Atheist Last Words

john said:
Pretty scary. These death bed conversions have me stumped. Even Darskins converted.
Why do you believe that crap? Do you really think those florid speeches were made by people on death's doorstep?
john said:
Yeah whatever. Atheists are kind of shallow, just imagine if throughout history everyone was atheist
The example you chose - Da Vinci - was particularly unfortunate. As a specimen of lefthanded, homosexual, piety-free, secular humanist achievement of no particular faith, he fails to make your case for you fairly spectacularly.

As far as shallow - yeah, that's how people describe Lao Tzu and Confucious all the time. Shallow. Christ.
The example you chose - Da Vinci - was particularly unfortunate. As a specimen of lefthanded, homosexual, piety-free, secular humanist achievement of no particular faith, he fails to make your case for you fairly spectacularly.


That is why i chose him, because people think he was homosexual when he was NOT. Plus he was a Christian, of course.
That is why i chose him, because people think he was homosexual when he was NOT. Plus he was a Christian, of course.

No. He wasn't. Not in the sense that you're thinking. Go away. You're just too damned stupid.
"Damn! In just eight generations my descendants are gonna share the same percentage of DNA in common with me, as they will with the religious. Arse."
john said:
" The example you chose - Da Vinci - was particularly unfortunate. As a specimen of lefthanded, homosexual, piety-free, secular humanist achievement of no particular faith, he fails to make your case for you fairly spectacularly.

Christ. ”
Interesting edit job there. It appears to present the epithet "Christ" as referring to the Da Vinci example, omitting the more significant and difficult comment. One would suspect deliberate misrepresentation, if not making allowances for the source.

Here's the original, with the less important point omitted:
me said:
"Yeah whatever. Atheists are kind of shallow, just imagine if throughout history everyone was atheist ”

- - --

As far as shallow - yeah, that's how people describe Lao Tzu and Confucious all the time. Shallow. Christ.
"Yes, I'm allergic to shellfish. Why?"

Tho that one seems kind of cruel.
i guess it shows that the fear of dying is a powerful influence on the mind
No. He wasn't. Not in the sense that you're thinking. Go away. You're just too damned stupid.

So why dont you just give something to support this fantasy instead of calling ME STUPID. You left your priest when you were 30?

What does that even mean?

Well, i dont care anyway.

M*W: It's amazing what christians will come up with.

M*W, i dont know but i think you should tread lightly.;) Nah, dont worry, ALLL make believe, one story i really liked but i guess it was all a big joke.;)

Interesting edit job there. It appears to present the epithet "Christ" as referring to the Da Vinci example, omitting the more significant and difficult comment. One would suspect deliberate misrepresentation, if not making allowances for the source.

Here's the original, with the less important point omitted:

I dont talk about that stuff on this board. I am not even religious but what can i say about a manifestation? So? if i am wrong, i am wrong.
The funny part is that i am not mking that up. sometimes i wish i was, but i guess i wouldnt be here. who knows what happened that morning...who knows? you could talk, you could read but damn when you see it - you know, you just know. You can say 'he is crazy' but if you think we are alone then you might be in for a surprise.

I think i will become a preacher, spreading the word, the good book. First i have to read it, but what if i dont like it? This is heavy, and i am wrestling with htis now.