Atheist or Theist. If you are one do you look down on the other?

I have to say that I have no God because I know not his name, and as my beliefs I believe in what I know. So as said I have to be an athiest but I have faith in that I will live again. As such I am not an athiest, but something larger with a more complex view on the entire origin of life. I do not look down on athiests for the Chruch has done it to itself for losing books, there may have been more than 800 books to the bible. There are now barely 90. They burned them and as such they shall be burned. You athiests are a result of unknowing and as such i do not have the fruit of knowledge. God to gods they are all the same.

Theists no know of what they speak most of the time, I am not a theists but a man of great science. I am a man of pure logic. I trifle not with emotion or human nature but logic itself.
As an Atheist do you think you are better than theists judging by the belief they hold?, do you look down on them and see believers as less intelligent or more simple?

As a theist do you look down on atheists as if you are better and more important than they are?, do you see yourself as superior and more intelligent than non believers?.

Do either catagories act smug towards the other? do you have respect for them and the beliefs they hold as individuals?.


I assume that everyone feels that they are the most right, otherwise, why
would they stay wrong if they know it.

As a theist, I do not look down to atheist. I do however have no respect for
anyone who bash my religion in a disrespectful manner, or spread dishonesty
about it for their own agenda. I could be wrong about my belief but I do not
want to be manipulated in any way.
I see. It is called ignorance, for if you ignore what someone has to say that is ignorance. The non-blissfully unaware people that could be wrong quite simply put are ignorant. Like a redneck, but even that is ignorant to say cause even they believe in god.
I see. It is called ignorance, for if you ignore what someone has to say that is ignorance. The non-blissfully unaware people that could be wrong quite simply put are ignorant. Like a redneck, but even that is ignorant to say cause even they believe in god.

My point is that, if anyone wants to argue about my religion, it better be
delivered in a civilized manner and without lies. You can be disagree with
Superstring about homosexuality, but you won't lose respect on him, for
example. I won't believe any argument delivered by OilIsMastery, he has
proven to be dishonest.
But not all the human race are theists and atheists, we have agnostics too.

An agnostic is merely a type of Athiest; you either believe in a deity or you don't. If you are undecided then you don't believe.
This can equally be said of Polytheists and Pantheists - they are just different sub-categories of Theists.
In all ways, it is superior to know something than to only believe it. This statement I offer as an answer to the OP's question.

"Arrogant fool! What about people who have had direct contact with God?"

Folks who claim to have met or communicated with God are only a different page of the same story about folks who believe in god. I enjoy carnival acts, though, so if you want to prove that this really happened to you, I might listen. If I wasn't bored I wouldn't be on the internet, right?
It doesn't matter whether you class a agnostic as a sub category of atheist or not, it is a term and category of people that exist.

Considering the OP doesn't specify agnostics then I would guess Norsefire may not look down on them, I could be wrong, I suppose it's over to him/her.
davewhite04 -

Considering the OP doesn't specify agnostics then I would guess Norsefire may not look down on them, I could be wrong, I suppose it's over to him/her.

You missed my point entirely.

You either believe in God or you don't. Belief is a surety. Whether you believe in many Gods; the entire pantheon; you believe God is merely symbolic or you're not sure then you are still either an Atheist or a Theist.

It's not putting people into boxes either; varied sub-categories exist because people and their beliefs are varied in themselves. Don't dismiss them, just accept that they don't affect the essential point.
You either believe in God or you don't. Belief is a surety.

Earlier I mentioned that people have 2 choices, yes or no to a god. Personally I don't accept agnostiism as a choice but rather a decision in the making. No one said you have to decide right away. Hard to visualize someone who is exactly 50/50 one way or the other as it may be some small component that prevents the decisive moment. Possibly fear, not saying it is solely thus but that it could be a factor.

Ignosticism is relatively new. It could be construed as a more reasonable, rational or logical approach, therefore elevating its intellectual status. Personally I like it more than the apatheist viewpoint.

God is a meaningless term to an ignostic, and I have no problem with that, but it sure as hell takes the fun out of debating the subject. I've always maintained that if god were to exist then He is in absentia, totally non interfering and incommunicative. IOW an ignostic is more like how I imagine God might be should He/She /It exist. However the mere mention of God by an ignostic in any discussion kind of defeats the purpose, for me anyways. I have tons of respect for those who can take the ignostic position without getting involved in religious debate, very difficult to do but I understand why.
Not at all, I just think I have a more accurate view of reality then they have.


I have respect for them as human beings, but not much for their beliefs.. why should I ?

I change whatever I said to this. Well said. :bravo:
I am an atheist.
I envy theists.
Theists and atheists play a foolish game of chance. I do not choose a side, I am agnostic in that I choose myself, I acknowledge that it is unknown.

So, I try to be a good a person as possible. If there is God, then great. If there is not, then so be it.
Quite clearly I'm superior to them from a rational viewpoint. Other than that I can appreciate their other attributes, but when it comes to the supernatural, I roll my eyes like this... :rolleyes:

I find, the fact that you believe you are obviously rationally superior, on the basis of title, very irrational.

Rationalism isn't a garb you claim because you are atheist, to be rational, you have to actually be rational.

I don't look down on theists at all, but I do feel a bit superior to people who are obviously stupid(which is the majority among the more outspoken theists). Every religion has some value, but I don't think many of the ones I've read about have an acceptable system of metaphysics. I respect people's beliefs because I know everyone is secretly very prideful and I don't see any reason to hurt anyone's pride.