can God's existance.*

So, science is a huge failure.
Ah tony1, I've almost missed you these past few months I've been gone. Then again I never was fond of your smug comments and attempts at making yourself look somehow higher than your atheist counterparts. But you'll be disappointed to know I will be adopting your strategy, but only when dealing with you. I have tried to reason with you before, and you are unwilling to engage in any kind of intelligent debate, so I will have to join you on your playing field this time.

"Nothing exploded, and for no reason, yet. "

Nope. That isn't what I said.

"Or so your teachers told you. "

And I suppose what you read in a book is more valid?

"When one considers circular logic, it doesn't get much more circular than that. "

And yet it still makes perfect sense, amazing isn't it?

"I think if there is a Xelios, he is no way like any other person. "

And you would be right.

"So, science is a huge failure."

Nope. A huge success more like it.
*Originally posted by Xelios
Ah tony1, I've almost missed you these past few months I've been gone.

You were gone?

*"Nothing exploded, and for no reason, yet. "

Nope. That isn't what I said.

So you're saying something exploded?
If so, what was it?
And what would the reason have been?

*And yet it still makes perfect sense, amazing isn't it?*

Circular logic IS amazing.
However, it only makes sense to those who use it.

*"I think if there is a Xelios, he is no way like any other person. "

And you would be right.

Other people can think.

*A huge success more like it. *

Previously, you admitted that science has no answers, so what is science a huge success at?
"You were gone? "

See what I mean about smug comments?

"So you're saying something exploded?
If so, what was it? "

I don't know. But nothing can't explode.

"And what would the reason have been? "

No reason. It's an effect without a cause. Think about it for a while.

"Circular logic IS amazing.
However, it only makes sense to those who use it. "

Yes, I've found that's how logic often works.

"Other people can think. "

Wow tony, that hurt :rolleyes:

"Previously, you admitted that science has no answers, so what is science a huge success at?"

I never said science has no answers.
I don't care whether or not I have an answer to these questions. Why do you?

I'm not an atheist, but you've asked some science questions, so I'll answer those.

<i>(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?</i>

Humans and other animals evolved from a common ancestor. We don't yet know exactly how life started originally. Maybe God did it. Or maybe it just happened.

<i>(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?</i>

We don't know if anything initiated the big bang. At present, our best scientific models say that the big bang started time itself. If that is correct, it makes no sense to ask what happened before the big bang.

You second question is loaded - it assumes design. The reverse is much more likely to be true - humans developed because of conditions on Earth, rather than the other way round.

<i>(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?</i>

Different atheists base their beliefs on different things. Science has neither proved nor disproved God's existence.

<i>(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?</i>

We can't. But equally, we can't say that other life forms exist - or that God exists. We just don't know.

<i>(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?</i>

You're begging the question again. Who says there needs to be a life-giving force?

<i>(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?</i>

Perhaps it has no designer at all. Something to think about.

<i>(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?</i>

I don't know if I understand your question. Most of the time women get pregnant because they have sex with men.

<i>(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?</i>

An atheists expects nothing after death. Atheists don't believe in an afterlife. This is all there is.

<i>(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking</i>

What mystery? Two gametes come together to form a new cell with a complete set of DNA. It's biology.

<i>(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?</i>


<i>(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?</i>

Because it's there and we want to know about it. Don't you?

<i>** Most people believe in God because he has proven himself to exist to the individual not just because someone told them he exist.</i>

And why should we believe these people? Perhaps they are deluded or lying or just mistaken.

<i>**Please feel free to state your thoughts on why people should except atheism.</i>

I'll leave that to the atheists. (Did you mean "accept"?)
I have a question.

Can religion logically explain all of these? Or do they just guess and make up wild stories?

We don't know if anything initiated the big bang. At present, our best scientific models say that the big bang started time itself. If that is correct, it makes no sense to ask what happened before the big bang.

** Perhaps the big bang started time for us.

Humans and other animals evolved from a common ancestor. We don't yet know exactly how life started originally. Maybe God did it. Or maybe it just happened.

** I thought science wanted us to believe we evolved from monkey's have they changed their claim?
** Has scienetist ever compare the DNA of the decendents of Cain to the serpent, in other words have they tested Gensis claim?

We can't. But equally, we can't say that other life forms exist - or that God exists. We just don't know.

** I beg to differ.......check out my post on the paranormal thread

You're begging the question again. Who says there needs to be a life-giving force?

** Q- If you were to get stabbed most likely you would recieve stitches and pain pills, however, the healing procedure doesn't come from the stitches or pain pills. How is that our bodies heal? What is the mystery of the healing process?

Perhaps it has no designer at all. Something to think about.

** In the beginning was the nothing that bought forth the something.

don't know if I understand your question. Most of the time women get pregnant because they have sex with men.

** Doesn't creation have to occur before evolution?
** If it was just a case of evolution from the" nothing" there would be no point in sex. We would simpliy evolve into existence.

What mystery? Two gametes come together to form a new cell with a complete set of DNA. It's biology.

** Would you say the "nothing" was resposible for this procedure?

And why should we believe these people? Perhaps they are deluded or lying or just mistaken.

** Nothing prohibited's an individual from making contact with his creator.

Because it's there and we want to know about it. Don't you?

** Of course I desire to know more about the universe but a "BIG BANG"
initiated by nothing?
Some misc. points:


- the unfounded wining of atheists that God doesn't exist was a parody of those mindless threads that state categorically that God does exist. The person who initiated this seems to believe that both claims are unjustified.

- Asking us to explain human evolution is a bit unreasonable, since this took billions of years and could fill a few zillion textbooks. Instead, pick up a biology textbook or go to a reputable website and start reading.

