Atheist or Theist. If you are one do you look down on the other?


As an Atheist do you think you are better than theists judging by the belief they hold?, do you look down on them and see believers as less intelligent or more simple?

As a theist do you look down on atheists as if you are better and more important than they are?, do you see yourself as superior and more intelligent than non believers?.

Do either catagories act smug towards the other? do you have respect for them and the beliefs they hold as individuals?.

Personally, I couldn't care less what others believe. Or don't believe. But that's just me....

Edit: Do not mistake "care" for "interest". I am interested in other's beliefs, I just don't feel that I am in a position to judge. Except for pure stupidity of course, which runs rampant enough to keep me plenty busy....
As long people are forcing you to believe what they do regardless if you agree with them or not, then no I don't think I'm superior. They could be right for all I know, so it would be stupid for me to come out and say that they're wrong. Because I don't know either. But everyone has to live their own lives, so you can do whatever you see is fit for your own salvation or happiness. Of course as long as it doesn't infringe upon other people happiness or path to salvation or whatever it is they are pursuing.
As an Atheist do you think you are better than theists judging by the belief they hold?, do you look down on them and see believers as less intelligent or more simple?

Quite clearly I'm superior to them from a rational viewpoint. Other than that I can appreciate their other attributes, but when it comes to the supernatural, I roll my eyes like this... :rolleyes:
Quite clearly I'm superior to them from a rational viewpoint. Other than that I can appreciate their other attributes, but when it comes to the supernatural, I roll my eyes like this... :rolleyes:

Actually, in some way, the theists are superior to us. They have the succor of their "God" and "afterlife". We have only rationality. I wouldn't trade for all the world... :cool:
I believe it possible to be a theist without religion. Any such person is on par with an atheist for they have made the only decision available to them without any real proof of a god(s). However, religious theists appear to have taken a step backwards by embellishing the god concept.

Does this make them inferior or less intelligent? No.
... they have made the only decision available to them without any real proof of a god(s). ...

No. The only real decision available in these circumstances is no decision. According to the wizards on this site, that is technically referred to as "ignosticism". Whatever. Works for me....
Probably all of the theists I look down on are people I would still look down on if I also were a theist (Ted Haggard comes to mind). For the most part, they just make me sad. As do believers in homeopathy, astrology, leprechauns, or any other form of popular nonsense. There was a time when you could have believed that education would eventually diminish the popularity of the belief in fantastic nonsense. But the evidence to debunk the belief in superstition has never been more readily accessible. But I certainly haven't noticed any reduction in the amount of nonsense most people I meet believe in.
No. The only real decision available in these circumstances is no decision. According to the wizards on this site, that is technically referred to as "ignosticism". Whatever. Works for me....

Then are you looking down at both sides? Deciding about god may be meaningless but deciding not to decide about god isn't what I consider to be on any kind of upper level of thought. I see no difference.
I really don't care what others believe, as long as they are not trying to cram their beliefs down my throat. Like for instance I don't think they should be knocking at your door on a Saturday morning like some kind of door to door salesman for God.
Then are you looking down at both sides? .

No. I look down on neither side. Not quite sure where the miscommunication was there.

Practically speaking, it's like Shorty said - I couldn't care less what others believe, as long as they don't try to "convert" me.
Anyone who I can actually have a conversation with about god I do not look down on, but people who use idiotic arguments that have been brainwashed, I mean, its kinda hard NOT to look down on them.:shrug:
Anyone who I can actually have a conversation with about god I do not look down on, but people who use idiotic arguments that have been brainwashed, I mean, its kinda hard NOT to look down on them.:shrug:

What? And I mean, what, as in WTF were you trying to express there? :shrug:
After rereading the post, I still don't get whats so confusing, but heres a more broken down version? I am an atheist. I look down on (most) theists. I don't think I am a bad person for it. I don't see how a person can think I am a bad person for believing this even though usually assuming you are a superior person than someone makes you a bad person. The theists I do not look down upon are those who can defend their beliefs, and have fully explored all other possibilities. I look down especially upon theists who use recycled and idiotic arguments who cannot accept any other possibility other than they are true. Sorry if this still doesn't make any sense(seriously).
This thread reminds me of when we went out to dinner with some members of my wifes family.

They recommended a book and recited a story from it. It was a story about a dog that was contained in the garden by one of those 'invisible fences'. The dog could feel the precence of the fence but it could not see it. "The moral of the story..." she said, was that even though you can't see god, he is still there.

How can you NOT look down on that?

I had orders to behave myself, so I had to supress the desire to point out that the invisible fence would be detectable by using many scientific methods to verify it's existence, but the same thing could not be done of god or the tooth fairy.

I was actually ashamed of myself that I let various stupid statements like that go uncontested.
After rereading the post, I still don't get whats so confusing, but heres a more broken down version? I am an atheist. I look down on (most) theists. I don't think I am a bad person for it. I don't see how a person can think I am a bad person for believing this even though usually assuming you are a superior person than someone makes you a bad person. The theists I do not look down upon are those who can defend their beliefs, and have fully explored all other possibilities. I look down especially upon theists who use recycled and idiotic arguments who cannot accept any other possibility other than they are true. Sorry if this still doesn't make any sense(seriously).

OK, I get you now. My point is, why look down on anyone? From where I sit, they are all "marks", you just push different buttons. Of course, this is a remarkably selfish point of view, but so f**king what? I don't really understand why people get so worked up over this whole "God" debate.

Seriously, believe whatever you want. I'm cool with that. I won't treat you any differently either way. I'm going to have you for lunch anyhow.... :rolleyes:
I don't look down on any religious person, I just feel sorry for them, they are not guilty of any kind of stupidity in there beliefs, they are victims of brainwashing, the sad thing is their parents are victims too, and their grandparents etc...

The culprit who started this mind virus which they are all indoctrinated with is long dead. Some people are lucky, they are able to deprogram themselves, it must be in the genes, or something.

The religious use clear and critical thought in every other aspect of their lives, bar religion. This is how powerful, this brainwashing is, this mind virus is not something that can be easily eradicated.

So don't look on them as foolish, stupid, imbecilic, or infantile, they have no control over what they say or do, they are victims.
I... they have no control over what they say or do, they are victims. ...

Wonderful. So "they" (in this case Christians, because that is the only religion I can claim to have a passing familiarity with) are "victims"? Because they choose, of their own free will, or what passes for "free will" in today's enlightened society, to believe in God? Are you high? Or maybe I am up too late. I really don't know where to start with this post. I mean, there is so much wrong here....
As an Atheist do you think you are better than theists judging by the belief they hold?, do you look down on them and see believers as less intelligent or more simple?
Not at all, I just think I have a more accurate view of reality then they have.

Do either catagories act smug towards the other?

do you have respect for them and the beliefs they hold as individuals?
I have respect for them as human beings, but not much for their beliefs.. why should I ?