- you're confusing philosophical materialism with atheism. Atheists may not be materialists eg. Taoists who don't believe in a God have an impersonal, spiritual origin of the universe- Dao--->yin, yang.

*Originally posted by Xelios
"(2) Who or what initated the big bang?"

No one and nothing.*

This is priceless.
Nothing exploded, and for no reason, yet.

It <i>is</i> priceless, since you are claiming the exact same thing happened with God, who created himself out of nothing for no good reason. Your scheme is the sillier of the two because it adds an extra and quite unneccessary layer of complexity.

There is also a problem with the unstated premise in your criticism:

"The universe must have a cause outside itself"
Prove it.

We can survive on this planet because if we couldn't we would never have evolved this way.*

When one considers circular logic, it doesn't get much more circular than that.

That is not circular logic(which is a logical fallacy), since a premise isn't the same as the conclusion.

Premise 1: If humans are here, then they evolved to suit earth.
Premise 2: humans are here.
Conclusion: humans evolved to suit earth

if A then B
therefore B

which is valid

Premise 1 is technically false. The earth could also suit humans by design or chance. Both are true. The earth is a sweet location for water-based life.

edited for yuckiness
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(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

This is a very telling question. Can the non-existence of anything be proven or disproven? No. How do you prove or disprove something that does not exist? Science requires tangible and empirical data, if tangible, empirical data cannot be found it becomes pure and utter speculation; sort of like "faith".

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

Why not?
(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?
This reminds me of something from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy":

"The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

This doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but it seemed funny at the time...:cool:
This is a very telling question. Can the non-existence of anything be proven or disproven? No. How do you prove or disprove something that does not exist? Science requires tangible and empirical data, if tangible, empirical data cannot be found it becomes pure and utter speculation; sort of like "faith".

It is tough but you can. eg. if something's existence entails the absence of something that is present.
eg. If God exists then there must be no evil. There is evil. God doesn't exist.
EXAMPLE ONLY: please no explanations of how the problem of evil can be resolved.
Originally posted by Lady
(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

This is a bit much for this topic. Check the thread.

Better yet go to:

(2) Who or what initated the big bang?

No one knows yet. There are quite a few hypotheses though. Of course, it may be that nothing was needed to cause the "big-bang". The rule of causation does not necessarily apply.

How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

It's not. We're adapted for Earth. Not the other way around.

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

Some may but this is not necessary. For instance; I didn't really need "science" to understand that Leprechauns don't exist... simple reason and common experience suffices. You should also understand that there are two atheistic positions. Most common is the weak position which is a lack of belief in God(s). As opposed to the strong atheist position which asserts that there is/are no God(s). Personally, I find the strong position goes a bit too far in it's presumption of knowledge. However, I still hold the weak position.

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

No reason to dismiss it. But neither is there any reason to run around proclaiming there are little green men on a planet orbiting Vega. Ditto for God.

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception?

Of course not. Those who claim to are either mistaken or lying. Many people who claim to have "pre-conception" or "past life" recollection have made use of "hypnotic regression" a process which is terribly suspect.

And where the life giving force came from?

"life giving force" is a bit vague but assuming I understand what you mean; it was already there, it didn't "come from" anywhere, sperm and ova are alive... they continue to be alive as they merge and develop into a new organism.

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Hard to say. Personally, I don't see any evidence or argument that makes a "designer" necessary. But if there is one it would be rather presumptuous for me (or anyone) to guess considering the lack of evidence.

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?


(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

Most atheists expect nothing after death, we cease to be. "Go back to" assumes we came from somewhere.

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

What mystery? Sperm meets ova and deposits it's half of the genetic information which combines with the half contained in the ova to create a fully functional cell which begins to divide and develop.

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

It depends on the definition of God. For instance, if I define God as a material, immortal being living on mount Olympus and hurling lightning bolts... yes.

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

Because man has an inherent need for knowledge. And science is the most reliable method for securing knowledge.

** Most people believe in God because he has proven himself to exist to the individual not just because someone told them he exist.

This is fine, the problem develops when these people try to force their subjective experience upon others as "proof", knowledge, and truth.

Please feel free to state your thoughts on why people should accept atheism.

One does not "accept" atheism... at least not weak atheism. One simply does not believe in something (in this case God) for which there is no reason to believe.

Originally posted by tony1
This is priceless.
Nothing exploded, and for no reason, yet.

Interesting how sparingly you apply the principle of causation.
"Everything must have a cause... oh except for God... he's always been here."
**nod nod, wink wink**

Or so your teachers told you.

And as the evidence bears out. As opposed to the Creationist "hypothesis" for which there is no supporting evidence and mountains of contradictory evidence.

*We can survive on this planet because if we couldn't we would never have evolved this way.*

When one considers circular logic, it doesn't get much more circular than that.

Actually, Xelios simply stated it poorly. The Earth did not change to fit us... we evolved to fit the conditions on Earth. If the Earth were different we would be different or not here at all. No circular reasoning necessary. Creationists like to put things backwards and then comment on how unlikely things are.

Originally posted by Lost-in-Time
This is a very telling question. Can the non-existence of anything be proven or disproven? No. How do you prove or disprove something that does not exist? Science requires tangible and empirical data, if tangible, empirical data cannot be found it becomes pure and utter speculation; sort of like "faith".

Incorrect. The absence of something can be proven provided given parameters. For instance, I (and hopefully you) can quite easily prove that there is not a rabid wolverine in the room with me. I can, quite nicely, demonstrate why there are no rabid wolverines on the moon right now too.

Now, of course, I could prove that God is not in the room with me except that God has been defined as immaterial and undetectable (i.e. pure "spirit" whatever that is). Which is terribly convenient, don't you think?

Now as to the existence of immaterial and undetectable rabid wolverines.... I'll leave it to you to decide.
